title:          SIP for distributive lattices
author:         Ayberk Tosun
date-started:   2024-05-16


{-# OPTIONS --safe --without-K #-}

open import MLTT.Spartan hiding (𝟚; ; )
open import UF.FunExt
open import UF.PropTrunc
open import UF.Size
open import UF.Subsingletons
open import UF.UA-FunExt
open import UF.Univalence

module Locales.SIP.DistributiveLatticeSIP
        (ua : Univalence)
        (pt : propositional-truncations-exist)
        (sr : Set-Replacement pt)

 fe : Fun-Ext
 fe {𝓤} {𝓥} = univalence-gives-funext' 𝓤 𝓥 (ua 𝓤) (ua (𝓤  𝓥))

 pe : Prop-Ext
 pe {𝓤} = univalence-gives-propext (ua 𝓤)

open import Locales.DistributiveLattice.Definition fe pt
open import Locales.DistributiveLattice.Definition-SigmaBased fe pt
open import Locales.DistributiveLattice.Homomorphism fe pt
open import Locales.DistributiveLattice.Isomorphism fe pt
open import Locales.Frame pt fe
open import UF.Base
open import UF.Equiv
open import UF.Logic
open import UF.SIP
open import UF.SubtypeClassifier

open AllCombinators pt fe
open sip hiding (⟨_⟩)


We work in a module parameterized by two distributive lattice structures that
we call `str₁` and `str₂`.


module SIP-For-Distributive-Lattices
        {A : 𝓤  ̇}
        (str₁ str₂ : Distributive-Lattice-Structure A)


We denote by `K` and `L` the distributive lattices `(A , str₁)` and `(B , str₂)`.


 K : Distributive-Lattice₀ 𝓤
 K = A , str₁

 L : Distributive-Lattice₀ 𝓤
 L = A , str₂


To avoid using projections, we also define the record-based versions of these
two distributive lattices.


  Kᵣ : DistributiveLattice 𝓤
  Kᵣ = to-distributive-lattice 𝓤 K

  Lᵣ : DistributiveLattice 𝓤
  Lᵣ = to-distributive-lattice 𝓤 L


We define a bunch of other abbreviations that we will use throughout this


 lattice-data-of-K : Distributive-Lattice-Data A
 lattice-data-of-K = pr₁ str₁

 lattice-data-of-L : Distributive-Lattice-Data A
 lattice-data-of-L = pr₁ str₂

 _≤₁_ : A  A  Ω 𝓤
 _≤₁_ = λ x y  x ≤[ poset-ofᵈ Kᵣ ] y

 _≤₂_ : A  A  Ω 𝓤
 _≤₂_ = λ x y  x ≤[ poset-ofᵈ Lᵣ  ] y

 𝟏₁ : A
 𝟏₁ = DistributiveLattice.𝟏 Kᵣ

 𝟏₂ : A
 𝟏₂ = DistributiveLattice.𝟏 Lᵣ

 𝟎₁ : A
 𝟎₁ = DistributiveLattice.𝟎 Kᵣ

 𝟎₂ : A
 𝟎₂ = DistributiveLattice.𝟎 Lᵣ

 _∧₁_ : A  A  A
 _∧₁_ = λ x y  x ∧∙ y
   open DistributiveLattice Kᵣ renaming (_∧_ to _∧∙_)

 _∧₂_ : A  A  A
 _∧₂_ = λ x y  x ∧∙ y
   open DistributiveLattice Lᵣ renaming (_∧_ to _∧∙_)

 _∨₁_ : A  A  A
 _∨₁_ = λ x y  x ∨∙ y
   open DistributiveLattice Kᵣ renaming (_∨_ to _∨∙_)

 _∨₂_ : A  A  A
 _∨₂_ = λ x y  x ∨∙ y
   open DistributiveLattice Lᵣ renaming (_∨_ to _∨∙_)

 open HomomorphicEquivalences Kᵣ Lᵣ

  : is-homomorphic (≃-refl  Lᵣ ∣ᵈ) holds
   _≤₁_  _≤₂_
 homomorphic-identity-equivalence-gives-order-agreement (𝓂₁ , 𝓂₂) =
  dfunext fe λ x  dfunext fe λ y   x y
     : (x y :  Kᵣ ∣ᵈ)  x ≤₁ y  x ≤₂ y
     x y = ⇔-gives-= pe (x ≤₁ y) (x ≤₂ y) 
       : (x ≤₁ y)  (x ≤₂ y)  
       = holds-gives-equal-⊤ pe fe ((x ≤₁ y)  (x ≤₂ y)) (β , γ)
        β : (x ≤₁ y  x ≤₂ y) holds
        β = 𝓂₁ (x , y)

        γ : (x ≤₂ y  x ≤₁ y) holds
        γ = 𝓂₂ (x , y)


The identity equivalence being homomorphic gives the equality of top elements.


 open DistributiveLatticeIsomorphisms Kᵣ Lᵣ

  : is-homomorphic (≃-refl  Lᵣ ∣ᵈ) holds
   𝟏₁  𝟏₂
 homomorphic-identity-equivalence-gives-top-agreement 𝒽 = 
   iso : DistributiveLatticeIsomorphisms.Isomorphismᵈᵣ Kᵣ Lᵣ
   iso = to-isomorphismᵈᵣ (≃-refl A , 𝒽)

    : preserves-𝟏 Kᵣ Lᵣ id holds
    = Homomorphismᵈᵣ.h-preserves-𝟏 (Isomorphismᵈᵣ.𝓈 iso)


The identity function being homomorphic gives the equality of bottom elements.


  : is-homomorphic (≃-refl  Lᵣ ∣ᵈ) holds
   𝟎₁  𝟎₂
 homomorphic-identity-equivalence-gives-bottom-agreement 𝒽 = 
   iso : DistributiveLatticeIsomorphisms.Isomorphismᵈᵣ Kᵣ Lᵣ
   iso = to-isomorphismᵈᵣ (≃-refl A , 𝒽)

    : preserves-𝟎 Kᵣ Lᵣ id holds
    = Homomorphismᵈᵣ.h-preserves-𝟎 (Isomorphismᵈᵣ.𝓈 iso)


The identity function being homomorphic gives the equality of meets.


  : is-homomorphic (≃-refl  Lᵣ ∣ᵈ) holds
   _∧₁_  _∧₂_
 homomorphic-identity-equivalence-gives-meet-agreement 𝒽 =
  dfunext fe λ x  dfunext fe λ y  φ x y
    iso : Isomorphismᵈᵣ
    iso = to-isomorphismᵈᵣ (≃-refl A , 𝒽)

    φ : preserves-∧ Kᵣ Lᵣ id holds
    φ = Homomorphismᵈᵣ.h-preserves-∧ (Isomorphismᵈᵣ.𝓈 iso)


The identity function being homomorphic gives join agreement.


  : is-homomorphic (≃-refl  Lᵣ ∣ᵈ) holds
   _∨₁_  _∨₂_
 homomorphic-identity-equivalence-gives-join-agreement 𝒽 =
  dfunext fe λ x  dfunext fe λ y  φ x y
    iso : Isomorphismᵈᵣ
    iso = to-isomorphismᵈᵣ (≃-refl A , 𝒽)

    φ : preserves-∨ Kᵣ Lᵣ id holds
    φ = Homomorphismᵈᵣ.h-preserves-∨ (Isomorphismᵈᵣ.𝓈 iso)


If the identity equivalence is homomorphic, then the two distributive lattice
structures must be equal.


   : is-homomorphic (≃-refl A) holds
    distributive-lattice-data-of A str₁  distributive-lattice-data-of A str₂
  homomorphic-equivalence-gives-distributive-lattice-data-agreement 𝒽 = β
    ϵ : _∨₁_  _∨₂_
    ϵ = homomorphic-identity-equivalence-gives-join-agreement 𝒽

    δ : _∧₁_ , _∨₁_  _∧₂_ , _∨₂_
    δ = transport
          -  _∧₁_ , _∨₁_  - , _∨₂_)
         (homomorphic-identity-equivalence-gives-meet-agreement 𝒽)
         (to-Σ-=' ϵ)

    γ : 𝟏₁ , _∧₁_ , _∨₁_  𝟏₂ , _∧₂_ , _∨₂_
    γ = transport
          -  𝟏₁ , _∧₁_ , _∨₁_  - , _∧₂_ , _∨₂_)
         (homomorphic-identity-equivalence-gives-top-agreement 𝒽)
         (to-Σ-=' δ)

    β : 𝟎₁ , 𝟏₁ , _∧₁_ , _∨₁_  𝟎₂ , 𝟏₂ , _∧₂_ , _∨₂_
    β = transport
          -  𝟎₁ , 𝟏₁ , _∧₁_ , _∨₁_  - , 𝟏₂ , _∧₂_ , _∨₂_)
         (homomorphic-identity-equivalence-gives-bottom-agreement 𝒽)
         (to-Σ-=' γ)

   : is-homomorphic (≃-refl A) holds
    str₁  str₂
  homomorphic-equivalence-gives-structural-equality 𝒽 =
    (homomorphic-equivalence-gives-distributive-lattice-data-agreement 𝒽)


The distributive lattice structure is a standard notion of structure.


distributive-lattice-sns-data : SNS Distributive-Lattice-Structure 𝓤
distributive-lattice-sns-data {𝓤} = ι , ρ , θ
  ι : (K′ L′ : Distributive-Lattice₀ 𝓤)  sip.⟨ K′   sip.⟨ L′   𝓤  ̇
  ι K′ L′ e = is-homomorphic e holds
    K′ᵣ = to-distributive-lattice 𝓤 K′
    L′ᵣ = to-distributive-lattice 𝓤 L′

    open HomomorphicEquivalences K′ᵣ L′ᵣ

  ρ : (L : Distributive-Lattice₀ 𝓤)  ι L L (≃-refl sip.⟨ L )
  ρ L =  _  id) ,  _  id)

  θ : {X : 𝓤  ̇}
     (str₁ str₂ : Distributive-Lattice-Structure X)
     is-equiv (canonical-map ι ρ str₁ str₂)
  θ {X} str₁ str₂ = (homomorphic-equivalence-gives-structural-equality , )
                  , (homomorphic-equivalence-gives-structural-equality , )
    open SIP-For-Distributive-Lattices str₁ str₂
    open HomomorphicEquivalences

    Kᵣ = to-distributive-lattice 𝓤 (X , str₁)
    Lᵣ = to-distributive-lattice 𝓤 (X , str₂)

     : (h : is-homomorphic Kᵣ Lᵣ (≃-refl X) holds)
         p = homomorphic-equivalence-gives-structural-equality h
         canonical-map ι ρ str₁ str₂ p  h
     h = holds-is-prop
           (is-homomorphic Kᵣ Lᵣ (≃-refl X))
           (canonical-map ι ρ str₁ str₂ (homomorphic-equivalence-gives-structural-equality h))

     : (p : str₁  str₂)
       homomorphic-equivalence-gives-structural-equality (canonical-map ι ρ str₁ str₂ p)  p
     p = distributive-lattice-structure-is-set
           (homomorphic-equivalence-gives-structural-equality (canonical-map ι ρ str₁ str₂ p))


We abbreviate this proof by `snsᵈ`.


 snsᵈ = distributive-lattice-sns-data


The notion of isomorphism given by `snsᵈ` is trivially equivalent to the type


 open HomomorphicEquivalences

  : (K L : Distributive-Lattice₀ 𝓤)
     Kᵣ = to-distributive-lattice 𝓤 K
     Lᵣ = to-distributive-lattice 𝓤 L
     (K ≃[ snsᵈ ] L)  (Isomorphism₀ Kᵣ Lᵣ)
 isomorphism₀-equivalent-to-sns-isomorphism {𝓤} K L = 𝔰 , qinvs-are-equivs 𝔰 
   Kᵣ = to-distributive-lattice 𝓤 K
   Lᵣ = to-distributive-lattice 𝓤 L

   𝔰 : K ≃[ snsᵈ ] L  Isomorphism₀ Kᵣ Lᵣ
   𝔰 (f , (e , φ)) = (f , e) , φ

   𝔯 : Isomorphism₀ Kᵣ Lᵣ  K ≃[ snsᵈ ] L
   𝔯 ((f , e) , φ) = f , (e , φ)

    : qinv 𝔰
    = 𝔯 ,  _  refl) ,  _  refl)


From this, we get the characterization of equality for distributive lattices.


characterization-of-distributive-lattice₀-= : (K L : Distributive-Lattice₀ 𝓤)
                                              (K  L)  (K ≃[ snsᵈ ] L)
characterization-of-distributive-lattice₀-= {𝓤} K L =
 characterization-of-= (ua 𝓤) snsᵈ K L

characterization-of-distributive-lattice-= : (K L : DistributiveLattice 𝓤)
                                             (K  L)  (K ≅d≅ L)
characterization-of-distributive-lattice-= {𝓤} K L =
  K₀ = to-distributive-lattice₀ 𝓤 K
  L₀ = to-distributive-lattice₀ 𝓤 L

   = characterization-of-distributive-lattice₀-= K₀ L₀
   = isomorphism₀-equivalent-to-sns-isomorphism K₀ L₀
   = isomorphismᵈᵣ-is-equivalent-to-isomorphism₀ K L

  𝔰 : K  L  K₀  L₀
  𝔰 = λ { refl  refl }

  𝔯 : K₀  L₀  K  L
  𝔯 = λ { refl  refl }

   : (𝔯  𝔰)  id
   =  { refl  refl })

   : (𝔰  𝔯)  id
   =  { refl  refl })

  goal : (K  L)  (K₀  L₀)
  goal = 𝔰 , qinvs-are-equivs 𝔰 (𝔯 ,  , )
  (K  L)           ≃⟨ goal 
  (K₀  L₀)         ≃⟨  
  (K₀ ≃[ snsᵈ ] L₀)  ≃⟨  
  (Isomorphism₀ K L) ≃⟨  
  (K ≅d≅ L)          


Finally, we record the fact that isomorphic distributive lattices are _equal_.


 : (K L : DistributiveLattice 𝓤)
  K ≅d≅ L
  K  L
isomorphic-distributive-lattices-are-equal K L =
  ≃-sym (characterization-of-distributive-lattice-= K L) 
