Martin Escardo. Notes originally written for the module Advanced Functional Programming of the University of Birmingham, UK.

Binary products as a special case of arbitrary products

Using the binary type 𝟚, binary products can be seen as a special case of arbitrary products as follows:
open import binary-type

_×'_ : Type  Type  Type
A₀ ×' A₁ = Π n  𝟚 , A n
  A : 𝟚  Type
  A 𝟎 = A₀
  A 𝟏 = A₁

infixr 2 _×'_

We could have written the type Π n ꞉ 𝟚 , A n as simply (n : 𝟚) → A n, but we wanted to emphasize that binary products _×_ are special cases of arbitrary products Π.

To justify this claim, we establish an isomorphism. But we need to assume function extensionality for this purpose.
open import isomorphisms
open import function-extensionality

binary-product-isomorphism : FunExt  (A₀ A₁ : Type)  A₀ × A₁  A₀ ×' A₁
binary-product-isomorphism funext A₀ A₁ = record { bijection = f ; bijectivity = f-is-bijection }
  f : A₀ × A₁  A₀ ×' A₁
  f (x₀ , x₁) 𝟎 = x₀
  f (x₀ , x₁) 𝟏 = x₁

  g : A₀ ×' A₁  A₀ × A₁
  g h = h 𝟎 , h 𝟏

  gf : g  f  id
  gf (x₀ , x₁) = refl (x₀ , x₁)

  fg : f  g  id
  fg h = γ
    p : f (g h)  h
    p 𝟎 = refl (h 𝟎)
    p 𝟏 = refl (h 𝟏)

    γ : f (g h)  h
    γ = funext p

  f-is-bijection : is-bijection f
  f-is-bijection = record { inverse = g ; η = gf ; ε = fg }

Notice that the above argument, in Agda, not only shows that the types are indeed isomorphic, but also explains how and why they are isomorphic. Thus, logical arguments coded in Agda are useful not only to get confidence in correctness, but also to gain understanding.

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