Martin Escardo. Notes originally written for the module Advanced Functional Programming of the University of Birmingham, UK.


We discuss function types of the form A → B (called non-dependent function types) and of the form (x : A) → B x (called dependent function types). The latter are also called products in type theory and this terminology comes from mathematics.

The identity function

To introduce functions, we use λ-abstractions. For example, the identity function can be defined as follows:
  id : {A : Type}  A  A
  id = λ x  x
But of course this function can be equivalently written as follows, which we take as our official definition:
id : {A : Type}  A  A
id x = x

Logical implication

A logical implication A → B is represented by the function type A → B, and it is a happy coincidence that both use the same notation.

In terms of logic, the identity function implements the tautology “A implies A” when we understand the type A as a logical proposition. In general, most things we define in Agda have a dual interpretation type/proposition or program/proof, like this example.

The elimination principle for function types is given by function application, which is built-in in Agda, but we can explicitly (re)define it. We do with the arguments swapped here:
modus-ponens : {A B : Type}  A  (A  B)  B
modus-ponens a f = f a

Modus ponens is the rule logic that says that if the proposition A holds and A implies B, then B also holds. The above definition gives a computational realization of this.

Dependent functions

As already discussed, a dependent function type (x : A) → B x, with A : Type and B : A → Type, is that of functions with input x in the type A and output in the type B x. It is called “dependent” because the output type B x depends on the input element x : A.

Universal quantification

The logical interpretation of (x : A) → B x is “for all x : A, B x”. This is because in order to show that this universal quantification holds, we have to show that B x holds for each given x:A. The input is the given x : A, and the output is a justification of B x. We will see some concrete examples shortly.

Dependent function composition

Composition can be defined for “non-dependent functions”, as in usual mathematics, and, more generally, with dependent functions. With non-dependent functions, it has the following type and definition:
  _∘_ : {A B C : Type}  (B  C)  (A  B)  (A  C)
  g  f = λ x  g (f x)

In terms of computation, this means “first do f and then do g”. For this reason the function composition g ∘ f is often read “g after f”. In terms of logic, this implements “If B implies C and also A implies B, then A implies C”.

With dependent types, it has the following more general type but the same definition, which is the one we adopt:

_∘_ : {A B : Type} {C : B  Type}
     ((y : B)  C y)
     (f : A  B)
     (x : A)  C (f x)
g  f = λ x  g (f x)

Its computational interpretation is the same, “first do f and then do g”, but its logical understanding changes: “If it is the case that for all y : B we have that C y holds, and we have a function f : A → B, then it is also the case that for all x : A, we have that C (f x) holds”.

Π notation

We have mentioned in the propositions as types table that the official notation in MLTT for the dependent function type uses Π, the Greek letter Pi, for product. We can, if we want, introduce the same notation in Agda, using a syntax declaration:
Pi : (A : Type) (B : A  Type)  Type
Pi A B = (x : A)  B x

syntax Pi A  x  b) = Π x  A , b

Important. We are using the alternative symbol (typed “\:4” in the emacs mode for Agda), which is different from the reserved symbol “:”. We will use the same alternative symbol when we define syntax for the sum type Σ.

Notice that, for some reason, Agda has this kind of definition backwards. The end result of this is that now (x : A) → B x can be written as Π x ꞉ A , B x in Agda as in type theory. (If you happen to know a bit of maths, you may be familiar with the cartesian product of a family of sets, and this is the reason the letter Π is used.)

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