Martin Escardo. Notes originally written for the module Advanced Functional Programming of the University of Birmingham, UK.

The binary-sum type former _∔_

This is the same as (or, more precisely, isomorphic to) the Either type defined earlier (you can try this as an exercise). The notation in type theory is _+_, but we want to reserve this for addition of natural numbers, and hence we use the same symbol with a dot on top:
data _∔_ (A B : Type) : Type where
 inl : A  A  B
 inr : B  A  B

infixr 20 _∔_

The type A ∔ B is called the coproduct of A and B, or the sum of A and B, or the disjoint union of A and B. The elements of A ∔ B are of the form inl x with x : A and inr y with y : B.

In terms of computation, we use the type A ∔ B when we want to put the two types together into a single type. It is also possible to write A ∔ A, in which case we will have two copies of the type A, so that now every element x of A has two different incarnations inl a and inr a in the type A ∔ A. For example, the unit type 𝟙 has exactly one element, namely ⋆ : 𝟙, and hence the type 𝟙 ∔ 𝟙 has precisely two elements, namely inl ⋆ and inr ⋆.

Logical disjunction (“or”)

In terms of logic, we use the type A ∔ B to express “A or B”. This is because in order for “A or B” to hold, at least one of A and B must hold. The type A → A ∔ B of the function inl is interpreted as saying that if A holds then so does “A or B”, and similarly, the type of B → A ∔ B of the function inr says that if B holds then so does “A or B”. In other words, if x : A is a proof of A, then inl x : A + B is a proof of A or B, and if y : B is a proof of B, them inr y : A + B is a proof of “A or B”. Here when we said “proof” we meant “program” after the propositions-as-types and proofs-as-programs paradigm.

Logical disjunction in HoTT/UF

In HoTT/UF it useful to have an alternative disjunction operation A ∨ B defined to be ∥ A ∔ B ∥ where ∥_∥ is a certain propositional truncation operation.

Elimination principle

Now suppose we want to define a dependent function (z : A ∔ B) → C z. How can we do that? If we have two functions f : (x : A) → C (inl x) and g : (y : B) → C (inr y), then, given z : A ∔ B, we can inspect whether z is of the form inl x with x : A or of the form inr y with y : B, and the respectively apply f or g to get an element of C z. This procedure is called the elimination principle for the type former _∔_ and can be written in Agda as follows:

∔-elim : {A B : Type} (C : A  B  Type)
        ((x : A)  C (inl x))
        ((y : B)  C (inr y))
        (z : A  B)  C z
∔-elim C f g (inl x) = f x
∔-elim C f g (inr y) = g y
So the eliminator amounts to simply definition by cases. In terms of logic, it says that in order to show that “for all z : A ∔ B we have that C z holds” it is enough to show two things: (1) “for all x : A it is the case that C (inl x) holds”, and (2) “forall y : B it is the case that C (inr y) holds”. This is not only sufficient, but also necessary:
open import binary-products

∔-split : {A B : Type} (C : A  B  Type)
         ((z : A  B)  C z)
         ((x : A)  C (inl x)) × ((y : B)  C (inr y))
∔-split {A} {B} C h = f , g
  f : (x : A)  C (inl x)
  f x = h (inl x)

  g : (y : B)  C (inr y)
  g y = h (inr y)
There is also a version of the eliminator in which C doesn’t depend on z : A ∔ B and is always the same:
∔-nondep-elim : {A B C : Type}
               (A  C)
               (B  C)
               (A  B  C)
∔-nondep-elim {A} {B} {C} = ∔-elim  z  C)
In terms of logic, this means that in order to show that “A or B implies C”, it is enough to show that both “A implies C” and “B implies C”. This also can be inverted:
∔-nondep-split : {A B C : Type}
                (A  B  C)
                (A  C) × (B  C)
∔-nondep-split {A} {B} {C} = ∔-split  z  C)

In terms of logic, this means that if A or B implies C then both A implies C and B implies C.

Alternative definition of _∔_

There is another way to define binary sums as a special case of Σ.

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