Martin Escardo. Notes originally written for the module Advanced Functional Programming of the University of Birmingham, UK.

The booleans

We discuss the elimination principle for the booleans. The booleans are defined by constructors true and false:
data Bool : Type where
 true false : Bool


The non-dependent eliminator of the type of booleans amounts to if-then-else
if_then_else_ : {A : Type}  Bool  A  A  A
if true  then x else y = x
if false then x else y = y

In general, the non-dependent elimination principle of a type explains how to “get out of the type”, whereas the constructors tell us how to “get into the type”.

Dependent if-then-else

Notice that both x (the then branch) and y (the else branch) have the same type, name A. Using dependent type, we can have different types in the dependent version of the eliminator. We make the type A depend on the boolean condition of the if-then-else. This means that now we will have A : Bool → Type instead of A : Bool. This is a function that given a boolean b : Bool, returns a type A b. Functions whose return value is a type are also called type families. Also A b is called a dependent type. It depends on the value of the boolean b. Here is an example, which we make private to this module.
 open import natural-numbers-type
 A-example : Bool  Type
 A-example true  = 
 A-example false = Bool
Using this idea, we have the following dependently-typed version of if_then_else_, which now has four explicit arguments. We make A explicit this time, because Agda can hardly ever infer it.
dependent-on_if_then_else_ : (A : Bool  Type)  (b : Bool)  A true  A false  A b
dependent-on A if true  then x else y = x
dependent-on A if false then x else y = y
Notice that the return type A b depends on the second argument b of the function. Notice also that x : A true and y : A false.
 example₀ : (b : Bool)  A-example b
 example₀ b = dependent-on A-example if b then 3 else true

This works because 3 : A-example true and true : A-example false. So the dependent version of if-then-else allows the then and else branches have different types, which depend on the type of the condition.

The official definition of the eliminator of the type of booleans

Traditionally the argument of the type we want to eliminate (the booleans in our case) is written last:
Bool-elim : (A : Bool  Type)
           A true
           A false
           (b : Bool)  A b
Bool-elim A x y true  = x
Bool-elim A x y false = y

The type of Bool-elim says that if we provide elements of the type A true and A false, we get a function (b : Bool) → A b.

The non-dependent version is a particular case of the dependent version, by considering the constant type family λ _ → A for a given A : Type. This time we make the first argument A implicit:
Bool-nondep-elim : {A : Type}
                  Bool  A
Bool-nondep-elim {A} = Bool-elim  _  A)

This produces a function Bool → A from two given elements of the type A.

Logical reading of the eliminator

The conclusion of Bool-elim is (b : Bool) → A b, which under propositions as types has the logical reading “for all b : Bool, the proposition A b holds”. The hypotheses A true and A false are all is needed to reach this conclusion.

Thus the logical reading of Bool-elim is:

  • In order to prove that “for all b : Bool, the proposition A b holds”

it is enough to prove that

  • the proposition A true holds, and

  • the proposition A false holds,

which should be intuitively clear.

Examples of proofs using the eliminator

First define
not : Bool  Bool
not true  = false
not false = true
Then we can prove that not can be expressed using if-then-else:
open import identity-type
not-defined-with-if : (b : Bool)  not b  if b then false else true
not-defined-with-if true  = refl false
not-defined-with-if false = refl true
Using the eliminator, this can be proved as follows:
not-defined-with-if₀ : (b : Bool)  not b  if b then false else true
not-defined-with-if₀ = Bool-elim A x y
  A : Bool  Type
  A b = not b  if b then false else true

  x : A true
  x = refl false

  y : A false
  y = refl true
Of course, we can “in-line” the definitions of the where clause:
not-defined-with-if₁ : (b : Bool)  not b  if b then false else true
not-defined-with-if₁ = Bool-elim
                         b  not b  if b then false else true)
                        (refl false)
                        (refl true)
This is shorter but probably less readable. The following is even shorter, using the fact that Agda can infer the property A : Bool → Type we want to prove automatically. We use _ to tell Agda “please figure out yourself what this argument in the function has to be”:
not-defined-with-if₂ : (b : Bool)  not b  if b then false else true
not-defined-with-if₂ = Bool-elim _ (refl false) (refl true)
In situations where we try to use _ but Agda can’t determine that there is a unique answer to what _ should be, the colour yellow is used to indicate this in the syntax highlighting, accompanied by an error message. To give another example, we first define the notion of an involution, or involutive function:
is-involution : {X : Type}  (X  X)  Type
is-involution {X} f = (x : X)  f (f x)  x
For example, list reversal is an involution. Another example is boolean negation:
not-is-involution : is-involution not
not-is-involution = Bool-elim _ (refl true) (refl false)
A proof without mentioning is-involution and without using the eliminator is also possible, of course:
not-is-involution' : (b : Bool)  not (not b)  b
not-is-involution' true  = refl true
not-is-involution' false = refl false

Very often we will give definitions by pattern-matching as above instead of Bool-elim. But the concept of eliminator for a type remains useful, and it is what MLTT (Martin-Löf Type Theory), the foundation of our programming language Agda, uses to define types. Types are defined by formation rules, construtors, eliminators, and equations explaining how the constructors interact with the eliminators. Pattern-matching can be considered as “syntax sugar” for definitions using eliminators. Usually definitions using pattern matching are more readable than definitions using eliminators, but they are equivalent to definitions using eliminators.

Notice that in the definition of is-involution we needed to explicitly indicate the implicit argument X using curly brackets. Agda allows the notation in order to be able to omit the type X, provided it can be inferred automaticaly, which it can in our situation:
is-involution' : {X : Type}  (X  X)  Type
is-involution' f =  x  f (f x)  x

Some useful functions

_&&_ : Bool  Bool  Bool
true  && y = y
false && y = false

_||_ : Bool  Bool  Bool
true  || y = true
false || y = y

infixr 20 _||_
infixr 30 _&&_

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