Week 02 - Agda Exercises - Solutions

{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

module 02-Solutions where

open import prelude
open import decidability
open import sums

Part I

Exercise 1

uncurry : {A B X : Type}  (A  B  X)  (A × B  X)
uncurry f (a , b) = f a b

curry : {A B X : Type}  (A × B  X)  (A  B  X)
curry f a b = f (a , b)

Under the propositions-as-types interpretation curry and uncurry tell us that “if A then if B then X” is (logically) equivalent to “if A and B then X”

Exercise 2

[i] : {A B C : Type}  (A × B)  C  (A  C) × (B  C)
[i] (inl (a , b)) = inl a , inl b
[i] (inr c) = inr c , inr c

[ii] : {A B C : Type}  (A  B) × C  (A × C)  (B × C)
[ii] (inl a , c) = inl (a , c)
[ii] (inr b , c) = inr (b , c)

[iii] : {A B : Type}  ¬ (A  B)  ¬ A × ¬ B
pr₁ ([iii] f) a = f (inl a)
pr₂ ([iii] f) b = f (inr b)
The next goal [iv] : {A B : Type} → ¬ (A × B) → ¬ A ∔ ¬ B is not provable. Under propositions-as-types it says that “not (A and B) implies not A or not B”, which is not true in constructive logic. At the end we have to give a term of the form inl ... or inr ... but for abstract A B we can not say of which form it should be.
[v] : {A B : Type}  (A  B)  ¬ B  ¬ A -- also known as contraposition
[v] f g a = g (f a)
Neither of [vi] : {A B : Type} → (¬ A → ¬ B) → B → A and [vii] : {A B : Type} → ((A → B) → A) → A are provable Under propositions-as-types [vi] is known as inverse contraposition and [vii] is known as Peirce’s law. At the end we have to construct something of type A but this is not possible with all the assumptions being functions.
[viii] : {A : Type} {B : A  Type}
     ¬ (Σ a  A , B a)  (a : A)  ¬ B a
[viii] f a bₐ = f (a , bₐ)

The next goal [ix] : {A : Type} {B : A → Type} → ¬ ((a : A) → B a) → (Σ a ꞉ A , ¬ B a) reads as: “If not for all a, B(a), then there is an a such that not B(a)” This is not true in constructive logic. Again, we have to construct an a : A as the first projection of the Sigma-type in the conclusion, which is not possible from our assumptions.

[x] : {A B : Type} {C : A  B  Type}
       ((a : A)  (Σ b  B , C a b))
       Σ f  (A  B) , ((a : A)  C a (f a))
pr₁ ([x] g) a = g a .pr₁
pr₂ ([x] g) a = g a .pr₂

Note that under propositions-as-types [x] reads somewhat like the axiom of choice. Yet it is still provable. This result is often referred to as the distributivity of Π over Σ and shows that propositions-as-types should be taken with a grain of salt sometimes.

Exercise 3

¬¬_ : Type  Type
¬¬ A = ¬ (¬ A)

¬¬¬ : Type  Type
¬¬¬ A = ¬ (¬¬ A)

tne :  {A : Type}  ¬¬¬ A  ¬ A
tne f a = f  g  g a)

Exercise 4

¬¬-functor : {A B : Type}  (A  B)  ¬¬ A  ¬¬ B
¬¬-functor f = [v] ([v] f)

¬¬-kleisli : {A B : Type}  (A  ¬¬ B)  ¬¬ A  ¬¬ B
¬¬-kleisli f g = tne (¬¬-functor f g)

Part II

bool-as-type : Bool  Type
bool-as-type true = 𝟙
bool-as-type false = 𝟘

bool-≡-char₁ :  (b b' : Bool)  b  b'  (bool-as-type b  bool-as-type b')
bool-≡-char₁ b .b (refl .b) = ⇔-refl
 ⇔-refl : {X : Type}  X  X
 pr₁ ⇔-refl x = x
 pr₂ ⇔-refl x = x

true≢false : ¬ (true  false)
true≢false p = bool-≡-char₁ true false p .pr₁ 
-- also true≢false ()

bool-≡-char₂ :  (b b' : Bool)  (bool-as-type b  bool-as-type b')  b  b'
bool-≡-char₂ true true (b→b' , b'→b) = refl true
bool-≡-char₂ true false (b→b' , b'→b) = 𝟘-elim (b→b' )
bool-≡-char₂ false true (b→b' , b'→b) = 𝟘-elim (b'→b )
bool-≡-char₂ false false (b→b' , b'→b) = refl false

Part III

has-bool-dec-fct : Type  Type
has-bool-dec-fct A = Σ f  (A  A  Bool) , (∀ x y  x  y  (f x y)  true)

decidable-equality-char : (A : Type)  has-decidable-equality A  has-bool-dec-fct A
pr₁ (decidable-equality-char A) discA = f , f-dec -- left to right implication
  f' : (a b : A)  is-decidable (a  b)  Bool
  f' a b (inl _) = true
  f' a b (inr _) = false

  f'-refl : (x : A) (d : is-decidable (x  x))  f' x x d  true
  f'-refl x (inl _) = refl true
  f'-refl x (inr x≢x) = 𝟘-nondep-elim (x≢x (refl x))

  f : A  A  Bool
  f a b = f' a b (discA a b)

  f-dec :  x y  x  y  (f x y)  true
  pr₁ (f-dec x .x) (refl .x) = f'-refl x (discA x x)
  pr₂ (f-dec x y) with discA x y
  ... | (inl p) = λ _  p
  ... | (inr _) = λ q  𝟘-nondep-elim (true≢false (q ⁻¹))

pr₂ (decidable-equality-char A) (f , f-dec) x y -- right to left implication
    with Bool-has-decidable-equality (f x y) true
... | (inl p) = inl (f-dec x y .pr₂ p)
... | (inr g) = inr λ p  g (f-dec x y .pr₁ p)