title:         Stone duality for spectral locales
author:        Ayberk Tosun
date-started:  2024-04-12
dates-updated: [2024-05-08, 2024-06-20]

This module will eventually contain the proof of Stone duality for spectral
locales. It currently contains the type equivalence, which will be extended to
the categorical equivalence in the future.


{-# OPTIONS --safe --without-K --lossy-unification #-}

open import MLTT.Spartan hiding (𝟚; ; )
open import UF.FunExt
open import UF.PropTrunc
open import UF.Size
open import UF.Subsingletons
open import UF.UA-FunExt
open import UF.Univalence

module Locales.StoneDuality.ForSpectralLocales
        (ua : Univalence)
        (pt : propositional-truncations-exist)
        (sr : Set-Replacement pt)

 fe : Fun-Ext
 fe {𝓤} {𝓥} = univalence-gives-funext' 𝓤 𝓥 (ua 𝓤) (ua (𝓤  𝓥))

 pe : Prop-Ext
 pe {𝓤} = univalence-gives-propext (ua 𝓤)

open import Locales.Compactness.Definition pt fe
open import Locales.ContinuousMap.FrameHomomorphism-Definition pt fe
open import Locales.ContinuousMap.FrameHomomorphism-Properties pt fe
open import Locales.ContinuousMap.Homeomorphism-Definition pt fe
open import Locales.ContinuousMap.Homeomorphism-Properties ua pt sr
open import Locales.DistributiveLattice.Definition fe pt
open import Locales.DistributiveLattice.Isomorphism fe pt
open import Locales.DistributiveLattice.Isomorphism-Properties ua pt sr
open import Locales.DistributiveLattice.Spectrum fe pe pt
open import Locales.DistributiveLattice.Spectrum-Properties fe pe pt sr
open import Locales.Frame pt fe
open import Locales.SIP.DistributiveLatticeSIP ua pt sr
open import Locales.SIP.FrameSIP
open import Locales.SmallBasis pt fe sr
open import Locales.Spectrality.LatticeOfCompactOpens ua pt sr
open import Locales.Spectrality.LatticeOfCompactOpens-Duality ua pt sr
open import UF.Equiv
open import UF.Logic
open import UF.SubtypeClassifier

open AllCombinators pt fe
open FrameHomomorphismProperties
open FrameHomomorphisms
open Locale


We denote by `spec L` the spectrum (the locale defined by the frame of ideals)
of a distributive lattice `L`.


open DefnOfFrameOfIdeal

spec : DistributiveLattice 𝓤  Locale (𝓤 ) 𝓤 𝓤
spec = spectrum


Recall that a locale `X` is called `spectral·` if it is homeomorphic to the
spectrum of some distributive lattice `L `.


_ : (X : Locale (𝓤 ) 𝓤 𝓤)
   is-spectral· X  (Ǝ L  DistributiveLattice 𝓤 , X ≅c≅ spec L)
_ = λ _  refl


This definition uses `∃` instead of `Σ`, because even though the distributive
lattice of compact opens is unique, the homeomorphism involved need not be.

Because `spec L` is a spectral locale (with a small basis), any locale `X` that
is homeomorphic to `spec L` for some distributive lattice `L` must be spectral.


 : (X : Locale (𝓤 ) 𝓤 𝓤)
  is-spectral· X holds
  is-spectral-with-small-basis ua X holds
spectral·-implies-spectral-with-small-basis {𝓤} X =
 ∥∥-rec (holds-is-prop (is-spectral-with-small-basis ua X)) 
   open PropositionalTruncation pt

    : (Σ L  DistributiveLattice 𝓤 , X ≅c≅ spec L)
      is-spectral-with-small-basis ua X holds
    (L , 𝒽) = transport (_holds  is-spectral-with-small-basis ua) q 𝕤
     open Spectrality L

     p : 𝒪 (spec L)  𝒪 X
     p = isomorphic-frames-are-equal ua pt sr (𝒪 (spec L)) (𝒪 X) 𝒽

     q : spec L  X
     q = to-locale-= (spec L) X p

     𝕤 : is-spectral-with-small-basis ua (spec L) holds
     𝕤 = spec-L-is-spectral , spec-L-has-small-𝒦


Added on 2024-05-12.

The converse of this implication is proved in the module


 : {𝓤 : Universe} (X : Locale (𝓤 ) 𝓤 𝓤)
  (is-spectral-with-small-basis ua X  is-spectral· X) holds
spectral-with-small-basis-implies-spectral· X σ = spectral-implies-spectral· X σ


We now explicitly record this logical equivalence.


 : {𝓤 : Universe} (X : Locale (𝓤 ) 𝓤 𝓤)
  (is-spectral-with-small-basis ua X  is-spectral· X) holds
spectral-with-small-basis-iff-spectral· X =  , 
   = spectral-with-small-basis-implies-spectral· X
   = spectral·-implies-spectral-with-small-basis X


Added on 2024-06-20.

We now show that the type `Spectral-Locale 𝓤` is equivalent to the type
`DistributiveLattice 𝓤`.

Recall that the type of spectral locales is defined as:


Spectral-Locale : (𝓤 : Universe)  𝓤 ⁺⁺  ̇
Spectral-Locale 𝓤 =
 Σ X  Locale (𝓤 ) 𝓤 𝓤 , is-spectral-with-small-basis ua X holds


For any universe `𝓤`, the type `Spectral-Locale 𝓤` is equivalent to the type
`DistributiveLattice 𝓤`.


spec-dlat-equivalence : (𝓤 : Universe)  Spectral-Locale 𝓤  DistributiveLattice 𝓤
spec-dlat-equivalence 𝓤 = sec , qinvs-are-equivs sec γ
  open 𝒦-Duality₁
  open 𝒦-Lattice
  open DefnOfFrameOfIdeal

  sec : Spectral-Locale 𝓤  DistributiveLattice 𝓤
  sec = uncurry ⦅_⦆ᶜ

  ret : DistributiveLattice 𝓤  Spectral-Locale 𝓤
  ret L = spectrum L
        , Spectrality.spec-L-is-spectral L
        , Spectrality.spec-L-has-small-𝒦 L

   : ret  sec  id
   (X , σ) =
    (holds-is-prop  is-spectral-with-small-basis ua)
    (homeomorphic-locales-are-equal (spec 𝒦X⁻) X 𝒽)
      𝒦X⁻ : DistributiveLattice 𝓤
      𝒦X⁻ = ⦅_⦆ᶜ X σ

      𝒽 : spec 𝒦X⁻ ≅c≅ X
      𝒽 = X-is-homeomorphic-to-spec-𝒦⁻X X σ

   : sec  ret  id
   L = isomorphic-distributive-lattices-are-equal (sec (ret L)) L iso
    open 𝒦-Duality₂ L

    iso : 𝒦⁻-spec-L ≅d≅ L
    iso = ≅d-sym L 𝒦⁻-spec-L L-is-isomorphic-to-𝒦⁻-spec-L

  γ : qinv sec
  γ = ret ,  , 
