Martin Escardo. Notes originally written for the module Advanced Functional Programming of the University of Birmingham, UK.

Introduction to Agda

Everything defined and briefly discussed in this introduction will be redefined and discussed in more detail in other handouts.

Initial examples of types in Agda

Here are some examples of types:

data Bool : Type where
 true false : Bool

data  : Type where
 zero : 
 suc  :   


data List (A : Type) : Type where
 []   : List A
 _::_ : A  List A  List A

infixr 10 _::_

The pragma BUILTIN NATURAL is to get syntax sugar to be able to write 0,1,2,3,… rather than the more verbose

  • zero
  • suc zero
  • suc (suc zero)
  • suc (suc (suc zero))

We pronounce suc as “successor”.

Examples of definitions using the above types

not : Bool  Bool
not true  = false
not false = true

_&&_ : Bool  Bool  Bool
true  && y = y
false && y = false

_||_ : Bool  Bool  Bool
true  || y = true
false || y = y

infixr 20 _||_
infixr 30 _&&_

if_then_else_ : {A : Type}  Bool  A  A  A
if true  then x else y = x
if false then x else y = y

_+_ :     
zero  + y = y
suc x + y = suc (x + y)

_*_ :     
zero  * y = 0
suc x * y = x * y + y

infixr 20 _+_
infixr 30 _*_

sample-list₀ : List 
sample-list₀ = 1 :: 2 :: 3 :: []

sample-list₁ : List Bool
sample-list₁ = true || false && true :: false :: true :: true :: []

length : {A : Type}  List A  
length []        = 0
length (x :: xs) = 1 + length xs

_++_ : {A : Type}  List A  List A  List A
[]        ++ ys = ys
(x :: xs) ++ ys = x :: (xs ++ ys)

infixr 20 _++_

More sophisticated examples of types in Agda

Sometimes we may wish to consider lists over a type A of a given length n : ℕ. The elements of this type, written Vector A n, are called vectors, and the type can be defined as follows:

data Vector (A : Type) :   Type where
 []   : Vector A 0
 _::_ : {n : }  A  Vector A n  Vector A (suc n)

This is called a dependent type because it is a type that depends on elements n of another type, namely .

In Agda, we can’t define the head and tail functions on lists, because they are undefined for the empty list, and functions must be total in Agda. Vectors solve this problem:

head : {A : Type} {n : }  Vector A (suc n)  A
head (x :: xs) = x

tail : {A : Type} {n : }  Vector A (suc n)  Vector A n
tail (x :: xs) = xs

Agda accepts the above definitions because it knows that the input vector has at least one element, and hence does have a head and a tail. Here is another example.

Dependent types are pervasive in Agda.

The empty type and the unit type

A type with no elements can be defined as follows:
data 𝟘 : Type where
We will also need the type with precisely one element, which we define as follows:
data 𝟙 : Type where
  : 𝟙
Here is an example of a dependent type defined using the above types:
_≣_ :     Type
0      0     = 𝟙
0      suc y = 𝟘
suc x  0     = 𝟘
suc x  suc y = x  y

infix 0 _≣_
The idea of the above definition is that x ≣ y is a type which either has precisely one element, if x and y are the same natural number, or else is empty, if x and y are different. The following definition says that for any natural number x we can find an element of the type x ≣ x.
ℕ-refl : (x : )  x  x
ℕ-refl 0       = 
ℕ-refl (suc x) = ℕ-refl x

The identity type former _≡_

It is possible to generalize the above definition for any type in place of that of natural numbers as follows:
data _≡_ {A : Type} : A  A  Type where
 refl : (x : A)  x  x

infix 0 _≡_
Here are some functions we can define with the identity type:
trans : {A : Type} {x y z : A}  x  y  y  z  x  z
trans (refl x) (refl x) = refl x

sym : {A : Type} {x y : A}  x  y  y  x
sym (refl x) = refl x

ap : {A B : Type} (f : A  B) {x y : A}  x  y  f x  f y
ap f (refl x) = refl (f x)

The identity type is a little bit subtle and there is a lot to say about it. For the moment, let’s convince ourselves that we can convert back and forth between the types x ≡ y and x ≣ y, in the case that A is the type of natural numbers, as follows:

back : (x y : )  x  y  x  y
back x x (refl x) = ℕ-refl x

forth : (x y : )  x  y  x  y
forth 0       0        = refl 0
forth (suc x) (suc y) p = I
  IH : x  y
  IH = forth x y p

  I : suc x  suc y
  I = ap suc IH

Propositions as types

The CurryHoward interpretation of logic, after Haskell Curry and William Howard, interprets logical statements, also known as propositions, as types. Per Martin-Löf extended this interpretation of propositions as types with equality, by introducing the identity type discussed above.

An incomplete table of the CurryHoward–Martin-Löf interpretation of logical propositions is the following:

Proposition Type
A implies B function type A → B
∀ x : A, B x dependent function type (x : A) → B x
equality identity type _≡_

This was enough for our examples above.

For more complex examples of reasoning about programs, we need to complete the following table:

Logic English Type
¬ A not A ?
A ∧ B A and B ?
A ∨ B A or B ?
A → B A implies B A → B
∀ x : A, B x for all x:A, B x (x : A) → B x
∃ x : A, B x there is x:A such that B x ?
x = y x equals y x ≡ y

This will be the subject of future handouts.

Agda manual

Please study the Agda manual as a complement to these lecture notes.

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