Week 03 - Agda Exercises

Please read before starting the exercises

The exercises are designed to increase in difficulty so that we can cater to our large and diverse audience. This also means that it is perfectly fine if you don’t manage to do all exercises: some of them are definitely a bit hard for beginners and there are likely too many exercises! You may wish to come back to them later when you have learned more.

Having said that, here we go!

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{-# OPTIONS --without-K --allow-unsolved-metas #-}

module 03-Exercises where

open import prelude hiding (_∼_)

Part I – Homotopies

It is often convenient to work with pointwise equality of functions, defined as follows.
module _ {A : Type} {B : A  Type} where
  _∼_ : ((x : A)  B x)  ((x : A)  B x)  Type
  f  g =  x  f x  g x

An element of f ∼ g is usually called a homotopy.

Exercise 1 (⋆⋆)

Unsurprisingly, many properties of this type of pointwise equalities can be inferred directly from the same operations on paths.

Try to prove reflexivity, symmetry and transitivity of _∼_ by filling these holes.
  ∼-refl : (f : (x : A)  B x)  f  f
  ∼-refl f = {!!}

  ∼-inv : (f g : (x : A)  B x)  (f  g)  (g  f)
  ∼-inv f g H x = {!!}

  ∼-concat : (f g h : (x : A)  B x)  f  g  g  h  f  h
  ∼-concat f g h H K x = {!!}

  infix 0 _∼_

Part II – Isomorphisms

A function f : A → B is called a bijection if there is a function g : B → A in the opposite direction such that g ∘ f ∼ id and f ∘ g ∼ id. Recall that _∼_ is pointwise equality and that id is the identity function. This means that we can convert back and forth between the types A and B landing at the same element we started with, either from A or from B. In this case, we say that the types A and B are isomorphic, and we write A ≅ B. Bijections are also called type isomorphisms. We can define these concepts in Agda using sum types or records. We will adopt the latter, but we include both definitions for the sake of illustration. Recall that we defined the domain of a function f : A → B to be A and its codomain to be B.

We adopt this definition of isomorphisms using records.
record is-bijection {A B : Type} (f : A  B) : Type where
  inverse : B  A
  η       : inverse  f  id
  ε       : f  inverse  id

record _≅_ (A B : Type) : Type where
  bijection   : A  B
  bijectivity : is-bijection bijection

infix 0 _≅_

Exercise 2 (⋆)

Reformulate the same definition using Sigma-types.
is-bijection' : {A B : Type}  (A  B)  Type
is-bijection' f = {!!}

_≅'_ : Type  Type  Type
A ≅' B = {!!}

The definition with Σ is probably more intuitive, but, as discussed above, the definition with a record is often easier to work with, because we can easily extract the components of the definitions using the names of the fields. It also often allows Agda to infer more types, and to give us more sensible goals in the interactive development of Agda programs and proofs.

Notice that inverse plays the role of g. The reason we use inverse is that then we can use the word inverse to extract the inverse of a bijection. Similarly we use bijection for f, as we can use the word bijection to extract the bijection from a record.

This type can be defined to be 𝟙 ∔ 𝟙 using the coproduct, but we give a direct definition which will allow us to discuss some relationships between the various type formers of Basic MLTT.

data 𝟚 : Type where
 𝟎 𝟏 : 𝟚

Exercise 3 (⋆⋆)

Prove that 𝟚 and Bool are isomorphic

Bool-𝟚-isomorphism : Bool  𝟚
Bool-𝟚-isomorphism = record { bijection = {!!} ; bijectivity = {!!} }
  f : Bool  𝟚
  f false = {!!}
  f true  = {!!}

  g : 𝟚  Bool
  g 𝟎 = {!!}
  g 𝟏 = {!!}

  gf : g  f  id
  gf true  = {!!}
  gf false = {!!}

  fg : f  g  id
  fg 𝟎 = {!!}
  fg 𝟏 = {!!}

  f-is-bijection : is-bijection f
  f-is-bijection = record { inverse = {!!} ; η = {!!} ; ε = {!!} }

Part III - Finite Types

In the last HoTT Exercises we encountered two definitions of the finite types. Here we prove that they are isomorphic. Note that zero was called pt and suc i on the HoTT exercise sheet.

data Fin :   Type where
 zero : {n : }  Fin (suc n)
 suc  : {n : }  Fin n  Fin (suc n)

Exercise 4 (⋆)

Prove the elimination principle of Fin.
Fin-elim : (A : {n : }  Fin n  Type)
          ({n : }  A {suc n} zero)
          ({n : } (k : Fin n)  A k  A (suc k))
          {n : } (k : Fin n)  A k
Fin-elim A a f = h
  h : {n : } (k : Fin n)  A k
  h zero    = {!!}
  h (suc k) = {!!}

We give the other definition of the finite types and introduce some notation.

Fin' :   Type
Fin' 0       = 𝟘
Fin' (suc n) = 𝟙  Fin' n

zero' : {n : }  Fin' (suc n)
zero' = inl 

suc'  : {n : }  Fin' n  Fin' (suc n)
suc' = inr

Exercise 5 (⋆⋆⋆)

Prove that Fin n and Fin' n are isomorphic for every n.

Fin-isomorphism : (n : )  Fin n  Fin' n
Fin-isomorphism n = record { bijection = f n ; bijectivity = f-is-bijection n }
  f : (n : )  Fin n  Fin' n
  f (suc n) zero    = {!!}
  f (suc n) (suc k) = {!!}

  g : (n : )  Fin' n  Fin n
  g (suc n) (inl ) = {!!}
  g (suc n) (inr k) = {!!}

  gf : (n : )  g n  f n  id
  gf (suc n) zero    = {!!}
  gf (suc n) (suc k) = γ
    IH : g n (f n k)  k
    IH = gf n k

    γ = g (suc n) (f (suc n) (suc k)) ≡⟨ {!!} 
        g (suc n) (suc' (f n k))      ≡⟨ {!!} 
        suc (g n (f n k))             ≡⟨ {!!} 
        suc k                         

  fg : (n : )  f n  g n  id
  fg (suc n) (inl ) = {!!}
  fg (suc n) (inr k) = γ
    IH : f n (g n k)  k
    IH = fg n k

    γ = f (suc n) (g (suc n) (suc' k)) ≡⟨ {!!} 
        f (suc n) (suc (g n k))        ≡⟨ {!!} 
        suc' (f n (g n k))             ≡⟨ {!!} 
        suc' k                         

  f-is-bijection : (n : )  is-bijection (f n)
  f-is-bijection n = record { inverse = g n ; η = gf n ; ε = fg n}

Part IV – minimal elements in the natural numbers

In this section we establish some definitions which are needed to state and prove the well-ordering principle of the natural numbers.

Exercise 6 (⋆)

Give the recursive definition of the less than or equals relation on the natural numbers.

_≤₁_ :     Type
0     ≤₁ y     = {!!}
suc x ≤₁ 0     = {!!}
suc x ≤₁ suc y = {!!}

Exercise 7 (⋆)

Given a type family P over the naturals, a lower bound n is a natural number such that for all other naturals m, we have that if P(m) holds, thenn ≤₁ m. Translate this definition into HoTT.

is-lower-bound : (P :   Type) (n : )  Type
is-lower-bound P n = {!!}
We define the type of minimal elements of a type family over the naturals.
minimal-element : (P :   Type)  Type
minimal-element P = Σ n   , (P n) × (is-lower-bound P n)

Exercise 8 (⋆)

Prove that all numbers are at least as large as zero.
leq-zero : (n : )  0 ≤₁ n
leq-zero n = {!!}

Part V – The well-ordering principle of ℕ

Classically, the well-ordering principle states that every non-empty set of natural numbers has a least element.

In HoTT, such subsets can be translated as decidable type family. Recall the definition of decidability:
open import decidability
  using (is-decidable; is-decidable-predicate)
The well-ordering principle reads
Well-ordering-principle = (P :   Type)  (d : is-decidable-predicate P)  (n : )  P n  minimal-element P

We shall prove this statement via induction on n. In order to make the proof more readable, we first prove two lemmas.

Exercise 9 (🌶)

What is the statement of is-minimal-element-suc under the Curry-Howard interpretation? Prove this lemma.

is-minimal-element-suc :
  (P :   Type) (d : is-decidable-predicate P)
  (m : ) (pm : P (suc m))
  (is-lower-bound-m : is-lower-bound  x  P (suc x)) m) 
  ¬ (P 0)  is-lower-bound P (suc m)
is-minimal-element-suc P d m pm is-lower-bound neg-p0 = {!   !}

Exercise 10 (🌶)

What is the statement of well-ordering-principle-suc under the Curry-Howard interpretation? Prove this lemma.

well-ordering-principle-suc :
  (P :   Type) (d : is-decidable-predicate P)
  (n : ) (p : P (suc n)) 
  is-decidable (P 0) 
  minimal-element  m  P (suc m))  minimal-element P
well-ordering-principle-suc P d n p (inl p0) _  = {!!}
well-ordering-principle-suc P d n p (inr neg-p0) (m , (pm , is-min-m)) = {!!}

Exercise 11 (🌶)

Use the previous two lemmas to prove the well-ordering principle
well-ordering-principle : (P :   Type)  (d : is-decidable-predicate P)  (n : )  P n  minimal-element P
well-ordering-principle P d 0 p = {!!}
well-ordering-principle P d (suc n) p = well-ordering-principle-suc P d n p (d 0) {!!}

Exercise 12 (🌶)

Prove that the well-ordering principle returns 0 if P 0 holds.

is-zero-well-ordering-principle-suc :
  (P :   Type) (d : is-decidable-predicate P)
  (n : ) (p : P (suc n)) (d0 : is-decidable (P 0)) 
  (x : minimal-element  m  P (suc m))) (p0 : P 0) 
  (pr₁ (well-ordering-principle-suc P d n p d0 x))  0
is-zero-well-ordering-principle-suc P d n p (inl p0) x q0 = {!!}
is-zero-well-ordering-principle-suc P d n p (inr np0) x q0 = {!!}

is-zero-well-ordering-principle :
  (P :   Type) (d : is-decidable-predicate P) 
  (n : )  (pn : P n) 
  P 0 
  pr₁ (well-ordering-principle P d n pn)  0
is-zero-well-ordering-principle P d zero p p0 = {!   !}
is-zero-well-ordering-principle P d (suc m) pm =
  is-zero-well-ordering-principle-suc P d m pm (d 0) {!!}