Martin Escardo, 5th September 2018. Modified 27 September 2023 to support the object of truth values to live in a different universe than that of which the powerset is taken. Univalence gives the usual mathematical notion of equality for the subsets of a type: two subsets of a type are equal precisely when they have the same elements, like in ZF (C). And *not* when they are isomorphic, for any reasonable notion of isomorphism between subsets of a given type. A subset of a type X in a universe π€ is an embedding of some given type into X, or, equivalently, a map of X into the subtype classifier Ξ© π€ of the universe π€ (see the module UF.Classifiers). We generalize this to allow the powerset to have values in Ξ© π₯. The module UF.Powerset specializes this module to the case π€=π₯. \begin{code} {-# OPTIONS --safe --without-K #-} module UF.Powerset-MultiUniverse where open import MLTT.Spartan open import UF.FunExt open import UF.Lower-FunExt open import UF.PropTrunc open import UF.Sets open import UF.Sets-Properties open import UF.Subsingletons open import UF.Subsingletons-FunExt open import UF.SubtypeClassifier open import UF.SubtypeClassifier-Properties open import UF.UA-FunExt open import UF.Univalence π : {π₯ π€ : Universe} β π€ Μ β π€ β (π₯ βΊ) Μ π {π₯} {π€} X = X β Ξ© π₯ powersets-are-sets'' : funext π€ (π₯ βΊ) β funext π₯ π₯ β propext π₯ β {X : π€ Μ } β is-set (π {π₯} X) powersets-are-sets'' fe fe' pe = Ξ -is-set fe (Ξ» x β Ξ©-is-set fe' pe) powersets-are-sets : funext π₯ (π₯ βΊ) β propext π₯ β {X : π₯ Μ } β is-set (X β Ξ© π₯) powersets-are-sets {π₯} fe = powersets-are-sets'' fe (lower-funext π₯ (π₯ βΊ) fe) π-is-set' : funext π€ (π€ βΊ) β propext π€ β {X : π€ Μ } β is-set (π {π€} X) π-is-set' = powersets-are-sets π-is-set : Univalence β {X : π€ Μ } β is-set (π X) π-is-set {π€} ua = π-is-set' (univalence-gives-funext' π€ (π€ βΊ) (ua π€) (ua (π€ βΊ))) (univalence-gives-propext (ua π€)) comprehension : (X : π€ Μ ) β π {π₯} X β π {π₯} X comprehension X A = A syntax comprehension X (Ξ» x β A) = β x κ X β£ A β β : {X : π€ Μ } β π {π₯} X β _ = π , π-is-prop full : {X : π€ Μ } β π {π₯} X full _ = π , π-is-prop _ββ_ : {X : π€ Μ } β X β (X β Ξ© π₯) β Ξ© π₯ x ββ A = A x _β_ : {X : π€ Μ } β X β π {π₯} X β π₯ Μ x β A = x ββ A holds _β_ : {X : π€ Μ } β X β π {π₯} X β π₯ Μ x β A = Β¬ (x β A) is-empty-subset : {X : π€ Μ } β π {π₯} X β π€ β π₯ Μ is-empty-subset {π€} {π₯} {X} A = (x : X) β x β A being-empty-subset-is-prop : Fun-Ext β {X : π€ Μ } (A : π {π₯} X) β is-prop (is-empty-subset A) being-empty-subset-is-prop fe {X} A = Ξ -is-prop fe (Ξ» x β negations-are-props fe) are-disjoint : {X : π€ Μ } β π {π₯} X β π {π¦} X β π€ β π₯ β π¦ Μ are-disjoint {π€} {π₯} {π¦} {X} A B = (x : X) β Β¬((x β A) Γ (x β B)) being-disjoint-is-prop : Fun-Ext β {X : π€ Μ } (A : π {π₯} X) (B : π {π¦} X) β is-prop (are-disjoint A B) being-disjoint-is-prop fe A B = Ξ -is-prop fe (Ξ» _ β negations-are-props fe) _β_ _β_ : {X : π€ Μ } β π {π₯} X β π {π¦} X β π€ β π₯ β π¦ Μ A β B = β x β x β A β x β B A β B = B β A β-is-prop : {X : π€ Μ } (A : π {π₯} X) (x : X) β is-prop (x β A) β-is-prop A x = holds-is-prop (A x) β-is-prop : funext π₯ π€β β {X : π€ Μ } (A : π {π₯} X) (x : X) β is-prop (x β A) β-is-prop fe A x = negations-are-props fe module subset-complement (fe : Fun-Ext) where _β_ : {X : π€ Μ } β π {π₯} X β π {π¦} X β π {π₯ β π¦} X A β B = Ξ» x β (x β A Γ x β B) , Γ-is-prop (β-is-prop A x) (β-is-prop fe B x) infix 45 _β_ β-elimβ : {X : π€ Μ } (A : π {π₯} X) (B : π {π¦} X) {x : X} β x β A β B β x β A β-elimβ A B = prβ β-elimβ : {X : π€ Μ } (A : π {π₯} X) (B : π {π¦} X) {x : X} β x β A β B β x β B β-elimβ A B = prβ module inhabited-subsets (pt : propositional-truncations-exist) where open PropositionalTruncation pt is-inhabited : {X : π€ Μ } β π {π₯} X β π€ β π₯ Μ is-inhabited {π€} {π₯} {X} A = β x κ X , x β A being-inhabited-is-prop : {X : π€ Μ } (A : π {π₯} X) β is-prop (is-inhabited A) being-inhabited-is-prop {π€} {π₯} {X} A = β-is-prop πβΊ : π€ Μ β π€ βΊ Μ πβΊ {π€} X = Ξ£ A κ π X , is-inhabited A πβΊ-is-set' : funext π€ (π€ βΊ) β propext π€ β {X : π€ Μ } β is-set (πβΊ X) πβΊ-is-set' fe pe {X} = subsets-of-sets-are-sets (π X) is-inhabited (π-is-set' fe pe) (Ξ» {A} β being-inhabited-is-prop A) πβΊ-is-set : Univalence β {X : π€ Μ } β is-set (πβΊ X) πβΊ-is-set {π€} ua = πβΊ-is-set' (univalence-gives-funext' π€ (π€ βΊ) (ua π€) (ua (π€ βΊ))) (univalence-gives-propext (ua π€)) _ββΊ_ : {X : π€ Μ } β X β πβΊ X β π€ Μ x ββΊ (A , _) = x β A _ββΊ_ : {X : π€ Μ } β X β πβΊ X β π€ Μ x ββΊ A = Β¬ (x ββΊ A) infix 40 _ββΊ_ infix 40 _ββΊ_ open import UF.ClassicalLogic non-empty-subsets-are-inhabited : Excluded-Middle β {X : π€ Μ } (B : π {π₯} X) β Β¬ is-empty-subset B β is-inhabited B non-empty-subsets-are-inhabited em B = not-Ξ -not-implies-β pt em uninhabited-subsets-are-empty : {X : π€ Μ } (B : π {π₯} X) β Β¬ is-inhabited B β is-empty-subset B uninhabited-subsets-are-empty B Ξ½ x m = Ξ½ β£ x , m β£ complement : {X : π€ Μ } β funext π€ π€β β π X β π X complement fe A = Ξ» x β (x β A) , (β-is-prop fe A x) β-is-prop' : funext π€ π₯ β funext π₯ π₯ β {X : π€ Μ } (A B : π {π₯} X) β is-prop (A β B) β-is-prop' fe fe' A B = Ξ -is-prop fe (Ξ» x β Ξ -is-prop fe' (Ξ» _ β β-is-prop B x)) β-is-prop : funext π€ π€ β {X : π€ Μ } (A B : π X) β is-prop (A β B) β-is-prop fe = β-is-prop' fe fe module PropositionalSubsetInclusionNotation (fe : Fun-Ext) where _ββ_ _ββ_ : {X : π€ Μ } β π {π€} X β π {π€} X β Ξ© π€ A ββ B = (A β B) , β-is-prop fe A B A ββ B = (A β B) , β-is-prop fe B A β -is-least' : {X : π€ Μ } (A : π {π₯} X) β β {π€} {π₯} β A β -is-least' _ x = π-induction β -is-least : {X : π€ Μ } (A : π X) β β {π€} {π€} β A β -is-least = β -is-least' β-refl' : {X : π€ Μ } (A : π {π₯} X) β A β A β-refl' A x = id β-refl : {X : π€ Μ } (A : π {π₯} X) β A β A β-refl = β-refl' β-trans' : {X : π€ Μ } (A B C : π {π₯} X) β A β B β B β C β A β C β-trans' A B C s t x a = t x (s x a) β-trans : {X : π€ Μ } (A B C : π {π₯} X) β A β B β B β C β A β C β-trans = β-trans' β-refl-consequence : {X : π€ Μ } (A B : π {π₯} X) β A οΌ B β (A β B) Γ (B β A) β-refl-consequence A A (refl) = β-refl A , β-refl A subset-extensionality'' : propext π₯ β funext π€ (π₯ βΊ) β funext π₯ π₯ β {X : π€ Μ } {A B : π {π₯} X} β A β B β B β A β A οΌ B subset-extensionality'' {π₯} {π€} pe fe fe' {X} {A} {B} h k = dfunext fe Ο where Ο : (x : X) β A x οΌ B x Ο x = to-subtype-οΌ (Ξ» _ β being-prop-is-prop fe') (pe (holds-is-prop (A x)) (holds-is-prop (B x)) (h x) (k x)) subset-extensionality : propext π€ β funext π€ (π€ βΊ) β {X : π€ Μ } {A B : π X} β A β B β B β A β A οΌ B subset-extensionality {π€} pe fe = subset-extensionality'' pe fe (lower-funext π€ (π€ βΊ) fe) subset-extensionality' : Univalence β {X : π€ Μ } {A B : π X} β A β B β B β A β A οΌ B subset-extensionality' {π€} ua = subset-extensionality (univalence-gives-propext (ua π€)) (univalence-gives-funext' π€ (π€ βΊ) (ua π€) (ua (π€ βΊ))) \end{code} Tom de Jong, 24 January 2022 (Based on code from FreeJoinSemiLattice.lagda written 18-24 December 2020.) Notation for the "total space" of a subset. \begin{code} module _ {X : π€ Μ } where π : π {π₯} X β π€ β π₯ Μ π A = Ξ£ x κ X , x β A π-to-carrier : (A : π {π₯} X) β π A β X π-to-carrier A = prβ π-to-membership : (A : π {π₯} X) β (t : π A) β π-to-carrier A t β A π-to-membership A = prβ \end{code} We use a named module when defining singleton subsets, so that we can write β΄ x β΅ without having to keep supplying the proof that the ambient type is a set. \begin{code} module singleton-subsets {X : π€ Μ } (X-is-set : is-set X) where β΄_β΅ : X β π X β΄ x β΅ = Ξ» y β ((x οΌ y) , X-is-set) β-β΄β΅ : {x : X} β x β β΄ x β΅ β-β΄β΅ {x} = refl β΄β΅-subset-characterization : {x : X} (A : π {π₯} X) β x β A β β΄ x β΅ β A β΄β΅-subset-characterization {π₯} {x} A = β¦ ββ¦ , β¦ ββ¦ where β¦ ββ¦ : x β A β β΄ x β΅ β A β¦ ββ¦ a _ refl = a β¦ ββ¦ : β΄ x β΅ β A β x β A β¦ ββ¦ s = s x β-β΄β΅ β΄β΅-is-singleton : {x : X} β is-singleton (π β΄ x β΅) β΄β΅-is-singleton {x} = singleton-types-are-singletons x \end{code} Next, we consider binary intersections and unions in the powerset. For the latter, we need propositional truncations. \begin{code} module _ {X : π€ Μ } where _β©_ : π {π₯} X β π {π₯} X β π {π₯} X (A β© B) x = (x β A Γ x β B) , Γ-is-prop (β-is-prop A x) (β-is-prop B x) β©-is-lowerboundβ : (A B : π {π₯} X) β (A β© B) β A β©-is-lowerboundβ A B x = prβ β©-is-lowerboundβ : (A B : π {π₯} X) β (A β© B) β B β©-is-lowerboundβ A B x = prβ β©-is-upperbound-of-lowerbounds : (A B C : π {π₯} X) β C β A β C β B β C β (A β© B) β©-is-upperbound-of-lowerbounds A B C s t x c = (s x c , t x c) module binary-unions-of-subsets (pt : propositional-truncations-exist) where open PropositionalTruncation pt module _ {X : π€ Μ } where _βͺ_ : π {π₯} X β π {π₯} X β π {π₯} X (A βͺ B) x = β₯ x β A + x β B β₯ , β₯β₯-is-prop βͺ-is-upperboundβ : (A B : π {π₯} X) β A β (A βͺ B) βͺ-is-upperboundβ A B x a = β£ inl a β£ βͺ-is-upperboundβ : (A B : π {π₯} X) β B β (A βͺ B) βͺ-is-upperboundβ A B x b = β£ inr b β£ βͺ-is-lowerbound-of-upperbounds : (A B C : π {π₯} X) β A β C β B β C β (A βͺ B) β C βͺ-is-lowerbound-of-upperbounds A B C s t x = β₯β₯-rec (β-is-prop C x) Ξ³ where Ξ³ : (x β A + x β B) β x β C Ξ³ (inl a) = s x a Ξ³ (inr b) = t x b β -left-neutral-for-βͺ' : propext π₯ β funext π€ (π₯ βΊ) β funext π₯ π₯ β (A : π {π₯} X) β β βͺ A οΌ A β -left-neutral-for-βͺ' pe fe fe' A = subset-extensionality'' pe fe fe' s (βͺ-is-upperboundβ β A) where s : (β βͺ A) β A s x = β₯β₯-rec (β-is-prop A x) Ξ³ where Ξ³ : x β β + x β A β x β A Ξ³ (inl p) = π-elim p Ξ³ (inr a) = a β -left-neutral-for-βͺ : propext π€ β funext π€ (π€ βΊ) β (A : π X) β β βͺ A οΌ A β -left-neutral-for-βͺ pe fe = β -left-neutral-for-βͺ' pe fe (lower-funext π€ (π€ βΊ) fe) β -right-neutral-for-βͺ' : propext π₯ β funext π€ (π₯ βΊ) β funext π₯ π₯ β (A : π {π₯} X) β A οΌ A βͺ β β -right-neutral-for-βͺ' pe fe fe' A = subset-extensionality'' pe fe fe' (βͺ-is-upperboundβ A β ) s where s : (A βͺ β ) β A s x = β₯β₯-rec (β-is-prop A x) Ξ³ where Ξ³ : x β A + x β β β x β A Ξ³ (inl a) = a Ξ³ (inr p) = π-elim p β -right-neutral-for-βͺ : propext π€ β funext π€ (π€ βΊ) β (A : π X) β A οΌ A βͺ β β -right-neutral-for-βͺ pe fe = β -right-neutral-for-βͺ' pe fe (lower-funext π€ (π€ βΊ) fe) βͺ-assoc' : propext π₯ β funext π€ (π₯ βΊ) β funext π₯ π₯ β associative {π₯ βΊ β π€} {π {π₯} X} (_βͺ_) βͺ-assoc' pe fe fe' A B C = subset-extensionality'' pe fe fe' s t where s : ((A βͺ B) βͺ C) β (A βͺ (B βͺ C)) s x = β₯β₯-rec i sβ where i : is-prop (x β (A βͺ (B βͺ C))) i = β-is-prop (A βͺ (B βͺ C)) x sβ : x β (A βͺ B) + x β C β x β (A βͺ (B βͺ C)) sβ (inl u) = β₯β₯-rec i sβ u where sβ : x β A + x β B β x β (A βͺ (B βͺ C)) sβ (inl a) = βͺ-is-upperboundβ A (B βͺ C) x a sβ (inr b) = βͺ-is-upperboundβ A (B βͺ C) x (βͺ-is-upperboundβ B C x b) sβ (inr c) = βͺ-is-upperboundβ A (B βͺ C) x (βͺ-is-upperboundβ B C x c) t : (A βͺ (B βͺ C)) β ((A βͺ B) βͺ C) t x = β₯β₯-rec i tβ where i : is-prop (x β ((A βͺ B) βͺ C)) i = β-is-prop ((A βͺ B) βͺ C) x tβ : x β A + x β (B βͺ C) β x β ((A βͺ B) βͺ C) tβ (inl a) = βͺ-is-upperboundβ (A βͺ B) C x (βͺ-is-upperboundβ A B x a) tβ (inr u) = β₯β₯-rec i tβ u where tβ : x β B + x β C β x β ((A βͺ B) βͺ C) tβ (inl b) = βͺ-is-upperboundβ (A βͺ B) C x (βͺ-is-upperboundβ A B x b) tβ (inr c) = βͺ-is-upperboundβ (A βͺ B) C x c βͺ-assoc : propext π€ β funext π€ (π€ βΊ) β associative {π€ βΊ} {π X} (_βͺ_) βͺ-assoc pe fe = βͺ-assoc' pe fe (lower-funext π€ (π€ βΊ) fe) \end{code} Again assuming propositional truncations, we can construct arbitrary suprema in π (X : π€) of families indexed by types in π€. \begin{code} module unions-of-small-families (pt : propositional-truncations-exist) (π₯ : Universe) (π£ : Universe) (X : π€ Μ ) {I : π₯ Μ } where open PropositionalTruncation pt β : (Ξ± : I β π {π₯ β π£} X) β π {π₯ β π£} X β Ξ± x = (β i κ I , x β Ξ± i) , β-is-prop β-is-upperbound : (Ξ± : I β π {π₯ β π£} X) (i : I) β Ξ± i β β Ξ± β-is-upperbound Ξ± i x a = β£ i , a β£ β-is-lowerbound-of-upperbounds : (Ξ± : I β π {π₯ β π£} X) (A : π {π₯ β π£} X) β ((i : I) β Ξ± i β A) β β Ξ± β A β-is-lowerbound-of-upperbounds Ξ± A ub x u = β₯β₯-rec (β-is-prop A x) Ξ³ u where Ξ³ : (Ξ£ i κ I , x β Ξ± i) β x β A Ξ³ (i , a) = ub i x a \end{code} Fixities. \begin{code} infix 40 _ββ_ infix 40 _β_ infix 40 _β_ \end{code}