Martin Escardo. Notes originally written for the module Advanced Functional Programming of the University of Birmingham, UK.

The unit type 𝟙

We now redefine the unit type as a record:
record 𝟙 : Type where

open 𝟙 public
In logical terms, we can interpret 𝟙 as “true”, because we can always exhibit an element of it, namely . Its elimination principle is as follows:
𝟙-elim : {A : 𝟙  Type}
        (x : 𝟙)  A x
𝟙-elim a  = a
In logical terms, this says that it order to prove that a property A of elements of the unit type 𝟙 holds for all elements of the type 𝟙, it is enough to prove that it holds for the element . The non-dependent version says that if A holds, then “true implies A”.
𝟙-nondep-elim : {A : Type}
               𝟙  A
𝟙-nondep-elim {A} = 𝟙-elim  _  A}

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