Martin Escardo. Notes originally written for the module Advanced Functional Programming of the University of Birmingham, UK.

The cartesian-product type former _×_

As discussed before, the cartesian product A × B is simply Σ {A} (λ x → B) which means that for (x , y) : A × B the type of y is always B, independently of what x is. Using our special syntax for Σ this can be defined as follows in Agda:
open import sums public

_×_ : Type  Type  Type
A × B = Σ x  A , B

infixr 2 _×_

So the elements of A × B are of the form (x , y) with x : A and y : B.

Logical conjunction (“and”)

The logical interpretation of A × B is “A and B”. This is because in order to show that the proposition “A and B” holds, we have to show that each of A and B holds. To show that A holds we exhibit an element x of A, and to show that B holds we exhibit an element y of B, and so to show that “A and B” holds we exhibit a pair (x , y) with x : A and b : B

Logical equivalence

We now can define bi-implication, or logical equivalence, as follows:
_⇔_ : Type  Type  Type
A  B = (A  B) × (B  A)

infix -2 _⇔_

The symbol is often pronounced “if and only if”.

We use the first and second projections to extract the left-to-right implication and the right-to-left implication:
lr-implication : {A B : Type}  (A  B)  (A  B)
lr-implication = pr₁

rl-implication : {A B : Type}  (A  B)  (B  A)
rl-implication = pr₂

Alternative definition of _×_

There is another way to define binary products as a special case of Π rather than Σ.

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