--- title: Isomorphisms of distributive lattices author: Ayberk Tosun date-started: 2024-04-24 dates-updated: [2024-06-17, 2024-05-30, 2024-06-01] --- This module contains the definition of the notion of distributive lattice isomorphism. \begin{code} {-# OPTIONS --safe --without-K #-} open import UF.FunExt open import UF.PropTrunc module Locales.DistributiveLattice.Isomorphism (fe : Fun-Ext) (pt : propositional-truncations-exist) where open import Locales.AdjointFunctorTheoremForFrames pt fe open import Locales.Adjunctions.Properties pt fe open import Locales.Adjunctions.Properties-DistributiveLattice pt fe open import Locales.DistributiveLattice.Definition fe pt open import Locales.DistributiveLattice.Homomorphism fe pt open import Locales.Frame pt fe open import Locales.GaloisConnection pt fe open import MLTT.Spartan open import UF.Base open import UF.Equiv open import UF.Equiv-FunExt open import UF.Logic open import UF.Subsingletons open import UF.Subsingletons-FunExt open import UF.SubtypeClassifier open AllCombinators pt fe renaming (_∧_ to _∧ₚ_) \end{code} We work in a module parameterized by a 𝓤-distributive-lattice `L₁` and a 𝓥-distributive-lattice `L₂`. \begin{code} module DistributiveLatticeIsomorphisms (L₁ : DistributiveLattice 𝓤) (L₂ : DistributiveLattice 𝓥) where \end{code} The type `Isomorphismᵈᵣ L₁ L₂`, defined below, is the type of isomorphisms between distributive lattices `L₁` and `L₂`. \begin{code} record Isomorphismᵈᵣ : (𝓤 ⊔ 𝓥) ⁺ ̇ where field 𝓈 : L₁ ─d→ L₂ 𝓇 : L₂ ─d→ L₁ s : ∣ L₁ ∣ᵈ → ∣ L₂ ∣ᵈ s = Homomorphismᵈᵣ.h 𝓈 r : ∣ L₂ ∣ᵈ → ∣ L₁ ∣ᵈ r = Homomorphismᵈᵣ.h 𝓇 s-is-homomorphism : is-homomorphismᵈ L₁ L₂ s holds s-is-homomorphism = Homomorphismᵈᵣ.h-is-homomorphism 𝓈 r-is-homomorphism : is-homomorphismᵈ L₂ L₁ r holds r-is-homomorphism = Homomorphismᵈᵣ.h-is-homomorphism 𝓇 field r-cancels-s : r ∘ s ∼ id s-cancels-r : s ∘ r ∼ id \end{code} Added on 2024-05-30. Lemma for showing the equality two distributive lattice isomorphisms. \begin{code} open Isomorphismᵈᵣ to-isomorphismᵈᵣ-= : (𝒾 𝒿 : Isomorphismᵈᵣ) → s 𝒾 ∼ s 𝒿 → r 𝒾 ∼ r 𝒿 → 𝒾 = 𝒿 to-isomorphismᵈᵣ-= 𝒾 𝒿 φ ψ = † p q where open DistributiveLattice p : 𝓈 𝒾 = 𝓈 𝒿 p = to-homomorphismᵈ-= L₁ L₂ (𝓈 𝒾) (𝓈 𝒿) φ q : 𝓇 𝒾 = 𝓇 𝒿 q = to-homomorphismᵈ-= L₂ L₁ (𝓇 𝒾) (𝓇 𝒿) ψ g : (r 𝒾 ∘ s 𝒾) ∼ id → (s 𝒾 ∘ r 𝒾) ∼ id → Isomorphismᵈᵣ g e₁ e₂ = record { 𝓈 = 𝓈 𝒾 ; 𝓇 = 𝓇 𝒾 ; r-cancels-s = e₁ ; s-cancels-r = e₂ } f : 𝓈 𝒾 = 𝓈 𝒿 → 𝓇 𝒾 = 𝓇 𝒿 → Isomorphismᵈᵣ f refl refl = record { 𝓈 = 𝓈 𝒾 ; 𝓇 = 𝓇 𝒾 ; r-cancels-s = r-cancels-s 𝒾 ; s-cancels-r = s-cancels-r 𝒾 } † : 𝓈 𝒾 = 𝓈 𝒿 → 𝓇 𝒾 = 𝓇 𝒿 → 𝒾 = 𝒿 † refl refl = ap₂ g β γ where β : r-cancels-s 𝒾 = r-cancels-s 𝒿 β = Π-is-prop fe (λ _ → X-is-set L₁) (r-cancels-s 𝒾) (r-cancels-s 𝒿) γ : s-cancels-r 𝒾 = s-cancels-r 𝒿 γ = Π-is-prop fe (λ _ → X-is-set L₂) (s-cancels-r 𝒾) (s-cancels-r 𝒿) \end{code} End of addition. Pretty syntax for `Isomorphismᵈᵣ`. \begin{code} Isomorphismᵈᵣ-Syntax : DistributiveLattice 𝓤 → DistributiveLattice 𝓥 → (𝓤 ⊔ 𝓥) ⁺ ̇ Isomorphismᵈᵣ-Syntax K L = DistributiveLatticeIsomorphisms.Isomorphismᵈᵣ K L infix 0 Isomorphismᵈᵣ-Syntax syntax Isomorphismᵈᵣ-Syntax K L = K ≅d≅ L \end{code} Added on 2024-05-17. We now give an alternative definition of the notion of distributive lattice homomorphism: an equivalence whose both sides are monotone. \begin{code} module HomomorphicEquivalences (K : DistributiveLattice 𝓤) (L : DistributiveLattice 𝓤) where is-homomorphic : (∣ K ∣ᵈ ≃ ∣ L ∣ᵈ) → Ω 𝓤 is-homomorphic e = is-monotonic (poset-ofᵈ K) (poset-ofᵈ L) ⌜ e ⌝ ∧ₚ is-monotonic (poset-ofᵈ L) (poset-ofᵈ K) ⌜ e⁻¹ ⌝ where e⁻¹ : ∣ L ∣ᵈ ≃ ∣ K ∣ᵈ e⁻¹ = ≃-sym e \end{code} We denote by `Isomorphism₀` the type of isomorphisms given via this alternative definition. \begin{code} Isomorphism₀ : 𝓤 ̇ Isomorphism₀ = Σ e ꞉ ∣ K ∣ᵈ ≃ ∣ L ∣ᵈ , is-homomorphic e holds \end{code} We now prove that this is equivalent to the categorical definition. The part of the equivalence going from `Isomorphismᵈᵣ K L` to `Isomorphism₀` is easy. \begin{code} open DistributiveLatticeIsomorphisms open Some-Properties-Of-Posetal-Adjunctions open Properties-Of-Posetal-Adjunctions-on-Distributive-Lattices to-isomorphism₀ : Isomorphismᵈᵣ K L → Isomorphism₀ to-isomorphism₀ 𝒾 = e , 𝒽 where open Isomorphismᵈᵣ 𝒾 using (s; 𝓈; 𝓇; r; s-cancels-r; r-cancels-s; s-is-homomorphism) open Homomorphismᵈᵣ 𝓈 using () renaming (h-preserves-∧ to 𝓈-preserves-∧; h-is-monotone to 𝓈-is-monotone) open Homomorphismᵈᵣ 𝓇 using () renaming (h-is-monotone to 𝓇-is-monotone) open DistributiveLattice K using () renaming (_∧_ to _∧₁_) open DistributiveLattice L using () renaming (_∧_ to _∧₂_) e : ∣ K ∣ᵈ ≃ ∣ L ∣ᵈ e = s , qinvs-are-equivs s (r , r-cancels-s , s-cancels-r) 𝒽 : is-homomorphic e holds 𝒽 = 𝓈-is-monotone , 𝓇-is-monotone \end{code} We now address the other direction. Both parts of an equivalence are both a left adjoint and a right adjoint. Therefore, they preserve finite meets and finite joins. \begin{code} open AdjointFunctorTheorem open GaloisConnectionBetween (poset-ofᵈ L) (poset-ofᵈ K) renaming (_⊣_ to _⊣₁_) open GaloisConnectionBetween (poset-ofᵈ K) (poset-ofᵈ L) renaming (_⊣_ to _⊣₂_) to-isomorphismᵈᵣ : Isomorphism₀ → Isomorphismᵈᵣ K L to-isomorphismᵈᵣ (e , (μ₁ , μ₂)) = record { 𝓈 = 𝓈 ; 𝓇 = 𝓇 ; r-cancels-s = inverses-are-retractions' e ; s-cancels-r = inverses-are-sections' e } where open DistributiveLattice L using () renaming (𝟏 to 𝟏L; 𝟎 to 𝟎L) open DistributiveLattice K using () renaming (𝟏 to 𝟏K; 𝟎 to 𝟎K) \end{code} We have the monotone equivalence `e`, the forward and backward components of which we denote by `s` and `r`: \begin{code} s = ⌜ e ⌝ r = ⌜ ≃-sym e ⌝ \end{code} We denote by `sₘ` and `rₘ`, the versions of these packaged up with the proofs that they are monotone. \begin{code} sₘ : poset-ofᵈ K ─m→ poset-ofᵈ L sₘ = s , μ₁ rₘ : poset-ofᵈ L ─m→ poset-ofᵈ K rₘ = r , μ₂ \end{code} The map `s` is the left adjoint of `r` and vice versa. \begin{code} 𝒶𝒹𝒿 : (rₘ ⊣₁ sₘ) holds 𝒶𝒹𝒿 = monotone-equivalences-are-adjoint (poset-ofᵈ L) (poset-ofᵈ K) rₘ sₘ (inverses-are-retractions' e) (inverses-are-sections' e) 𝒶𝒹𝒿' : (sₘ ⊣₂ rₘ) holds 𝒶𝒹𝒿' = monotone-equivalences-are-adjoint (poset-ofᵈ K) (poset-ofᵈ L) sₘ rₘ (inverses-are-sections' e) (inverses-are-retractions' e) \end{code} Because `r` is a right adjoint, it preserves `𝟏`. \begin{code} α₁ : preserves-𝟏 K L s holds α₁ = right-adjoint-preserves-𝟏 L K rₘ sₘ 𝒶𝒹𝒿 \end{code} Because `s` is a right adjoint, it preserves binary meets. \begin{code} β₁ : preserves-∧ K L s holds β₁ = right-adjoint-preserves-∧ L K rₘ sₘ 𝒶𝒹𝒿 \end{code} Because `s` is a left adjoint, it preserves the bottom element `𝟎`. \begin{code} γ₁ : preserves-𝟎 K L s holds γ₁ = left-adjoint-preserves-𝟎 K L sₘ rₘ 𝒶𝒹𝒿' \end{code} Because `s` is a left adjoint, it preserves binary joins. \begin{code} δ₁ : preserves-∨ K L s holds δ₁ = left-adjoint-preserves-∨ K L sₘ rₘ 𝒶𝒹𝒿' \end{code} Because `r` is a right adjoint, it preserves the top element `𝟏`. \begin{code} α₂ : preserves-𝟏 L K r holds α₂ = right-adjoint-preserves-𝟏 K L sₘ rₘ 𝒶𝒹𝒿' \end{code} Because `r` is a right adjoint, it preserves binary meets. \begin{code} β₂ : preserves-∧ L K r holds β₂ = right-adjoint-preserves-∧ K L sₘ rₘ 𝒶𝒹𝒿' \end{code} Because `r` is a left adjoint, it preserves the bottom element `𝟎`. \begin{code} γ₂ : preserves-𝟎 L K r holds γ₂ = left-adjoint-preserves-𝟎 L K rₘ sₘ 𝒶𝒹𝒿 \end{code} Because `r` is a left adjoint, it preserves binary joins. \begin{code} δ₂ : preserves-∨ L K r holds δ₂ = left-adjoint-preserves-∨ L K rₘ sₘ 𝒶𝒹𝒿 \end{code} Finally, we package everything up into the distributive lattice homomorphism type. \begin{code} 𝓈 : Homomorphismᵈᵣ K L 𝓈 = record { h = s ; h-is-homomorphism = α₁ , β₁ , γ₁ , δ₁ } 𝓇 : Homomorphismᵈᵣ L K 𝓇 = record { h = r ; h-is-homomorphism = α₂ , β₂ , γ₂ , δ₂ } \end{code} The actual proof that these form an equivalence is trivial. \begin{code} isomorphismᵈᵣ-is-equivalent-to-isomorphism₀ : Isomorphism₀ ≃ Isomorphismᵈᵣ K L isomorphismᵈᵣ-is-equivalent-to-isomorphism₀ = to-isomorphismᵈᵣ , qinvs-are-equivs to-isomorphismᵈᵣ (to-isomorphism₀ , † , ‡) where † : to-isomorphism₀ ∘ to-isomorphismᵈᵣ ∼ id † 𝒾@(e , μ₁ , μ₂) = to-subtype-= (holds-is-prop ∘ is-homomorphic) (to-subtype-= (being-equiv-is-prop (λ 𝓤 𝓥 → fe {𝓤} {𝓥})) refl) ‡ : to-isomorphismᵈᵣ ∘ to-isomorphism₀ ∼ id ‡ 𝒾 = to-isomorphismᵈᵣ-= K L (to-isomorphismᵈᵣ (to-isomorphism₀ 𝒾)) 𝒾 (λ _ → refl) (λ _ → refl) \end{code} Added on 2024-06-01. We define the identity homomorphism on a distributive lattice. The identity function preserves the bottom element. \begin{code} id-preserves-bottom : (L : DistributiveLattice 𝓤) → preserves-𝟎 L L id holds id-preserves-bottom _ = refl \end{code} The identity function preserves the top element definitionally. \begin{code} id-preserves-top : (L : DistributiveLattice 𝓤) → preserves-𝟏 L L id holds id-preserves-top _ = refl \end{code} The identity function preserves the meets definitionally. \begin{code} id-preserves-meets : (L : DistributiveLattice 𝓤) → preserves-∧ L L id holds id-preserves-meets _ _ _ = refl \end{code} The identity function preserves the joins definitionally. \begin{code} id-preserves-joins : (L : DistributiveLattice 𝓤) → preserves-∨ L L id holds id-preserves-joins _ _ _ = refl \end{code} We package up these into the proof that `id` is a homomorphism. \begin{code} id-is-homomorphism : (L : DistributiveLattice 𝓤) → is-homomorphismᵈ L L id holds id-is-homomorphism L = id-preserves-top L , id-preserves-meets L , id-preserves-bottom L , id-preserves-joins L \end{code} We package up the identity function together with the proof that it is a homomorphism and denote it `𝔦𝔡`. \begin{code} 𝔦𝔡 : (L : DistributiveLattice 𝓤) → L ─d→ L 𝔦𝔡 L = record { h = id ; h-is-homomorphism = id-is-homomorphism L } \end{code}