Martin Escardo, 30 April 2020

This ports the structure identity principle examples formulated and proved in

Each example is in a submodule:

  * ∞-magma
  * magma
  * pointed type
  * pointed-∞-magma
  * monoid
  * associative ∞-magma
  * group
  * subgroups of an ambient group
  * ring
  * slice
  * generalized metric space
  * generalized topological space
  * selection space
  * contrived example
  * generalized functor algebra
  * type-valued preorder
  * type-valued preorder with axioms
  * category

We also consider the following, which are not in the above lecture

  * universe à la Tarski
  * ∞-bigmagma
  * ∞-hugemagma


{-# OPTIONS --safe --without-K #-}

module UF.SIP-Examples where

open import MLTT.Spartan
open import Notation.Order
open import UF.Base
open import UF.Embeddings
open import UF.Equiv hiding (_≅_)
open import UF.EquivalenceExamples
open import UF.FunExt
open import UF.SIP
open import UF.Sets
open import UF.Sets-Properties
open import UF.Subsingletons
open import UF.Subsingletons-FunExt
open import UF.UA-FunExt
open import UF.Univalence
open import UF.Yoneda

module ∞-magma {𝓤 : Universe} where

 open sip

 ∞-magma-structure : 𝓤 ̇  𝓤 ̇
 ∞-magma-structure X = X  X  X

 ∞-Magma : 𝓤  ̇
 ∞-Magma = Σ X  𝓤 ̇ , ∞-magma-structure X

 sns-data : SNS ∞-magma-structure 𝓤
 sns-data = (ι , ρ , θ)
   ι : (A B : ∞-Magma)   A    B   𝓤 ̇
   ι (X , _·_) (Y , _*_) (f , _) =  x x'  f (x · x'))   x x'  f x * f x')

   ρ : (A : ∞-Magma)  ι A A (≃-refl  A )
   ρ (X , _·_) = 𝓻𝓮𝒻𝓵  _·_

   h : {X : 𝓤 ̇ } {_·_ _*_ : ∞-magma-structure X}
      canonical-map ι ρ _·_ _*_  -id (_·_  _*_)

   h (refl {_·_}) = 𝓻𝓮𝒻𝓵 (𝓻𝓮𝒻𝓵 _·_)

   θ : {X : 𝓤 ̇ } (_·_ _*_ : ∞-magma-structure X)
      is-equiv (canonical-map ι ρ _·_ _*_)

   θ _·_ _*_ = equiv-closed-under-∼ _ _ (id-is-equiv (_·_  _*_)) h

 _≅_ : ∞-Magma  ∞-Magma  𝓤 ̇
 (X , _·_)  (Y , _*_) =
           Σ f  (X  Y) , is-equiv f
                         × ((λ x x'  f (x · x'))   x x'  f x * f x'))

 characterization-of-∞-Magma-= : is-univalent 𝓤
                                (A B : ∞-Magma)
                                (A  B)  (A  B)
 characterization-of-∞-Magma-= ua = characterization-of-= ua sns-data

  : (ua : is-univalent 𝓤) (A : ∞-Magma)
    characterization-of-∞-Magma-= ua A A  (𝓻𝓮𝒻𝓵 A)
   (-id  A  , id-is-equiv  A  , refl)
 characterization-of-characterization-of-∞-Magma-= ua A = refl

module magma {𝓤 : Universe} where

 open sip-with-axioms

 Magma : 𝓤  ̇
 Magma = Σ X  𝓤 ̇ , (X  X  X) × is-set X

 _≅_ : Magma  Magma  𝓤 ̇

 (X , _·_ , _)  (Y , _*_ , _) =
               Σ f  (X  Y), is-equiv f
                            × ((λ x x'  f (x · x'))   x x'  f x * f x'))

 characterization-of-Magma-= : is-univalent 𝓤
                              (A B : Magma)
                              (A  B)  (A  B)
 characterization-of-Magma-= ua =
   characterization-of-=-with-axioms ua
      X s  is-set X)
      X s  being-set-is-prop (univalence-gives-funext ua))

module pointed-type {𝓤 : Universe} where
 open sip

 Pointed : 𝓤 ̇  𝓤 ̇
 Pointed X = X

 sns-data : SNS Pointed 𝓤
 sns-data = (ι , ρ , θ)
   ι : (A B : Σ Pointed)   A    B   𝓤 ̇
   ι (X , x₀) (Y , y₀) (f , _) = (f x₀  y₀)

   ρ : (A : Σ Pointed)  ι A A (≃-refl  A )
   ρ (X , x₀) = 𝓻𝓮𝒻𝓵 x₀

   θ : {X : 𝓤 ̇ } (x₀ x₁ : Pointed X)  is-equiv (canonical-map ι ρ x₀ x₁)
   θ x₀ x₁ = equiv-closed-under-∼ _ _ (id-is-equiv (x₀  x₁)) h
     h : canonical-map ι ρ x₀ x₁  -id (x₀  x₁)
     h (refl {x₀}) = 𝓻𝓮𝒻𝓵 (𝓻𝓮𝒻𝓵 x₀)

 _≅_ : Σ Pointed  Σ Pointed  𝓤 ̇
 (X , x₀)  (Y , y₀) = Σ f  (X  Y), is-equiv f × (f x₀  y₀)

 characterization-of-pointed-type-= : is-univalent 𝓤
                                     (A B : Σ Pointed)
                                     (A  B)  (A  B)
 characterization-of-pointed-type-= ua = characterization-of-= ua sns-data

module pointed-∞-magma {𝓤 : Universe} where

 open sip-join

 ∞-Magma· : 𝓤  ̇
 ∞-Magma· = Σ X  𝓤 ̇ , (X  X  X) × X

 _≅_ : ∞-Magma·  ∞-Magma·  𝓤 ̇
 (X ,  _·_ , x₀)  (Y ,  _*_ , y₀) =
                 Σ f  (X  Y), is-equiv f
                              × ((λ x x'  f (x · x'))   x x'  f x * f x'))
                              × (f x₀  y₀)

 characterization-of-pointed-magma-= : is-univalent 𝓤
                                      (A B : ∞-Magma·)
                                      (A  B)  (A  B)
 characterization-of-pointed-magma-= ua = characterization-of-join-= ua

module monoid {𝓤 : Universe} where

 open sip
 open sip-join
 open sip-with-axioms

 monoid-structure : 𝓤 ̇  𝓤 ̇
 monoid-structure X = (X  X  X) × X

 monoid-axioms : (X : 𝓤 ̇ )  monoid-structure X  𝓤 ̇
 monoid-axioms X (_·_ , e) = is-set X
                           × left-neutral  e _·_
                           × right-neutral e _·_
                           × associative     _·_

 Monoid : 𝓤  ̇
 Monoid = Σ X  𝓤 ̇ , Σ s  monoid-structure X , monoid-axioms X s

 monoid-axioms-is-prop : funext 𝓤 𝓤
                        (X : 𝓤 ̇ ) (s : monoid-structure X)
                        is-prop (monoid-axioms X s)

 monoid-axioms-is-prop fe X (_·_ , e) s = γ s
   i : is-set X
   i = pr₁ s

   γ : is-prop (monoid-axioms X (_·_ , e))
   γ = ×₄-is-prop
        (being-set-is-prop fe)
        (Π-is-prop fe  x  i {e · x} {x}))
        (Π-is-prop fe  x  i {x · e} {x}))
        (Π-is-prop fe
           x  Π-is-prop fe
           y  Π-is-prop fe
           z  i {(x · y) · z} {x · (y · z)}))))

 sns-data : funext 𝓤 𝓤
           SNS  X  Σ s  monoid-structure X , monoid-axioms X s) 𝓤
 sns-data fe = add-axioms
                monoid-axioms (monoid-axioms-is-prop fe)

 _≅_ : Monoid  Monoid  𝓤 ̇
 (X , (_·_ , d) , _)  (Y , (_*_ , e) , _) =
    Σ f  (X  Y), is-equiv f
                 × ((λ x x'  f (x · x'))   x x'  f x * f x'))
                 × (f d  e)

 characterization-of-monoid-= : is-univalent 𝓤
                               (A B : Monoid)
                               (A  B)  (A  B)
 characterization-of-monoid-= ua = characterization-of-= ua
                                    (sns-data (univalence-gives-funext ua))

module associative-∞-magma
        {𝓤 : Universe}
        (ua : is-univalent 𝓤)

  fe : funext 𝓤 𝓤
  fe = univalence-gives-funext ua

 ∞-amagma-structure : 𝓤 ̇  𝓤 ̇
 ∞-amagma-structure X = Σ _·_  (X  X  X), (associative _·_)

 ∞-aMagma : 𝓤  ̇
 ∞-aMagma = Σ X  𝓤 ̇ , ∞-amagma-structure X

 homomorphic : {X Y : 𝓤 ̇ }  (X  X  X)  (Y  Y  Y)  (X  Y)  𝓤 ̇
 homomorphic _·_ _*_ f =  x y  f (x · y))   x y  f x * f y)

 respect-assoc : {X A : 𝓤 ̇ } (_·_ : X  X  X) (_*_ : A  A  A)
                associative _·_  associative _*_
                (f : X  A)  homomorphic _·_ _*_ f  𝓤 ̇
 respect-assoc _·_ _*_ α β f h  =    βf
   l = λ x y z  f ((x · y) · z)   =⟨ ap  -  - (x · y) z) h 
                 f (x · y) * f z   =⟨ ap  -  - x y * f z) h 
                 (f x * f y) * f z 

   r = λ x y z  f (x · (y · z))   =⟨ ap  -  - x (y · z)) h 
                 f x * f (y · z)   =⟨ ap  -  f x * - y z) h 
                 f x * (f y * f z) 

    βf :  x y z  (f x * f y) * f z  f x * (f y * f z)
    x y z = (l x y z)⁻¹  ap f (α x y z)  r x y z
   βf x y z = β (f x) (f y) (f z)

 remark : {X : 𝓤 ̇ } (_·_ : X  X  X) (α β : associative _·_)
         respect-assoc _·_ _·_ α β id (𝓻𝓮𝒻𝓵 _·_)
         ((λ x y z  𝓻𝓮𝒻𝓵 ((x · y) · z)  ap id (α x y z))  β)
 remark _·_ α β = refl

 open sip hiding (homomorphic)

 sns-data : SNS ∞-amagma-structure 𝓤
 sns-data = (ι , ρ , θ)
   ι : (𝓧 𝓐 : ∞-aMagma)   𝓧    𝓐   𝓤 ̇
   ι (X , _·_ , α) (A , _*_ , β) (f , i) = Σ h  homomorphic _·_ _*_ f
                                               , respect-assoc _·_ _*_ α β f h

   ρ : (𝓧 : ∞-aMagma)  ι 𝓧 𝓧 (≃-refl  𝓧 )
   ρ (X , _·_ , α) = h , p
     h : homomorphic _·_ _·_ id
     h = 𝓻𝓮𝒻𝓵 _·_

     q :  x y z  𝓻𝓮𝒻𝓵 ((x · y) · z)  ap id (α x y z)  α x y z
     q x y z = refl-left-neutral  ap-id-is-id (α x y z)

     p :  x y z  𝓻𝓮𝒻𝓵 ((x · y) · z)  ap id (α x y z))  α
     p =  dfunext fe  x  dfunext fe  y  dfunext fe  z  q x y z)))

   u : (X : 𝓤 ̇ )
      ∃! t  ∞-amagma-structure X , ι (X , s) (X , t) (≃-refl X)
   u X (_·_ , α) = c , φ
     c : Σ t  ∞-amagma-structure X , ι (X , _·_ , α) (X , t) (≃-refl X)
     c = (_·_ , α) , ρ (X , _·_ , α)

     φ : (σ : Σ t  ∞-amagma-structure X , ι (X , _·_ , α) (X , t) (≃-refl X))
        c  σ
     φ ((_·_ , β) , refl {_·_} , k) = γ
       a : associative _·_
       a x y z = 𝓻𝓮𝒻𝓵 ((x · y) · z)  ap id (α x y z)

       g : singleton-type a
          Σ t  ∞-amagma-structure X , ι (X , _·_ , α) (X , t) (≃-refl X)
       g (β , k) = (_·_ , β) , (𝓻𝓮𝒻𝓵 _·_) , k

       i : is-prop (singleton-type a)
       i = singletons-are-props (singleton-types-are-singletons a)

       q : α , pr₂ (ρ (X , _·_ , α))  β , k
       q = i _ _

       γ : c  (_·_ , β) , 𝓻𝓮𝒻𝓵 _·_ , k
       γ = ap g q

   θ : {X : 𝓤 ̇ } (s t : ∞-amagma-structure X)  is-equiv (canonical-map ι ρ s t)
   θ {X} s = Yoneda-Theorem-forth s (canonical-map ι ρ s) (u X s)

 _≅_ : ∞-aMagma  ∞-aMagma  𝓤 ̇
 (X , _·_ , α)  (Y , _*_ , β) = Σ f  (X  Y)
                                     , is-equiv f
                                     × (Σ h  homomorphic _·_ _*_ f
                                            , respect-assoc _·_ _*_ α β f h)

 characterization-of-∞-aMagma-= : (A B : ∞-aMagma)  (A  B)  (A  B)
 characterization-of-∞-aMagma-= = characterization-of-= ua sns-data

module group {𝓤 : Universe} where
 open sip
 open sip-with-axioms
 open monoid {𝓤} hiding (sns-data ; _≅_)

 group-structure : 𝓤 ̇  𝓤 ̇
 group-structure X = Σ s  monoid-structure X , monoid-axioms X s

 group-axiom : (X : 𝓤 ̇ )  monoid-structure X  𝓤 ̇
 group-axiom X (_·_ , e) = (x : X)  Σ x'  X , (x · x'  e) × (x' · x  e)

 Group : 𝓤  ̇
 Group = Σ X  𝓤 ̇
       , Σ ((_·_ , e) , a)  group-structure X , group-axiom X (_·_ , e)

 inv-lemma : (X : 𝓤 ̇ ) (_·_ : X  X  X) (e : X)
            monoid-axioms X (_·_ , e)
            (x y z : X)
            (y · x)  e
            (x · z)  e
            y  z
 inv-lemma X _·_  e (s , l , r , a) x y z q p =
    y             =⟨ (r y)⁻¹ 
    (y · e)       =⟨ ap (y ·_) (p ⁻¹) 
    (y · (x · z)) =⟨ (a y x z)⁻¹ 
    ((y · x) · z) =⟨ ap ( z) q 
    (e · z)       =⟨ l z 

 group-axiom-is-prop : funext 𝓤 𝓤
                      (X : 𝓤 ̇ )
                      (s : group-structure X)
                      is-prop (group-axiom X (pr₁ s))
 group-axiom-is-prop fe X ((_·_ , e) , (s , l , r , a)) = γ
   i : (x : X)  is-prop (Σ x'  X , (x · x'  e) × (x' · x  e))
   i x (y , _ , q) (z , p , _) = u
     t : y  z
     t = inv-lemma X _·_ e (s , l , r , a) x y z q p

     u : (y , _ , q)  (z , p , _)
     u = to-subtype-=  x'  ×-is-prop s s) t

   γ : is-prop (group-axiom X (_·_ , e))
   γ = Π-is-prop fe i

 sns-data : funext 𝓤 𝓤
           SNS  X  Σ s  group-structure X , group-axiom X (pr₁ s)) 𝓤
 sns-data fe = add-axioms
                 X s  group-axiom X (pr₁ s)) (group-axiom-is-prop fe)
                (monoid.sns-data fe)

 _≅_ : Group  Group  𝓤 ̇
 (X , ((_·_ , d) , _) , _)  (Y , ((_*_ , e) , _) , _) =
    Σ f  (X  Y), is-equiv f
                 × ((λ x x'  f (x · x'))   x x'  f x * f x'))
                 × (f d  e)

 characterization-of-group-= : is-univalent 𝓤
                              (A B : Group)
                              (A  B)  (A  B)
 characterization-of-group-= ua = characterization-of-= ua
                                   (sns-data (univalence-gives-funext ua))

 _≅'_ : Group  Group  𝓤 ̇
 (X , ((_·_ , d) , _) , _) ≅' (Y , ((_*_ , e) , _) , _) =
    Σ f  (X  Y), is-equiv f
                 × ((λ x x'  f (x · x'))   x x'  f x * f x'))

 group-structure-of : (G : Group)  group-structure  G 
 group-structure-of (X , ((_·_ , e) , i , l , r , a) , γ) =
  (_·_ , e) , i , l , r , a

 monoid-structure-of : (G : Group)  monoid-structure  G 
 monoid-structure-of (X , ((_·_ , e) , i , l , r , a) , γ) = (_·_ , e)

 monoid-axioms-of : (G : Group)  monoid-axioms  G  (monoid-structure-of G)
 monoid-axioms-of (X , ((_·_ , e) , i , l , r , a) , γ) = i , l , r , a

 multiplication : (G : Group)   G    G    G 
 multiplication (X , ((_·_ , e) , i , l , r , a) , γ) = _·_

 syntax multiplication G x y = x ·⟨ G  y

 unit : (G : Group)   G 
 unit (X , ((_·_ , e) , i , l , r , a) , γ) = e

 group-is-set : (G : Group)
               is-set  G 
 group-is-set (X , ((_·_ , e) , i , l , r , a) , γ) = i

 unit-left : (G : Group) (x :  G )
            unit G ·⟨ G  x  x
 unit-left (X , ((_·_ , e) , i , l , r , a) , γ) x = l x

 unit-right : (G : Group) (x :  G )
             x ·⟨ G  unit G  x
 unit-right (X , ((_·_ , e) , i , l , r , a) , γ) x = r x

 assoc : (G : Group) (x y z :  G )
        (x ·⟨ G  y) ·⟨ G  z  x ·⟨ G  (y ·⟨ G  z)
 assoc (X , ((_·_ , e) , i , l , r , a) , γ) = a

 inv : (G : Group)   G    G 
 inv (X , ((_·_ , e) , i , l , r , a) , γ) x = pr₁ (γ x)

 inv-left : (G : Group) (x :  G )
           inv G x ·⟨ G  x  unit G
 inv-left (X , ((_·_ , e) , i , l , r , a) , γ) x = pr₂ (pr₂ (γ x))

 inv-right : (G : Group) (x :  G )
            x ·⟨ G  inv G x  unit G

 inv-right (X , ((_·_ , e) , i , l , r , a) , γ) x = pr₁ (pr₂ (γ x))

 preserves-multiplication : (G H : Group)  ( G    H )  𝓤 ̇
 preserves-multiplication G H f =  (x y :  G )  f (x ·⟨ G  y))
                                  (x y :  G )  f x ·⟨ H  f y)

 preserves-unit : (G H : Group)  ( G    H )  𝓤 ̇
 preserves-unit G H f = f (unit G)  unit H

 idempotent-is-unit : (G : Group) (x :  G )
                     x ·⟨ G  x  x
                     x  unit G
 idempotent-is-unit G x p = γ
   x' = inv G x
   γ = x                        =⟨ (unit-left G x)⁻¹ 
       unit G ·⟨ G  x          =⟨ (ap  -  - ·⟨ G  x) (inv-left G x))⁻¹ 
       (x' ·⟨ G  x) ·⟨ G  x   =⟨ assoc G x' x x 
       x' ·⟨ G  (x ·⟨ G  x)   =⟨ ap  -  x' ·⟨ G  -) p 
       x' ·⟨ G  x              =⟨ inv-left G x 
       unit G                   

 unit-preservation-lemma : (G H : Group) (f :  G    H )
                          preserves-multiplication G H f
                          preserves-unit G H f
 unit-preservation-lemma G H f m = idempotent-is-unit H e p
   e  = f (unit G)

   p = e ·⟨ H  e               =⟨ ap  -  - (unit G) (unit G)) (m ⁻¹) 
       f (unit G ·⟨ G  unit G) =⟨ ap f (unit-left G (unit G)) 

 inv-Lemma : (G : Group) (x y z :  G )
            (y ·⟨ G  x)  unit G
            (x ·⟨ G  z)  unit G
            y  z
 inv-Lemma G = inv-lemma  G  (multiplication G) (unit G) (monoid-axioms-of G)

 one-left-inv : (G : Group) (x x' :  G )
               (x' ·⟨ G  x)  unit G
               x'  inv G x
 one-left-inv G x x' p = inv-Lemma G x x' (inv G x) p (inv-right G x)

 one-right-inv : (G : Group) (x x' :  G )
                (x ·⟨ G  x')  unit G
                x'  inv G x
 one-right-inv G x x' p = (inv-Lemma G x (inv G x) x' (inv-left G x) p)⁻¹

 preserves-inv : (G H : Group)  ( G    H )  𝓤 ̇
 preserves-inv G H f = (x :  G )  f (inv G x)  inv H (f x)

 inv-preservation-lemma : (G H : Group) (f :  G    H )
                         preserves-multiplication G H f
                         preserves-inv G H f
 inv-preservation-lemma G H f m x = γ
   p = f (inv G x) ·⟨ H  f x =⟨ (ap  -  - (inv G x) x) m)⁻¹ 
       f (inv G x ·⟨ G  x)   =⟨ ap f (inv-left G x) 
       f (unit G)             =⟨ unit-preservation-lemma G H f m 
       unit H                 

   γ : f (inv G x)  inv H (f x)
   γ = one-left-inv H (f x) (f (inv G x)) p

 is-homomorphism : (G H : Group)  ( G    H )  𝓤 ̇
 is-homomorphism G H f = preserves-multiplication G H f
                       × preserves-unit G H f

 preservation-of-mult-is-prop : funext 𝓤 𝓤
                               (G H : Group) (f :  G    H )
                               is-prop (preserves-multiplication G H f)
 preservation-of-mult-is-prop fe G H f = j
   j : is-prop (preserves-multiplication G H f)
   j = Π-is-set fe  _  Π-is-set fe  _  group-is-set H))

 being-homomorphism-is-prop : funext 𝓤 𝓤
                             (G H : Group) (f :  G    H )
                             is-prop (is-homomorphism G H f)
 being-homomorphism-is-prop fe G H f = i

   i : is-prop (is-homomorphism G H f)
   i = ×-is-prop
        (preservation-of-mult-is-prop fe G H f)
        (group-is-set H)

 notions-of-homomorphism-agree : funext 𝓤 𝓤
                                (G H : Group) (f :  G    H )
                                is-homomorphism G H f
                                preserves-multiplication G H f
 notions-of-homomorphism-agree fe G H f = γ
   α : is-homomorphism G H f  preserves-multiplication G H f
   α = pr₁

   β : preserves-multiplication G H f  is-homomorphism G H f
   β m = m , unit-preservation-lemma G H f m

   γ : is-homomorphism G H f  preserves-multiplication G H f
   γ = logically-equivalent-props-are-equivalent
        (being-homomorphism-is-prop fe G H f)
        (preservation-of-mult-is-prop fe G H f)

 ≅-agreement : funext 𝓤 𝓤  (G H : Group)  (G  H)  (G ≅' H)
 ≅-agreement fe G H = Σ-cong  f  Σ-cong  _  notions-of-homomorphism-agree fe G H f))

 forget-unit-preservation : (G H : Group)  (G  H)  (G ≅' H)
 forget-unit-preservation G H (f , e , m , _) = f , e , m

 NB : (fe : funext 𝓤 𝓤)
     (G H : Group)   ≅-agreement fe G H   forget-unit-preservation G H
 NB fe G H = refl

 forget-unit-preservation-is-equiv : funext 𝓤 𝓤
                                    (G H : Group)
                                    is-equiv (forget-unit-preservation G H)
 forget-unit-preservation-is-equiv fe G H = ⌜⌝-is-equiv (≅-agreement fe G H)

module subgroup
        (𝓤  : Universe)
        (ua : Univalence)

 fe :  {𝓥} {𝓦}  funext 𝓥 𝓦
 fe {𝓥} {𝓦} = univalence-gives-funext' 𝓥 𝓦 (ua 𝓥) (ua (𝓥  𝓦))

 open sip
 open monoid {𝓤} hiding (sns-data ; _≅_)
 open group {𝓤}

 open import UF.Powerset
 open import UF.Classifiers

 module ambient (G : Group) where

  _·_ :  G    G    G 
  x · y = x ·⟨ G  y

  infixl 42 _·_

  group-closed : ( G   𝓥 ̇ )  𝓤  𝓥 ̇
  group-closed 𝓐 = 𝓐 (unit G)
                 × ((x y :  G )  𝓐 x  𝓐 y  𝓐 (x · y))
                 × ((x :  G )  𝓐 x  𝓐 (inv G x))

  Subgroups : 𝓤  ̇
  Subgroups = Σ A  𝓟  G  , group-closed (_∈ A)

  ⟪_⟫ : Subgroups  𝓟  G 
   A , u , c , ι  = A

  being-group-closed-subset-is-prop : (A : 𝓟  G )
                                     is-prop (group-closed (_∈ A))
  being-group-closed-subset-is-prop A =
    (∈-is-prop A (unit G))
    (Π₄-is-prop fe  x y _ _  ∈-is-prop A (x · y)))
    (Π₂-is-prop fe  x _  ∈-is-prop A (inv G x)))

  ⟪⟫-is-embedding : is-embedding ⟪_⟫
  ⟪⟫-is-embedding = pr₁-is-embedding being-group-closed-subset-is-prop

  ap-⟪⟫ : (S T : Subgroups)  S  T   S    T 
  ap-⟪⟫ S T = ap ⟪_⟫

  ap-⟪⟫-is-equiv : (S T : Subgroups)  is-equiv (ap-⟪⟫ S T)
  ap-⟪⟫-is-equiv = embedding-gives-embedding' ⟪_⟫ ⟪⟫-is-embedding

  subgroups-form-a-set : is-set Subgroups
  subgroups-form-a-set {S} {T} = equiv-to-prop
                                  (ap-⟪⟫ S T , ap-⟪⟫-is-equiv S T)
                                  (𝓟-is-set ua)

  subgroup-equality : (S T : Subgroups)
                     (S  T)
                     ((x :  G )  (x   S )  (x   T ))
  subgroup-equality S T = γ
    f : S  T  (x :  G )  x   S   x   T 
    f p x = transport  -  x   - ) p , transport  -  x   - ) (p ⁻¹)

    h : ((x :  G )  x   S   x   T )   S    T 
    h φ = subset-extensionality' ua α β
      α :  S    T 
      α x = lr-implication (φ x)

      β :  T    S 
      β x = rl-implication (φ x)

    g : ((x :  G )  x   S   x   T )  S  T
    g = inverse (ap-⟪⟫ S T) (ap-⟪⟫-is-equiv S T)  h

    γ : (S  T)  ((x :  G )  x   S   x   T )
    γ = logically-equivalent-props-are-equivalent
         (Π-is-prop fe
            x  ×-is-prop
                   (Π-is-prop fe  _  ∈-is-prop  T  x))
                   (Π-is-prop fe  _  ∈-is-prop  S  x)))) f g

  T : 𝓤 ̇  𝓤 ̇
  T X = Σ ((_·_ , e) , a)  group-structure X , group-axiom X (_·_ , e)

  module _ {X : 𝓤 ̇ } (h : X   G ) (e : is-embedding h) where

    h-lc : left-cancellable h
    h-lc = embeddings-are-lc h e

   having-group-closed-fiber-is-prop : is-prop (group-closed (fiber h))
   having-group-closed-fiber-is-prop = being-group-closed-subset-is-prop
                                         x  (fiber h x , e x))

   at-most-one-homomorphic-structure : is-prop (Σ τ  T X , is-homomorphism (X , τ) G h)
      ((((_*_ ,  unitH) ,  maxioms) ,  gaxiom) ,  (pmult ,  punit))
      ((((_*'_ , unitH') , maxioms') , gaxiom') , (pmult' , punit'))
    = γ
     τ τ' : T X
     τ  = ((_*_ ,  unitH) ,  maxioms) ,  gaxiom
     τ' = ((_*'_ , unitH') , maxioms') , gaxiom'

     i :  is-homomorphism (X , τ)  G h
     i  = (pmult ,  punit)

     i' : is-homomorphism (X , τ') G h
     i' = (pmult' , punit')

     p : _*_  _*'_
     p = dfunext fe  x  dfunext fe  y 
          h-lc (h (x * y)  =⟨  ap  -  - x y) pmult 
                h x · h y  =⟨ (ap  -  - x y) pmult')⁻¹ 
                h (x *' y) )))
     q : unitH  unitH'
     q = h-lc (h unitH  =⟨  punit 
               unit G   =⟨  punit' ⁻¹ 
               h unitH' )

     r : (_*_ , unitH)  (_*'_ , unitH')
     r = to-×-= p q

     δ : τ  τ'
     δ = to-subtype-=
           (group-axiom-is-prop fe X)
           (to-subtype-= (monoid-axioms-is-prop fe X) r)

     γ : (τ  , i)  (τ' , i')
     γ = to-subtype-=  τ  being-homomorphism-is-prop fe (X , τ) G h) δ

    : funext 𝓤 𝓤
     group-closed (fiber h)
     (Σ τ  T X , is-homomorphism (X , τ) G h)
   group-closed-fiber-gives-homomorphic-structure fe (unitc , mulc , invc) =
    τ , i
     φ : (x : X)  fiber h (h x)
     φ x = (x , 𝓻𝓮𝒻𝓵 (h x))

     unitH : X
     unitH = fiber-point unitc

     _*_ : X  X  X
     x * y = fiber-point (mulc (h x) (h y) (φ x) (φ y))

     invH : X  X
     invH x = fiber-point (invc (h x) (φ x))

     pmul : (x y : X)  h (x * y)  h x · h y
     pmul x y = fiber-identification (mulc (h x) (h y) (φ x) (φ y))

     punit : h unitH  unit G
     punit = fiber-identification unitc

     pinv : (x : X)  h (invH x)  inv G (h x)
     pinv x = fiber-identification (invc (h x) (φ x))

     unitH-left : (x : X)  unitH * x  x
     unitH-left x = h-lc (h (unitH * x) =⟨ pmul unitH x 
                          h unitH · h x =⟨ ap ( h x) punit 
                          unit G · h x  =⟨ unit-left G (h x) 
                          h x           )

     unitH-right : (x : X)  x * unitH  x
     unitH-right x = h-lc (h (x * unitH) =⟨ pmul x unitH 
                           h x · h unitH =⟨ ap (h x ·_) punit 
                           h x · unit G  =⟨ unit-right G (h x) 
                           h x           )

     assocH : (x y z : X)  ((x * y) * z)  (x * (y * z))
     assocH x y z = h-lc (h ((x * y) * z)   =⟨ pmul (x * y) z 
                          h (x * y) · h z   =⟨ ap ( h z) (pmul x y) 
                          (h x · h y) · h z =⟨ assoc G (h x) (h y) (h z) 
                          h x · (h y · h z) =⟨ (ap (h x ·_) (pmul y z))⁻¹ 
                          h x · h (y * z)   =⟨ (pmul x (y * z))⁻¹ 
                          h (x * (y * z))   )

     group-axiomH : (x : X)  Σ x'  X , (x * x'  unitH) × (x' * x  unitH)
     group-axiomH x = invH x ,

                      h-lc (h (x * invH x)     =⟨ pmul x (invH x) 
                            h x · h (invH x)   =⟨ ap (h x ·_) (pinv x) 
                            h x · inv G (h x)  =⟨ inv-right G (h x) 
                            unit G             =⟨ punit ⁻¹ 
                            h unitH            ),

                      h-lc ((h (invH x * x)    =⟨ pmul (invH x) x 
                             h (invH x) · h x  =⟨ ap ( h x) (pinv x) 
                             inv G (h x) · h x =⟨ inv-left G (h x) 
                             unit G            =⟨ punit ⁻¹ 
                             h unitH           ))

     j : is-set X
     j = subtypes-of-sets-are-sets' h h-lc (group-is-set G)

     τ : T X
     τ = ((_*_ , unitH) , (j , unitH-left , unitH-right , assocH)) , group-axiomH

     i : is-homomorphism (X , τ) G h
     i = dfunext fe  x  dfunext fe (pmul x)) , punit

    : (Σ τ  T X , is-homomorphism (X , τ) G h)
     group-closed (fiber h)
       ((((_*_ , unitH) , maxioms) , gaxiom) , (pmult , punit))
     = (unitc , mulc , invc)
     H : Group
     H = X , ((_*_ , unitH) , maxioms) , gaxiom

     unitc : fiber h (unit G)
     unitc = unitH , punit

     mulc : ((x y :  G )  fiber h x  fiber h y  fiber h (x · y))
     mulc x y (a , p) (b , q) = (a * b) ,
                                (h (a * b) =⟨ ap  -  - a b) pmult 
                                 h a · h b =⟨ ap₂  - -'  - · -') p q 
                                 x · y     )

     invc : ((x :  G )  fiber h x  fiber h (inv G x))
     invc x (a , p) = inv H a ,
                      (h (inv H a) =⟨ inv-preservation-lemma H G h pmult a 
                       inv G (h a) =⟨ ap (inv G) p 
                       inv G x     )

   fiber-structure-lemma : funext 𝓤 𝓤
                          group-closed (fiber h)
                          (Σ τ  T X , is-homomorphism (X , τ) G h)
   fiber-structure-lemma fe =
     (group-closed-fiber-gives-homomorphic-structure fe)


TODO. I don't see how to respect the 80-character limit per line in
the following.


   : Subgroups  (Σ H  Group
                , Σ h  ( H    G )
                , is-embedding h
                × is-homomorphism H G h)
  characterization-of-the-type-of-subgroups =
   Subgroups                                                                                       ≃⟨ i 
   (Σ A  𝓟  G  , group-closed (_∈ A))                                                           ≃⟨ ii 
   (Σ (X , h , e)  Subtype  G  , group-closed (fiber h))                                       ≃⟨ iii 
   (Σ X  𝓤 ̇ , Σ (h , e)  X   G  , group-closed (fiber h))                                     ≃⟨ iv 
   (Σ X  𝓤 ̇ , Σ (h , e)  X   G  , Σ τ  T X , is-homomorphism (X , τ) G h)                    ≃⟨ v 
   (Σ X  𝓤 ̇ , Σ h  (X   G ) , Σ e  is-embedding h , Σ τ  T X , is-homomorphism (X , τ) G h) ≃⟨ vi 
   (Σ X  𝓤 ̇ , Σ h  (X   G ) , Σ τ  T X , Σ e  is-embedding h , is-homomorphism (X , τ) G h) ≃⟨ vii 
   (Σ X  𝓤 ̇ , Σ τ  T X , Σ h  (X   G ) , is-embedding h × is-homomorphism (X , τ) G h)       ≃⟨ viii 
   (Σ H  Group , Σ h  ( H    G ) , is-embedding h × is-homomorphism H G h)                  
       open special-classifier-single-universe 𝓤

       φ : Subtype  G   𝓟  G 
       φ = χ-special is-prop  G 

       j : is-equiv φ
       j = χ-special-is-equiv (ua 𝓤) fe is-prop  G 

       i    = ≃-refl Subgroups
       ii   = ≃-sym (Σ-change-of-variable  (A : 𝓟  G )  group-closed (_∈ A)) φ j)
       iii  = Σ-assoc
       iv   = Σ-cong  X  Σ-cong  (h , e)  fiber-structure-lemma h e fe))
       v    = Σ-cong  X  Σ-assoc)
       vi   = Σ-cong  X  Σ-cong  h  Σ-flip))
       vii  = Σ-cong  X  Σ-flip)
       viii = ≃-sym Σ-assoc

  induced-group : Subgroups  Group
  induced-group S = pr₁ ( characterization-of-the-type-of-subgroups  S)

module ring {𝓤 : Universe} (ua : Univalence) where
 open sip hiding (⟨_⟩)
 open sip-with-axioms
 open sip-join

 fe :  {𝓥} {𝓦}  funext 𝓥 𝓦
 fe {𝓥} {𝓦} = univalence-gives-funext' 𝓥 𝓦 (ua 𝓥) (ua (𝓥  𝓦))

 rng-structure : 𝓤 ̇  𝓤 ̇
 rng-structure X = (X  X  X) × (X  X  X)

 rng-axioms : (R : 𝓤 ̇ )  rng-structure R  𝓤 ̇
 rng-axioms R (_+_ , _·_) = I × II × III × IV × V × VI × VII
    I   = is-set R
    II  = (x y z : R)  (x + y) + z  x + (y + z)
    III = (x y : R)  x + y  y + x
    IV  = Σ O  R , ((x : R)  x + O  x) × ((x : R)  Σ x'  R , x + x'  O)
    V   = (x y z : R)  (x · y) · z  x · (y · z)
    VI  = (x y z : R)  x · (y + z)  (x · y) + (x · z)
    VII = (x y z : R)  (y + z) · x  (y · x) + (z · x)

 Rng : 𝓤  ̇
 Rng = Σ R  𝓤 ̇ , Σ s  rng-structure R , rng-axioms R s

 rng-axioms-is-prop : (R : 𝓤 ̇ ) (s : rng-structure R)
                     is-prop (rng-axioms R s)
 rng-axioms-is-prop R (_+_ , _·_) = prop-criterion δ
   δ : rng-axioms R (_+_ , _·_)  is-prop (rng-axioms R (_+_ , _·_))
   δ (i , ii , iii , iv-vii) = γ
     A   = λ (O : R)  ((x : R)  x + O  x)
                     × ((x : R)  Σ x'  R , x + x'  O)

     IV  = Σ A

     a : (O O' : R)  ((x : R)  x + O  x)  ((x : R)  x + O'  x)  O  O'
     a O O' f f' = O       =⟨ (f' O)⁻¹ 
                  (O + O') =⟨ iii O O' 
                  (O' + O) =⟨ f O' 

     b : (O : R)  is-prop ((x : R)  x + O  x)
     b O = Π-is-prop fe  x  i {x + O} {x})

     c : (O : R)
        ((x : R)  x + O  x)
        (x : R)  is-prop (Σ x'  R , x + x'  O)
     c O f x (x' , p') (x'' , p'') = to-subtype-=  y  i {x + y} {O}) r
       r : x'  x''
       r = x'               =⟨ (f x')⁻¹ 
           (x' + O)         =⟨ ap (x' +_) (p'' ⁻¹) 
           (x' + (x + x'')) =⟨ (ii x' x x'')⁻¹ 
           ((x' + x) + x'') =⟨ ap (_+ x'') (iii x' x) 
           ((x + x') + x'') =⟨ ap (_+ x'') p' 
           (O + x'')        =⟨ iii O x'' 
           (x'' + O)        =⟨ f x'' 

     d : (O : R)  is-prop (A O)
     d O (f , g) = φ (f , g)
       φ : is-prop (A O)
       φ = ×-is-prop (b O) (Π-is-prop fe  x  c O f x))

     IV-is-prop : is-prop IV
     IV-is-prop (O , f , g) (O' , f' , g') = e
       e : (O , f , g)  (O' , f' , g')
       e = to-subtype-= d (a O O' f f')

     γ : is-prop (rng-axioms R (_+_ , _·_))
     γ = ×₇-is-prop
          (being-set-is-prop fe)
          (Π₃-is-prop fe
            x y z  i {(x + y) + z} {x + (y + z)}))
          (Π₂-is-prop fe
             x y  i {x + y} {y + x}))
          (Π₃-is-prop fe
            x y z  i {(x · y) · z} {x · (y · z)}))
          (Π₃-is-prop fe
            x y z  i {x · (y + z)} {(x · y) + (x · z)}))
          (Π₃-is-prop fe
            x y z  i {(y + z) · x} {(y · x) + (z · x)}))

 _≅[Rng]_ : Rng  Rng  𝓤 ̇

 (R , (_+_ , _·_) , _) ≅[Rng] (R' , (_+'_ , _·'_) , _) =

                       Σ f  (R  R')
                           , is-equiv f
                           × ((λ x y  f (x + y))   x y  f x +' f y))
                           × ((λ x y  f (x · y))   x y  f x ·' f y))

 characterization-of-rng-= : (𝓡 𝓡' : Rng)  (𝓡  𝓡')  (𝓡 ≅[Rng] 𝓡')
 characterization-of-rng-= = characterization-of-= (ua 𝓤)

 ⟨_⟩ : (𝓡 : Rng)  𝓤 ̇
  R , _  = R

 ring-structure : 𝓤 ̇  𝓤 ̇
 ring-structure X = X × rng-structure X

 ring-axioms : (R : 𝓤 ̇ )  ring-structure R  𝓤 ̇
 ring-axioms R (𝟏 , _+_ , _·_) = rng-axioms R (_+_ , _·_) × VIII
   VIII = (x : R)  (x · 𝟏  x) × (𝟏 · x  x)

 ring-axioms-is-prop : (R : 𝓤 ̇ ) (s : ring-structure R)
                              is-prop (ring-axioms R s)
 ring-axioms-is-prop R (𝟏 , _+_ , _·_) ((i , ii-vii) , viii) =
  γ ((i , ii-vii) , viii)
   γ : is-prop (ring-axioms R (𝟏 , _+_ , _·_))
   γ = ×-is-prop
         (rng-axioms-is-prop R (_+_ , _·_))
         (Π-is-prop fe  x  ×-is-prop (i {x · 𝟏} {x}) (i {𝟏 · x} {x})))

 Ring : 𝓤  ̇
 Ring = Σ R  𝓤 ̇ , Σ s  ring-structure R , ring-axioms R s

 _≅[Ring]_ : Ring  Ring  𝓤 ̇

 (R , (𝟏 , _+_ , _·_) , _) ≅[Ring] (R' , (𝟏' , _+'_ , _·'_) , _) =

                           Σ f  (R  R')
                               , is-equiv f
                               × (f 𝟏  𝟏')
                               × ((λ x y  f (x + y))   x y  f x +' f y))
                               × ((λ x y  f (x · y))   x y  f x ·' f y))

 characterization-of-ring-= : (𝓡 𝓡' : Ring)  (𝓡  𝓡')  (𝓡 ≅[Ring] 𝓡')
 characterization-of-ring-= = sip.characterization-of-= (ua 𝓤)

 is-commutative : Rng  𝓤 ̇
 is-commutative (R , (_+_ , _·_) , _) = (x y : R)  x · y  y · x

 being-commutative-is-prop : (𝓡 : Rng)  is-prop (is-commutative 𝓡)
 being-commutative-is-prop (R , (_+_ , _·_) , i , ii-vii) =
   Π₂-is-prop fe  x y  i {x · y} {y · x})

 open import UF.Powerset

 is-ideal : (𝓡 : Rng)  𝓟  𝓡   𝓤 ̇
 is-ideal (R , (_+_ , _·_) , _) I = (x y : R)  (x  I  y  I  (x + y)  I)
                                              × (x  I  (x · y)  I)
                                              × (y  I  (x · y)  I)

 is-local : Rng  𝓤  ̇
 is-local 𝓡 = ∃! I  𝓟  𝓡  , (is-ideal 𝓡 I
                                (J : 𝓟  𝓡 )
                                is-ideal 𝓡 J
                                J  I)

 being-local-is-prop : (𝓡 : Rng)  is-prop (is-local 𝓡)
 being-local-is-prop 𝓡 = ∃!-is-prop fe

 open import UF.PropTrunc

 module _ (pt : propositional-truncations-exist) where

  open propositional-truncations-exist pt public
  open PropositionalTruncation pt
  open import Naturals.Order

  is-noetherian : (𝓡 : Rng)  𝓤  ̇
  is-noetherian 𝓡 = (I :   𝓟  𝓡 )
                   ((n : )  is-ideal 𝓡 (I n))
                   ((n : )  I n  I (succ n))
                    m   , ((n : )  m  n  I m  I n)

  NoetherianRng : 𝓤  ̇
  NoetherianRng = Σ 𝓡  Rng , is-noetherian 𝓡

  being-noetherian-is-prop : (𝓡 : Rng)  is-prop (is-noetherian 𝓡)
  being-noetherian-is-prop 𝓡 = Π₃-is-prop fe  I _ _  ∃-is-prop)

  forget-Noether : NoetherianRng  Rng
  forget-Noether (𝓡 , _) = 𝓡

  forget-Noether-is-embedding : is-embedding forget-Noether
  forget-Noether-is-embedding = pr₁-is-embedding being-noetherian-is-prop

  _≅[NoetherianRng]_ : NoetherianRng  NoetherianRng  𝓤 ̇
  ((R , (_+_ , _·_) , _) , _) ≅[NoetherianRng] ((R' , (_+'_ , _·'_) , _) , _) =
      Σ f  (R  R')
          , is-equiv f
          × ((λ x y  f (x + y))   x y  f x +' f y))
          × ((λ x y  f (x · y))   x y  f x ·' f y))

  NB : (𝓡 𝓡' : NoetherianRng)
      (𝓡 ≅[NoetherianRng] 𝓡')  (forget-Noether 𝓡 ≅[Rng] forget-Noether 𝓡')
  NB 𝓡 𝓡' = refl

  characterization-of-nrng-= : (𝓡 𝓡' : NoetherianRng)
                              (𝓡  𝓡')  (𝓡 ≅[NoetherianRng] 𝓡')
  characterization-of-nrng-= 𝓡 𝓡' =

    (𝓡  𝓡')                               ≃⟨ i 
    (forget-Noether 𝓡  forget-Noether 𝓡') ≃⟨ ii 
    (𝓡 ≅[NoetherianRng] 𝓡')                
     i = ≃-sym (embedding-criterion-converse forget-Noether
                  forget-Noether-is-embedding 𝓡 𝓡')
     ii = characterization-of-rng-= (forget-Noether 𝓡) (forget-Noether 𝓡')

   : (A : NoetherianRng  𝓥 ̇ )
     (𝓡 𝓡' : NoetherianRng)
    𝓡 ≅[NoetherianRng] 𝓡'
    A 𝓡
    A 𝓡'
  isomorphic-NoetherianRng-transport A 𝓡 𝓡' i a = a'
    p : 𝓡  𝓡'
    p =  characterization-of-nrng-= 𝓡 𝓡' ⌝⁻¹ i

    a' : A 𝓡'
    a' = transport A p a

  is-CNL : Ring  𝓤  ̇
  is-CNL (R , (𝟏 , _+_ , _·_) , i-vii , viii) = is-commutative 𝓡
                                              × is-noetherian 𝓡
                                              × is-local 𝓡
    𝓡 : Rng
    𝓡 = (R , (_+_ , _·_) , i-vii)

  being-CNL-is-prop : (𝓡 : Ring)  is-prop (is-CNL 𝓡)
  being-CNL-is-prop (R , (𝟏 , _+_ , _·_) , i-vii , viii) =
      (being-commutative-is-prop 𝓡)
      (being-noetherian-is-prop 𝓡)
      (being-local-is-prop 𝓡)
    𝓡 : Rng
    𝓡 = (R , (_+_ , _·_) , i-vii)

  CNL-Ring : 𝓤  ̇
  CNL-Ring = Σ 𝓡  Ring , is-CNL 𝓡

  _≅[CNL]_ : CNL-Ring  CNL-Ring  𝓤 ̇

  ((R , (𝟏 , _+_ , _·_) , _) , _) ≅[CNL] ((R' , (𝟏' , _+'_ , _·'_) , _) , _) =

                                  Σ f  (R  R')
                                      , is-equiv f
                                      × (f 𝟏  𝟏')
                                      × ((λ x y  f (x + y))   x y  f x +' f y))
                                      × ((λ x y  f (x · y))   x y  f x ·' f y))

  forget-CNL : CNL-Ring  Ring
  forget-CNL (𝓡 , _) = 𝓡

  forget-CNL-is-embedding : is-embedding forget-CNL
  forget-CNL-is-embedding = pr₁-is-embedding being-CNL-is-prop

  NB' : (𝓡 𝓡' : CNL-Ring)
       (𝓡 ≅[CNL] 𝓡')  (forget-CNL 𝓡 ≅[Ring] forget-CNL 𝓡')
  NB' 𝓡 𝓡' = refl

  characterization-of-CNL-ring-= : (𝓡 𝓡' : CNL-Ring)
                                  (𝓡  𝓡')  (𝓡 ≅[CNL] 𝓡')
  characterization-of-CNL-ring-= 𝓡 𝓡' =
     (𝓡  𝓡')                               ≃⟨ i 
     (forget-CNL 𝓡  forget-CNL 𝓡')         ≃⟨ ii 
     (𝓡 ≅[CNL] 𝓡')                          
      i = ≃-sym (embedding-criterion-converse forget-CNL
                   forget-CNL-is-embedding 𝓡 𝓡')
      ii = characterization-of-ring-= (forget-CNL 𝓡) (forget-CNL 𝓡')

   : (A : CNL-Ring  𝓥 ̇ )
     (𝓡 𝓡' : CNL-Ring)
    𝓡 ≅[CNL] 𝓡'
    A 𝓡
    A 𝓡'
  isomorphic-CNL-Ring-transport A 𝓡 𝓡' i a = a'
    p : 𝓡  𝓡'
    p =  characterization-of-CNL-ring-= 𝓡 𝓡' ⌝⁻¹ i

    a' : A 𝓡'
    a' = transport A p a

module slice
        {𝓤 𝓥 : Universe}
        (R : 𝓥 ̇ )

 open sip

 S : 𝓤 ̇  𝓤  𝓥 ̇
 S X = X  R

 sns-data : SNS S (𝓤  𝓥)
 sns-data = (ι , ρ , θ)
   ι : (A B : Σ S)   A    B   𝓤  𝓥 ̇
   ι (X , g) (Y , h) (f , _) = (g  h  f)

   ρ : (A : Σ S)  ι A A (≃-refl  A )
   ρ (X , g) = 𝓻𝓮𝒻𝓵 g

   k : {X : 𝓤 ̇ } {g h : S X}  canonical-map ι ρ g h  -id (g  h)
   k (refl {g}) = 𝓻𝓮𝒻𝓵 (𝓻𝓮𝒻𝓵 g)

   θ : {X : 𝓤 ̇ } (g h : S X)  is-equiv (canonical-map ι ρ g h)
   θ g h = equiv-closed-under-∼
            (canonical-map ι ρ g h)
            (id-is-equiv (g  h))

 _/_ : (𝓤 : Universe)  𝓥 ̇  𝓤   𝓥 ̇
 𝓤 / Y = Σ X  𝓤 ̇ , (X  Y)

 _≅_  : 𝓤 / R  𝓤 / R  𝓤  𝓥 ̇
 (X , g)  (Y , h) = Σ f  (X  Y), is-equiv f × (g  h  f)

 characterization-of-/-= : is-univalent 𝓤  (A B : 𝓤 / R)  (A  B)  (A  B)
 characterization-of-/-= ua = characterization-of-= ua sns-data

module slice-variation
        {𝓤 𝓥 : Universe}
        (R : 𝓥 ̇ )
        (ua : is-univalent 𝓤)
        (fe : funext 𝓤 𝓥)

 open sip

 S : 𝓤 ̇  𝓤  𝓥 ̇
 S X = X  R

 sns-data : SNS S (𝓤  𝓥)
 sns-data = (ι , ρ , θ)
   ι : (A B : Σ S)   A    B   𝓤  𝓥 ̇
   ι (X , g) (Y , h) (f , _) = ((x : X)  g x  h (f x))

   ρ : (A : Σ S)  ι A A (≃-refl  A )
   ρ (X , g) = λ x  𝓻𝓮𝒻𝓵 (g x)

   k : {X : 𝓤 ̇ } {g h : S X}  canonical-map ι ρ g h  happly' g h
   k (refl {g}) = 𝓻𝓮𝒻𝓵  x  𝓻𝓮𝒻𝓵 (g x))

   θ : {X : 𝓤 ̇ } (g h : S X)  is-equiv (canonical-map ι ρ g h)
   θ g h = equiv-closed-under-∼ (happly' g h) (canonical-map ι ρ g h) (fe g h) k

 _/_ : (𝓤 : Universe)  𝓥 ̇  𝓤   𝓥 ̇
 𝓤 / Y = Σ X  𝓤 ̇ , (X  Y)

 _≅_  : 𝓤 / R  𝓤 / R  𝓤  𝓥 ̇
 (X , g)  (Y , h) = Σ f  (X  Y), is-equiv f × ((x : X)  g x  h (f x))

 characterization-of-/-= : (A B : 𝓤 / R)  (A  B)  (A  B)
 characterization-of-/-= = characterization-of-= ua sns-data

module universe-a-la-tarski
        (𝓤 𝓥 : Universe)
        (ua : is-univalent 𝓤)
        (fe : funext 𝓤 (𝓥 ))

 TarskiUniverse : (𝓤 𝓥 : Universe)  (𝓤  𝓥) ̇
 TarskiUniverse 𝓤 𝓥 = Σ X  𝓤 ̇ , (X  𝓥 ̇ )

 _≅_  : TarskiUniverse 𝓤 𝓥  TarskiUniverse 𝓤 𝓥  𝓤  (𝓥 ) ̇
 (X , T)  (X' , T') = Σ f  (X  X'), is-equiv f × ((x : X)  T x  T' (f x))

 characterization-of-Tarski-= : (A B : TarskiUniverse 𝓤 𝓥)
                               (A  B)  (A  B)
 characterization-of-Tarski-= =
  slice-variation.characterization-of-/-= (𝓥 ̇ ) ua fe

module universe-a-la-tarski-hSet-example
        (𝓤 : Universe)
        (ua : is-univalent (𝓤 ))

 fe : funext (𝓤 ) (𝓤 )
 fe = univalence-gives-funext ua

 open universe-a-la-tarski (𝓤 ) 𝓤 ua fe

 hset : TarskiUniverse (𝓤 ) 𝓤
 hset = hSet 𝓤 , pr₁

 example : (X : 𝓤  ̇ ) (T : X  𝓤 ̇ )
          ((X , T)  hset)  (Σ f  (X  hSet 𝓤) , is-equiv f
                                                  × ((x : X)  T x  pr₁ (f x)))
 example X T = characterization-of-Tarski-= (X , T) hset

module generalized-metric-space
        {𝓤 𝓥 𝓦  : Universe}
        (R : 𝓥 ̇ )
        (axioms  : (X : 𝓤 ̇ )  (X  X  R)  𝓦 ̇ )
        (axiomss : (X : 𝓤 ̇ ) (d : X  X  R)  is-prop (axioms X d))

 open sip
 open sip-with-axioms

 S : 𝓤 ̇  𝓤  𝓥 ̇
 S X = X  X  R

 sns-data : SNS S (𝓤  𝓥)
 sns-data = (ι , ρ , θ)
   ι : (A B : Σ S)   A    B   𝓤  𝓥 ̇
   ι (X , d) (Y , e) (f , _) = (d  λ x x'  e (f x) (f x'))

   ρ : (A : Σ S)  ι A A (≃-refl  A )
   ρ (X , d) = 𝓻𝓮𝒻𝓵 d

   h : {X : 𝓤 ̇ } {d e : S X}  canonical-map ι ρ d e  -id (d  e)
   h (refl {d}) = 𝓻𝓮𝒻𝓵 (𝓻𝓮𝒻𝓵 d)

   θ : {X : 𝓤 ̇ } (d e : S X)  is-equiv (canonical-map ι ρ d e)
   θ d e = equiv-closed-under-∼
            (canonical-map ι ρ d e)
            (id-is-equiv (d  e))

 M : 𝓤   𝓥  𝓦 ̇
 M = Σ X  𝓤 ̇ , Σ d  (X  X  R) , axioms X d

 _≅_  : M  M  𝓤  𝓥 ̇
 (X , d , _)  (Y , e , _) = Σ f  (X  Y), is-equiv f
                                          × (d  λ x x'  e (f x) (f x'))

 characterization-of-M-= : is-univalent 𝓤
                          (A B : M)
                          (A  B)  (A  B)
 characterization-of-M-= ua = characterization-of-=-with-axioms ua

 _≅'_  : M  M  𝓤  𝓥 ̇
 (X , d , _) ≅' (Y , e , _)
             = Σ f  (X  Y), is-equiv f
                            × ((x x' : X)  d x x'  e (f x) (f x'))

  : Univalence
   ((X , d , a) (Y , e , b) : M)
   ((X , d , a)  (Y , e , b))
                   (Σ f  (X  Y), is-equiv f
                                  × ((x x' : X)  d x x'  e (f x) (f x')))
 characterization-of-M-=' ua (X , d , a) (Y , e , b) =
     characterization-of-M-= (ua 𝓤) (X , d , a) (Y , e , b)
    Σ-cong  f  ×-cong (≃-refl (is-equiv f))
                         (≃-funext₂ (Univalence-gives-FunExt ua 𝓤 (𝓤  𝓥))
                                    (Univalence-gives-FunExt ua 𝓤 𝓥)
                                     x y  d x y)
                                     x x'  e (f x) (f x'))))

module generalized-topological-space
        (𝓤 𝓥 : Universe)
        (R : 𝓥 ̇ )
        (axioms  : (X : 𝓤 ̇ )  ((X  R)  R)  𝓤  𝓥 ̇ )
        (axiomss : (X : 𝓤 ̇ ) (𝓞 : (X  R)  R)  is-prop (axioms X 𝓞))

 open sip
 open sip-with-axioms

  : 𝓦 ̇  𝓥  𝓦 ̇
  X = X  R

 _∊_ : {X : 𝓦 ̇ }  X   X  R
 x  A = A x

 inverse-image : {X Y : 𝓤 ̇ }  (X  Y)   Y   X
 inverse-image f B = λ x  f x  B

 ℙℙ : 𝓤 ̇  𝓤  𝓥 ̇
 ℙℙ X =  ( X)

 Space : 𝓤   𝓥  ̇
 Space = Σ X  𝓤 ̇ , Σ 𝓞  ℙℙ X , axioms X 𝓞

 sns-data : SNS ℙℙ (𝓤  𝓥)
 sns-data = (ι , ρ , θ)
   ι : (A B : Σ ℙℙ)   A    B   𝓤  𝓥 ̇
   ι (X , 𝓞X) (Y , 𝓞Y) (f , _) =  (V :  Y)  inverse-image f V  𝓞X)  𝓞Y

   ρ : (A : Σ ℙℙ)  ι A A (≃-refl  A )
   ρ (X , 𝓞) = 𝓻𝓮𝒻𝓵 𝓞

   h : {X : 𝓤 ̇ } {𝓞 𝓞' : ℙℙ X}  canonical-map ι ρ 𝓞 𝓞'  -id (𝓞  𝓞')
   h (refl {𝓞}) = 𝓻𝓮𝒻𝓵 (𝓻𝓮𝒻𝓵 𝓞)

   θ : {X : 𝓤 ̇ } (𝓞 𝓞' : ℙℙ X)  is-equiv (canonical-map ι ρ 𝓞 𝓞')
   θ {X} 𝓞 𝓞' = equiv-closed-under-∼ id (canonical-map ι ρ 𝓞 𝓞') (id-is-equiv (𝓞  𝓞')) h

 _≅_  : Space  Space  𝓤  𝓥 ̇
 (X , 𝓞X , _)  (Y , 𝓞Y , _) =

              Σ f  (X  Y), is-equiv f
                           × ((λ V  inverse-image f V  𝓞X)  𝓞Y)

 characterization-of-Space-= : is-univalent 𝓤
                              (A B : Space)
                              (A  B)  (A  B)
 characterization-of-Space-= ua = characterization-of-=-with-axioms ua
                                   sns-data axioms axiomss

 _≅'_  : Space  Space  𝓤  𝓥 ̇
 (X , F , _) ≅' (Y , G , _) =
             Σ f  (X  Y), is-equiv f
                          × ((λ (v : Y  R)  F (v  f))  G)

 characterization-of-Space-=' : is-univalent 𝓤
                               (A B : Space)
                               (A  B)  (A ≅' B)
 characterization-of-Space-=' = characterization-of-Space-=

module selection-space
        (𝓤 𝓥 : Universe)
        (R : 𝓥 ̇ )
        (axioms  : (X : 𝓤 ̇ )  ((X  R)  X)  𝓤  𝓥 ̇ )
        (axiomss : (X : 𝓤 ̇ ) (ε : (X  R)  X)  is-prop (axioms X ε))

 open sip
 open sip-with-axioms

 S : 𝓤 ̇  𝓤  𝓥 ̇
 S X = (X  R)  X

 SelectionSpace : 𝓤   𝓥  ̇
 SelectionSpace = Σ X  𝓤 ̇ , Σ ε  S X , axioms X ε

 sns-data : SNS S (𝓤  𝓥)
 sns-data = (ι , ρ , θ)
   ι : (A B : Σ S)   A    B   𝓤  𝓥 ̇
   ι (X , ε) (Y , δ) (f , _) =  (q : Y  R)  f (ε (q  f)))  δ

   ρ : (A : Σ S)  ι A A (≃-refl  A )
   ρ (X , ε) = 𝓻𝓮𝒻𝓵 ε

   θ : {X : 𝓤 ̇ } (ε δ : S X)  is-equiv (canonical-map ι ρ ε δ)
   θ {X} ε δ = γ
     h : canonical-map ι ρ ε δ  -id (ε  δ)
     h (refl {ε}) = 𝓻𝓮𝒻𝓵 (𝓻𝓮𝒻𝓵 ε)

     γ : is-equiv (canonical-map ι ρ ε δ)
     γ = equiv-closed-under-∼ id (canonical-map ι ρ ε δ) (id-is-equiv (ε  δ)) h

 _≅_  :  SelectionSpace  SelectionSpace  𝓤  𝓥 ̇
 (X , ε , _)  (Y , δ , _) =
             Σ f  (X  Y), is-equiv f
                          × ((λ (q : Y  R)  f (ε (q  f)))  δ)

 characterization-of-selection-space-= : is-univalent 𝓤
                                        (A B : SelectionSpace)
                                        (A  B)  (A  B)
 characterization-of-selection-space-= ua =
  characterization-of-=-with-axioms ua sns-data axioms axiomss

module contrived-example (𝓤 : Universe) where

 open sip

  : is-univalent 𝓤
   (X Y : 𝓤 ̇ ) (φ : (X  X)  X) (γ : (Y  Y)  Y)
   ((X , φ)  (Y , γ))  (Σ f  (X  Y)
                          , Σ i  is-equiv f
                          ,  (g : Y  Y)  f (φ (inverse f i  g  f)))  γ)
 contrived-= ua X Y φ γ =
   characterization-of-= ua
    ((λ (X , φ) (Y , γ) (f , i)   (g : Y  Y)  f (φ (inverse f i  g  f)))  γ) ,
      (X , φ)  𝓻𝓮𝒻𝓵 φ) ,
      φ γ  equiv-closed-under-∼ _ _ (id-is-equiv (φ  γ))  {(refl {φ})  𝓻𝓮𝒻𝓵 (𝓻𝓮𝒻𝓵 φ)})))
    (X , φ) (Y , γ)

module generalized-functor-algebra
         {𝓤 𝓥 : Universe}
         (F : 𝓤 ̇  𝓥 ̇ )
         (𝓕 : {X Y : 𝓤 ̇ }  (X  Y)  F X  F Y)
         (𝓕-id : {X : 𝓤 ̇ }  𝓕 (-id X)  -id (F X))

 open sip

 S : 𝓤 ̇  𝓤  𝓥 ̇
 S X = F X  X

 sns-data : SNS S (𝓤  𝓥)
 sns-data = (ι , ρ , θ)
   ι : (A B : Σ S)   A    B   𝓤  𝓥 ̇
   ι (X , α) (Y , β) (f , _) = f  α  β  𝓕 f

   ρ : (A : Σ S)  ι A A (≃-refl  A )
   ρ (X , α) = α        =⟨ ap (α ∘_) (𝓕-id ⁻¹) 
               α  𝓕 id 

   θ : {X : 𝓤 ̇ } (α β : S X)  is-equiv (canonical-map ι ρ α β)
   θ {X} α β = γ
     c : α  β  α  β  𝓕 id
     c = transport (α =_) (ρ (X , β))

     i : is-equiv c
     i = transports-are-equivs (ρ (X , β))

     h : canonical-map ι ρ α β  c
     h refl = ρ (X , α)           =⟨ refl-left-neutral ⁻¹ 
              𝓻𝓮𝒻𝓵 α  ρ (X , α) 

     γ : is-equiv (canonical-map ι ρ α β)
     γ = equiv-closed-under-∼ c (canonical-map ι ρ α β) i h

  : is-univalent 𝓤
   (X Y : 𝓤 ̇ ) (α : F X  X) (β : F Y  Y)
   ((X , α)  (Y , β))  (Σ f  (X  Y), is-equiv f × (f  α  β  𝓕 f))
 characterization-of-functor-algebra-= ua X Y α β =
   characterization-of-= ua sns-data (X , α) (Y , β)

type-valued-preorder-S : 𝓤 ̇  𝓤  (𝓥 ) ̇
type-valued-preorder-S {𝓤} {𝓥} X = Σ _≤_  (X  X  𝓥 ̇ )
                                         , ((x : X)  x  x)
                                         × ((x y z : X)  x  y  y  z  x  z)

module type-valued-preorder
        (𝓤 𝓥 : Universe)
        (ua : Univalence)

 open sip

 fe : Fun-Ext
 fe {𝓤} {𝓥} = Univalence-gives-FunExt ua 𝓤 𝓥

 S : 𝓤 ̇  𝓤  (𝓥 ) ̇
 S = type-valued-preorder-S {𝓤} {𝓥}

 Type-valued-preorder : (𝓤  𝓥)  ̇
 Type-valued-preorder = Σ S

 Ob : Σ S  𝓤 ̇
 Ob (X , homX , idX , compX) = X

 hom : (𝓧 : Σ S)  Ob 𝓧  Ob 𝓧  𝓥 ̇
 hom (X , homX , idX , compX) = homX

 𝒾𝒹 : (𝓧 : Σ S) (x : Ob 𝓧)  hom 𝓧 x x
 𝒾𝒹 (X , homX , idX , compX) = idX

 comp : (𝓧 : Σ S) (x y z : Ob 𝓧)  hom 𝓧 x y  hom 𝓧 y z  hom 𝓧 x z
 comp (X , homX , idX , compX) = compX

 functorial : (𝓧 𝓐 : Σ S)
             (F : Ob 𝓧  Ob 𝓐)
             ((x y : Ob 𝓧)  hom 𝓧 x y  hom 𝓐 (F x) (F y))
             𝓤  𝓥 ̇

 functorial 𝓧 𝓐 F 𝓕' = pidentity × pcomposition

   _o_ : {x y z : Ob 𝓧}  hom 𝓧 y z  hom 𝓧 x y  hom 𝓧 x z
   g o f = comp 𝓧 _ _ _ f g

   _□_ : {a b c : Ob 𝓐}  hom 𝓐 b c  hom 𝓐 a b  hom 𝓐 a c
   g  f = comp 𝓐 _ _ _ f g

   𝓕 : {x y : Ob 𝓧}  hom 𝓧 x y  hom 𝓐 (F x) (F y)
   𝓕 f = 𝓕' _ _ f

   pidentity =  x  𝓕 (𝒾𝒹 𝓧 x))   x  𝒾𝒹 𝓐 (F x))

   pcomposition =  x y z (f : hom 𝓧 x y) (g : hom 𝓧 y z)  𝓕 (g o f))
                  x y z (f : hom 𝓧 x y) (g : hom 𝓧 y z)  𝓕 g  𝓕 f)

 sns-data : SNS S (𝓤  (𝓥 ))
 sns-data = (ι , ρ , θ)
   ι : (𝓧 𝓐 : Σ S)   𝓧    𝓐   𝓤  (𝓥 ) ̇
   ι 𝓧 𝓐 (F , _) = Σ p  hom 𝓧   x y  hom 𝓐 (F x) (F y))
                       , functorial 𝓧 𝓐 F  x y  transport  -  - x y) p)

   ρ : (𝓧 : Σ S)  ι 𝓧 𝓧 (≃-refl  𝓧 )
   ρ 𝓧 = 𝓻𝓮𝒻𝓵 (hom 𝓧) , 𝓻𝓮𝒻𝓵 (𝒾𝒹 𝓧) , 𝓻𝓮𝒻𝓵 (comp 𝓧)

   θ : {X : 𝓤 ̇ } (s t : S X)  is-equiv (canonical-map ι ρ s t)
   θ {X} (homX , idX , compX) (homA , idA , compA) = g
     φ = canonical-map ι ρ (homX , idX , compX) (homA , idA , compA)

     γ : codomain φ  domain φ
     γ (refl , refl , refl) = refl

     η : γ  φ  id
     η refl = refl

     ε : φ  γ  id
     ε (refl , refl , refl) = refl

     g : is-equiv φ
     g = qinvs-are-equivs φ (γ , η , ε)

 lemma : (𝓧 𝓐 : Σ S) (F : Ob 𝓧  Ob 𝓐)
         (Σ p  hom 𝓧   x y  hom 𝓐 (F x) (F y))
              , functorial 𝓧 𝓐 F  x y  transport  -  - x y) p))
         (Σ 𝓕  ((x y : Ob 𝓧)  hom 𝓧 x y  hom 𝓐 (F x) (F y))
              , (∀ x y  is-equiv (𝓕 x y))
              × functorial 𝓧 𝓐 F 𝓕)

 lemma 𝓧 𝓐 F = γ
   e = (hom 𝓧  λ x y  hom 𝓐 (F x) (F y))                            ≃⟨ i 
       (∀ x y  hom 𝓧 x y  hom 𝓐 (F x) (F y))                        ≃⟨ ii 
       (∀ x y  hom 𝓧 x y  hom 𝓐 (F x) (F y))                        ≃⟨ iii 
       (∀ x  Σ φ  (∀ y  hom 𝓧 x y  hom 𝓐 (F x) (F y))
                  ,  y  is-equiv (φ y))                             ≃⟨ iv 
       (Σ 𝓕  ((x y : Ob 𝓧)  hom 𝓧 x y  hom 𝓐 (F x) (F y))
            , (∀ x y  is-equiv (𝓕 x y)))                             
     i   = ≃-funext₂ fe fe (hom 𝓧)  λ x y  hom 𝓐 (F x) (F y)
     ii  = Π-cong fe fe
             x  Π-cong fe fe
                     y  univalence-≃ (ua 𝓥) (hom 𝓧 x y) (hom 𝓐 (F x) (F y))))
     iii = Π-cong fe fe  y  ΠΣ-distr-≃)
     iv  = ΠΣ-distr-≃

   v : (p : hom 𝓧  λ x y  hom 𝓐 (F x) (F y))
      functorial 𝓧 𝓐 F  x y  transport  -  - x y) p)
      functorial 𝓧 𝓐 F (pr₁ ( e  p))

   v refl = ≃-refl _

   γ =

    (Σ p  hom 𝓧   x y  hom 𝓐 (F x) (F y))
         , functorial 𝓧 𝓐 F  x y  transport  -  - x y) p)) ≃⟨ vi 

    (Σ p  hom 𝓧   x y  hom 𝓐 (F x) (F y))
         , functorial 𝓧 𝓐 F (pr₁ ( e  p)))                     ≃⟨ vii 

    (Σ σ  (Σ 𝓕  ((x y : Ob 𝓧)  hom 𝓧 x y  hom 𝓐 (F x) (F y))
                , (∀ x y  is-equiv (𝓕 x y)))
         , functorial 𝓧 𝓐 F (pr₁ σ))                             ≃⟨ viii 

    (Σ 𝓕  ((x y : Ob 𝓧)  hom 𝓧 x y  hom 𝓐 (F x) (F y))
                  , (∀ x y  is-equiv (𝓕 x y))
                  × functorial 𝓧 𝓐 F 𝓕)                          
     vi   = Σ-cong v
     vii  = Σ-change-of-variable _  e  (⌜⌝-is-equiv e)
     viii = Σ-assoc

  : (𝓧 𝓐 : Σ S)
   (𝓧  𝓐)
   (Σ F  (Ob 𝓧  Ob 𝓐)
         , is-equiv F
         × (Σ 𝓕  ((x y : Ob 𝓧)  hom 𝓧 x y  hom 𝓐 (F x) (F y))
                , (∀ x y  is-equiv (𝓕 x y))
                × functorial 𝓧 𝓐 F 𝓕))

 characterization-of-type-valued-preorder-= 𝓧 𝓐 =
   (𝓧  𝓐)                                                              ≃⟨ i 
   (Σ F  (Ob 𝓧  Ob 𝓐)
        , is-equiv F
        × (Σ p  hom 𝓧   x y  hom 𝓐 (F x) (F y))
               , functorial 𝓧 𝓐 F  x y  transport  -  - x y) p))) ≃⟨ ii 
   (Σ F  (Ob 𝓧  Ob 𝓐)
     , is-equiv F
     × (Σ 𝓕  ((x y : Ob 𝓧)  hom 𝓧 x y  hom 𝓐 (F x) (F y))
            , (∀ x y  is-equiv (𝓕 x y))
            × functorial 𝓧 𝓐 F 𝓕))                                      

   i  = characterization-of-= (ua 𝓤) sns-data 𝓧 𝓐
   ii = Σ-cong  F  Σ-cong  _  lemma 𝓧 𝓐 F))

module type-valued-preorder-with-axioms
        (𝓤 𝓥 𝓦 : Universe)
        (ua : Univalence)
        (axioms  : (X : 𝓤 ̇ )  type-valued-preorder-S {𝓤} {𝓥} X  𝓦 ̇ )
        (axiomss : (X : 𝓤 ̇ )
                   (s : type-valued-preorder-S X)
                  is-prop (axioms X s))

 open sip
 open sip-with-axioms
 open type-valued-preorder 𝓤 𝓥 ua

 S' : 𝓤 ̇  𝓤  (𝓥 )  𝓦 ̇
 S' X = Σ s  S X , axioms X s

 sns-data' : SNS S' (𝓤  (𝓥 ))
 sns-data' = add-axioms axioms axiomss sns-data

  : (𝓧' 𝓐' : Σ S')
    (𝓧'  𝓐')
    (Σ F  (Ob [ 𝓧' ]  Ob [ 𝓐' ])
         , is-equiv F
         × (Σ 𝓕  ((x y : Ob [ 𝓧' ])  hom [ 𝓧' ] x y  hom [ 𝓐' ] (F x) (F y))
                , (∀ x y  is-equiv (𝓕 x y))
                × functorial [ 𝓧' ] [ 𝓐' ] F 𝓕))
 characterization-of-type-valued-preorder-=-with-axioms 𝓧' 𝓐' =
  (𝓧'  𝓐')                     ≃⟨ i 
  ([ 𝓧' ] ≃[ sns-data ] [ 𝓐' ]) ≃⟨ ii 
   i  = characterization-of-=-with-axioms (ua 𝓤) sns-data axioms axiomss 𝓧' 𝓐'
   ii = Σ-cong  F  Σ-cong  _  lemma [ 𝓧' ] [ 𝓐' ] F))

module category
        (𝓤 𝓥 : Universe)
        (ua : Univalence)

 open type-valued-preorder-with-axioms 𝓤 𝓥 (𝓤  𝓥) ua

 fe : Fun-Ext
 fe {𝓤} {𝓥} = Univalence-gives-FunExt ua 𝓤 𝓥

 S : 𝓤 ̇  𝓤  (𝓥 ) ̇
 S = type-valued-preorder-S {𝓤} {𝓥}

 category-axioms : (X : 𝓤 ̇ )  S X  𝓤  𝓥 ̇
 category-axioms X (homX , idX , compX) =
  hom-sets × identityl × identityr × associativity
   _o_ : {x y z : X}  homX y z  homX x y  homX x z
   g o f = compX _ _ _ f g

   hom-sets      =  x y  is-set (homX x y)

   identityl     =  x y (f : homX x y)  f o (idX x)  f

   identityr     =  x y (f : homX x y)  (idX y) o f  f

   associativity =  x y z t (f : homX x y) (g : homX y z) (h : homX z t)
                  (h o g) o f  h o (g o f)

 category-axioms-prop : (X : 𝓤 ̇ ) (s : S X)  is-prop (category-axioms X s)
 category-axioms-prop X (homX , idX , compX) ca = γ ca
   i :  x y  is-set (homX x y)
   i = pr₁ ca

   γ : is-prop (category-axioms X (homX , idX , compX))
   γ = ×₄-is-prop
        (Π₂-is-prop fe  x y  being-set-is-prop fe))
        (Π₃-is-prop fe  x y f  i x y))
        (Π₃-is-prop fe  x y f  i x y))
        (Π₇-is-prop fe  x y z t f g h  i x t))

 Cat : (𝓤  𝓥) ̇
 Cat = Σ X  𝓤 ̇ , Σ s  S X , category-axioms X s

 Ob : Cat  𝓤 ̇
 Ob (X , (homX , idX , compX) , _) = X

 hom : (𝓧 : Cat)  Ob 𝓧  Ob 𝓧  𝓥 ̇
 hom (X , (homX , idX , compX) , _) = homX

 𝒾𝒹 : (𝓧 : Cat) (x : Ob 𝓧)  hom 𝓧 x x
 𝒾𝒹 (X , (homX , idX , compX) , _) = idX

 comp : (𝓧 : Cat) (x y z : Ob 𝓧) (f : hom 𝓧 x y) (g : hom 𝓧 y z)  hom 𝓧 x z
 comp (X , (homX , idX , compX) , _) = compX

 is-functorial : (𝓧 𝓐 : Cat)
                (F : Ob 𝓧  Ob 𝓐)
                ((x y : Ob 𝓧)  hom 𝓧 x y  hom 𝓐 (F x) (F y))
                𝓤  𝓥 ̇

 is-functorial 𝓧 𝓐 F 𝓕' = pidentity × pcomposition
   _o_ : {x y z : Ob 𝓧}  hom 𝓧 y z  hom 𝓧 x y  hom 𝓧 x z
   g o f = comp 𝓧 _ _ _ f g

   _□_ : {a b c : Ob 𝓐}  hom 𝓐 b c  hom 𝓐 a b  hom 𝓐 a c
   g  f = comp 𝓐 _ _ _ f g

   𝓕 : {x y : Ob 𝓧}  hom 𝓧 x y  hom 𝓐 (F x) (F y)
   𝓕 f = 𝓕' _ _ f

   pidentity    =  x  𝓕 (𝒾𝒹 𝓧 x))   x  𝒾𝒹 𝓐 (F x))

   pcomposition =  x y z (f : hom 𝓧 x y) (g : hom 𝓧 y z)  𝓕 (g o f))
                  x y z (f : hom 𝓧 x y) (g : hom 𝓧 y z)  𝓕 g  𝓕 f)

 _⋍_ : Cat  Cat  𝓤  𝓥 ̇

 𝓧  𝓐 = Σ F  (Ob 𝓧  Ob 𝓐)
              , is-equiv F
              × (Σ 𝓕  ((x y : Ob 𝓧)  hom 𝓧 x y  hom 𝓐 (F x) (F y))
                     , (∀ x y  is-equiv (𝓕 x y))
                     × is-functorial 𝓧 𝓐 F 𝓕)

 idtoeqCat : (𝓧 𝓐 : Cat)  𝓧  𝓐  𝓧  𝓐
 idtoeqCat 𝓧 𝓧 (refl {𝓧}) = -id (Ob 𝓧) ,
                              id-is-equiv (Ob 𝓧) ,
                               x y  -id (hom 𝓧 x y)) ,
                               x y  id-is-equiv (hom 𝓧 x y)) ,
                              𝓻𝓮𝒻𝓵 (𝒾𝒹 𝓧) ,
                              𝓻𝓮𝒻𝓵 (comp 𝓧)

 characterization-of-category-= : (𝓧 𝓐 : Cat)  (𝓧  𝓐)  (𝓧  𝓐)
 characterization-of-category-= =

 idtoeqCat-is-equiv : (𝓧 𝓐 : Cat)  is-equiv (idtoeqCat 𝓧 𝓐)
 idtoeqCat-is-equiv 𝓧 𝓐 = equiv-closed-under-∼ _ _
                           (⌜⌝-is-equiv (characterization-of-category-= 𝓧 𝓐))
                           (γ 𝓧 𝓐)
   γ : (𝓧 𝓐 : Cat)  idtoeqCat 𝓧 𝓐   characterization-of-category-= 𝓧 𝓐 
   γ 𝓧 𝓧 (refl {𝓧}) = 𝓻𝓮𝒻𝓵 (idtoeqCat 𝓧 𝓧 (𝓻𝓮𝒻𝓵 𝓧))


We now consider ∞-magmas with the binary operation generalized to an
operation of arbitrary arity. This is used to define σ-frames.


module ∞-bigmagma {𝓤 𝓥 : Universe} (I : 𝓥 ̇ ) where

 open sip

 ∞-bigmagma-structure : 𝓤 ̇  𝓤  𝓥 ̇
 ∞-bigmagma-structure A = (I  A)  A

 ∞-Bigmagma : 𝓤   𝓥 ̇
 ∞-Bigmagma = Σ A  𝓤 ̇ , ∞-bigmagma-structure A

 sns-data : SNS ∞-bigmagma-structure (𝓤  𝓥)
 sns-data = (ι , ρ , θ)
   ι : (𝓐 𝓐' : ∞-Bigmagma)   𝓐    𝓐'   𝓤  𝓥 ̇
   ι (A , sup) (A' , sup') (f , _) =
     𝕒  f (sup 𝕒))   𝕒  sup' (n  f (𝕒 n)))

   ρ : (𝓐 : ∞-Bigmagma)  ι 𝓐 𝓐 (≃-refl  𝓐 )
   ρ (A , sup) = 𝓻𝓮𝒻𝓵 sup

   h : {A : 𝓤 ̇ } {sup sup' : ∞-bigmagma-structure A}
      canonical-map ι ρ sup sup'  -id (sup  sup')

   h (refl {sup}) = 𝓻𝓮𝒻𝓵 (𝓻𝓮𝒻𝓵 sup)

   θ : {A : 𝓤 ̇ } (sup sup' : ∞-bigmagma-structure A)
      is-equiv (canonical-map ι ρ sup sup')

   θ sup sup' = equiv-closed-under-∼ _ _ (id-is-equiv (sup  sup')) h

 _≅[∞-Bigmagma]_ : ∞-Bigmagma  ∞-Bigmagma  𝓤  𝓥 ̇
 (A , sup) ≅[∞-Bigmagma] (A' , sup') =

           Σ f  (A  A'), is-equiv f
                         × ((λ 𝕒  f (sup 𝕒))   𝕒  sup' (n  f (𝕒 n))))

 characterization-of-∞-Bigmagma-= : is-univalent 𝓤
                                   (A B : ∞-Bigmagma)
                                   (A  B)  (A ≅[∞-Bigmagma] B)
 characterization-of-∞-Bigmagma-= ua = characterization-of-= ua sns-data


We use the above in another module to define σ-frames.

We now consider ∞-bigmagmas with all operations of all arities, which
we use in another module to define frames.


module ∞-hugemagma {𝓤 𝓥 : Universe} where

 open sip

 ∞-hugemagma-structure : 𝓤 ̇  𝓤  (𝓥 ) ̇
 ∞-hugemagma-structure A = {N : 𝓥 ̇ }  (N  A)  A

 ∞-Hugemagma : (𝓤  𝓥) ̇
 ∞-Hugemagma = Σ A  𝓤 ̇ , ∞-hugemagma-structure A

 sns-data : SNS ∞-hugemagma-structure (𝓤  (𝓥 ))
 sns-data = (ι , ρ , θ)
   ι : (𝓐 𝓐' : ∞-Hugemagma)   𝓐    𝓐'   𝓤  (𝓥 ) ̇
   ι (A , sup) (A' , sup') (f , _) =
     {N} (𝕒 : N  A)  f (sup 𝕒))   {N} 𝕒  sup' (i  f (𝕒 i)))

   ρ : (𝓐 : ∞-Hugemagma)  ι 𝓐 𝓐 (≃-refl  𝓐 )
   ρ (A , sup) = refl

   h : {A : 𝓤 ̇ } {sup sup' : ∞-hugemagma-structure A}
      canonical-map ι ρ sup sup'  id

   h refl = refl

   θ : {A : 𝓤 ̇ } (sup sup' : ∞-hugemagma-structure A)
      is-equiv (canonical-map ι ρ sup sup')

   θ sup sup' = equiv-closed-under-∼ _ _ (id-is-equiv _) h

 _≅[∞-Hugemagma]_ : ∞-Hugemagma  ∞-Hugemagma  𝓤  (𝓥 ) ̇
 (A , sup) ≅[∞-Hugemagma] (A' , sup') =
   Σ f  (A  A'), is-equiv f
                 × ((λ {N} (𝕒 : N  A)  f (sup 𝕒))
                   {N} (𝕒 : N  A)  sup' (i  f (𝕒 i))))

 characterization-of-∞-Hugemagma-= : is-univalent 𝓤
                                    (A B : ∞-Hugemagma)
                                    (A  B)  (A ≅[∞-Hugemagma] B)
 characterization-of-∞-Hugemagma-= ua = characterization-of-= ua sns-data
