Week 7 - Cubical Agda Exercises - Solutions

{-# OPTIONS --cubical #-}

module Solutions7 where

open import cubical-prelude
open import Lecture7-notes
    A : Type 
    B : A  Type 

Part I:

Exercise 1

depFunExt : {f g : (x : A)  B x}
           (∀ x  f x  g x)
           f  g
depFunExt h i x = h x i

Exercise 2

apd : (f : (x : A)  B x) {x y : A} (p : x  y)  PathP  i  B (p i)) (f x) (f y)
apd f p i = f (p i)

Part II

Exercise 3

inhPropIsContr : isProp A  A  isContr A
inhPropIsContr h a = a , h a

Exercise 4

isPropΠ : (h : (x : A)  isProp (B x))  isProp ((x : A)  B x)
isPropΠ h f g i x = h x (f x) (g x) i

Exercise 5

funExt⁻ : {f g : (x : A)  B x}  f  g  ((x : A)  f x  g x)
funExt⁻  p x i = p i x

Exercise 6

isSetΠ : (h : (x : A)  isSet (B x))  isSet ((x : A)  B x)
isSetΠ h f g p q i j x = h x (f x) (g x) (funExt⁻ p x) (funExt⁻ q x) i j

Exercise 7

singl' : {A : Type } (a : A)  Type 
singl' {A = A} a = Σ x  A , x  a

isContrSingl' : (x : A)  isContr (singl' x)
isContrSingl' x = ctr , prf
  ctr : singl' x
  ctr = (x , refl)

  prf : (s : singl' x)  ctr  s
  prf (y , p) i = p (~ i) , λ j  p ((~ i)  j)

Part III: Equality in Σ-types

Exercise 8

module _ {A : Type } {B : A  Type ℓ'} {x y : Σ A B} where

  ΣPathP : Σ p  pr₁ x  pr₁ y , PathP  i  B (p i)) (pr₂ x) (pr₂ y)
          x  y
  ΣPathP (p , q) i = p i , q i

  PathPΣ : x  y
          Σ p  pr₁ x  pr₁ y , PathP  i  B (p i)) (pr₂ x) (pr₂ y)
  PathPΣ p = (ap pr₁ p) , (apd pr₂ p)

  ΣPathP-PathPΣ :  p  PathPΣ (ΣPathP p)  p
  ΣPathP-PathPΣ _ = refl

  PathPΣ-ΣPathP :  p  ΣPathP (PathPΣ p)  p
  PathPΣ-ΣPathP _ = refl

Part III: Some HITs

Exercise 9


The torus:

  ∙ ->->->-> ∙
  ∧          ∧
  |          |
  ∧          ∧
  |          |
  ∙ ->->->-> ∙

The Klein bottle:

  ∙ <-<-<-<- ∙
  ∧          ∧
  |          |
  ∧          ∧
  |          |
  ∙ ->->->-> ∙

data KleinBottle : Type where
  point : KleinBottle
  line1 : point  point
  line2 : point  point
  square : PathP  i  line1 (~ i)  line1 i) line2 line2

data KleinBottle' : Type where
  point : KleinBottle'
  line1 : point  point
  line2 : point  point
  square : (sym line1)  line2  line1  line2

Exercise 10

suspUnitChar : Susp Unit  Interval
suspUnitChar = isoToPath (iso to fro toFro froTo)
  to : Susp Unit  Interval
  to north = zero
  to south = one
  to (merid  i) = seg i

  fro : Interval  Susp Unit
  fro zero = north
  fro one = south
  fro (seg i) = merid  i

  toFro : (b : Interval)  to (fro b)  b
  toFro zero = refl
  toFro one = refl
  toFro (seg i) = refl

  froTo : (s : Susp Unit)  fro (to s)  s
  froTo north = refl
  froTo south = refl
  froTo (merid  i) = refl

Exercise 11

SuspPushout : Type   Type 
SuspPushout A = Pushout {A = A} {B = Unit} {C = Unit}  a  )  a  )

Susp≡SuspPushout : (A : Type )  Susp A  SuspPushout A
Susp≡SuspPushout A = isoToPath (iso to fro toFro froTo)
  to : Susp A  SuspPushout A
  to north = inl 
  to south = inr 
  to (merid a i) = push a i

  fro : SuspPushout A  Susp A
  fro (inl ) = north
  fro (inr ) = south
  fro (push a i) = merid a i

  toFro : (b : SuspPushout A)  to (fro b)  b
  toFro (inl ) = refl
  toFro (inr ) = refl
  toFro (push a i) = refl

  froTo : (s : Susp A)  fro (to s)  s
  froTo north = refl
  froTo south = refl
  froTo (merid a i) = refl

Exercise 12

comp-filler : {x y z : A} (p : x  y) (q : y  z)
             PathP  j  refl {x = x} j  q j) p (p  q)
comp-filler {x = x} p q j i = hfill  k  λ { (i = i0)  x
                                              ; (i = i1)  q k })
                                    (inS (p i)) j

rUnit : {x y : A} (p : x  y)  p  refl  p
rUnit p = sym (comp-filler p refl)

suspBoolChar : Susp Bool  
suspBoolChar = isoToPath (iso to fro toFro froTo)
  to : Susp Bool  
  to north = base
  to south = base
  to (merid true i) = loop i
  to (merid false i) = base

  fro :   Susp Bool
  fro base = north
  fro (loop i) = (merid true  sym (merid false)) i

  toFro : (b : )  to (fro b)  b
  toFro base = refl
  toFro (loop i) j = mySquare j i
    mySquare : ap to (merid true  sym (merid false))  loop
    mySquare = ap to (merid true  sym (merid false)) ≡⟨ refl 
               ap to (merid true)  ap to (sym (merid false)) ≡⟨ refl 
               ap to (merid true)  refl ≡⟨ refl 
               loop  refl ≡⟨ rUnit loop 

  froTo : (s : Susp Bool)  fro (to s)  s
  froTo north = refl
  froTo south = merid false
  froTo (merid true i) j = mySquare (~ j) i
    mySquare : PathP  j  north  sym (merid false) j)
                     (merid true)
                     (merid true  sym (merid false))
    mySquare = comp-filler (merid true) (sym (merid false))
  froTo (merid false i) j = merid false (i  j)