Martin Escardo. Notes originally written for the module Advanced Functional Programming of the University of Birmingham, UK.

The booleans

The booleans are isomorphic to a Basic MLTT type:

open import isomorphisms

Bool-isomorphism : Bool  𝟙  𝟙
Bool-isomorphism = record { bijection = f ; bijectivity = f-is-bijection }
  f : Bool  𝟙  𝟙
  f false = inl 
  f true  = inr 

  g : 𝟙  𝟙  Bool
  g (inl ) = false
  g (inr ) = true

  gf : g  f  id
  gf true  = refl true
  gf false = refl false

  fg : f  g  id
  fg (inl ) = refl (inl )
  fg (inr ) = refl (inr )

  f-is-bijection : is-bijection f
  f-is-bijection = record { inverse = g ; η = gf ; ε = fg }

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