Martin Escardo, started 5th May 2018


{-# OPTIONS --safe --without-K #-}

module Naturals.Order where

open import MLTT.Spartan

open import Naturals.Addition renaming (_+_ to _+'_)
open import Naturals.AbsoluteDifference
open import Naturals.Properties
open import Notation.Order
open import Ordinals.Notions
open import UF.DiscreteAndSeparated
open import UF.Subsingletons

_≤ℕ_ :     𝓤₀ ̇
0    ≤ℕ n        = 𝟙
succ m ≤ℕ 0      = 𝟘
succ m ≤ℕ succ n = m ≤ℕ n

 Order-ℕ-ℕ : Order  
 _≤_ {{Order-ℕ-ℕ}} = _≤ℕ_

≤-is-prop-valued : (m n : )  is-prop (m  n)
≤-is-prop-valued 0        n        = 𝟙-is-prop
≤-is-prop-valued (succ m) 0        = 𝟘-is-prop
≤-is-prop-valued (succ m) (succ n) = ≤-is-prop-valued m n

open import UF.Base

right-addition-is-embedding : (m n : )  is-prop (Σ k   , k +' m  n)
right-addition-is-embedding 0        n        (n , refl) (n , refl) = refl
right-addition-is-embedding (succ m) 0        (k , p)    (k' , p')  =
  𝟘-elim (positive-not-zero (k +' m) p)
right-addition-is-embedding (succ m) (succ n) (k , p)    (k' , p') =
 to-Σ-= (ap pr₁ IH , ℕ-is-set _ _)
  IH : k , succ-lc p  k' , succ-lc p'
  IH = right-addition-is-embedding m n (k , succ-lc p) (k' , succ-lc p')

subtraction : (m n : )  m  n  Σ k   , k +' m  n
subtraction 0        n        l = n , refl
subtraction (succ m) 0        l = 𝟘-elim l
subtraction (succ m) (succ n) l = pr₁ IH , ap succ (pr₂ IH)
  IH : Σ k   , k +' m  n
  IH = subtraction m n l

cosubtraction : (m n : )  (Σ k   , k +' m  n)  m  n
cosubtraction 0        n                (.n , refl) = 
cosubtraction (succ m) 0                (k , p) = positive-not-zero (k +' m) p
cosubtraction (succ m) (succ .(k +' m)) (k , refl) =
 cosubtraction m (k +' m) (k , refl)

zero-least : (n : )  0  n
zero-least n = 

zero-least' : (n : )  ¬ (succ n  0)
zero-least' n l = l

zero-least'' : (n : )  n  0  n  0
zero-least'' 0 l = refl

succ-monotone : (m n : )  m  n  succ m  succ n
succ-monotone m n l = l

succ-order-injective : (m n : )  succ m  succ n  m  n
succ-order-injective m n l = l


We need the following modification of the first line of the following
function for this file to pass with the --double-check flag in Agda 2.6.3:

 ≤-induction : (P : (m n : ℕ) (l : m ≤ℕ n) → 𝓤 ̇ )

Reported as issue #6815


≤-induction : (P : (m n : ) (l : m ≤ℕ n)  𝓤 ̇ )
             ((n : )  P 0 n (zero-least n))
             ((m n : ) (l : m  n)
                     P m n l
                     P (succ m) (succ n) (succ-monotone m n l))
             (m n : ) (l : m  n)  P m n l
≤-induction P b f 0    n             = b n
≤-induction P b f (succ m) 0    l     = 𝟘-elim l
≤-induction P b f (succ m) (succ n) l = f m n l (≤-induction P b f m n l)

succ≤= : (m n : )  (succ m  succ n)  (m  n)
succ≤= m n = refl

≤-refl : (n : )  n  n
≤-refl 0        = 
≤-refl (succ n) = ≤-refl n

≤-trans : (l m n : )  l  m  m  n  l  n
≤-trans 0    m n p q = 
≤-trans (succ l) 0    n p q = 𝟘-elim p
≤-trans (succ l) (succ m) 0    p q = 𝟘-elim q
≤-trans (succ l) (succ m) (succ n) p q = ≤-trans l m n p q

≤-anti : (m n : )  m  n  n  m  m  n
≤-anti 0    0    p q = refl
≤-anti 0    (succ n) p q = 𝟘-elim q
≤-anti (succ m) 0    p q = 𝟘-elim p
≤-anti (succ m) (succ n) p q = ap succ (≤-anti m n p q)

≤-succ : (n : )  n  succ n
≤-succ 0        = 
≤-succ (succ n) = ≤-succ n

unique-least : (n : )  n  0  n  0
unique-least 0    l = refl
unique-least (succ n) l = 𝟘-elim l

≤-split : (m n : )  m  succ n  (m  n) + (m  succ n)
≤-split 0    n l = inl l
≤-split (succ m) 0    l = inr (ap succ (unique-least m l))
≤-split (succ m) (succ n) l = cases inl (inr  (ap succ)) (≤-split m n l)

≤-join : (m n : )  (m  n) + (m  succ n)  m  succ n
≤-join m n (inl l) = ≤-trans m n (succ n) l (≤-succ n)
≤-join .(succ n) n (inr refl) = ≤-refl n

≤-down : (m n : )  m  succ n  (m  succ n)  (m  n)
≤-down m n l u = cases id  p  𝟘-elim (u p)) (≤-split m n l)

≤-+ : (m n : )  (m  m +' n)
≤-+ m 0        = ≤-refl m
≤-+ m (succ n) = ≤-join m (m +' n) (inl IH)
  IH : m  m +' n
  IH = ≤-+ m n

≤-+' : (m n : )  (n  m +' n)
≤-+' m n = transport  k  n  k) γ (≤-+ n m)
  γ : n +' m  m +' n
  γ = addition-commutativity n m

_<ℕ_ :     𝓤₀ ̇
m <ℕ n = succ m ≤ℕ n

 Strict-Order-ℕ-ℕ : Strict-Order  
 _<_ {{Strict-Order-ℕ-ℕ}} = _<ℕ_

<-succ : (n : )  n < succ n
<-succ = ≤-refl

not-less-than-itself : (n : )  ¬ (n < n)
not-less-than-itself 0    l = l
not-less-than-itself (succ n) l = not-less-than-itself n l

not-less-bigger-or-equal : (m n : )  ¬ (n < m)  n  m
not-less-bigger-or-equal 0        n        = λ _  zero-least n
not-less-bigger-or-equal (succ m) 0        = ¬¬-intro (zero-least m)
not-less-bigger-or-equal (succ m) (succ n) = not-less-bigger-or-equal m n

bigger-or-equal-not-less : (m n : )  n  m  ¬ (n < m)
bigger-or-equal-not-less m n l u = not-less-than-itself n γ
  γ : succ n ≤ℕ n
  γ = ≤-trans (succ n) m n u l

less-not-bigger-or-equal : (m n : )  m < n  ¬ (n  m)
less-not-bigger-or-equal m n l u = bigger-or-equal-not-less n m u l

bounded-∀-next : (A :   𝓤 ̇ ) (k : )
                A k
                ((n : )  n < k  A n)
                (n : )  n < succ k  A n
bounded-∀-next A k a φ n l = cases f g s
  s : (n < k) + (succ n  succ k)
  s = ≤-split (succ n) k l
  f : n < k  A n
  f = φ n
  g : succ n  succ k  A n
  g p = transport⁻¹ A (succ-lc p) a


Added 20th June 2018:


<-is-prop-valued : (m n : )  is-prop (m < n)
<-is-prop-valued m n = ≤-is-prop-valued (succ m) n

<-coarser-than-≤ : (m n : )  m < n  m  n
<-coarser-than-≤ m n = ≤-trans m (succ m) n (≤-succ m)

<-trans : (l m n : )  l < m  m < n  l < n
<-trans l m n u v = ≤-trans (succ l) m n u (<-coarser-than-≤ m n v)

<-split : (m n : )  m < succ n  (m < n) + (m  n)
<-split m 0        l = inr (unique-least m l)
<-split m (succ n) l = ≤-split m n l

regress : (P :   𝓤 ̇ )
         ((n : )  P (succ n)  P n)
         (n m : )  m  n  P n  P m
regress P ρ 0    m l p = transport⁻¹ P (unique-least m l) p
regress P ρ (succ n) m l p = cases  (l' : m  n)  IH m l' (ρ n p))
                                    (r : m  succ n)  transport⁻¹ P r p)
                                   (≤-split m n l)
  IH : (m : )  m  n  P n  P m
  IH = regress P ρ n

<-is-well-founded : (m : )  is-accessible _<_ m
<-is-well-founded 0        = acc  y l  unique-from-𝟘 l)
<-is-well-founded (succ m) = acc (τ (<-is-well-founded m))
  τ : is-accessible _<_ m  (n : )  n < succ m  is-accessible _<_ n
  τ a n u = cases  (v : n < m)  prev _<_ a n v)
                   (p : n  m)  transport⁻¹ (is-accessible _<_) p a)
                  (<-split n m u)

course-of-values-induction : (P :   𝓤 ̇ )
                            ((n : )  ((m : )  m < n  P m)  P n)
                            (n : )  P n
course-of-values-induction = transfinite-induction _<_ <-is-well-founded

 : {X : 𝓤 ̇ }
   (f : X  )
   (P : X  𝓥 ̇ )
  ((x : X)  ((y : X)  f y < f x  P y)  P x)
  (x : X)  P x
 {𝓤} {𝓥} {X} f P h x = II (f x) x refl
  A :   𝓤  𝓥 ̇
  A n = (x : X)  f x  n  P x

  I : (n : )  ((m : )  m < n  A m)  A n
  I .(f x) g x refl = h x  y l  g (f y) l y refl)

  II : (n : )  A n
  II = course-of-values-induction A I


TODO. Also add plain induction on the values of a function.

TODO. Notice that this proof of course-of-values induction uses the
accessibility predicate. From a foundational point of view, this is a
too powerful tool - an indexed W-type. In fact, this is not
needed. The course-of-values-induction theorem can be proved in MLTT
with only natural numbers and without universes, identity types, of W
types (indexed or not) other than the natural numbers.


<-is-extensional : is-extensional _<_
<-is-extensional 0        0        f g = refl
<-is-extensional 0        (succ n) f g = unique-from-𝟘 (g 0    (zero-least n))
<-is-extensional (succ m) (0   )   f g = unique-from-𝟘 (f 0    (zero-least m))
<-is-extensional (succ m) (succ n) f g = ap succ (≤-anti m n γ₁ γ₂)
  γ₁ : m ≤ℕ n
  γ₁ = f m (≤-refl m)

  γ₂ : n ≤ℕ m
  γ₂ = g n (≤-refl n)

ℕ-ordinal : is-well-order _<_
ℕ-ordinal = <-is-prop-valued , <-is-well-founded , <-is-extensional , <-trans


Induction on z, then x, then y:


ℕ-cotransitive : cotransitive _<_
ℕ-cotransitive 0        y        0        l = inr l
ℕ-cotransitive (succ x) y        0        l = inr (≤-trans 1 (succ(succ x)) y  l)
ℕ-cotransitive 0        (succ y) (succ z) l = inl (zero-least y)
ℕ-cotransitive (succ x) (succ y) (succ z) l = γ IH
  IH : (x < z) + (z < y)
  IH = ℕ-cotransitive x y z l
  γ : (x < z) + (z < y)  (succ x < succ z) + (succ z < succ y)
  γ (inl l) = inl (succ-monotone (succ x) z l)
  γ (inr r) = inr (succ-monotone (succ z) y r)


Added December 2019.


open import NotionsOfDecidability.Complemented

≤-decidable : (m n :  )  is-decidable (m  n)
≤-decidable 0        n        = inl (zero-least n)
≤-decidable (succ m) 0        = inr (zero-least' m)
≤-decidable (succ m) (succ n) = ≤-decidable m n

<-decidable : (m n :  )  is-decidable (m < n)
<-decidable m n = ≤-decidable (succ m) n


Bounded minimization (added 14th December 2019):


βμ : (A :   𝓤 ̇ )
   is-complemented A
   (k : )
   (Σ m   , (m < k) × A m × ((n : )  A n  m  n))
  + ((n : )  A n  n  k)

βμ A δ 0 = inr  n a  zero-least n)
βμ A δ (succ k) = γ
  conclusion = (Σ m   , (m < succ k) × A m × ((n : )  A n  m  n))
             + ((n : )  A n  n  succ k)

  f : (Σ m   , (m < k) × A m × ((n : )  A n  m  n))  conclusion
  f (m , l , a , φ) = inl (m , <-trans m k (succ k) l (<-succ k) , a , φ)
  g : ((n : )  A n  k  n)  conclusion
  g φ = cases g₀ g₁ (δ k)
    g₀ : A k  conclusion
    g₀ a = inl (k , ≤-refl k , a , φ)
    g₁ : ¬ A k  conclusion
    g₁ u = inr ψ
      ψ : (n : )  A n  succ k  n
      ψ 0 a = 𝟘-elim (v a)
        p : k  0
        p = zero-least'' k (φ 0 a)
        v : ¬ A 0
        v = transport  -  ¬ A -) p u
      ψ (succ n) a = III
        I : k  succ n
        I = φ (succ n) a
        II : k  succ n
        II p = transport  -  ¬ A -) p u a
        III : k  n
        III = ≤-down k n I II

  γ : conclusion
  γ = cases f g (βμ A δ k)


Given k : ℕ with A k, find the least m : ℕ with A m, by reduction to
bounded minimization:


Σμ : (  𝓤 ̇ )  𝓤 ̇
Σμ A = Σ m   , A m × ((n : )  A n  m  n)

least-from-given : (A :   𝓤 ̇ )  is-complemented A  Σ A  Σμ A
least-from-given A δ (k , a) = γ
  f : (Σ m   , (m < k) × A m × ((n : )  A n  m  n))  Σμ A
  f (m , l , a' , φ) = m , a' , φ
  g : ((n : )  A n  k  n)  Σμ A
  g φ = k , a , φ
  γ : Σμ A
  γ = cases f g (βμ A δ k)


20th November 2020.


open import Naturals.Addition renaming (_+_ to _∔_)

max :     
max 0        n        = n
max (succ m) 0        = succ m
max (succ m) (succ n) = succ (max m n)

max-idemp : (x : )  max x x  x
max-idemp 0        = refl
max-idemp (succ x) = ap succ (max-idemp x)

max-comm : (m n : )  max m n  max n m
max-comm 0        0        = refl
max-comm 0        (succ n) = refl
max-comm (succ m) 0        = refl
max-comm (succ m) (succ n) = ap succ (max-comm m n)

max-assoc : (x y z : )  max (max x y) z  max x (max y z)
max-assoc 0        y        z        = refl
max-assoc (succ x) 0        z        = refl
max-assoc (succ x) (succ y) 0        = refl
max-assoc (succ x) (succ y) (succ z) = ap succ (max-assoc x y z)

max-ord→ : (x y : )  x  y  max x y  y
max-ord→ 0        y        le = refl
max-ord→ (succ x) 0        le = 𝟘-elim le
max-ord→ (succ x) (succ y) le = ap succ (max-ord→ x y le)

max-ord← : (x y : )  max x y  y  x  y
max-ord← 0        y        p = 
max-ord← (succ x) 0        p = 𝟘-elim (positive-not-zero x p)
max-ord← (succ x) (succ y) p = max-ord← x y (succ-lc p)

max-≤-upper-bound : (m n : )  m  max m n
max-≤-upper-bound 0        n        = 
max-≤-upper-bound (succ m) 0        = ≤-refl m
max-≤-upper-bound (succ m) (succ n) = max-≤-upper-bound m n

max-≤-upper-bound' : (m n : )  m  max n m
max-≤-upper-bound' 0    n = 
max-≤-upper-bound' (succ m) 0    = ≤-refl m
max-≤-upper-bound' (succ m) (succ n) = max-≤-upper-bound' m n

minus : (m n : )  n  m  
minus 0        n        le = 0
minus (succ m) 0          = succ m
minus (succ m) (succ n) le = minus m n le

minus-property : (m n : ) (le : n  m)  minus m n le  n  m
minus-property 0        0          = refl
minus-property (succ m) 0          = refl
minus-property (succ m) (succ n) le = ap succ (minus-property m n le)

max-minus-property : (m n : )
                    minus (max m n) m (max-≤-upper-bound m n)  m  max m n
max-minus-property m n = minus-property (max m n) m (max-≤-upper-bound m n)


Tom de Jong, 5 November 2021.


<-trichotomous : (n m : )  (n < m) + (n  m) + (m < n)
<-trichotomous 0        0        = inr (inl refl)
<-trichotomous 0        (succ m) = inl 
<-trichotomous (succ n) 0        = inr (inr )
<-trichotomous (succ n) (succ m) = γ IH
  γ : (n < m) + (n  m) + (m < n)
     (succ n < succ m) + (succ n  succ m) + (succ m < succ n)
  γ (inl k)       = inl k
  γ (inr (inl e)) = inr (inl (ap succ e))
  γ (inr (inr l)) = inr (inr l)

  IH : (n < m) + (n  m) + (m < n)
  IH = <-trichotomous n m


Added 12/05/2020 by Andrew Sneap.
Following are proofs of common properties of strict and non-strict order of
Natural Numbers.


≤-trans₂ : (x y u v : )  x  y  y  u  u  v  x  v
≤-trans₂ x y u v l₁ l₂ = ≤-trans x u v I
  I : x  u
  I = ≤-trans x y u l₁ l₂

<-trans₂ : (x y u v : )  x < y  y < u  u < v  x < v
<-trans₂ x y u v l₁ l₂ = <-trans x u v I
  I : x < u
  I = <-trans x y u l₁ l₂

≤-<-trans : (x y z : )  x  y  y < z  x < z
≤-<-trans x y z l₁ l₂ = ≤-trans (succ x) (succ y) z l₁ l₂

<-≤-trans : (x y z : )  x < y  y  z  x < z
<-≤-trans x y z l₁ l₂ = ≤-trans (succ x) y z l₁ l₂

≤-n-monotone-right : (x y z : )  x  y  (x +' z)  (y +' z)
≤-n-monotone-right x y 0        l = l
≤-n-monotone-right x y (succ n) l = ≤-n-monotone-right x y n l

≤-n-monotone-left : (x y z : )  x  y  (z +' x)  (z +' y)
≤-n-monotone-left x y z l = transport₂ _≤_ γ₁ γ₂ γ₃
   γ₁ : x  z  z  x
   γ₁ = addition-commutativity x z

   γ₂ : y  z  z  y
   γ₂ = addition-commutativity y z

   γ₃ : x  z  y  z
   γ₃ = ≤-n-monotone-right x y z l

≤-adding : (x y u v : )  x  y  u  v  (x +' u)  (y +' v)
≤-adding x y u v l₁ l₂ = ≤-trans (x +' u) (y +' u) (y +' v) γ₁ γ₂
  γ₁ : x  u  y  u
  γ₁ = ≤-n-monotone-right x y u l₁

  γ₂ : y  u  y  v
  γ₂ = ≤-n-monotone-left u v y l₂

<-succ-monotone : (x y : )  x < y  succ x < succ y
<-succ-monotone x y = id

<-n-monotone-right : (x y z : )  x < y  (x +' z) < (y +' z)
<-n-monotone-right x y  0       l = l
<-n-monotone-right x y (succ z) l = <-n-monotone-right x y z l

<-n-monotone-left : (x y z : )  x < y  (z +' x) < (z +' y)
<-n-monotone-left x y z l = transport₂ _<_ γ₁ γ₂ γ₃
  γ₁ : x  z  z  x
  γ₁ = addition-commutativity x z

  γ₂ : y  z  z  y
  γ₂ = addition-commutativity y z

  γ₃ : x  z < y  z
  γ₃ = <-n-monotone-right x y z l

<-adding : (x y u v : )  x < y  u < v  (x +' u) < (y +' v)
<-adding x y u v l₁ l₂ = <-trans (x +' u) (y +' u) (y +' v) γ₁ γ₂
  γ₁ : x  u < y  u
  γ₁ = <-n-monotone-right x y u l₁

  γ₂ : y  u < y  v
  γ₂ = <-n-monotone-left u v y l₂

<-+ : (x y z : )  x < y  x < y +' z
<-+ x y z l₁ = ≤-trans (succ x) y (y +' z) l₁ l₂
  l₂ : y  y +' z
  l₂ = ≤-+ y z

equal-gives-less-than-or-equal : (x y : )  x  y  x  y
equal-gives-less-than-or-equal x y p = transport (_≤ y) (p ⁻¹) (≤-refl y)

less-than-not-equal : (x y : )  x < y  ¬ (x  y)
less-than-not-equal x y r p = less-not-bigger-or-equal x y r γ
  γ : y ≤ℕ x
  γ = equal-gives-less-than-or-equal y x (p ⁻¹)

less-than-one-is-0 : (x : )  x < 1  x  0
less-than-one-is-0 0        l = refl
less-than-one-is-0 (succ x) l = 𝟘-elim l

not-less-or-equal-is-bigger : (x y : )  ¬ (x  y)  y < x
not-less-or-equal-is-bigger 0        y        l = l (zero-least y)
not-less-or-equal-is-bigger (succ x) 0        l = zero-least x
not-less-or-equal-is-bigger (succ x) (succ y) l
 = not-less-or-equal-is-bigger x y l

≤-dichotomous : (x y : )  (x  y) + (y  x)
≤-dichotomous 0        y        = inl 
≤-dichotomous (succ x) 0        = inr 
≤-dichotomous (succ x) (succ y) = ≤-dichotomous x y

≥-dichotomy : (x y : )  (x  y) + (x  y)
≥-dichotomy 0        y        = inr (zero-least y)
≥-dichotomy (succ x) 0        = inl (zero-least (succ x))
≥-dichotomy (succ x) (succ y) = ≥-dichotomy x y

subtraction' : (x y : )  x < y  Σ z   , (z +' x  y)
subtraction' 0        0        l = 𝟘-induction l
subtraction' 0        (succ y) l = (succ y) , refl
subtraction' (succ x) (succ y) l = pr₁ IH , ap succ (pr₂ IH)
  IH : Σ z   , z +' x  y
  IH = subtraction' x y l

subtraction'' : (x y : )  x < y  Σ z   , (succ z +' x  y)
subtraction'' x 0               l = 𝟘-elim l
subtraction'' 0        (succ y) l = y , refl
subtraction'' (succ x) (succ y) l = pr₁ IH , ap succ (pr₂ IH)
  IH : Σ z   , (succ z +' x  y)
  IH = subtraction'' x y l

order-split : (x y : )  (x < y) + (x  y)
order-split 0        0        = inr (zero-least 0)
order-split 0        (succ y) = inl (zero-least (succ y))
order-split (succ x) 0        = inr (zero-least (succ x))
order-split (succ x) (succ y) = order-split x y

least-element-unique : {A :   𝓤 ̇ }
                      (σ : is-complemented A)
                      ((α , αₚ) : Σ k   , A k × ((z : )  A z  k  z))
                      ((β , βₚ) : Σ n   , A n × ((z : )  A z  n  z))
                      α  β

least-element-unique σ (α , α₀ , α₁) (β , β₀ , β₁) = ≤-anti α β I II
  I : α  β
  I = α₁ β β₀

  II : β  α
  II = β₁ α α₀

least-element-unique' : {A :   𝓤 ̇ }
                       (σ : is-complemented A)
                       (x y : )
                       (δ : Σ A)
                       x  pr₁ (least-from-given A σ δ)
                       y  pr₁ (least-from-given A σ δ)
                       x  y

least-element-unique' σ x y δ e₁ e₂ = e₁  e₂ ⁻¹


The following section provides an algorithm for bounded maximisation
of decidable propositions on Natural numbers, similar to the algorithm
for bounded-minimisation above.

We want to prove the following:

Given a complemented predicate A on naturals numbers and strict upper bound k,
either there exists a maximal element m such that m < k , A m holds and
(∀ n , A n → n ≤ m), or our predicate only holds for n ≥ k.

 We proceed by induction on the upper bound. Given an upper bound of 0, we
 are done, because there are no natural numbers less than 0.

 Now we consider the induction hypothesis that our statement is true for an upper
 bound k. We consider each case.

 Case 1: We have some maximal element m such that A m holds, with m < k.
 Since A is decidable, we find that either A k holds, or it doesn't. If it holds,
 then have a new maximal element A k, with k < k + 1.

 Case 2: The predicate does not hold for any m < k. Again, we inspect A k. If it
 holds, then we have found a maximal (and the only) element m < k + 1. Otherwise,
 the statement does not hold for any n is our range.

Also given are the types of maximal element m : ℕ such that A m holds, given an
upper bound k


maximal-element : (A :   𝓤 ̇ )  (k : )  𝓤 ̇
maximal-element A k
 = Σ m   , (m < k × A m × ((n : )  n < k  A n  n  m))

maximal-element' : (A :   𝓤 ̇ )  (k : )  𝓤 ̇
maximal-element' A k
 = Σ m   , (m  k × A m × ((n : )  n  k  A n  n  m))

no-maximal-element : (A :   𝓤 ̇ )  (k : )  𝓤 ̇
no-maximal-element A k = (n : )  A n  n  k

no-maximal-element' : (A :   𝓤 ̇ )  (k : )  𝓤 ̇
no-maximal-element' A k = (n : )  A n  k < n

bounded-maximisation : (A :   𝓤 ̇ )
                      is-complemented A
                      (k : )
                      maximal-element A k + no-maximal-element A k
bounded-maximisation A δ 0        = inr  n _  zero-least n)
bounded-maximisation A δ (succ k) = γ (δ k) (bounded-maximisation A δ k)
  γ : A k + ¬ A k
    maximal-element A k + no-maximal-element A k
    maximal-element A (succ k) + no-maximal-element A (succ k)

  -- Case 1
  γ (inl Ak)  (inl (m , l , Am , ψ)) = inl (k , <-succ k , Ak , ψ')
   ψ' : (n : )  n < succ k  A n  n  k
   ψ' n l' An = l'
  γ (inr ¬Ak) (inl (m , l , Am , ψ)) = inl (m , l' , Am , ψ')
    l' : m < succ k
    l' = <-trans m k (succ k) l (<-succ k)
    ψ' : (n : )  n < succ k  A n  n < succ m
    ψ' n l' An = ρ (<-split n k l')
      ρ : (n < k) + (n  k)  n < succ m
      ρ (inl l'') = ψ n l'' An
      ρ (inr e)   = 𝟘-elim (¬Ak (transport A e An))

  -- Case 2
  γ (inl Ak)  (inr ω)  = inl (k , <-succ k , Ak , ψ)
    ψ : (n : )  n < succ k  A n  n  k
    ψ n l An = l
  γ (inr ¬Ak) (inr ψ) = inr ψ'
    ψ' : (n : )  A n  n  succ k
    ψ' n An = ρ (<-split k n (ψ n An))
      ρ : (k < n) + (k  n)  n  succ k
      ρ (inl l') = l'
      ρ (inr e)  = 𝟘-elim (¬Ak (transport A (e ⁻¹) An))


We can use the above result to prove the same statement for inclusive order.


bounded-maximisation' : (A :   𝓤 ̇ )
                       is-complemented A
                       (k : )
                       maximal-element' A k + no-maximal-element' A k
bounded-maximisation' A δ k = bounded-maximisation A δ (succ k)

no-maximal-lemma : (A :   𝓤 ̇ )
                  (k : )
                  no-maximal-element A k
                  ¬ maximal-element A k
no-maximal-lemma A k ω (m , l , Am , ψ) = not-less-than-itself k β
  α : k  m
  α = ω m Am

  β : k < k
  β = ≤-<-trans k m k α l


With above machinery in mind, we can now produce maximal elements of
propositions of Natural Numbers, given some initial Natural Number for
which the property holds. Of course, we must provide an upper bound.


maximal-from-given : (A :   𝓤 ̇ )
                    (b : )
                    is-complemented A
                    Σ k   , A k × k < b
                    maximal-element A b
maximal-from-given A b δ (k , Ak , l) = Cases (bounded-maximisation A δ b) γ₁ γ₂
  γ₁ : maximal-element A b  maximal-element A b
  γ₁ = id

  γ₂ : no-maximal-element A b  maximal-element A b
  γ₂ ω = 𝟘-elim (not-less-than-itself b β)
    α : b ≤ℕ k
    α = ω k Ak

    β : b < b
    β = ≤-<-trans b k b α l

maximal-from-given' : (A :   𝓤 ̇ )
                     (b : )
                     is-complemented A
                     Σ k   , A k × k  b
                     maximal-element' A b
maximal-from-given' A b = maximal-from-given A (succ b)


Multiplication preserves non-strict order, and this is proved by induction.

In the base case, it is required to prove that 0 ≤ 0 which is true by
definition.  In the inductive case, we need to prove that
m * succ k ≤ n * succ k, or by definitional equality m + m * k ≤ n + n * k.

By the inductive hypothesis, m * k ≤ n * k, and we have that m ≤ n, so we
can use the result which says we can combine two order relations into one.


open import Naturals.Multiplication

multiplication-preserves-order : (m n k : )  m  n  m * k  n * k
multiplication-preserves-order m n 0        l = zero-least 0
multiplication-preserves-order m n (succ k) l = γ
  IH : m * k  n * k
  IH = multiplication-preserves-order m n k l

  γ : m * (succ k)  n * (succ k)
  γ = ≤-adding m n (m * k) (n * k) l IH


For strict order, order is only preserved when multiplying by a value
greater than 0.  Again by induction, the base case is trivial since we
are multiplying by 1.  The inductive case is similar to the above


multiplication-preserves-strict-order : (m n k : )
                                       m < n
                                       m * succ k < n * succ k
multiplication-preserves-strict-order m n 0        l = l
multiplication-preserves-strict-order m n (succ k) l = γ
  IH : m * succ k < n * succ k
  IH = multiplication-preserves-strict-order m n k l

  γ : m * succ (succ k) < n * succ (succ k)
  γ = <-adding m n (m * succ k) (n * succ k) l IH


If x * (y + 1) ≤ z, then x ≤ z. This is a useful property to have, and
proof follows from x ≤ x * y + 1 and transitivity of order.

A similar proof for strict order is sometimes useful.


product-order-cancellable : (x y z : )  x * (succ y)  z  x  z
product-order-cancellable x 0        z   = id
product-order-cancellable x (succ y) z l = γ
  I : x  x  x * succ y
  I = ≤-+ x (x * succ y)

  γ : x  z
  γ = ≤-trans x (x * succ (succ y)) z I l

less-than-pos-mult : (x y z : )  x < y  x < y * succ z
less-than-pos-mult x y z l = <-+ x y (y * z) l


Lane Biocini, 07 September 2023

Here we define some order lemmas for the Absolute Difference operation
and then prove the analog of the triangle inequality for the Natural
Numbers under it.

Slight refactoring on 12 October 2023


≤-diff : (x y : )   x - y   x +' y
≤-diff x        0        = ≤-refl x
≤-diff 0        (succ y) = ≤-+' 0    y
≤-diff (succ x) (succ y) = γ
  Γ : (x +' y) ≤ℕ (succ x +' y)
  Γ = ≤-trans (x +' y) (succ (x +' y)) (succ x +' y)
       (≤-succ (x +' y))
       (equal-gives-less-than-or-equal (succ (x +' y)) (succ x +' y)
         (succ-left x y ⁻¹))

  γ :  x - y  ≤ℕ succ (succ x +' y)
  γ = ≤-trans₂  x - y  (x +' y) (succ x +' y) (succ (succ x +' y))
       (≤-diff x y) Γ (≤-succ (succ x +' y))

≤-diff-minus : (x y : )  x  y +'  y - x 
≤-diff-minus 0    y = 
≤-diff-minus (succ x) 0    = ≤-+' 0    x
≤-diff-minus (succ x) (succ y) = γ
  Γ : x ≤ℕ (y +'  y - x )
  Γ = ≤-diff-minus x y

  γ : succ x ≤ℕ (succ y +'  y - x )
  γ = ≤-trans (succ x) (succ (y +'  y - x )) (succ y +'  y - x )
       (succ-monotone x (y +'  y - x ) Γ)
        (succ (y +'  y - x )) (succ y +'  y - x )
        (succ-left y  y - x  ⁻¹))

≤-diff-plus : (x y : )  x ≤ℕ ( x - y  +' y)
≤-diff-plus 0        y        = 
≤-diff-plus (succ x) 0        = ≤-refl x
≤-diff-plus (succ x) (succ y) = ≤-diff-plus x y

triangle-inequality : (x y z : )   x - z    x - y  +'  y - z 
triangle-inequality 0    y z =
 ≤-trans₂  0 - z  z (y +'  y - z ) ( 0 - y  +'  y - z ) Γ α γ
   Γ :  0 - z  ≤ℕ z
   Γ = equal-gives-less-than-or-equal  0 - z  z (minus-nothing z)

   α : z ≤ℕ (y +'  y - z )
   α = ≤-diff-minus z y

   β : y ≤ℕ  0 - y 
   β = equal-gives-less-than-or-equal y  0 - y  (minus-nothing y ⁻¹)

   γ : (y +'  y - z ) ≤ℕ ( 0 - y  +'  y - z )
   γ = ≤-adding y  0 - y   y - z   y - z  β (≤-refl  y - z )
triangle-inequality (succ x) 0    0        = ≤-refl x
triangle-inequality (succ x) 0    (succ z) =
 ≤-trans₂  x - z  (x +' z) (succ (x +' z)) (succ (succ x +' z))
      (≤-diff x z)
      (≤-succ (x +' z))
      (≤-trans (x +' z) (succ (x +' z)) (succ x +' z) (≤-succ (x +' z)) α )
   α : succ (x +' z) ≤ℕ (succ x +' z)
   α = equal-gives-less-than-or-equal (succ (x +' z)) (succ x +' z)
        (succ-left x z ⁻¹)
triangle-inequality (succ x) (succ y) 0        = ≤-diff-plus x y
triangle-inequality (succ x) (succ y) (succ z) = triangle-inequality x y z


Lane Biocini, 18 September 2023

Another lemma for Absolute Difference

triangle-inequality-bound : (a b : )  ¬ (succ (a +' b)   a - b )
triangle-inequality-bound a b l = not-less-than-itself (a +' b) γ
  Γ :  a - b   a +' b
  Γ = ≤-diff a b

  γ : succ (a +' b)  (a +' b)
  γ = ≤-trans (succ (a +' b))  a - b  (a +' b) l Γ

triangle-inequality-bound' : (a b : )  ¬ (succ (succ a +' b)   a - b )
triangle-inequality-bound' a b l = triangle-inequality-bound a b γ
  Γ : succ (a +' b)  succ a +' b
  Γ = equal-gives-less-than-or-equal (succ (a +' b)) (succ a +' b)
   (succ-left a b ⁻¹)

  γ : succ (a +' b)   a - b 
  γ = ≤-trans₂ (succ (a +' b)) (succ a +' b) (succ (succ a +' b))  a - b 
       Γ (≤-succ (succ a +' b) ) l