module J-AC-N where

open import Logic
open import LogicalFacts
open import JK-LogicalFacts
open import Naturals
open import Addition
open import JK-Monads
open import Choice
open import Equality
open import J-Shift

-- Proof of the J translation of the axiom of countable choice        --
-- from the proof of the axiom of choice using J-∀-shift as a lemma.  --

J-AC-ℕ : {R : Ω} {X :   Set} {P : (n : )  X n  Ω} 
           (∀(n : )  J∃ \(x : X n)  P n x)
         J∃ \(f : ((n : )  X n))  ∀(n : )  P n (f n)

J-AC-ℕ {R} = (J-functor {R} AC)  J-∀-shift

--                                          --
-- Now the translations of dependent choice --
--                                          --

J-∀-double-shift : {R : Ω} {P :       Ω} 
     (∀(n : )  ∀(x : )  J∃ \(y : )  P n x y) 
     J(∀(n : )  ∀(x : )   \(y : )  P n x y)

J-∀-double-shift {R} f = J-∀-shift {R}  n  J-∀-shift (f n))

J-DC-ℕ : {R : Ω} {P :       Ω} 
      ∀(x₀ : ) 
     (∀(n : )  ∀(x : )  J∃ \(y : )  P n x y) 
     J∃ \(α :   )  α O  x₀  (∀(n : )  P n (α n) (α(n + 1)))

J-DC-ℕ {R} x₀ f = (J-functor {R} (DC x₀)) (J-∀-double-shift f)