Tom de Jong, 25 & 26 January 2022.

We show that 𝟙 + X is a small compact basis for the pointed dcpo 𝓛 X. In
particular, this dcpo is algebraic.


{-# OPTIONS --safe --without-K --lossy-unification #-}

open import MLTT.Spartan

open import UF.FunExt
open import UF.PropTrunc
open import UF.Subsingletons

module DomainTheory.Lifting.LiftingSetAlgebraic
        (pt : propositional-truncations-exist)
        (pe : Prop-Ext)
        (fe : Fun-Ext)
        (𝓤 : Universe)

open import UF.Equiv
open import UF.ImageAndSurjection pt
open import UF.Sets

open PropositionalTruncation pt

open import Lifting.Construction 𝓤 hiding ()
open import Lifting.EmbeddingDirectly 𝓤 hiding (κ)
open import Lifting.Miscelanea 𝓤
open import Lifting.Miscelanea-PropExt-FunExt 𝓤 pe fe

open import DomainTheory.Basics.Dcpo pt fe 𝓤
open import DomainTheory.Basics.Miscelanea pt fe 𝓤
open import DomainTheory.Basics.Pointed pt fe 𝓤
open import DomainTheory.Basics.WayBelow pt fe 𝓤

open import DomainTheory.BasesAndContinuity.Bases pt fe 𝓤
open import DomainTheory.BasesAndContinuity.Continuity pt fe 𝓤

open import DomainTheory.Lifting.LiftingSet pt fe 𝓤 pe

module _
        {X : 𝓤 ̇ }
        (X-is-set : is-set X)

 open import Lifting.UnivalentPrecategory 𝓤 X


The order _⊑'_ is convenient for many purposes, but it does have large truth
values. However, because _⊑_ has small truth values the dcpo 𝓛 X is still
locally small.


 𝓛-is-locally-small : is-locally-small (𝓛-DCPO X-is-set)
 𝓛-is-locally-small = record { _⊑ₛ_ = _⊑_ ; ⊑ₛ-≃-⊑ = γ }
   γ : {x y : 𝓛 X}  (x  y)  (x ⊑' y)
   γ {x} {y} = logically-equivalent-props-are-equivalent
                (⊑-prop-valued fe fe X-is-set x y)
                (⊑'-prop-valued X-is-set)
                ⊑-to-⊑' ⊑'-to-⊑


A small compact basis for 𝓛 X will be given by [⊥ , η] : 𝟙 + X → 𝓛 X.


 κ : 𝟙{𝓤} + X  𝓛 X
 κ (inl ) =  (𝓛-DCPO⊥ X-is-set)
 κ (inr x) = η x

 κ⁺ : (l : 𝓛 X)  (Σ i  (𝟙 + X) , κ i ⊑' l)  𝓛 X
 κ⁺ l = κ  pr₁

 κ⁺-is-directed : (l : 𝓛 X)  is-Directed (𝓛-DCPO X-is-set) (κ⁺ l)
 κ⁺-is-directed l = inh , semidir
   inh :  i  (𝟙 + X) , κ i ⊑' l
   inh =  inl  , ⊥-is-least (𝓛-DCPO⊥ X-is-set) l 
   semidir : is-semidirected _⊑'_ (κ⁺ l)
   semidir (inl  , u) (inl  , v) =  (inl  , u)
                                     , ⊑'-is-reflexive , ⊑'-is-reflexive 
   semidir (inl  , u) (inr y , v) =  (inr y , v)
                                     , ⊥-is-least (𝓛-DCPO⊥ X-is-set) (η y)
                                     , ⊑'-is-reflexive 
   semidir (inr x , u) (inl  , pr₄) =  (inr x , u)
                                       , ⊑'-is-reflexive
                                       , (⊥-is-least (𝓛-DCPO⊥ X-is-set) (η x)) 
   semidir (inr x , u) (inr y , v) =  (inr x , u)
                                     , ⊑'-is-reflexive ,  _  e) 
     e = η y =⟨ v       
         l   =⟨ (u ) ⁻¹ 
         η x 

 κ⁺-sup : (l : 𝓛 X)  is-sup _⊑'_ l (κ⁺ l)
 κ⁺-sup l = ub , lb-of-ubs
   ub : (i : domain (κ⁺ l))  κ⁺ l i ⊑' l
   ub (i , u) = u
   lb-of-ubs : is-lowerbound-of-upperbounds _⊑'_ l (κ⁺ l)
   lb-of-ubs m m-is-ub l-is-def = l                    =⟨ ⦅1⦆ 
                                  η (value l l-is-def) =⟨ ⦅2⦆ 
     ⦅1⦆ : l  η (value l l-is-def)
     ⦅1⦆ = is-defined-η-= l-is-def
     ⦅2⦆ : η (value l l-is-def)  m
     ⦅2⦆ = m-is-ub (inr (value l l-is-def) , v) 
       v : κ (inr (value l l-is-def)) ⊑' l
       v _ = ⦅1⦆ ⁻¹

 ηs-are-compact : (x : X)  is-compact (𝓛-DCPO X-is-set) (η x)
 ηs-are-compact x I α δ ηx-below-∐α =
  ∥∥-functor h (=-to-is-defined (ηx-below-∐α ) )
    h : (Σ i  I , is-defined (α i))
       (Σ i  I , η x ⊑' α i)
    h (i , pᵢ) = i ,  _  e)
      e : η x  α i
      e = η x                      =⟨ ηx-below-∐α  
          lifting-sup X-is-set α δ =⟨ e'            
          α i                      
        e' = (family-defined-somewhere-sup-= X-is-set δ i pᵢ) ⁻¹

 compact-if-in-image-of-κ : (l : 𝓛 X)
                           l ∈image κ
                           is-compact (𝓛-DCPO X-is-set) l
 compact-if-in-image-of-κ l l-in-image-of-κ =
  ∥∥-rec (being-compact-is-prop (𝓛-DCPO X-is-set) l) γ l-in-image-of-κ
    γ : (Σ i  domain κ , κ i  l)
       is-compact (𝓛-DCPO X-is-set) l
    γ (inl  , refl) = ⊥-is-compact (𝓛-DCPO⊥ X-is-set)
    γ (inr x , refl) = ηs-are-compact x

 in-image-of-κ-if-compact : (l : 𝓛 X)
                           is-compact (𝓛-DCPO X-is-set) l
                           l ∈image κ
 in-image-of-κ-if-compact l@(P , φ , P-is-prop) l-cpt = ∥∥-functor goal claim
   I : 𝓤 ̇
   I = 𝟙{𝓤} + P
   α : I  𝓛 X
   α = add-⊥ (𝓛-DCPO⊥ X-is-set) (η  φ)
   δ : is-Directed (𝓛-DCPO X-is-set) α
   -- We use --lossy-unification here to speed up typechecking
   δ = add-⊥-is-directed (𝓛-DCPO⊥ X-is-set) σ
     σ : is-semidirected _⊑'_ (η  φ)
     σ = subsingleton-indexed-is-semidirected (𝓛-DCPO X-is-set) (η  φ) P-is-prop
   l-below-∐α : l ⊑'  (𝓛-DCPO X-is-set) δ
   l-below-∐α p = l                      =⟨ ⦅1⦆ 
                  η (φ p)                =⟨ ⦅2⦆ 
                   (𝓛-DCPO X-is-set) δ 
     ⦅1⦆ = is-defined-η-= p
     ⦅2⦆ = ∐-is-upperbound (𝓛-DCPO X-is-set) δ (inr p) 
   claim :  i  I , l ⊑' α i
   claim = l-cpt I α δ l-below-∐α
   goal : (Σ i  I , l ⊑' α i)
         (Σ k  domain κ , κ k  l)
   goal (inl  , lᵢ) =
    (inl  , ⊑'-is-antisymmetric (⊥-is-least (𝓛-DCPO⊥ X-is-set) l) lᵢ)
   goal (inr p , lᵢ) =
    (inr (φ p) , ((lᵢ p) ⁻¹))

 κ-is-small-compact-basis : is-small-compact-basis (𝓛-DCPO X-is-set) κ
 κ-is-small-compact-basis =
   { basis-is-compact = λ b  compact-if-in-image-of-κ (κ b)  b , refl 
   ; ⊑ᴮ-is-small      = λ l b   local-smallness-equivalent-definitions
                                 (𝓛-DCPO X-is-set) 
                              𝓛-is-locally-small (κ b) l
   ; ↓ᴮ-is-directed   = κ⁺-is-directed
   ; ↓ᴮ-is-sup        = κ⁺-sup

 𝓛-has-specified-small-compact-basis : has-specified-small-compact-basis
                                         (𝓛-DCPO X-is-set)
 𝓛-has-specified-small-compact-basis = ((𝟙 + X) , κ , κ-is-small-compact-basis)

 𝓛-structurally-algebraic : structurally-algebraic (𝓛-DCPO X-is-set)
 𝓛-structurally-algebraic =
   (𝓛-DCPO X-is-set) 𝓛-has-specified-small-compact-basis

 𝓛-is-algebraic-dcpo : is-algebraic-dcpo (𝓛-DCPO X-is-set)
 𝓛-is-algebraic-dcpo =  𝓛-structurally-algebraic 


TODO: Show that freely adding a least element to a dcpo gives an algebraic dcpo
      with a small compact basis if the original dcpo had a small compact basis.
      (Do so in another file, e.g. LiftingDcpoAlgebraic.lagda).

Added 5 July 2024 for clarity.


 compact-iff-⊥-or-η : (l : 𝓛 X)
                     is-compact (𝓛-DCPO X-is-set) l
                     ((l   (𝓛-DCPO⊥ X-is-set)) + (Σ x  X , η x  l))
 compact-iff-⊥-or-η l = I , II
   I : is-compact (𝓛-DCPO X-is-set) l
      (l   (𝓛-DCPO⊥ X-is-set)) + (Σ x  X , η x  l)
   I c = ∥∥-rec (+-is-prop (sethood (𝓛-DCPO X-is-set))
                           (η-is-embedding pe fe fe fe l)
                  (in-image-of-κ-if-compact l c)
     I₁ : l   (𝓛-DCPO⊥ X-is-set)  ¬ (Σ x  X , η x  l)
     I₁ refl (x , e) = ⊥-is-not-η x (e ⁻¹)
     I₂ : (Σ b  𝟙 + X , κ b  l)
         (l   (𝓛-DCPO⊥ X-is-set)) + (Σ x  X , η x  l)
     I₂ (inl  , refl) = inl refl
     I₂ (inr x , refl) = inr (x , refl)
   II : ((l   (𝓛-DCPO⊥ X-is-set)) + (Σ x  X , η x  l))
       is-compact (𝓛-DCPO X-is-set) l
   II (inl refl)       = ⊥-is-compact (𝓛-DCPO⊥ X-is-set)
   II (inr (x , refl)) = ηs-are-compact x

 compact-iff-is-defined-decidable : (l : 𝓛 X)
                                   is-compact (𝓛-DCPO X-is-set) l
                                   is-decidable (is-defined l)
 compact-iff-is-defined-decidable l = I , II
   I : is-compact (𝓛-DCPO X-is-set) l  is-decidable (is-defined l)
   I c = h (lr-implication (compact-iff-⊥-or-η l) c)
     h : (l   (𝓛-DCPO⊥ X-is-set)) + (Σ x  X , η x  l)
        is-decidable (is-defined l)
     h (inl refl)       = inr 𝟘-elim
     h (inr (x , refl)) = inl 
   II : is-decidable (is-defined l)  is-compact (𝓛-DCPO X-is-set) l
   II d = rl-implication (compact-iff-⊥-or-η l) (h d)
     h : is-decidable (is-defined l)
        (l   (𝓛-DCPO⊥ X-is-set)) + (Σ x  X , η x  l)
     h (inl  p) = inr ((value l p) , ((is-defined-η-= p) ⁻¹))
     h (inr np) = inl (not-defined-⊥-= np)
