Martin Escardo. Notes originally written for the module Advanced Functional Programming of the University of Birmingham, UK.


This type has already been briefly discussed in the introduction.
data List (A : Type) : Type where
 []   : List A
 _::_ : A  List A  List A

infixr 10 _::_

Elimination principle

List-elim : {X : Type} (A : List X  Type)
           A []
           ((x : X) (xs : List X)  A xs  A (x :: xs))
           (xs : List X)  A xs
List-elim {X} A a f = h
  h : (xs : List X)  A xs
  h []        = a
  h (x :: xs) = f x xs (h xs)
Notice that the definition of h is the same as that of the usual fold function for lists, if you know this, but the type is more general. In fact, the fold function is just the non-dependent version of the eliminator
List-nondep-elim : {X A : Type}
                  (X  List X  A  A)
                  List X  A
List-nondep-elim {X} {A} a f = List-elim {X}  _  A) a f

Induction on lists

In terms of logic, the elimination principle gives an induction principle for proving properties of lists.

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