Martin Escardo. Notes originally written for the module Advanced Functional Programming of the University of Birmingham, UK.

The type of natural numbers

Recall that we defined the type of natural numbers inductively as follows:

data ℕ : Type where
 zero : ℕ
 suc  : ℕ → ℕ


Elimination principle

The elimination principle for all type formers follow the same pattern: they tell us how to define dependent functions out of the given type. In the case of natural numbers, the eliminator gives primitive recursion. Given a base case a : A 0 and a step function f : (k : ℕ) → A k → A (suc k), we get a function h : (n : ℕ) → A n defined by primitive recursion as follows:
ℕ-elim : {A :   Type}
        A 0
        ((k : )  A k  A (suc k))
        (n : )  A n
ℕ-elim {A} a f = h
  h : (n : )  A n
  h 0       = a
  h (suc n) = f n (h n)
In usual accounts of primitive recursion outside type theory, one encounters the following particular case of primitive recursion, which is the non-dependent version of the above.
ℕ-nondep-elim : {A : Type}
               (  A  A)
ℕ-nondep-elim {A} = ℕ-elim  _  A}
Notice that this is like fold for lists, if you know about this. There is a further restricted version, which is usually called iteration:
ℕ-iteration : {A : Type}
             (A  A)
ℕ-iteration a f = ℕ-nondep-elim a  k x  f x)

Intuitively, ℕ-iteration a f n = f (f (f (⋯ f a))) where we apply n times the function f to the element a, which sometimes is written fⁿ(a) in the literature.

The induction principle for ℕ

In logical terms, one can see immediately what the type of ℕ-elim is: it is simply the principle of induction on natural numbers, which says that in order to show that a property A holds for all natural numbers, it is enough to show that A 0 holds (this is called the base case), and that if A k holds then so does A (suc k) (this is called the induction step). In Agda, in practice, we don’t explicitly use this induction principle, but instead write definition recursively, just as we defined the above function h recursively.

Addition and multiplication

As an exercise, you may try to define the following functions using some version of the above eliminators instead of using pattern matching and recursion:

_+_ :     
0     + y = y
suc x + y = suc (x + y)

_*_ :     
0     * y = 0
suc x * y = x * y + y

infixr 20 _+_
infixr 30 _*_

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