-- Lecture 9: Cubical Agda

{-# OPTIONS --cubical #-}

module Lecture9-live where

open import cubical-prelude hiding (_∙_)
open import Lecture7-notes
open import Lecture8-notes hiding (compPath)

    A B : Type 

-- Last time:
-- - Set quotients
-- - Cubical transport and path induction
-- - Homogeneous composition (`hcomp`)

-- Today:
-- - More about homogeneous composition (`hcomp`)
-- - Cubical univalence (Glue types)
-- - The structure identity principle (SIP)

-- More about hcomp

compPath : {x y z : A}  x  y  y  z  x  z
compPath {x = x} p q i =
  hcomp  j  λ { (i = i0)  x
                 ; (i = i1)  q j })   -- System of sides
        (p i)                          -- The base of the hcomp

    x             z
    ^             ^
    ¦             ¦
  x ¦             ¦ q j
    ¦             ¦
    x ----------> y
          p i

_∙∙_∙∙_ : {x y z w : A}  x  y  y  z  z  w  x  w
_∙∙_∙∙_ p q r i =
  hcomp  j  λ { (i = i0)  p (~ j)
                 ; (i = i1)  r j })
        (q i)

         x             w
         ^             ^
         ¦             ¦
 p (~ j) ¦             ¦ r j
         ¦             ¦
         y ----------> z
               q i

_∙_ : {x y z : A}  x  y  y  z  x  z
_∙_ p q = refl ∙∙ p ∙∙ q

-- The hcomp operation is a cubical version of lifting conditions for Kan complexes

-- What is the type of the weird first argument to hcomp?

-- Answer: I → .(IsOne φ) → A

-- IsOne φ   represents   (φ = i1)

-- Partial φ A   the type of partial elements of A, i.e. the type of cubes in A that are defined when IsOne φ holds

-- Question: is Partial φ A the same as (IsOne φ) → A ?
-- Answer: not exactly, Partial φ A is "more extensional" (elements equal up to permutation, duplication...)

-- Partial (i ∨ ~ i) Bool   ≐   Partial (~ i ∨ i) Bool

partialBool : (i : I)  Partial (i  ~ i) Bool
partialBool i = λ { (i = i0)  true
                  ; (i = i1)  false }

partialBool' : (i j : I)  Partial (~ i  i  (i  j)) Bool
partialBool' i j (i = i0) = true
partialBool' i j (i = i1) = true
partialBool' i j (i = i1) (j = i1) = true

-- partialBoolBad : (i : I) → Bool
-- partialBoolBad i0 = true
-- partialBoolBad i1 = false

-- Cubical subtypes


_[_↦_] : (A : Type ℓ) (φ : I) (u : Partial φ A) → SSet ℓ
A [ φ ↦ u ] = Sub A φ u

inS : {A : Type ℓ} {φ : I} (u : A) → A [ φ ↦ (λ _ → u) ]

outS : {A : Type ℓ} {φ : I} {u : Partial φ A} → A [ φ ↦ u ] → A

They satisfy the following equalities:

outS (inS a) ≐ a

inS {φ = φ} (outS {φ = φ} a) ≐ a

outS {φ = i1} {u} _ ≐ u 1=1


hcomp' : {A : Type} {φ : I} (u : I  Partial φ A) (u0 : A [ φ  u i0 ])  A [ φ  u i1 ]
hcomp' u u0 = inS (hcomp u (outS u0))

-- Cubical univalence (Glue types)

ua : {A B : Type}  A  B  A  B
ua {A = A} {B = B} e i =
  Glue B λ { (i = i0)  A , e
           ; (i = i1)  B , idEquiv B }

uaβ : (e : A  B)  (a : A)  transport (ua e) a  pr₁ e a
uaβ e a = transportRefl (pr₁ e a)

uaβℕ : (e :   )  (a : )  transport (ua e) a  pr₁ e a
uaβℕ e a = refl

-- Fact: ua + uaβ ⇒ univalence axiom

-- Examples

not : Bool  Bool
not true = false
not false = true

notPath : Bool  Bool
notPath = ua (isoToEquiv (iso not not rem rem))
  rem : (b : Bool)  not (not b)  b
  rem true = refl
  rem false = refl

-- The structure identity principle (SIP)

substEquiv : (S : Type  Type) (e : A  B)  S A  S B
substEquiv S e = subst S (ua e)

-- Easy exercise (in the notes): substEquiv induces and equivalence

-- Example: S could be IsMonoid

-- This is useful for many things!

-- One application: Can program with one type and prove using another equivalent type


data Pos : Type where
  pos1 : Pos
  x0 : Pos → Pos
  x1 : Pos → Pos

-- x1 (x0 (x1 pos1)) = 1101 = 13

data Bin : Type where
  bin0 : Bin
  binPos : Pos → Bin


ℕ≃Bin :   Bin
ℕ≃Bin = isoToEquiv (iso ℕ→Bin Bin→ℕ Bin→ℕ→Bin ℕ→Bin→ℕ)

SemiGroup : Type  Type
SemiGroup A = Σ _·_  (A  A  A) , ((x y z : A)  x · (y · z)  (x · y) · z)

SemiGroupℕ : SemiGroup 
SemiGroupℕ = _+_ , +-assoc

SemiGroupBin : SemiGroup Bin
SemiGroupBin = substEquiv SemiGroup ℕ≃Bin SemiGroupℕ

_+Bin_ : Bin  Bin  Bin
_+Bin_ = pr₁ SemiGroupBin

+Bin-assoc : (x y z : Bin)  x +Bin (y +Bin z)  (x +Bin y) +Bin z
+Bin-assoc = pr₂ SemiGroupBin

  _+P_ : Pos  Pos  Pos
  pos1  +P y     = sucPos y
  x0 x  +P pos1  = x1 x
  x0 x  +P x0 y  = x0 (x +P y)
  x0 x  +P x1 y  = x1 (x +P y)
  x1 x  +P pos1  = x0 (sucPos x)
  x1 x  +P x0 y  = x1 (x +P y)
  x1 x  +P x1 y  = x0 (x +PC y)

  _+B_ : Bin  Bin  Bin
  bin0      +B y         = y
  x         +B bin0      = x
  binPos x  +B binPos y  = binPos (x +P y)

  -- Add with carry
  _+PC_ : Pos  Pos  Pos
  pos1  +PC pos1  = x1 pos1
  pos1  +PC x0 y  = x0 (sucPos y)
  pos1  +PC x1 y  = x1 (sucPos y)
  x0 x  +PC pos1  = x0 (sucPos x)
  x0 x  +PC x0 y  = x1 (x +P y)
  x0 x  +PC x1 y  = x0 (x +PC y)
  x1 x  +PC pos1  = x1 (sucPos x)
  x1 x  +PC x0 y  = x0 (x +PC y)
  x1 x  +PC x1 y  = x1 (x +PC y)

-- How to prove that +B is associative?  (By hand = total pain)

-- Correctness:
+PC-suc : (x y : Pos)  x +PC y  sucPos (x +P y)
+PC-suc pos1 pos1     = refl
+PC-suc pos1 (x0 y)   = refl
+PC-suc pos1 (x1 y)   = refl
+PC-suc (x0 x) pos1   = refl
+PC-suc (x0 x) (x0 y) = refl
+PC-suc (x0 x) (x1 y) = ap x0 (+PC-suc x y)
+PC-suc (x1 x) pos1   = refl
+PC-suc (x1 x) (x0 y) = ap x0 (+PC-suc x y)
+PC-suc (x1 x) (x1 y) = refl

sucPos-+P : (x y : Pos)  sucPos (x +P y)  sucPos x +P y
sucPos-+P pos1 pos1     = refl
sucPos-+P pos1 (x0 y)   = refl
sucPos-+P pos1 (x1 y)   = refl
sucPos-+P (x0 x) pos1   = refl
sucPos-+P (x0 x) (x0 y) = refl
sucPos-+P (x0 x) (x1 y) = ap x0 (sym (+PC-suc x y))
sucPos-+P (x1 x) pos1   = refl
sucPos-+P (x1 x) (x0 y) = ap x0 (sucPos-+P x y)
sucPos-+P (x1 x) (x1 y) = ap x1 (+PC-suc  x y  sucPos-+P x y)

ℕ→Pos-+P : (x y : )  ℕ→Pos (suc x + suc y)  ℕ→Pos (suc x) +P ℕ→Pos (suc y)
ℕ→Pos-+P zero _    = refl
ℕ→Pos-+P (suc x) y = ap sucPos (ℕ→Pos-+P x y)  sucPos-+P (ℕ→Pos (suc x)) (ℕ→Pos (suc y))

ℕ→Bin-+B : (x y : )  ℕ→Bin (x + y)  ℕ→Bin x +B ℕ→Bin y
ℕ→Bin-+B zero y          = refl
ℕ→Bin-+B (suc x) zero    = ap  x  binPos (ℕ→Pos (suc x))) (+-zero x)
ℕ→Bin-+B (suc x) (suc y) = ap binPos (ℕ→Pos-+P x y)

+B≡+Bin : _+B_  _+Bin_
+B≡+Bin i x y = goal x y i
  goal : (x y : Bin)  x +B y  ℕ→Bin (Bin→ℕ x + Bin→ℕ y)
  goal x y =   i  Bin→ℕ→Bin x (~ i) +B Bin→ℕ→Bin y (~ i))
             sym (ℕ→Bin-+B (Bin→ℕ x) (Bin→ℕ y))

+B-assoc : (m n o : Bin)  m +B (n +B o)  (m +B n) +B o
+B-assoc m n o =
            i  +B≡+Bin i m (+B≡+Bin i n o))
               ∙∙ +Bin-assoc m n o
               ∙∙  i  +B≡+Bin (~ i) (+B≡+Bin (~ i) m n) o)

-- The agda/cubical library has convenient automation for making a lot
-- of this easier