Tom de Jong, early January 2022.
We define small (compact) basis for dcpos. Our notion of a small basis is almost
like in classical domain theory [1,2], but includes an additional smallness
condition, that is similar but different to Aczel's [3] notion of a
set-generated dcpo. A similar smallness criterion in the context of category
theory also appears in [Proposition 2.16, 4].
A notable feature of dcpos with small bases is that they and their exponentials
are locally small.
In IdealCompletion-Properties, we show that having a small basis is equivalent
to being presented by ideals.
If a dcpo has a small basis, then it continuous. In fact, all our examples of
continuous and algebraic dcpos are actually examples of dcpos with small
(compact) bases.
[1] Definition III-4.1 in "Continuous lattices and domains" by Gierz. et al.
[2] Section 2.2.2 of "Domain Theory" by Abramsky and Jung
[3] "Aspects of general topology in constructive set theory" by Aczel
[4] "Continuous categories and exponentiable toposes" by Johnstone and Joyal
{-# OPTIONS --safe --without-K #-}
open import MLTT.Spartan hiding (J)
open import UF.FunExt
open import UF.PropTrunc
module DomainTheory.BasesAndContinuity.Bases
(pt : propositional-truncations-exist)
(fe : Fun-Ext)
(𝓥 : Universe)
open PropositionalTruncation pt
open import UF.Equiv
open import UF.EquivalenceExamples
open import UF.Size hiding (is-small ; is-locally-small)
open import UF.Subsingletons
open import UF.Subsingletons-FunExt
open import DomainTheory.Basics.Dcpo pt fe 𝓥
open import DomainTheory.Basics.Miscelanea pt fe 𝓥
open import DomainTheory.Basics.WayBelow pt fe 𝓥
open import DomainTheory.BasesAndContinuity.Continuity pt fe 𝓥
The idea of a small basis is that we have a small-indexed family β : B → D into
a dcpo such that for every x : D, the collection of b : B such that β b ≪ x is
small, directed and has supremum x. Thus, if we wish to approximate an element
of D, we only need the elements of B to do so.
module _
(𝓓 : DCPO {𝓤} {𝓣})
{B : 𝓥 ̇ }
(β : B → ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩)
↡ᴮ : ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ → 𝓥 ⁺ ⊔ 𝓤 ⊔ 𝓣 ̇
↡ᴮ x = Σ b ꞉ B , β b ≪⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ x
↡-inclusion : (x : ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩) → ↡ᴮ x → ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩
↡-inclusion x = β ∘ pr₁
record is-small-basis : 𝓥 ⁺ ⊔ 𝓤 ⊔ 𝓣 ̇ where
≪ᴮ-is-small : (x : ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩) (b : B) → is-small (β b ≪⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ x)
↡ᴮ-is-directed : (x : ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩) → is-Directed 𝓓 (↡-inclusion x)
↡ᴮ-is-sup : (x : ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩) → is-sup (underlying-order 𝓓) x (↡-inclusion x)
Notice how we required β b ≪ x to be a small type for every b : B and x : D. We
write some boiler plate around that.
_≪ᴮₛ_ : (b : B) (x : ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩) → 𝓥 ̇
b ≪ᴮₛ x = pr₁ (≪ᴮ-is-small x b)
≪ᴮₛ-≃-≪ᴮ : {b : B} {x : ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩} → (b ≪ᴮₛ x) ≃ (β b ≪⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ x)
≪ᴮₛ-≃-≪ᴮ {b} {x} = pr₂ (≪ᴮ-is-small x b)
≪ᴮₛ-to-≪ᴮ : {b : B} {x : ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩} → (b ≪ᴮₛ x) → (β b ≪⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ x)
≪ᴮₛ-to-≪ᴮ = ⌜ ≪ᴮₛ-≃-≪ᴮ ⌝
≪ᴮ-to-≪ᴮₛ : {b : B} {x : ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩} → (β b ≪⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ x) → (b ≪ᴮₛ x)
≪ᴮ-to-≪ᴮₛ = ⌜ ≪ᴮₛ-≃-≪ᴮ ⌝⁻¹
≪ᴮₛ-is-prop-valued : {b : B} {x : ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩} → is-prop (b ≪ᴮₛ x)
≪ᴮₛ-is-prop-valued = equiv-to-prop ≪ᴮₛ-≃-≪ᴮ (≪-is-prop-valued 𝓓)
↡ᴮₛ : ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ → 𝓥 ̇
↡ᴮₛ x = Σ b ꞉ B , (b ≪ᴮₛ x)
↡-inclusionₛ : (x : ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩) → ↡ᴮₛ x → ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩
↡-inclusionₛ x = β ∘ pr₁
↡ᴮₛ-is-directed : (x : ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩) → is-Directed 𝓓 (↡-inclusionₛ x)
↡ᴮₛ-is-directed x = reindexed-family-is-directed 𝓓
(Σ-cong (λ b → ≃-sym ≪ᴮₛ-≃-≪ᴮ))
(↡-inclusion x) (↡ᴮ-is-directed x)
↡ᴮₛ-∐-= : (x : ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩) → ∐ 𝓓 (↡ᴮₛ-is-directed x) = x
↡ᴮₛ-∐-= x = antisymmetry 𝓓 (∐ 𝓓 (↡ᴮₛ-is-directed x)) x ⦅1⦆ ⦅2⦆
⦅1⦆ : ∐ 𝓓 (↡ᴮₛ-is-directed x) ⊑⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ x
⦅1⦆ = ∐-is-lowerbound-of-upperbounds 𝓓 (↡ᴮₛ-is-directed x) x
(λ (b , u) → sup-is-upperbound (underlying-order 𝓓) (↡ᴮ-is-sup x)
(b , ≪ᴮₛ-to-≪ᴮ u))
⦅2⦆ : x ⊑⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ ∐ 𝓓 (↡ᴮₛ-is-directed x)
⦅2⦆ = sup-is-lowerbound-of-upperbounds (underlying-order 𝓓) (↡ᴮ-is-sup x)
(∐ 𝓓 (↡ᴮₛ-is-directed x))
(λ (b , v) → ∐-is-upperbound 𝓓 (↡ᴮₛ-is-directed x)
(b , ≪ᴮ-to-≪ᴮₛ v))
↡ᴮₛ-is-sup : (x : ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩)
→ is-sup (underlying-order 𝓓) x (↡-inclusionₛ x)
↡ᴮₛ-is-sup x =
transport (λ - → is-sup (underlying-order 𝓓) - (↡-inclusionₛ x))
(↡ᴮₛ-∐-= x)
(∐-is-sup 𝓓 (↡ᴮₛ-is-directed x))
↡ᴮₛ-∐-⊑ : (x : ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩) → ∐ 𝓓 (↡ᴮₛ-is-directed x) ⊑⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ x
↡ᴮₛ-∐-⊑ x = =-to-⊑ 𝓓 (↡ᴮₛ-∐-= x)
↡ᴮₛ-∐-⊒ : (x : ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩) → x ⊑⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ ∐ 𝓓 (↡ᴮₛ-is-directed x)
↡ᴮₛ-∐-⊒ x = =-to-⊒ 𝓓 (↡ᴮₛ-∐-= x)
↡ᴮₛ-is-way-below : (x : ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩) (b : ↡ᴮₛ x) → ↡-inclusionₛ x b ≪⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ x
↡ᴮₛ-is-way-below x (b , u) = ≪ᴮₛ-to-≪ᴮ u
We prove that being a small basis is a property, for which we first show that
our record-based definition is equivalent to one using Σ-types.
module _
(𝓓 : DCPO {𝓤} {𝓣})
{B : 𝓥 ̇ }
(β : B → ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩)
is-small-basis-Σ : 𝓥 ⁺ ⊔ 𝓤 ⊔ 𝓣 ̇
is-small-basis-Σ = (x : ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩) → ((b : B) → is-small (β b ≪⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ x))
× is-Directed 𝓓 (↡-inclusion 𝓓 β x)
× is-sup (underlying-order 𝓓) x
(↡-inclusion 𝓓 β x)
being-small-basis-Σ-is-prop : Prop-Ext → is-prop is-small-basis-Σ
being-small-basis-Σ-is-prop pe =
Π-is-prop fe (λ x →
×₃-is-prop (Π-is-prop fe
(λ b → prop-being-small-is-prop (λ _ → pe) (λ _ _ → fe)
(β b ≪⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ x) (≪-is-prop-valued 𝓓)))
(being-directed-is-prop (underlying-order 𝓓) (↡-inclusion 𝓓 β x))
(is-sup-is-prop (underlying-order 𝓓) (pr₁ (axioms-of-dcpo 𝓓))
x (↡-inclusion 𝓓 β x)))
is-small-basis-≃ : is-small-basis 𝓓 β ≃ is-small-basis-Σ
is-small-basis-≃ = qinveq f (g , (λ _ → refl) , (λ _ → refl))
f : is-small-basis 𝓓 β → is-small-basis-Σ
f sb x = (≪ᴮ-is-small x , ↡ᴮ-is-directed x , ↡ᴮ-is-sup x)
open is-small-basis sb
g : is-small-basis-Σ → is-small-basis 𝓓 β
g sb =
{ ≪ᴮ-is-small = λ x → pr₁ (sb x)
; ↡ᴮ-is-directed = λ x → pr₁ (pr₂ (sb x))
; ↡ᴮ-is-sup = λ x → pr₂ (pr₂ (sb x))
being-small-basis-is-prop : Prop-Ext → is-prop (is-small-basis 𝓓 β)
being-small-basis-is-prop pe = equiv-to-prop is-small-basis-≃
(being-small-basis-Σ-is-prop pe)
It follows almost immediately that a dcpo that comes equipped with a small basis
is structurally continuous and this in turn implies that a dcpo with some
unspecified small basis must be continuous.
module _
(𝓓 : DCPO {𝓤} {𝓣})
has-specified-small-basis : 𝓥 ⁺ ⊔ 𝓤 ⊔ 𝓣 ̇
has-specified-small-basis = Σ B ꞉ 𝓥 ̇ , Σ β ꞉ (B → ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩) , is-small-basis 𝓓 β
has-unspecified-small-basis : 𝓥 ⁺ ⊔ 𝓤 ⊔ 𝓣 ̇
has-unspecified-small-basis = ∥ has-specified-small-basis ∥
structurally-continuous-if-specified-small-basis : has-specified-small-basis
→ structurally-continuous 𝓓
structurally-continuous-if-specified-small-basis (B , β , sb) =
{ index-of-approximating-family = ↡ᴮₛ
; approximating-family = ↡-inclusionₛ
; approximating-family-is-directed = ↡ᴮₛ-is-directed
; approximating-family-is-way-below = ↡ᴮₛ-is-way-below
; approximating-family-∐-= = ↡ᴮₛ-∐-=
open is-small-basis sb
is-continuous-dcpo-if-unspecified-small-basis : has-unspecified-small-basis
→ is-continuous-dcpo 𝓓
is-continuous-dcpo-if-unspecified-small-basis =
∥∥-functor structurally-continuous-if-specified-small-basis
A useful consequence of having a small basis is that the dcpo in question must
be locally small, as we show now.
module _
(𝓓 : DCPO {𝓤} {𝓣})
{B : 𝓥 ̇ }
(β : B → ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩)
(sb : is-small-basis 𝓓 β)
open is-small-basis sb
⊑-in-terms-of-≪ᴮ : {x y : ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩}
→ (x ⊑⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ y) ≃ (∀ (b : B) → β b ≪⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ x → β b ≪⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ y)
⊑-in-terms-of-≪ᴮ {x} {y} =
(prop-valuedness 𝓓 x y)
(Π₂-is-prop fe (λ b u → ≪-is-prop-valued 𝓓)) ⦅⇒⦆ ⦅⇐⦆
⦅⇒⦆ : x ⊑⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ y → (∀ (b : B) → β b ≪⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ x → β b ≪⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ y)
⦅⇒⦆ x-below-y b b-way-below-x = ≪-⊑-to-≪ 𝓓 b-way-below-x x-below-y
⦅⇐⦆ : (∀ (b : B) → β b ≪⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ x → β b ≪⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ y) → x ⊑⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ y
⦅⇐⦆ h = sup-is-lowerbound-of-upperbounds (underlying-order 𝓓)
(↡ᴮ-is-sup x) y
(λ (b , b-way-below-x) → ≪-to-⊑ 𝓓 (h b b-way-below-x))
locally-small-if-small-basis : is-locally-small 𝓓
locally-small-if-small-basis =
⌜ local-smallness-equivalent-definitions 𝓓 ⌝⁻¹ γ
γ : is-locally-small' 𝓓
γ x y = (∀ (b : B) → b ≪ᴮₛ x → b ≪ᴮₛ y) , e
e = (∀ (b : B) → b ≪ᴮₛ x → b ≪ᴮₛ y) ≃⟨ I ⟩
(∀ (b : B) → b ≪ᴮₛ x → β b ≪⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ y) ≃⟨ II ⟩
(∀ (b : B) → β b ≪⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ x → β b ≪⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ y) ≃⟨ III ⟩
x ⊑⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ y ■
I = Π-cong fe fe (λ b → →cong fe fe (≃-refl (b ≪ᴮₛ x)) ≪ᴮₛ-≃-≪ᴮ)
II = Π-cong fe fe (λ b → →cong fe fe ≪ᴮₛ-≃-≪ᴮ (≃-refl (β b ≪⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ y)))
III = ≃-sym (⊑-in-terms-of-≪ᴮ)
≪-is-small-valued-if-small-basis : (x y : ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩) → is-small (x ≪⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ y)
≪-is-small-valued-if-small-basis =
≪-is-small-valued-str 𝓓
(structurally-continuous-if-specified-small-basis 𝓓 (B , β , sb))
If a dcpo comes equipped with a small basis B, then the interpolants for the
way-below relation can be found in B.
≪-nullary-interpolation-basis : (x : ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩) → ∃ b ꞉ B , β b ≪⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ x
≪-nullary-interpolation-basis x =
∥∥-functor id (inhabited-if-Directed 𝓓 (↡-inclusion 𝓓 β x) (↡ᴮ-is-directed x))
≪-unary-interpolation-basis : {x y : ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩} → x ≪⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ y
→ ∃ b ꞉ B , (x ≪⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ β b) × (β b ≪⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ y)
≪-unary-interpolation-basis {x} {y} x-way-below-y =
∥∥-rec ∃-is-prop γ (≪-unary-interpolation-str 𝓓 C x-way-below-y)
C : structurally-continuous 𝓓
C = structurally-continuous-if-specified-small-basis 𝓓 (B , β , sb)
open structurally-continuous C
γ : (Σ d ꞉ ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ , x ≪⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ d × d ≪⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ y)
→ ∃ b ꞉ B , x ≪⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ (β b) × β b ≪⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ y
γ (d , x-wb-d , d-wb-y) =
∥∥-functor σ (d-wb-y (↡ᴮₛ y) (↡-inclusionₛ y)
(↡ᴮₛ-is-directed y) (↡ᴮₛ-∐-⊒ y))
σ : (Σ b ꞉ ↡ᴮₛ y , d ⊑⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ ↡-inclusionₛ y b)
→ Σ b ꞉ B , x ≪⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ (β b) × β b ≪⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ y
σ ((b , b-wb-y) , d-below-b) = b , ≪-⊑-to-≪ 𝓓 x-wb-d d-below-b
, ≪ᴮₛ-to-≪ᴮ b-wb-y
≪-binary-interpolation-basis : {x y z : ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩} → x ≪⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ z → y ≪⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ z
→ ∃ b ꞉ B , (x ≪⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ β b)
× (y ≪⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ β b)
× (β b ≪⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ z )
≪-binary-interpolation-basis {x} {y} {z} x-wb-z y-wb-z =
∥∥-rec ∃-is-prop γ (≪-binary-interpolation-str 𝓓 C x-wb-z y-wb-z)
C : structurally-continuous 𝓓
C = structurally-continuous-if-specified-small-basis 𝓓 (B , β , sb)
open structurally-continuous C
γ : (Σ d ꞉ ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ , x ≪⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ d × y ≪⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ d × d ≪⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ z)
→ ∃ b ꞉ B , x ≪⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ β b × y ≪⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ β b × β b ≪⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ z
γ (d , x-wb-d , y-wb-d , d-wb-z) =
∥∥-functor σ (d-wb-z (↡ᴮₛ z) (↡-inclusionₛ z)
(↡ᴮₛ-is-directed z) (↡ᴮₛ-∐-⊒ z))
σ : (Σ b ꞉ ↡ᴮₛ z , d ⊑⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ ↡-inclusionₛ z b)
→ Σ b ꞉ B , x ≪⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ β b × y ≪⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ β b × β b ≪⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ z
σ ((b , b-wb-z) , d-below-b) = b , ≪-⊑-to-≪ 𝓓 x-wb-d d-below-b
, ≪-⊑-to-≪ 𝓓 y-wb-d d-below-b
, ≪ᴮₛ-to-≪ᴮ b-wb-z
Now that we have established the basics of small bases, we introduce and study
small compact basis. The idea of a small compact basis is that we have a
small-indexed family β : B → D into a dcpo such that for β b is compact for
every b : B, and for every x : D, the collection of b : B such that β b ⊑ x is
small, directed and has supremum x. Thus, if we wish to approximate an element
of D, we can do so using compact elements from B.
module _
(𝓓 : DCPO {𝓤} {𝓣})
{B : 𝓥 ̇ }
(β : B → ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩)
↓ᴮ : ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ → 𝓥 ⊔ 𝓣 ̇
↓ᴮ x = Σ b ꞉ B , β b ⊑⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ x
↓-inclusion : (x : ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩) → ↓ᴮ x → ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩
↓-inclusion x = β ∘ pr₁
record is-small-compact-basis : 𝓥 ⁺ ⊔ 𝓤 ⊔ 𝓣 ̇ where
basis-is-compact : (b : B) → is-compact 𝓓 (β b)
⊑ᴮ-is-small : (x : ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩) (b : B) → is-small (β b ⊑⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ x)
↓ᴮ-is-directed : (x : ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩) → is-Directed 𝓓 (↓-inclusion x)
↓ᴮ-is-sup : (x : ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩) → is-sup (underlying-order 𝓓) x (↓-inclusion x)
_⊑ᴮₛ_ : (b : B) (x : ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩) → 𝓥 ̇
b ⊑ᴮₛ x = pr₁ (⊑ᴮ-is-small x b)
⊑ᴮₛ-≃-⊑ᴮ : {b : B} {x : ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩} → (b ⊑ᴮₛ x) ≃ (β b ⊑⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ x)
⊑ᴮₛ-≃-⊑ᴮ {b} {x} = pr₂ (⊑ᴮ-is-small x b)
⊑ᴮₛ-to-⊑ᴮ : {b : B} {x : ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩} → (b ⊑ᴮₛ x) → (β b ⊑⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ x)
⊑ᴮₛ-to-⊑ᴮ {b} {x} = ⌜ ⊑ᴮₛ-≃-⊑ᴮ ⌝
⊑ᴮ-to-⊑ᴮₛ : {b : B} {x : ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩} → (β b ⊑⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ x) → (b ⊑ᴮₛ x)
⊑ᴮ-to-⊑ᴮₛ {b} {x} = ⌜ ⊑ᴮₛ-≃-⊑ᴮ ⌝⁻¹
⊑ᴮₛ-is-prop-valued : {b : B} {x : ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩} → is-prop (b ⊑ᴮₛ x)
⊑ᴮₛ-is-prop-valued {b} {x} = equiv-to-prop ⊑ᴮₛ-≃-⊑ᴮ (prop-valuedness 𝓓 (β b) x)
↓ᴮₛ : ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ → 𝓥 ̇
↓ᴮₛ x = Σ b ꞉ B , (b ⊑ᴮₛ x)
↓-inclusionₛ : (x : ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩) → ↓ᴮₛ x → ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩
↓-inclusionₛ x = β ∘ pr₁
↓ᴮₛ-is-directed : (x : ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩) → is-Directed 𝓓 (↓-inclusionₛ x)
↓ᴮₛ-is-directed x = reindexed-family-is-directed 𝓓
(Σ-cong (λ b → ≃-sym ⊑ᴮₛ-≃-⊑ᴮ))
(↓-inclusion x) (↓ᴮ-is-directed x)
↓ᴮₛ-∐-= : (x : ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩) → ∐ 𝓓 (↓ᴮₛ-is-directed x) = x
↓ᴮₛ-∐-= x = antisymmetry 𝓓 (∐ 𝓓 (↓ᴮₛ-is-directed x)) x ⦅1⦆ ⦅2⦆
⦅1⦆ : ∐ 𝓓 (↓ᴮₛ-is-directed x) ⊑⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ x
⦅1⦆ = ∐-is-lowerbound-of-upperbounds 𝓓 (↓ᴮₛ-is-directed x) x
(λ (b , u) → sup-is-upperbound (underlying-order 𝓓) (↓ᴮ-is-sup x)
(b , ⊑ᴮₛ-to-⊑ᴮ u))
⦅2⦆ : x ⊑⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ ∐ 𝓓 (↓ᴮₛ-is-directed x)
⦅2⦆ = sup-is-lowerbound-of-upperbounds (underlying-order 𝓓) (↓ᴮ-is-sup x)
(∐ 𝓓 (↓ᴮₛ-is-directed x))
(λ (b , v) → ∐-is-upperbound 𝓓 (↓ᴮₛ-is-directed x)
(b , ⊑ᴮ-to-⊑ᴮₛ v))
↓ᴮₛ-∐-⊑ : (x : ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩) → ∐ 𝓓 (↓ᴮₛ-is-directed x) ⊑⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ x
↓ᴮₛ-∐-⊑ x = =-to-⊑ 𝓓 (↓ᴮₛ-∐-= x)
↓ᴮₛ-∐-⊒ : (x : ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩) → x ⊑⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ ∐ 𝓓 (↓ᴮₛ-is-directed x)
↓ᴮₛ-∐-⊒ x = =-to-⊒ 𝓓 (↓ᴮₛ-∐-= x)
↓ᴮₛ-compact : (x : ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩) (b : ↓ᴮₛ x) → is-compact 𝓓 (↓-inclusionₛ x b)
↓ᴮₛ-compact x (b , u) = basis-is-compact b
Of course, every small compact basis is a small basis, and alternatively, we
could have defined a small compact basis as a small basis such that every basis
element is compact.
compact-basis-is-basis : is-small-compact-basis
→ is-small-basis 𝓓 β
compact-basis-is-basis scb =
{ ≪ᴮ-is-small = λ x b → ( b ⊑ᴮₛ x
, ((b ⊑ᴮₛ x) ≃⟨ ⊑ᴮₛ-≃-⊑ᴮ ⟩
(β b ⊑⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ x) ≃⟨ lemma b ⟩
(β b ≪⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ x) ■))
; ↡ᴮ-is-directed = λ x → reindexed-family-is-directed 𝓓
(↓ᴮ-≃-↡ᴮ x) (↓-inclusion x) (↓ᴮ-is-directed x)
; ↡ᴮ-is-sup = λ x → reindexed-family-sup 𝓓 (↓ᴮ-≃-↡ᴮ x) (↓-inclusion x)
x (↓ᴮ-is-sup x)
open is-small-compact-basis scb
lemma : (b : B) {x : ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩} → (β b ⊑⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ x) ≃ (β b ≪⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ x)
lemma b = compact-⊑-≃-≪ 𝓓 (basis-is-compact b)
↓ᴮ-≃-↡ᴮ : (x : ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩) → ↓ᴮ x ≃ ↡ᴮ 𝓓 β x
↓ᴮ-≃-↡ᴮ x = Σ-cong (λ b → lemma b)
locally-small-if-small-compact-basis : is-small-compact-basis
→ is-locally-small 𝓓
locally-small-if-small-compact-basis scb =
locally-small-if-small-basis 𝓓 β (compact-basis-is-basis scb)
small-and-compact-basis : is-small-basis 𝓓 β
→ ((b : B) → is-compact 𝓓 (β b))
→ is-small-compact-basis
small-and-compact-basis β-is-small-basis κ =
{ basis-is-compact = κ
; ⊑ᴮ-is-small = λ x b → ( b ≪ᴮₛ x
, ((b ≪ᴮₛ x) ≃⟨ ≪ᴮₛ-≃-≪ᴮ ⟩
β b ≪⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ x ≃⟨ lemma b ⟩
β b ⊑⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ x ■))
; ↓ᴮ-is-directed = λ x → reindexed-family-is-directed 𝓓
(↡ᴮ-≃-↓ᴮ x) (↡-inclusion 𝓓 β x) (↡ᴮ-is-directed x)
; ↓ᴮ-is-sup = λ x → reindexed-family-sup 𝓓
(↡ᴮ-≃-↓ᴮ x) (↡-inclusion 𝓓 β x) x (↡ᴮ-is-sup x)
open is-small-basis β-is-small-basis
lemma : (b : B) {x : ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩} → (β b ≪⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ x) ≃ (β b ⊑⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ x)
lemma b = ≃-sym (compact-⊑-≃-≪ 𝓓 (κ b))
↡ᴮ-≃-↓ᴮ : (x : ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩) → ↡ᴮ 𝓓 β x ≃ ↓ᴮ x
↡ᴮ-≃-↓ᴮ x = Σ-cong (λ b → lemma b)
In fact, a small compact basis must contain every compact element.
small-compact-basis-contains-all-compact-elements : is-small-compact-basis
→ (x : ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩)
→ is-compact 𝓓 x
→ ∃ b ꞉ B , β b = x
small-compact-basis-contains-all-compact-elements scb x x-is-compact =
∥∥-functor γ (x-is-compact (↓ᴮₛ x) (↓-inclusionₛ x)
(↓ᴮₛ-is-directed x) (↓ᴮₛ-∐-⊒ x))
open is-small-compact-basis scb
γ : (Σ (b , b-below-x) ꞉ ↓ᴮₛ x , x ⊑⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ β b)
→ (Σ b ꞉ B , β b = x)
γ ((b , b-below-x) , x-below-b) = (b , e)
e : β b = x
e = antisymmetry 𝓓 (β b) x (⊑ᴮₛ-to-⊑ᴮ b-below-x) x-below-b
As one may expect, a dcpo that comes equipped with a small compact basis is
structurally algebraic and this in turn implies that a dcpo with some
unspecified small compact basis must be algebraic.
module _
(𝓓 : DCPO {𝓤} {𝓣})
has-specified-small-compact-basis : 𝓥 ⁺ ⊔ 𝓤 ⊔ 𝓣 ̇
has-specified-small-compact-basis =
Σ B ꞉ 𝓥 ̇ , Σ β ꞉ (B → ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩) , is-small-compact-basis 𝓓 β
index-of-compact-basis : has-specified-small-compact-basis → 𝓥 ̇
index-of-compact-basis (B , _) = B
family-of-compact-elements : (𝒷 : has-specified-small-compact-basis)
→ index-of-compact-basis 𝒷 → ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩
family-of-compact-elements (_ , β , _) = β
small-compact-basis : (𝒷 : has-specified-small-compact-basis)
→ is-small-compact-basis 𝓓 (family-of-compact-elements 𝒷)
small-compact-basis (_ , _ , scb) = scb
has-unspecified-small-compact-basis : 𝓥 ⁺ ⊔ 𝓤 ⊔ 𝓣 ̇
has-unspecified-small-compact-basis = ∥ has-specified-small-compact-basis ∥
structurally-algebraic-if-specified-small-compact-basis :
→ structurally-algebraic 𝓓
structurally-algebraic-if-specified-small-compact-basis (B , β , scb) =
{ index-of-compact-family = ↓ᴮₛ
; compact-family = ↓-inclusionₛ
; compact-family-is-directed = ↓ᴮₛ-is-directed
; compact-family-is-compact = ↓ᴮₛ-compact
; compact-family-∐-= = ↓ᴮₛ-∐-=
open is-small-compact-basis scb
is-algebraic-dcpo-if-unspecified-small-compact-basis :
→ is-algebraic-dcpo 𝓓
is-algebraic-dcpo-if-unspecified-small-compact-basis =
∥∥-functor structurally-algebraic-if-specified-small-compact-basis
We can improve on the above in the presence of univalence and set replacement,
in which case we can derive structural-algebraicity from an unspecified small
compact basis. This is explained and formalised in CompactBasis.
The following technical lemmas give us criteria for directedness and calculating
suprema of the collection Σ b : B , β b ≪⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ x.
Essentially they say that it is sufficient for a subset of ↡ᴮ x to be directed
and have suprema x. So the results are type-theoretic versions of Proposition
2.2.4 of "Domain Theory" by Abramsky and Jung, and Proposition III-4.2 of
"Continuous lattices and domains" by Gierz et al.
module _
(𝓓 : DCPO {𝓤} {𝓣})
{B : 𝓥 ̇ }
(β : B → ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩)
(x : ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩)
{I : 𝓥 ̇ }
(σ : I → ↡ᴮ 𝓓 β x)
↡ᴮ-sup-criterion : is-sup (underlying-order 𝓓) x (↡-inclusion 𝓓 β x ∘ σ)
→ is-sup (underlying-order 𝓓) x (↡-inclusion 𝓓 β x)
↡ᴮ-sup-criterion x-is-sup = (ub , lb-of-ubs)
ub : is-upperbound (underlying-order 𝓓) x (↡-inclusion 𝓓 β x)
ub (b , b-way-below-x) = ≪-to-⊑ 𝓓 b-way-below-x
lb-of-ubs : is-lowerbound-of-upperbounds (underlying-order 𝓓)
x (↡-inclusion 𝓓 β x)
lb-of-ubs y y-is-ub =
sup-is-lowerbound-of-upperbounds (underlying-order 𝓓) x-is-sup y y-is-ub'
y-is-ub' : is-upperbound (underlying-order 𝓓) y (↡-inclusion 𝓓 β x ∘ σ)
y-is-ub' i = y-is-ub (σ i)
↡ᴮ-directedness-criterion : (δ : is-Directed 𝓓 (↡-inclusion 𝓓 β x ∘ σ))
→ (x ⊑⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ ∐ 𝓓 δ)
→ is-Directed 𝓓 (↡-inclusion 𝓓 β x)
↡ᴮ-directedness-criterion δ@(inh , semidir) x-below-∐ = (inh' , semidir')
inh' : ∥ ↡ᴮ 𝓓 β x ∥
inh' = ∥∥-functor σ inh
semidir' : is-semidirected (underlying-order 𝓓) (↡-inclusion 𝓓 β x)
semidir' (b₁ , b₁-way-below-x) (b₂ , b₂-way-below-x) =
∥∥-rec₂ ∃-is-prop f (b₁-way-below-x I (↡-inclusion 𝓓 β x ∘ σ) δ x-below-∐)
(b₂-way-below-x I (↡-inclusion 𝓓 β x ∘ σ) δ x-below-∐)
f : (Σ i ꞉ I , β b₁ ⊑⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ ↡-inclusion 𝓓 β x (σ i))
→ (Σ i ꞉ I , β b₂ ⊑⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ ↡-inclusion 𝓓 β x (σ i))
→ (∃ b ꞉ ↡ᴮ 𝓓 β x , (β b₁ ⊑⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ ↡-inclusion 𝓓 β x b)
× (β b₂ ⊑⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ ↡-inclusion 𝓓 β x b))
f (i₁ , u₁) (i₂ , u₂) = ∥∥-functor g (semidir i₁ i₂)
g : (Σ i ꞉ I , (↡-inclusion 𝓓 β x (σ i₁) ⊑⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ ↡-inclusion 𝓓 β x (σ i))
× (↡-inclusion 𝓓 β x (σ i₂) ⊑⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ ↡-inclusion 𝓓 β x (σ i)))
→ (Σ b ꞉ ↡ᴮ 𝓓 β x , (β b₁ ⊑⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ ↡-inclusion 𝓓 β x b)
× (β b₂ ⊑⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ ↡-inclusion 𝓓 β x b))
g (i , v₁ , v₂) = (σ i
, (β b₁ ⊑⟨ 𝓓 ⟩[ u₁ ]
↡-inclusion 𝓓 β x (σ i₁) ⊑⟨ 𝓓 ⟩[ v₁ ]
↡-inclusion 𝓓 β x (σ i) ∎⟨ 𝓓 ⟩)
, (β b₂ ⊑⟨ 𝓓 ⟩[ u₂ ]
↡-inclusion 𝓓 β x (σ i₂) ⊑⟨ 𝓓 ⟩[ v₂ ]
↡-inclusion 𝓓 β x (σ i) ∎⟨ 𝓓 ⟩))
The above criteria comes in useful when proving that if we have a continuous
retraction r : 𝓔 → 𝓓 and a small basis β : B → 𝓔 for 𝓔, then r ∘ β is a small
basis for 𝓓.
module _
(pe : Prop-Ext)
(𝓓 : DCPO {𝓤} {𝓣})
(𝓔 : DCPO {𝓤'} {𝓣'})
(ρ : 𝓓 continuous-retract-of 𝓔)
open _continuous-retract-of_ ρ
small-basis-from-continuous-retract : {B : 𝓥 ̇ } (β : B → ⟨ 𝓔 ⟩)
→ is-small-basis 𝓔 β
→ is-small-basis 𝓓 (r ∘ β)
small-basis-from-continuous-retract {B} β sb =
{ ≪ᴮ-is-small = ≪ʳᴮ-is-small
; ↡ᴮ-is-directed = ≪ʳᴮ-is-directed
; ↡ᴮ-is-sup = ↡ʳᴮ-is-sup
open is-small-basis sb
≪ʳᴮ-is-small : (x : ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩) (b : B) → is-small (r (β b) ≪⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ x)
≪ʳᴮ-is-small x b = ≪-is-small-valued pe 𝓓 𝓓-cont 𝓓-loc-small (r (β b)) x
𝓓-loc-small : is-locally-small 𝓓
𝓓-loc-small = (local-smallness-preserved-by-continuous-retract
𝓓 𝓔 ρ (locally-small-if-small-basis 𝓔 β sb))
𝓓-cont : is-continuous-dcpo 𝓓
𝓓-cont = continuity-of-dcpo-preserved-by-continuous-retract 𝓓 𝓔 ρ
∣ structurally-continuous-if-specified-small-basis
𝓔 (B , (β , sb)) ∣
σ : (x : ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩) → ↡ᴮₛ (s x) → ↡ᴮ 𝓓 (r ∘ β) x
σ x (b , b-way-below-sx) =
(b , continuous-retraction-≪-criterion 𝓓 𝓔 ρ (β b) x
(≪ᴮₛ-to-≪ᴮ b-way-below-sx))
ε : (x : ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩) → is-Directed 𝓔 (↡-inclusionₛ (s x))
ε x = ↡ᴮₛ-is-directed (s x)
∐-section-of-r : (x : ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩) → r (∐ 𝓔 (ε x)) = x
∐-section-of-r x = r (∐ 𝓔 (ε x)) =⟨ ap r (↡ᴮₛ-∐-= (s x)) ⟩
r (s x) =⟨ s-section-of-r x ⟩
x ∎
≪ʳᴮ-is-directed : (x : ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩) → is-Directed 𝓓 (↡-inclusion 𝓓 (r ∘ β) x)
≪ʳᴮ-is-directed x = ↡ᴮ-directedness-criterion 𝓓 (r ∘ β) x (σ x) ε' h
ε' : is-Directed 𝓓 (r ∘ ↡-inclusionₛ (s x))
ε' = image-is-directed' 𝓔 𝓓 𝕣 (ε x)
h : x ⊑⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ ∐ 𝓓 ε'
h = transport (λ - → - ⊑⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ ∐ 𝓓 ε') (∐-section-of-r x) l
l : r (∐ 𝓔 (ε x)) ⊑⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ ∐ 𝓓 ε'
l = continuous-∐-⊑ 𝓔 𝓓 𝕣 (ε x)
↡ʳᴮ-is-sup : (x : ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩)
→ is-sup (underlying-order 𝓓) x (↡-inclusion 𝓓 (r ∘ β) x)
↡ʳᴮ-is-sup x = ↡ᴮ-sup-criterion 𝓓 (r ∘ β) x (σ x) h
h : is-sup (underlying-order 𝓓) x (r ∘ ↡-inclusionₛ (s x))
h = transport
(λ - → is-sup (underlying-order 𝓓) - (r ∘ ↡-inclusionₛ (s x)))
(∐-section-of-r x) issup
issup : is-sup (underlying-order 𝓓) (r (∐ 𝓔 (ε x)))
(r ∘ ↡-inclusionₛ (s x))
issup = r-is-continuous (↡ᴮₛ (s x)) (↡-inclusionₛ (s x)) (ε x)
Added 5 June 2024.
We transfer small (compact) bases along isomorphisms of dcpos.
module _
(pe : Prop-Ext)
(𝓓 : DCPO {𝓤} {𝓣})
(𝓔 : DCPO {𝓤'} {𝓣'})
small-basis-from-≃ᵈᶜᵖᵒ : 𝓓 ≃ᵈᶜᵖᵒ 𝓔
→ has-specified-small-basis 𝓓
→ has-specified-small-basis 𝓔
small-basis-from-≃ᵈᶜᵖᵒ 𝕗@(f , g , s , r , cf , cg) (B , β , sb) =
B , f ∘ β ,
small-basis-from-continuous-retract pe 𝓔 𝓓
(≃ᵈᶜᵖᵒ-to-continuous-retract 𝓔 𝓓 (≃ᵈᶜᵖᵒ-inv 𝓓 𝓔 𝕗)) β sb
small-compact-basis-from-≃ᵈᶜᵖᵒ : 𝓓 ≃ᵈᶜᵖᵒ 𝓔
→ has-specified-small-compact-basis 𝓓
→ has-specified-small-compact-basis 𝓔
small-compact-basis-from-≃ᵈᶜᵖᵒ 𝕗@(f , g , s , r , cf , cg) (B , β , scb) =
B , f ∘ β ,
small-and-compact-basis 𝓔 (f ∘ β)
(pr₂ (pr₂ (small-basis-from-≃ᵈᶜᵖᵒ
𝕗 (B , β , compact-basis-is-basis 𝓓 β scb))))
(λ b → embeddings-preserve-compactness
𝓓 𝓔 f cf g cg s (λ y → =-to-⊑ 𝓔 (r y)) (β b) (basis-is-compact b))
open is-small-compact-basis scb
Finally, a nice use of dcpos with small bases is that they yield locally small
exponentials. More precisely, if 𝓔 is locally small and 𝓓 has an unspecified
small basis, then the exponential 𝓓 ⟹ᵈᶜᵖᵒ 𝓔 is locally small, because when
ordering the exponential we can quantify just over the basis elements, rather
than over all elements of 𝓓.
open import DomainTheory.Basics.Exponential pt fe 𝓥
locally-small-exponential-criterion : Prop-Ext
→ (𝓓 : DCPO {𝓤} {𝓣}) (𝓔 : DCPO {𝓤'} {𝓣'})
→ has-unspecified-small-basis 𝓓
→ is-locally-small 𝓔
→ is-locally-small (𝓓 ⟹ᵈᶜᵖᵒ 𝓔)
locally-small-exponential-criterion {𝓤} {𝓣} {𝓤'} {𝓣'} pe 𝓓 𝓔 𝓓-sb ls =
∥∥-rec (being-locally-small-is-prop (𝓓 ⟹ᵈᶜᵖᵒ 𝓔) (λ _ → pe)) lemma 𝓓-sb
open is-locally-small ls
lemma : has-specified-small-basis 𝓓 → is-locally-small (𝓓 ⟹ᵈᶜᵖᵒ 𝓔)
lemma (B , β , β-is-small-basis) =
⌜ local-smallness-equivalent-definitions (𝓓 ⟹ᵈᶜᵖᵒ 𝓔) ⌝⁻¹ γ
open is-small-basis β-is-small-basis
γ : is-locally-small' (𝓓 ⟹ᵈᶜᵖᵒ 𝓔)
γ 𝕗@(f , f-cont) 𝕘@(g , g-cont) = (order-using-basis , order-lemma)
order-using-basis : 𝓥 ̇
order-using-basis = (b : B) → f (β b) ⊑ₛ g (β b)
ptwise-order : 𝓤 ⊔ 𝓣' ̇
ptwise-order = ((x : ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩) → f x ⊑⟨ 𝓔 ⟩ g x)
order-lemma : order-using-basis ≃ ptwise-order
order-lemma =
(Π-is-prop fe (λ b → ⊑ₛ-is-prop-valued (f (β b)) (g (β b))))
(Π-is-prop fe (λ x → prop-valuedness 𝓔 (f x) (g x)))
⦅⇒⦆ ⦅⇐⦆
⦅⇐⦆ : ptwise-order → order-using-basis
⦅⇐⦆ f-below-g b = ⊑-to-⊑ₛ (f-below-g (β b))
⦅⇒⦆ : order-using-basis → ptwise-order
⦅⇒⦆ f-below-g x = transport (λ - → f - ⊑⟨ 𝓔 ⟩ g -)
(↡ᴮₛ-∐-= x) f-below-g'
f-below-g' = f (∐ 𝓓 (↡ᴮₛ-is-directed x)) ⊑⟨ 𝓔 ⟩[ ⦅1⦆ ]
∐ 𝓔 εᶠ ⊑⟨ 𝓔 ⟩[ ⦅2⦆ ]
∐ 𝓔 εᵍ ⊑⟨ 𝓔 ⟩[ ⦅3⦆ ]
g (∐ 𝓓 (↡ᴮₛ-is-directed x)) ∎⟨ 𝓔 ⟩
εᶠ : is-Directed 𝓔 (f ∘ ↡-inclusionₛ x)
εᶠ = image-is-directed' 𝓓 𝓔 𝕗 (↡ᴮₛ-is-directed x)
εᵍ : is-Directed 𝓔 (g ∘ ↡-inclusionₛ x)
εᵍ = image-is-directed' 𝓓 𝓔 𝕘 (↡ᴮₛ-is-directed x)
⦅1⦆ = continuous-∐-⊑ 𝓓 𝓔 𝕗 (↡ᴮₛ-is-directed x)
⦅3⦆ = continuous-∐-⊒ 𝓓 𝓔 𝕘 (↡ᴮₛ-is-directed x)
⦅2⦆ = ∐-is-lowerbound-of-upperbounds 𝓔 εᶠ (∐ 𝓔 εᵍ) ub
ub : (i : ↡ᴮₛ x) → f (↡-inclusionₛ x i) ⊑⟨ 𝓔 ⟩ ∐ 𝓔 εᵍ
ub (b , i) = f (β b) ⊑⟨ 𝓔 ⟩[ ⦅†⦆ ]
g (β b) ⊑⟨ 𝓔 ⟩[ ⦅‡⦆ ]
∐ 𝓔 εᵍ ∎⟨ 𝓔 ⟩
⦅†⦆ = ⊑ₛ-to-⊑ (f-below-g b)
⦅‡⦆ = ∐-is-upperbound 𝓔 εᵍ (b , i)
Added 2 June 2024.
Any sup-complete dcpo with a small basis has a greatest element.
(In fact, it is inf-complete, but we don't formalise this here, see
Locales.AdjointFunctorTheoremForFrames though.)
open import DomainTheory.Basics.SupComplete pt fe 𝓥
greatest-element-if-sup-complete-with-small-basis :
(𝓓 : DCPO {𝓤} {𝓣})
→ is-sup-complete 𝓓
→ has-unspecified-small-basis 𝓓
→ Σ ⊤ ꞉ ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ , ((x : ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩) → x ⊑⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ ⊤)
greatest-element-if-sup-complete-with-small-basis 𝓓 sc = ∥∥-rec I II
I : is-prop (Σ ⊤ ꞉ ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ , ((x : ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩) → x ⊑⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ ⊤))
I (t , l) (s , k) = to-subtype-=
(λ y → Π-is-prop fe (λ x → prop-valuedness 𝓓 x y))
(antisymmetry 𝓓 t s (k t) (l s))
II : has-specified-small-basis 𝓓
→ Σ ⊤ ꞉ ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ , ((x : ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩) → x ⊑⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ ⊤)
II (B , β , β-is-small-basis) = ⊤ , ⊤-is-greatest
open is-small-basis β-is-small-basis
open is-sup-complete sc
⊤ : ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩
⊤ = ⋁ β
⊤-is-greatest : (x : ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩) → x ⊑⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ ⊤
⊤-is-greatest x =
(underlying-order 𝓓) (↡ᴮ-is-sup x) ⊤ (λ (b , _) → ⋁-is-upperbound β b)
Added 26 June 2024.
We can refine a small basis to be closed under finite joins.
module _
(𝓓 : DCPO{𝓤} {𝓣})
{B : 𝓥 ̇ }
(β : B → ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩)
(β-is-basis : is-small-basis 𝓓 β)
(𝓓-has-finite-joins : has-finite-joins 𝓓)
open has-finite-joins 𝓓-has-finite-joins
record basis-has-finite-joins : 𝓥 ⊔ 𝓤 ̇ where
⊥ᴮ : B
_∨ᴮ_ : B → B → B
⊥ᴮ-is-⊥ : β ⊥ᴮ = ⊥
∨ᴮ-is-∨ : (a b : B) → β (a ∨ᴮ b) = β a ∨ β b
infix 100 _∨ᴮ_
⊥ᴮ-is-least : (b : B) → β ⊥ᴮ ⊑⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ β b
⊥ᴮ-is-least b = transport⁻¹ (λ - → - ⊑⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ β b) ⊥ᴮ-is-⊥ (⊥-is-least (β b))
∨ᴮ-is-upperbound₁ : {a b : B} → β a ⊑⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ β (a ∨ᴮ b)
∨ᴮ-is-upperbound₁ {a} {b} =
transport⁻¹ (λ - → β a ⊑⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ -) (∨ᴮ-is-∨ a b) ∨-is-upperbound₁
∨ᴮ-is-upperbound₂ : {a b : B} → β b ⊑⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ β (a ∨ᴮ b)
∨ᴮ-is-upperbound₂ {a} {b} =
transport⁻¹ (λ - → β b ⊑⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ -) (∨ᴮ-is-∨ a b) ∨-is-upperbound₂
∨ᴮ-is-lowerbound-of-upperbounds : {a b c : B}
→ β a ⊑⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ β c → β b ⊑⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ β c
→ β (a ∨ᴮ b) ⊑⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ β c
∨ᴮ-is-lowerbound-of-upperbounds {a} {b} {c} u v =
transport⁻¹ (λ - → - ⊑⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ β c) (∨ᴮ-is-∨ a b)
(∨-is-lowerbound-of-upperbounds u v)
module _
(𝓓 : DCPO{𝓤} {𝓣})
{B : 𝓥 ̇ }
(β : B → ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩)
(β-is-basis : is-small-basis 𝓓 β)
(𝓓-has-finite-joins : has-finite-joins 𝓓)
open import MLTT.List
open make-family-directed 𝓓 𝓓-has-finite-joins
open has-finite-joins 𝓓-has-finite-joins
refine-basis-to-have-finite-joins :
Σ B' ꞉ 𝓥 ̇ , Σ β' ꞉ (B' → ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩) ,
Σ p ꞉ is-small-basis 𝓓 β' , basis-has-finite-joins 𝓓 β' p 𝓓-has-finite-joins
refine-basis-to-have-finite-joins = B' , β' , p , j
B' : 𝓥 ̇
B' = List B
β' : List B → ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩
β' = directify β
p : is-small-basis 𝓓 β'
p = record
{ ≪ᴮ-is-small =
λ x l → ≪-is-small-valued-if-small-basis 𝓓 β β-is-basis (β' l) x;
↡ᴮ-is-directed =
λ x → ↡ᴮ-directedness-criterion 𝓓 β' x (ι x) (δ x) (ub x);
↡ᴮ-is-sup = λ x → ↡ᴮ-sup-criterion 𝓓 β' x (ι x) (sup x)
open is-small-basis β-is-basis
I : β' ∘ [_] ∼ β
I b = antisymmetry 𝓓 (β' [ b ]) (β b)
(reflexivity 𝓓 (β b)) (⊥-is-least (β b)))
ι : (x : ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩)
→ ↡ᴮₛ x → Σ l ꞉ List B , β' l ≪⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ x
ι x (b , w) = [ b ] , transport⁻¹ (λ - → - ≪⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ x) (I b) (≪ᴮₛ-to-≪ᴮ w)
II : (x : ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩) → ↡-inclusion 𝓓 β' x ∘ ι x ∼ ↡-inclusionₛ x
II x (b , w) = I b
δ : (x : ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩) → is-Directed 𝓓 (↡-inclusion 𝓓 β' x ∘ ι x)
δ x = transport⁻¹ (is-Directed 𝓓) (dfunext fe (II x)) (↡ᴮₛ-is-directed x)
ub : (x : ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩) → x ⊑⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ ∐ 𝓓 (δ x)
ub x = transport⁻¹ (λ - → x ⊑⟨ 𝓓 ⟩ -)
(∐-family-=' 𝓓 (II x) (δ x) (↡ᴮₛ-is-directed x))
(↡ᴮₛ-∐-⊒ x)
sup : (x : ⟨ 𝓓 ⟩) → is-sup (underlying-order 𝓓) x (↡-inclusion 𝓓 β' x ∘ ι x)
sup x = transport⁻¹ (is-sup (underlying-order 𝓓) x)
(dfunext fe (II x))
(↡ᴮₛ-is-sup x)
j : basis-has-finite-joins 𝓓 β' p 𝓓-has-finite-joins
j = record
{ ⊥ᴮ = [] ;
_∨ᴮ_ = _++_ ;
⊥ᴮ-is-⊥ = refl ;
∨ᴮ-is-∨ = finite-join-eq
finite-join-eq : (l k : List B) → directify β (l ++ k) = β' l ∨ β' k
finite-join-eq l k =
sups-are-unique (underlying-order 𝓓) (poset-axioms-of-dcpo 𝓓)
(∨-family 𝓓 (β' l) (β' k))
(++-is-binary-sup β l k)
(∨-is-sup (β' l) (β' k))