Martin Escardo. Notes originally written for the module Advanced Functional Programming of the University of Birmingham, UK.

Propositions as types versus propositions as booleans

When programming in conventional programming languages such as Haskell, C, Java, Python, etc., we use booleans rather than types to encode logical propositions. But this works only because we restrict ourselves to decidable propositions, as we’ll see below.

We now discuss why we use types to encode logical propositions, and when we can use booleans instead. It is not always.

Discussion and motivation

Examples. We can automatically check equality of booleans, integers, strings and much more, using algorithms.

Counter-example. We can’t check equality of functions of type ℕ → ℕ, for instance. Intuitively, to check that two functions f and g of this type are equal, we need to check infinitely many cases, namely f x = g x for all x : ℕ. But, we are afraid, intuition is not enough. This has to be proved. Luckily in our case, Alan Turing provided the basis to prove that. He showed that the Halting Problem can’t be solved by an algorithm in any programming language. It follows from this that we can’t check whether two such functions f and g are equal or not using an algorithm.

The above examples and counter-examples show that sometimes we can decide equality with an algorithm, and sometimes we can’t. However, for example, the identity type _≡_ applies to all types, whether they have decidable equality or not, and this is why it is useful. We can think about equality, not only in our heads but also in Agda, without worrying whether it can be checked to be true or not by a computer. The identity type is not about checking equality. It is about asserting that two things are equal, and then proving this ourselves. In fact, equality is very often not checkable by the computer. It is instead about stating and proving or disproving equalities, where the proving and disproving is done by people (the lecturers and the students in this case), by hard, intelligent work.

Decidable propositions

Motivated by the above discussion, we define when a logical proposition is decidable under the understanding of propositions as types:
is-decidable : Type  Type
is-decidable A = A  ¬ A

This means that we can produce an element of A or show that no such element can be found.

Although it is not possible in general to write a program of type ¬¬ A → A, this is possible when A is decidable:
¬¬-elim : {A : Type}  is-decidable A  ¬¬ A  A
¬¬-elim (inl x) f = x
¬¬-elim (inr g) f = 𝟘-elim (f g)

Decidable propositions as booleans

The following shows that a type A is decidable if and only if there is b : Bool such that A holds if and only if the boolean b is true.

For the purposes of this handout, understanding the following proof is not important at a first reading. What is important is to understand what the type of the following function is saying, which is what we explained above.
decidability-with-booleans : (A : Type)  is-decidable A  Σ b  Bool , (A  b  true)
decidability-with-booleans A = f , g
  f : is-decidable A  Σ b  Bool , (A  b  true)
  f (inl x) = true , (α , β)
    α : A  true  true
    α _ = refl true

    β : true  true  A
    β _ = x

  f (inr ν) = false , (α , β)
    α : A  false  true
    α x = 𝟘-elim (ν x)

    β : false  true  A
    β ()

  g : (Σ b  Bool , (A  b  true))  is-decidable A
  g (true ,  α , β) = inl (β (refl true))
  g (false , α , β) = inr  x  false-is-not-true (α x))

Decidable predicates as boolean-valued functions

Consider the logical statement “x is even”. This is decidable, because there is an easy algorithm that tells whether a natural number x is even or not. In programming languages we write this algorithm as a procedure that returns a boolean. But an equally valid definition is to say that x is even if there is a natural number y such that x = 2 * y. This definition doesn’t automatically give an algorithm to check whether or not x is even.
  is-even :   Type
  is-even x = Σ y   , x  2 * y
This says what to be even means. But it doesn’t say how we check with a computer program whether a number is even or not, which would be given by a function check-even : ℕ → Bool.
  check-even :   Bool
  check-even 0       = true
  check-even (suc x) = not (check-even x)

For this function to be correct, it has to be the case that

is-even x ⇔ check-even x ≡ true

Exercise. We believe you have learned enough Agda, try this.

This is possible because

(x : X) → is-decidable (is-even x).

The following generalizes the above discussion and implements it in Agda.

First we define what it means for a predicate, such as A = is-even, to be decidable:
is-decidable-predicate : {X : Type}  (X  Type)  Type
is-decidable-predicate {X} A = (x : X)  is-decidable (A x)

In our example, this means that we can tell whether a number is even or not.

Next we show that a predicate A is decidable if and only if there is a boolean valued function α such that A x holds if and only if α x ≡ true. In the above example, A plays the role of is-even and alpha plays the role of check-even.

Again, what is important at a first reading of this handout is not to understand the proof but what the type of the function is saying. But we will discuss the proof in lectures.

predicate-decidability-with-booleans : {X : Type} (A : X  Type)
                                      is-decidable-predicate A
                                      Σ α  (X  Bool) , ((x : X)  A x  α x  true)
predicate-decidability-with-booleans {X} A = f , g
  f : is-decidable-predicate A  Σ α  (X  Bool) , ((x : X)  A x  α x  true)
  f d = α , β
    α : X  Bool
    α x = pr₁ (lr-implication I (d x))
      I : is-decidable (A x)  Σ b  Bool , (A x  b  true)
      I = decidability-with-booleans (A x)

    β : (x : X)  A x  α x  true
    β x = ϕ , γ
      I : is-decidable (A x)  Σ b  Bool , (A x  b  true)
      I = lr-implication (decidability-with-booleans (A x))

      II : Σ b  Bool , (A x  b  true)
      II = I (d x)

      ϕ : A x  α x  true
      ϕ = lr-implication (pr₂ II)

      γ : α x  true  A x
      γ = rl-implication (pr₂ II)

  g : (Σ α  (X  Bool) , ((x : X)  A x  α x  true))  is-decidable-predicate A
  g (α , ϕ) = d
    d : is-decidable-predicate A
    d x = III
      I : (Σ b  Bool , (A x  b  true))  is-decidable (A x)
      I = rl-implication (decidability-with-booleans (A x))

      II : Σ b  Bool , (A x  b  true)
      II = (α x , ϕ x)

      III : is-decidable (A x)
      III = I II

Although boolean-valued predicates are fine, we prefer to use type-valued predicates for the sake of uniformity, because we can always define type valued predicates, but only on special circumstances can we define boolean-valued predicates. It is better to define all predicates in the same way, and then write Agda code for predicates that happen to be decidable.

Preservation of decidability

If A and B are logically equivalent, then A is decidable if and only if B is decidable. We first prove one direction.
map-decidable : {A B : Type}  (A  B)  (B  A)  is-decidable A  is-decidable B
map-decidable f g (inl x) = inl (f x)
map-decidable f g (inr h) = inr  y  h (g y))

map-decidable-corollary : {A B : Type}  (A  B)  (is-decidable A  is-decidable B)
map-decidable-corollary (f , g) = map-decidable f g , map-decidable g f
map-decidable' : {A B : Type}  (A  ¬ B)  (¬ A  B)  is-decidable A  is-decidable B
map-decidable' f g (inl x) = inr (f x)
map-decidable' f g (inr h) = inl (g h)
pointed-types-are-decidable : {A : Type}  A  is-decidable A
pointed-types-are-decidable = inl

empty-types-are-decidable : {A : Type}  ¬ A  is-decidable A
empty-types-are-decidable = inr

𝟙-is-decidable : is-decidable 𝟙
𝟙-is-decidable = pointed-types-are-decidable 

𝟘-is-decidable : is-decidable 𝟘
𝟘-is-decidable = empty-types-are-decidable 𝟘-is-empty

∔-preserves-decidability : {A B : Type}
                          is-decidable A
                          is-decidable B
                          is-decidable (A  B)
∔-preserves-decidability (inl x) _       = inl (inl x)
∔-preserves-decidability (inr _) (inl y) = inl (inr y)
∔-preserves-decidability (inr h) (inr k) = inr (∔-nondep-elim h k)

×-preserves-decidability : {A B : Type}
                          is-decidable A
                          is-decidable B
                          is-decidable (A × B)
×-preserves-decidability (inl x) (inl y) = inl (x , y)
×-preserves-decidability (inl _) (inr k) = inr  (x , y)  k y)
×-preserves-decidability (inr h) _       = inr  (x , y)  h x)

→-preserves-decidability : {A B : Type}
                          is-decidable A
                          is-decidable B
                          is-decidable (A  B)
→-preserves-decidability _       (inl y) = inl  _  y)
→-preserves-decidability (inl x) (inr k) = inr  f  k (f x))
→-preserves-decidability (inr h) (inr k) = inl  x  𝟘-elim (h x))

¬-preserves-decidability : {A : Type}
                          is-decidable A
                          is-decidable (¬ A)
¬-preserves-decidability d = →-preserves-decidability d 𝟘-is-decidable

Exhaustively searchable types

We will explain in a future lecture why we need to use Type₁ rather than Type in the following definition. For the moment we just mention that because the definition mentions Type, there would be a circularity if the type of the definition where again Type. Such circular definitions are not allowed because if they were then we would be able to prove that 0=1. We have that Type : Type₁ (the type of Type is Type₁) but we can’t have Type : Type.
is-exhaustively-searchable : Type  Type₁
is-exhaustively-searchable X = (A : X  Type)
                              is-decidable-predicate A
                              is-decidable (Σ x  X , A x)

Exercise. Show, in Agda, that the types 𝟘, 𝟙 , Bool and Fin n, for any n : ℕ, are exhaustively searchable. The idea is that we check whether or not A x holds for each x : A, and if we find at least one, we conclude that Σ x ꞉ X , A x, and otherwise we conclude that ¬ (Σ x ꞉ X , A x). This is possible because these types are finite.

Exercise. Think why there can’t be any program of type is-exhaustively-searchable ℕ, by reduction to the Halting Problem. No Agda code is asked in this question. In fact, the question is asking you to think why such Agda code can’t exist. This is very different from proving, in Agda, that ¬ is-exhaustively-searchable ℕ. Interestingly, this is also not provable in Agda, but explaining why this is the case is beyond the scope of this module. In any case, this is an example of a statement A such that neither A nor ¬ A are provable in Agda. Such statements are called independent. It must be remarked that the reason why there isn’t an Agda program of type is-exhaustively-searchable ℕ is not merely that is infinite, because there are, perhaps surprisingly, infinite types A such that a program of type is-exhastively-searchable A can be coded in Agda. One really does an argument such as reduction to the Halting Problem to show that there is no program that can exaustively search the set of natural numbers.

Π-exhaustibility : (X : Type)
                  is-exhaustively-searchable X
                  (A : X  Type)
                  is-decidable-predicate A
                  is-decidable (Π x  X , A x)
Π-exhaustibility X s A d = VI
  I : is-decidable-predicate  x  ¬ (A x))
  I x = ¬-preserves-decidability (d x)

  II : is-decidable (Σ x  X , ¬ (A x))
  II = s  x  ¬ (A x)) I

  III : (Σ x  X , ¬ (A x))  ¬ (Π x  X , A x)
  III (x , f) g = f (g x)

  IV : ¬ (Σ x  X , ¬ (A x))  (Π x  X , A x)
  IV h x = ii
    i : ¬¬ A x
    i f = h (x , f)

    ii : A x
    ii = ¬¬-elim (d x) i

  V : is-decidable (Σ x  X , ¬ (A x))  is-decidable (Π x  X , A x)
  V = map-decidable' III IV

  VI : is-decidable (Π x  X , A x)
  VI = V II

Exercises. If two types A and B are exhaustively searchable types, then so are the types A × B and A + B. Moreover, if X is an exhaustively searchable type and A : X → Type is a family of types, and the type A x is exhaustively searchable for each x : X, then the type Σ x ꞉ X , A x is exhaustively searchable.

Decidable equality

A particular case of interest regarding the above discussion is the notion of a type having decidable equality, which can be written in Agda as follows.

has-decidable-equality : Type  Type
has-decidable-equality X = (x y : X)  is-decidable (x  y)

Exercise. Show, in Agda, that a type X has decidable equality if and only if there is a function X → X → Bool that checks whether two elements of X are equal or not.

Some examples:
Bool-has-decidable-equality : has-decidable-equality Bool
Bool-has-decidable-equality true  true  = inl (refl true)
Bool-has-decidable-equality true  false = inr true-is-not-false
Bool-has-decidable-equality false true  = inr false-is-not-true
Bool-has-decidable-equality false false = inl (refl false)

open import natural-numbers-functions

ℕ-has-decidable-equality : has-decidable-equality 
ℕ-has-decidable-equality 0       0       = inl (refl zero)
ℕ-has-decidable-equality 0       (suc y) = inr zero-is-not-suc
ℕ-has-decidable-equality (suc x) 0       = inr suc-is-not-zero
ℕ-has-decidable-equality (suc x) (suc y) = III
  IH : is-decidable (x  y)
  IH = ℕ-has-decidable-equality x y

  I : x  y  suc x  suc y
  I = ap suc

  II : suc x  suc y  x  y
  II = suc-is-injective

  III : is-decidable (suc x  suc y)
  III = map-decidable I II IH

Equality of functions

As discussed above, it is not possible to decide whether or not we have f ∼ g for two functions f and g, for example of type ℕ → ℕ. However, sometimes we can prove or disprove this for particular functions. Here are some examples:

 f g h :   

 f x = x

 g 0       = 0
 g (suc x) = suc (g x)

 h x = suc x

 f-equals-g : f  g
 f-equals-g 0       = refl (f 0)
 f-equals-g (suc x) = γ
   IH : f x  g x
   IH = f-equals-g x

   γ : f (suc x)  g (suc x)
   γ = f (suc x) ≡⟨ refl _ 
       suc x     ≡⟨ refl _ 
       suc (f x) ≡⟨ ap suc IH 
       suc (g x) ≡⟨ refl _ 
       g (suc x) 

 f-not-equals-h : ¬ (f  h)
 f-not-equals-h e = contradiction d
   d : 0  1
   d = e 0

   contradiction : ¬ (0  1)
   contradiction ()

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