Week 8 - Cubical Agda Exercises - Solutions

{-# OPTIONS --cubical #-}

module Solutions8 where

open import cubical-prelude
open import Lecture7-notes
open import Lecture8-notes

Part I: transp and hcomp

Exercise 1 (★)

Prove the propositional computation law for J:

-- J = λ {x} P d p → transp (λ i → P (p i) (λ j → p (i ∧ j))) i0 d

JRefl : {A : Type } {x : A} (P : (z : A)  x  z  Type ℓ'')
  (d : P x refl)  J P d refl  d
JRefl {x = x} P d i = transp  _  P x  _  x)) i d

Exercise 2 (★★)

Using transp, construct a method for turning dependent paths into paths.

Hint: Transport the point p i to the fibre A i1, and set φ = i such that the transport computes away at i = i1.

   x ----(p i)----> y
  A i0    A i      A i1
fromPathP : {A : I  Type } {x : A i0} {y : A i1} 
  PathP A x y  transport  i  A i) x  y
fromPathP {A = A} p i = transp  j  A (i  j)) i (p i)

Exercise 3 (★★★)

Using hcomp, construct a method for turning paths into dependent paths.

Hint: At each point i, the verical fibre of the following diagram should lie in A i. The key is to parametrise the bottom line with a dependent path from x to transport A x. This requires writing a transp that computes away at i = i0.

       x  - - - -> y
       ^           ^
       ¦           ¦
  refl ¦           ¦ p i
       ¦           ¦
       ¦           ¦
       x ---> transport A x
toPathP : {A : I  Type } {x : A i0} {y : A i1} 
  transport  i  A i) x  y  PathP A x y
toPathP {A = A} {x = x} p i =
     {j (i = i0)  x ;
        j (i = i1)  p j })
    (transpFill i)
   transpFill : PathP A x (transport  i  A i) x)
   transpFill i = transp  j  A (i  j)) (~ i) x

Exercise 4 (★)

Using toPathP, prove the following lemma, which lets you fill in dependent lines in hProps, provided their boundary.

isProp→PathP : {A : I  Type } (p : (i : I)  isProp (A i))
  (a₀ : A i0) (a₁ : A i1)  PathP A a₀ a₁
isProp→PathP p a₀ a₁ = toPathP (p i1 _ a₁)

Exercise 5 (★★)

Prove the following lemma characterizing equality in subtypes:

Σ≡Prop : {A : Type } {B : A  Type ℓ'} {u v : Σ A B} (h : (x : A)  isProp (B x))
        (p : pr₁ u  pr₁ v)  u  v
Σ≡Prop {B = B} {u = u} {v = v} h p i = p i , isProp→PathP  i  h (p i)) (pr₂ u) (pr₂ v) i

Exercise 6 (★★★)

Prove that isContr is a proposition:

Hint: This requires drawing a cube (yes, an actual 3D one)!

isPropIsContr : {A : Type }  isProp (isContr A)
isPropIsContr (c0 , h0) (c1 , h1) j = h0 c1 j , λ y i 
  hcomp  {k (i = i0)  h0 c1 j ;
            k (i = i1)  h1 y k ;
            k (j = i0)  h0 (h1 y k) i ;
            k (j = i1)  h1 y (i  k) }) (h0 c1 (i  j))