Week 9 - Cubical Agda Exercises

Standard disclaimer:

The exercises are designed to increase in difficulty so that we can cater to our large and diverse audience. This also means that it is perfectly fine if you don’t manage to do all exercises: some of them are definitely a bit hard for beginners and there are likely too many exercises! You may wish to come back to them later when you have learned more.

Having said that, here we go!

In case you haven’t done the other Agda exercises: This is a markdown file with Agda code, which means that it displays nicely on GitHub, but at the same time you can load this file in Agda and fill the holes to solve exercises.

When solving the problems, please make a copy of this file to work in, so that it doesn’t get overwritten (in case we update the exercises through git)!

{-# OPTIONS --cubical --allow-unsolved-metas #-}

module Exercises9 where

open import cubical-prelude
open import Lecture7-notes
open import Lecture8-notes
open import Lecture9-notes
open import Solutions7 hiding (rUnit)
open import Solutions8
open import Lecture9-live using (SemiGroupℕ)

Part I: More hcomps

Exercise 1 (★★)


Show the left cancellation law for path composition using an hcomp. Hint: one hcomp should suffice. Use comp-filler and connections

lUnit : {A : Type } {x y : A} (p : x  y)  refl  p  p
lUnit = {!!}


Try to mimic the construction of lUnit for rUnit (i.e. redefine it) in such a way that rUnit refl ≡ lUnit refl holds by refl. Hint: use (almost) the exact same hcomp.

rUnit : {A : Type } {x y : A} (p : x  y)  p  refl  p
rUnit = {!!}

-- uncomment to see if it type-checks

rUnit≡lUnit : ∀ {ℓ} {A : Type ℓ} {x : A} → rUnit (refl {x = x}) ≡ lUnit refl
rUnit≡lUnit = refl

Exercise 2 (★★)

Show the associativity law for path composition Hint: one hcomp should suffice. This one can be done without connections (but you might need comp-filler in more than one place)

assoc : {A : Type } {x y z w : A} (p : x  y) (q : y  z) (r : z  w)
   p  (q  r)  (p  q)  r
assoc = {!!}

Exercise 3 (Master class in connections) (🌶)

The goal of this exercise is to give a cubical proof of the Eckmann-Hilton argument, which says that path composition for higher loops is commutative

  1. While we cannot get p ∙ q ≡ q ∙ p as a one-liner, we can get a one-liner showing that the identiy holds up to some annoying coherences. Try to understand the following statement (and why it’s well-typed). After that, fill the holes

Hint: each hole will need a or a

pre-EH : {A : Type } {x : A} (p q : refl {x = x}  refl)
   ap  x  x  refl) p  ap  x  refl  x) q
    ap  x  refl  x) q  ap  x  x  refl) p
pre-EH {x = x} p q i = (λ j  p {!!}  q {!!})
                       j  p {!!}  q {!!})

  1. If we manage to cancel out all of the annoying aps, we get Eckmann-Hilton: For paths (p q : refl ≡ refl), we have p ∙ q ≡ q ∙ p. Try to prove this, using the above lemma.

Hint: Use the pre-EH as the bottom of an hcomp (one should be enough). For the sides, use lUnit and rUnit wherever they’re needed. Note that this will only work out smoothly if you’ve solved Exercise 1 (b).

Eckmann-Hilton : {A : Type } {x : A} (p q : refl {x = x}  refl)  p  q  q  p
Eckmann-Hilton = {!!}

Part 2: Binary numbers as a HIT

Here is another HIT describing binary numbers. The idea is that a binary number is a list of booleans, modulo trailing zeros.

For instance, true ∷ true ∷ true ∷ [] is the binary number 110 … … and so is true ∷ true ∷ false ∷ false ∷ false ∷ []

(!) Note that we’re interpreting 110 as 1·2⁰ + 1·2¹ + 0·2² here.

0B = false
1B = true

data ListBin : Type where
  []    : ListBin
  _∷_   : (x : Bool) (xs : ListBin)  ListBin
  drop0 : 0B  []  []

-- 1 as a binary number
1LB : ListBin
1LB = 1B  []

Exercise 4 (★)

Define the successor function on ListBin
sucListBin : ListBin  ListBin
sucListBin = {!!}

Exercise 5 (★★)

Define an addition +LB on ListBin and prove that x +LB [] ≡ x Do this by mutual induction! Make sure the three cases for the right unit law hold by refl.
_+LB_ : ListBin  ListBin  ListBin
rUnit+LB : (x : ListBin)  x +LB []  x
x +LB y = {!!}
rUnit+LB = {!!}

  1. Prove that sucListBin is left distributive over +LB Hint: If you pattern match deep enough, there should be a lot of refls…
    sucListBinDistrL : (x y : ListBin)  sucListBin (x +LB y)  (sucListBin x +LB y)
    sucListBinDistrL = {!!}

    Exercise 6 (★)

    Define a map LB→ℕ : ListBin → ℕ and show that it preserves addition
ℕ→ListBin :   ListBin
ℕ→ListBin = {!!}

ℕ→ListBin-pres+ : (x y : )  ℕ→ListBin (x + y)  (ℕ→ListBin x +LB ℕ→ListBin y)
ℕ→ListBin-pres+ = {!!}

Exercise 7 (★★★)

Show that ℕ ≃ ListBin.

ListBin→ℕ : ListBin  
ListBin→ℕ = {!!}

ListBin→ℕ→ListBin : (x : ListBin)  ℕ→ListBin (ListBin→ℕ x)  x
ListBin→ℕ→ListBin = {!!}

ℕ→ListBin→ℕ : (x : )  ListBin→ℕ (ℕ→ListBin x)  x
ℕ→ListBin→ℕ = {!!}

ℕ≃ListBin :   ListBin
ℕ≃ListBin = {!!}

Part 3: The SIP

Exericise 8 (★★)

Show that, using an SIP inspired argument, if (A , _+A_) is a semigroup and (B , _+B_) is some other type with a composition satisfying:

  1. e : A ≃ B

  2. ((x y : A) → e (x +A y) ≡ e x +B e y

then (B , _+B_) defines a semigroup.

Conclude that (ListBin , _+LB_) is a semigroup

For inspiration, see Lecture9-notes
SemiGroupListBin : SemiGroup ListBin
SemiGroupListBin = {!!}