Week 01 - Agda Exercises

Please read before starting the exercises

The exercises are designed to increase in difficulty so that we can cater to our large and diverse audience. This also means that it is perfectly fine if you don’t manage to do all exercises: some of them are definitely a bit hard for beginners and there are likely too many exercises! You may wish to come back to them later when you have learned more.

Having said that, here we go!

This is a markdown file with Agda code, which means that it displays nicely on GitHub, but at the same time you can load this file in Agda and fill the holes to solve exercises.

Please make a copy of this file to work in, so that it doesn’t get overwritten (in case we update the exercises through git)!

{-# OPTIONS --without-K --allow-unsolved-metas #-}

module 01-Exercises where

open import prelude hiding (not-is-involution)

Part I: Writing functions on Booleans, natural numbers and lists (★/★★)

Exercise 1 (★)

In the lectures we defined && (logical and) on Bool by pattern matching on the leftmost argument only.

NB: We didn’t get round to doing this in the lecture, but see _&&_ in introduction.lagda.md.

Define the same operation but this time by pattern matching (case splitting) on both arguments.

_&&'_ : Bool  Bool  Bool
a &&' b = {!!}

One advantage of this definition is that it reads just like a Boolean truth table. Later on in this exercise sheet, we will see a disadvantange of this more verbose definition.

Exercise 2 (★)

Define xor (excluse or) on Bool. Exclusive or is true if and only if exactly one of its arguments is true.

_xor_ : Bool  Bool  Bool
a xor b = {!!}

Exercise 3 (★)

Define the exponential and factorial functions on natural numbers.

If you do things correctly, then the examples should compute correctly, i.e. the proof that 3 ^ 4 ≡ 81 should simply be given by refl _ which says that the left hand side and the right hand side compute to the same value.

_^_ :     
n ^ m = {!!}

^-example : 3 ^ 4  81
^-example = {!!} -- refl 81 should fill the hole here

_! :   
n ! = {!!}

!-example : 4 !  24
!-example = {!!} -- refl 24 should fill the hole here

Exercise 4 (★)

We can recursively compute the maximum of two natural numbers as follows.
max :     
max zero    m       = m
max (suc n) zero    = suc n
max (suc n) (suc m) = suc (max n m)

Define the minimum of two natural numbers analogously.

min :     
min = {!!}

min-example : min 5 3  3
min-example = {!!} -- refl 3 should fill the hole here

Exercise 5 (★)

Use pattern matching on lists to define map.

This function should behave as follows: map f [x₁ , x₂ , ... , xₙ] = [f x₁ , f x₂ , ... , f xₙ]. That is, map f xs applies the given function f to every element of the list xs and returns the resulting list.

map : {X Y : Type}  (X  Y)  List X  List Y
map f xs = {!!}

map-example : map (_+ 3) (1 :: 2 :: 3 :: [])  4 :: 5 :: 6 :: []
map-example = {!!} -- refl _ should fill the hole here

                   -- We write the underscore, because we don't wish to repeat
                   -- the relatively long "4 :: 5 :: 6 :: []" and Agda can
                   -- figure out what is supposed to go there.

Exercise 6 (★★)

Define a function filter that takes predicate p : X → Bool and a list xs that returns the list of elements of xs for which p is true.

For example, filtering the non-zero elements of the list [4 , 3 , 0 , 1 , 0] should return [4 , 3 , 1], see the code below.

filter : {X : Type} (p : X  Bool)  List X  List X
filter = {!!}

is-non-zero :   Bool
is-non-zero zero    = false
is-non-zero (suc _) = true

filter-example : filter is-non-zero (4 :: 3 :: 0 :: 1 :: 0 :: [])  4 :: 3 :: 1 :: []
filter-example = {!!} -- refl _ should fill the hole here

Part II: The identity type of the Booleans (★/★★)

In the lectures we saw a definition of on natural numbers where the idea was that x ≣ y is a type which either has precisely one element, if x and y are the same natural number, or else is empty, if x and y are different.

Exercise 1 (★)

Define for Booleans this time.

_≣_ : Bool  Bool  Type
a  b = {!!}

Exercise 2 (★)

Show that for every Boolean b we can find an element of the type b ≣ b.

Bool-refl : (b : Bool)  b  b
Bool-refl = {!!}

Exercise 3 (★★)

Just like we did in the lectures for natural numbers, show that we can go back and forth between a ≣ b and a ≡ b.

NB: Again, we didn’t have time to do this in the lectures, but see introduction.lagda.md, specifically the functions back and forth there.

≡-to-≣ : (a b : Bool)  a  b  a  b
≡-to-≣ = {!!}

≣-to-≡ : (a b : Bool)  a  b  a  b
≣-to-≡ = {!!}

Part III: Proving in Agda (★★/★★★)

We now turn to proving things in Agda: one of its key features.

For example, here is a proof that not (not b) ≡ b for every Boolean b.

not-is-involution : (b : Bool)  not (not b)  b
not-is-involution true  = refl true
not-is-involution false = refl false

Exercise 1 (★★)

Use pattern matching to prove that || is commutative.

||-is-commutative : (a b : Bool)  a || b  b || a
||-is-commutative a b = {!!}

Exercise 2 (★★)

Taking inspiration from the above, try to state and prove that && is commutative.

&&-is-commutative : {!!}
&&-is-commutative = {!!}

Exercise 3 (★★)

Prove that && and &&' are both associative.

&&-is-associative : (a b c : Bool)  a && (b && c)  (a && b) && c
&&-is-associative = {!!}

&&'-is-associative : (a b c : Bool)  a &&' (b &&' c)  (a &&' b) &&' c
&&'-is-associative = {!!}

Question: Can you spot a downside of the more verbose definition of &&' now?

Exercise 4 (★★★)

Another key feature of Agda is its ability to carry out inductive proofs. For example, here is a commented inductive proof that max is commutative.

max-is-commutative : (n m : )  max n m  max m n
max-is-commutative zero    zero    = refl zero
max-is-commutative zero    (suc m) = refl (suc m)
max-is-commutative (suc n) zero    = refl (suc n)
max-is-commutative (suc n) (suc m) = to-show
  IH : max n m  max m n      -- induction hypothesis
  IH = max-is-commutative n m -- recursive call on smaller arguments
  to-show : suc (max n m)  suc (max m n)
  to-show = ap suc IH         -- ap(ply) suc on both sides of the equation

Prove analogously that min is commutative.

min-is-commutative : (n m : )  min n m  min m n
min-is-commutative = {!!}

Exercise 5 (★★★)

Using another inductive proof, show that n ≡ n + 0 for every natural number n.

0-right-neutral : (n : )  n  n + 0
0-right-neutral = {!!}

Exercise 6 (★★★)

The function map on lists is a so-called functor, which means that it respects the identity and composition, as formally expressed below.

Try to prove these equations using pattern matching and inductive proofs.

map-id : {X : Type} (xs : List X)  map id xs  xs
map-id xs = {!!}

map-comp : {X Y Z : Type} (f : X  Y) (g : Y  Z)
           (xs : List X)  map (g  f) xs  map g (map f xs)
map-comp f g xs = {!!}