Lecture 8


  • Set quotients
  • Cubical transport and path induction
  • Homogeneous composition (hcomp)
{-# OPTIONS --cubical #-}

module Lecture8-notes where

open import cubical-prelude
open import Lecture7-notes

    A B : Type 

Set quotients

Last time we saw some HITs that are useful for topology and homotopy theory. Now we’ll look at some HITs that are not very interesting from a homotopical perspective, but still very useful for other purposes. In particular we will look at how we can construct quotient types and in order for the result to be a set we will also set truncate the type. This kind of types has many applications in both computer science and mathematics.

In general these are written as:

data _/_ (A : Type ℓ) (R : A → A → Type ℓ') : Type (ℓ ⊔ ℓ') where
  [_] : A → A / R
  eq/ : (a b : A) → R a b → [ a ] ≡ [ b ]
  trunc : (a b : A / R) (p q : a ≡ b) → p ≡ q

The type of the trunc constructor can simply be written as:

data _/_ (A : Type ) (R : A  A  Type ℓ') : Type (  ℓ') where
  [_] : A  A / R
  eq/ : (a b : A)  R a b  [ a ]  [ b ]
  trunc : isSet (A / R)

The idea is that [_] injects elements of A into the quotient while eq/ ensures that elements that are related by R are sent to equal elements. Finally we have to truncate the type to be a set in order for this to be a set quotient. If we leave out the trunc constructor quite weird things can happen, for example if one quotients the unit type by the total relation then one obtains a type which is equivalent to the circle! The trunc constructor is hence crucial to ensure that the result is a set even if A is one already (so quotienting can raise the truncation level).

Various sources require that R is proposition-valued, i.e. R : A → A → hProp. However this is not necessary to define _/_ as seen above. There are however various important properties that are only satisfied when one quotients by a prop-valued relation. The key example being effectivity, i.e. that

(a b : A) → [ a ] ≡ [ b ] → R a b

To prove this one first of all needs that R is prop-valued and the proof then uses univalence for propositions (i.e., logically equivalent propositions are equal, a.k.a. “propositional extensionality”).

Having the ability to define set quotients using _/_ lets us do many examples from mathematics and computer science. For example we can define the integers as:

ℤ' : Type
ℤ' = ( × ) / rel
  rel :  ×    ×   Type
  rel (x₀ , y₀) (x₁ , y₁) = x₀ + y₁  x₁ + y₀

If you haven’t seen this construction before see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Integer#Construction

Exercises: define 0, 1, +, -, *

Similarly we can define the rational numbers as a quotient of pairs of a number and a nonzero number (and more generally we can define the field of fractions of a commutative ring R using _/_). Both the integers and rationals can of course be defined without using quotients in type theory, but in the case of the rationals this has some efficiency problems. Indeed, when defining the rationals not as a quotient we need to do it as normalized fractions, that is, pairs of coprime numbers. All operations, like addition and multiplication, then have to ensure that the resulting fractions are normalized which can become quite inefficient because of repeated GCD computations. A more efficient way is to work with the equivalence classes of not-necessarily-normalized fractions and then normalize whenever one wants to. This can be done when defining the rationals using _/_.

Let us now look at a more computer science inspired example: finite multisets. These can be represented as lists modulo permutations. Defining these using _/_ is a bit annoying, luckily there is an easier way:

infixr 5 _∷_

data FMSet (A : Type ) : Type  where
  [] : FMSet A
  _∷_ : (x : A)  (xs : FMSet A)  FMSet A
  comm : (x y : A) (xs : FMSet A)  x  y  xs  y  x  xs
  trunc : (xs ys : FMSet A) (p q : xs  ys)  p  q

Programming and proving with this is quite straightforward:

infixr 30 _++_

_++_ : (xs ys : FMSet A)  FMSet A
[] ++ ys = ys
(x  xs) ++ ys = x  xs ++ ys
comm x y xs i ++ ys = comm x y (xs ++ ys) i
trunc xs zs p q i j ++ ys =
  trunc (xs ++ ys) (zs ++ ys)  k  p k ++ ys)  k  q k ++ ys) i j

unitl-++ : (xs : FMSet A)  [] ++ xs  xs
unitl-++ xs = refl

unitr-++ : (xs : FMSet A)  xs ++ []  xs
unitr-++ [] = refl
unitr-++ (x  xs) = ap (x ∷_) (unitr-++ xs)
unitr-++ (comm x y xs i) j = comm x y (unitr-++ xs j) i
unitr-++ (trunc xs ys p q i j) k =
  trunc (unitr-++ xs k) (unitr-++ ys k)
         l  unitr-++ (p l) k)  l  unitr-++ (q l) k) i j

Filling the goals for comm and trunc quickly gets tiresome and when working with HITs like this it’s very strongly recommended to prove special lemmas for eliminating into propositions (which is the case above as FMSet is a set, so its -type is a proposition). If we do this the proof of unitr-++ can be simplified to a one-liner:

unitr-++ : (xs : FMSet A) → xs ++ [] ≡ xs
unitr-++ = ElimProp.f (trunc _ _) refl (λ x p → cong (_∷_ x) p)

We recommend the interested reader to look at the code in Cubical.HITs.FiniteMultiset.Base and Cubical.HITs.FiniteMultiset.Properties in agda/cubical to see how these lemmas are stated and proved. This is a very common pattern when working with set truncated HITs: first define the HIT, then prove special purpose recursors and eliminators for eliminating into types of different truncation levels. All definitions are then written using these recursors and eliminators and one get very short proofs.

A more efficient version of finite multisets based on association lists can be found in Cubical.HITs.AssocList.Base. It looks like this:

data AssocList (A : Type ) : Type  where
  ⟨⟩ : AssocList A
  ⟨_,_⟩∷_ : (a : A) (n : ) (xs : AssocList A)  AssocList A
  per : (a b : A) (m n : ) (xs : AssocList A)
        a , m ⟩∷  b , n ⟩∷ xs   b , n ⟩∷  a , m ⟩∷ xs
  agg : (a : A) (m n : ) (xs : AssocList A)
        a , m ⟩∷  a , n ⟩∷ xs   a , m + n ⟩∷ xs
  del : (a : A) (xs : AssocList A)   a , 0 ⟩∷ xs  xs
  trunc : (xs ys : AssocList A) (p q : xs  ys)  p  q

Programming and proving is more complicated with AssocList compared to FMSet. This kind of example occurs a lot in programming and mathematics: one representation is easier to work with, but not efficient, while another is efficient but difficult to work with. Next time we will see how we can use univalence and the structure identity principle (SIP) to get the best of both worlds (if someone can’t wait they can look at https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3434293 for more details).

It’s sometimes easier to work directly with _/_ instead of defining special HITs as one can reuse lemmas for _/_ instead of reproving things. For example, general lemmas about eliminating into propositions have already been proved for _/_ so we do not have to reprove them for our special purpose HIT. However on the other hand it can sometimes be much easier to write the HIT directly (imagine implementing AssocList using _/_…) and one also gets the benefit that one can pattern-match directly with nice names for the constructors (it might still be better to use the handcrafted recursor/eliminator for the HIT to avoid having to give cases for path construtors though).

Cubical transport and path induction

While path types are great for reasoning about equality they don’t let us transport along paths between types or even compose paths. Furthermore, as paths are not inductively defined we don’t automatically get an induction principle for them. In order to remedy this Cubical Agda also has a built-in cubical transport operation and homogeneous composition operation from which the induction principle is derivable (and much more!).

The basic operation is called transp and we will soon explain it, but let’s first focus on the special case of cubical transport which we used to define winding last time:

transport : A  B  A  B
transport p a = transp  i  p i) i0 a

This is a more primitive operation than “transport” in Book HoTT as it only lets us turn a path into a function. However, the transport of HoTT can easily be proved from cubical transport and in order to avoid a name clash we call it “subst”:

subst : (B : A  Type ℓ') {x y : A} (p : x  y)  B x  B y
subst B p pa = transport  i  B (p i)) pa

The transp operation is a generalized transport in the sense that it lets us specify where the transport is the identity function (this is why there is an i0 in the definition of transport above). The general type of transp is:

transp : (A : I → Type ℓ) (r : I) (a : A i0) → A i1

There is an additional side condition which has to be satisfied for Cubical Agda to typecheck transp A r a. This is that A has to be “constant” on r. This means that A should be a constant function whenever r = i1 is satisfied. This side condition is vacuously true when r = i0, so there is nothing to check when writing transport as above. However, when r is equal to i1 the transp function will compute as the identity function.

transp A i1 a ≐ a

(Here is definitional/judgmental equality)

Having this extra generality is useful for quite technical reasons, for instance we can easily relate a term a with its transport over a path p:

transportFill : (p : A  B) (a : A)  PathP  i  p i) a (transport p a)
transportFill p a i = transp  j  p (i  j)) (~ i) a

Another result that follows easily from transp is that transporting in a constant family is the identity function (up to a path). Note that this is not proved by refl. This is maybe not so surprising as transport is not defined by pattern-matching on p.

transportRefl : (x : A)  transport refl x  x
transportRefl {A = A} x i = transp  _  A) i x

Having transp lets us prove many more useful lemmas like this. For details see Cubical.Foundations.Transport in the agda/cubical library.

Using contractibility of singletons we can also define the J eliminator for paths (a.k.a. path induction):

J : {x : A} (P : (y : A)  x  y  Type ℓ'')
    (d : P x refl) {y : A} (p : x  y)  P y p
J {x = x} P d p = subst  X  P (pr₁ X) (pr₂ X)) (isContrSingl x .pr₂ (_ , p)) d

Unfolded version:

transport (λ i → P (p i) (λ j → p (i ∧ j))) d

So J is provable, but it doesn’t satisfy the computation rule of refl definitionally as _≡_ is not inductively defined. See exercises for how to prove it. Not having this hold definitionally is almost never a problem in practice as the cubical primitives satisfy many new definitional equalities (c.f. ap).

Homogeneous composition (hcomp)

As we now have J we can define path concatenation and many more things, however this is not the way to do things in Cubical Agda. One of the key features of cubical type theory is that the transp primitive reduces differently for different types formers (see CCHM [1] or the Cubical Agda paper [2] for details). For paths it reduces to another primitive operation called hcomp. This primitive is much better suited for concatenating paths than J as it is much more general. In particular, it lets us compose multiple higher dimensional cubes directly. We will explain it by example.

In order to compose two paths we write:

compPath : {x y z : A}  x  y  y  z  x  z
compPath {x = x} p q i = hcomp  j  λ { (i = i0)  x
                                        ; (i = i1)  q j })
                               (p i)

This is best understood with the following drawing:

    x             z
    ^             ^
    ¦             ¦
  x ¦             ¦ q j
    ¦             ¦
    x ----------> y
          p i

In the drawing the direction i goes left-to-right and j goes bottom-to-top. As we are constructing a path from x to z along i we have i : I in the context already and we put p i as bottom. The direction j that we are doing the composition in is abstracted in the first argument to hcomp.

Having hcomp as a primitive operation lets us prove many things very directly. For instance, we can prove that any proposition is also a set using a higher dimensional hcomp.

isProp→isSet : isProp A  isSet A
isProp→isSet h a b p q j i =
  hcomp  k  λ { (i = i0)  h a a k
                 ; (i = i1)  h a b k
                 ; (j = i0)  h a (p i) k
                 ; (j = i1)  h a (q i) k }) a

Geometric picture: start with a square with a everywhere as base, then change its sides so that they connect p with q over refl a and refl b.

This has some useful consequences:

isPropIsProp : isProp (isProp A)
isPropIsProp f g i a b = isProp→isSet f a b (f a b) (g a b) i

isPropIsSet : isProp (isSet A)
isPropIsSet h1 h2 i x y = isPropIsProp (h1 x y) (h2 x y) i

In order to really understand what the second argument to hcomp is and how to use hfill we will need to explain partial elements and cubical subtypes. This is documented in the Cubical Agda documentation (https://agda.readthedocs.io/en/v2.6.2.2/language/cubical.html#partial-elements) and in lecture 9 these will be discussed in more detail.

However, beginners often doesn’t have to write hcomp to prove things as the library provides many basic lemmas. This is especially true when reasoning about sets. But when reasoning about types that have higher truncation level it’s very convenient to be able to construct squares and cubes directly and being able to use hcomp is quite necessary (see exercise 12 on Exercises7).


[1] https://arxiv.org/abs/1611.02108 [2] https://staff.math.su.se/anders.mortberg/papers/cubicalagda2.pdf