Todd Waugh Ambridge, January 2024

# Parametric Regression

{-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-}

open import UF.FunExt
open import Quotient.Type
  using (is-prop-valued;is-equiv-relation;EqRel)
open import MLTT.Spartan
open import Notation.Order
open import Naturals.Order
open import NotionsOfDecidability.Complemented
open import CoNaturals.Type
  renaming (ℕ-to-ℕ∞ to _↑
         ; Zero-smallest to zero-minimal
         ; ∞-largest to ∞-maximal)
open import UF.DiscreteAndSeparated
open import MLTT.Two-Properties
open import UF.SubtypeClassifier

open import TWA.Thesis.Chapter2.Sequences

module TWA.Thesis.Chapter4.ParametricRegression (fe : FunExt) where

open import TWA.Thesis.Chapter3.ClosenessSpaces fe
open import TWA.Thesis.Chapter3.ClosenessSpaces-Examples fe
open import TWA.Thesis.Chapter3.SearchableTypes fe
open import TWA.Thesis.Chapter4.ApproxOrder fe
open import TWA.Thesis.Chapter4.ApproxOrder-Examples fe
open import TWA.Thesis.Chapter4.GlobalOptimisation fe


## Regression as maximisation

invert-rel : {X : 𝓤 ̇ }  (X  X  𝓥 ̇ )  (X  X  𝓥 ̇ )
invert-rel R x y = R y x

invert-rel' : {X : 𝓤 ̇ }  (X  X    𝓥 ̇ )  (X  X    𝓥 ̇ )
invert-rel' R x y = R y x

invert-preorder-is-preorder : {X : 𝓤 ̇ }  (_≤_ : X  X  𝓥 ̇ )
                             is-preorder _≤_
                             let _≥_ = invert-rel _≤_ in
                              is-preorder _≥_
invert-preorder-is-preorder _≤_ (r' , t' , p') = r , t , p
  r : reflexive (invert-rel _≤_)
  r x = r' x
  t : transitive (invert-rel _≤_)
  t x y z q r = t' z y x r q
  p : is-prop-valued (invert-rel _≤_)
  p x y = p' y x

 : (X : ClosenessSpace 𝓤)
  (_≤ⁿ_ :  X    X     𝓥' ̇ )
  is-approx-order X _≤ⁿ_
  let _≥ⁿ_ = invert-rel' _≤ⁿ_ in
   is-approx-order X _≥ⁿ_
invert-approx-order-is-approx-order X _≤ⁿ_ a'@(_ , d' , c') = l , d , c
  l : (ϵ : )  is-linear-preorder  x y  invert-rel' _≤ⁿ_ x y ϵ)
  l ϵ = (≤ⁿ-refl X a' ϵ
      ,  x y z x≤y y≤z  ≤ⁿ-trans X a' ϵ z y x y≤z x≤y)
      ,  x y  ≤ⁿ-prop X a' ϵ y x))
      ,  x y  ≤ⁿ-linear X a' ϵ y x)
  d : (ϵ : ) (x y :  X )  is-decidable (invert-rel' _≤ⁿ_ x y ϵ)
  d ϵ x y = d' ϵ y x
  c : (ϵ : ) (x y :  X )  C X ϵ x y  invert-rel' _≤ⁿ_ x y ϵ
  c ϵ x y Cxy = c' ϵ y x (C-sym X ϵ x y Cxy)

is_global-maximal :   {𝓤 𝓥 : Universe}
                   {X : 𝓤 ̇ } {Y : 𝓥 ̇ }
                   (_≤ⁿ_ : Y  Y    𝓦 ̇ )
                   (f : X  Y)  X  𝓦  𝓤  ̇
(is ϵ global-maximal) {𝓤} {𝓥} {X} _≤ⁿ_ f x₀
 = is ϵ global-minimal (invert-rel' _≤ⁿ_) f x₀

has_global-maximal :   {𝓤 𝓥 : Universe} {X : 𝓤 ̇ }
                    {Y : 𝓥 ̇ }
                    (_≤ⁿ_ : Y  Y    𝓦 ̇ )
                    (f : X  Y)  (𝓦  𝓤) ̇
(has ϵ global-maximal) {𝓤} {𝓥} {𝓦} {X} _≤ⁿ_ f
 = Σ ((is ϵ global-maximal) {𝓤} {𝓥} {𝓦} {X} _≤ⁿ_ f)

global-max-ℕ∞ : (X : ClosenessSpace 𝓤)   X 
               totally-bounded X 𝓤'
               (f :  X   ℕ∞)
               f-ucontinuous X ℕ∞-ClosenessSpace f
               (ϵ : )
               (has ϵ global-maximal) ℕ∞-approx-lexicorder f
global-max-ℕ∞ X x₀ t f ϕ ϵ
 = global-opt X ℕ∞-ClosenessSpace x₀
     (invert-rel' ℕ∞-approx-lexicorder)
     (invert-approx-order-is-approx-order ℕ∞-ClosenessSpace
     ϵ f ϕ t

oracle-closeness' : (Y : PseudoClosenessSpace 𝓥)
                   (𝓞 :  Y )
                   (ϵ : )
                   let c = pr₁ (pr₂ Y) in
                    (y₁ y₂ :  Y )
                   C' Y ϵ y₁ y₂
                   C' (ι ℕ∞-ClosenessSpace) ϵ (c 𝓞 y₁) (c 𝓞 y₂)
oracle-closeness' (_ , c , _ , c-sym , c-ult) 𝓞 ϵ y₁ y₂ Cϵy₁y₂ n n⊏ϵ
 = decidable-𝟚₁ (∼ⁿ-decidable  _  𝟚-is-discrete) _ _ (succ n))
     k k<sn
      C𝓞-eq k (<-≤-trans k (succ n) ϵ k<sn (⊏-gives-< n ϵ n⊏ϵ))
        (𝟚-possibilities (pr₁ (c 𝓞 y₁) k))
        (𝟚-possibilities (pr₁ (c 𝓞 y₂) k)))
    C𝓞-eq : (n : )  n < ϵ
           let c𝓞y₁n = pr₁ (c 𝓞 y₁) n in
            let c𝓞y₂n = pr₁ (c 𝓞 y₂) n in
            (c𝓞y₁n  ) + (c𝓞y₁n  )
           (c𝓞y₂n  ) + (c𝓞y₂n  )
           c𝓞y₁n  c𝓞y₂n
    C𝓞-eq n n<ϵ (inl c𝓞y₁=₀) (inl c𝓞y₂=₀) = c𝓞y₁=₀  c𝓞y₂=₀ ⁻¹
    C𝓞-eq n n<ϵ (inl c𝓞y₁=₀) (inr c𝓞y₂=₁)
     = 𝟘-elim (zero-is-not-one
        (c𝓞y₁=₀ ⁻¹
          c-ult 𝓞 y₂ y₁ n
            (Lemma[a=₁→b=₁→min𝟚ab=₁] c𝓞y₂=₁
             (ap  -  pr₁ - n) (c-sym y₂ y₁)
               Cϵy₁y₂ n (<-gives-⊏ n ϵ n<ϵ)))))
    C𝓞-eq n n<ϵ (inr c𝓞y₁=₁) (inl c𝓞y₂=₀)
     = 𝟘-elim (zero-is-not-one
        (c𝓞y₂=₀ ⁻¹
          c-ult 𝓞 y₁ y₂ n
            (Lemma[a=₁→b=₁→min𝟚ab=₁] c𝓞y₁=₁
             (Cϵy₁y₂ n (<-gives-⊏ n ϵ n<ϵ)))))
    C𝓞-eq n n<ϵ (inr c𝓞y₁=₁) (inr c𝓞y₂=₁) = c𝓞y₁=₁  c𝓞y₂=₁ ⁻¹

oracle-closeness : (Y : PseudoClosenessSpace 𝓥)
              (𝓞 :  Y )
              let c = pr₁ (pr₂ Y) in
               f-ucontinuous' Y (ι ℕ∞-ClosenessSpace) (c 𝓞)
oracle-closeness Y 𝓞 ϵ = ϵ , oracle-closeness' Y 𝓞 ϵ

       : (X : ClosenessSpace 𝓤) (Y : PseudoClosenessSpace 𝓥)
         X   totally-bounded X 𝓤'
        (M :  X    Y ) (𝓞 :  Y )
        f-ucontinuous' (ι X) Y M
        let c = pr₁ (pr₂ Y) in
         (ϵ : )
        (has ϵ global-maximal) ℕ∞-approx-lexicorder  x  c 𝓞 (M x))
optimisation-convergence X Y x₀ t M 𝓞 ϕᴹ
 = global-max-ℕ∞ X x₀ t (c 𝓞  M)
     ϵ  pr₁ (ϕᴹ ϵ)
    , λ x₁ x₂ Cδᶜx₁x₂
       oracle-closeness' Y 𝓞 ϵ (M x₁) (M x₂)
         (pr₂ (ϕᴹ ϵ) x₁ x₂ Cδᶜx₁x₂))
  c :  Y    Y   ℕ∞
  c = pr₁ (pr₂ Y)

regressor : (X : ClosenessSpace 𝓤) (Y : PseudoClosenessSpace 𝓥)  𝓤  𝓥  ̇
regressor {𝓤} {𝓥} X Y
 = (M :  X    Y )  f-ucontinuous' (ι X) Y M   Y    X 

p-regressor : (X : ClosenessSpace 𝓤) (Y : PseudoClosenessSpace 𝓥)
             (𝓔S : csearchable 𝓤₀ X)
             (ε : )  regressor X Y
p-regressor {𝓤} {𝓥} X Y S ε M ϕᴹ 𝓞 = pr₁ (S ((p , d) , ϕ))
  p :  X   Ω 𝓤₀
  p x = C'Ω Y ε 𝓞 (M x)
  d : is-complemented  x  p x holds)
  d x = C'-decidable Y ε 𝓞 (M x)
  ϕ : p-ucontinuous X p
  ϕ = δ , γ
    δ : 
    δ = pr₁ (ϕᴹ ε)
    γ : (x₁ x₂ :  X )  C X δ x₁ x₂  p x₁ holds  p x₂ holds
    γ x₁ x₂ Cδx₁x₂ px₁
     = C'-trans Y ε 𝓞 (M x₁) (M x₂) px₁ (pr₂ (ϕᴹ ε) x₁ x₂ Cδx₁x₂)

       : (X : ClosenessSpace 𝓤) (Y : PseudoClosenessSpace 𝓥)
        (S : csearchable 𝓤₀ X)
        (ε : )
        (M :  X    Y ) (ϕᴹ : f-ucontinuous' (ι X) Y M)
        (Ψ :  Y    Y ) (k :  X )
          𝓞 = M k
          Ψ𝓞 = Ψ 𝓞
          reg = p-regressor X Y S ε
          ω = M (reg M ϕᴹ Ψ𝓞)
         in (C' Y ε 𝓞 Ψ𝓞)  (C' Y ε 𝓞 ω)
s-imperfect-convergence X Y S ε M ϕᴹ Ψ k Cε𝓞Ψ𝓞
 = C'-trans Y ε 𝓞 Ψ𝓞 ω Cε𝓞Ψ𝓞
    (pr₂ (S ((p , d) , ϕ)) (k , C'-sym Y ε 𝓞 Ψ𝓞 Cε𝓞Ψ𝓞))
  𝓞 = M k
  Ψ𝓞 = Ψ 𝓞
  reg = p-regressor X Y S ε
  ω = M (reg M ϕᴹ Ψ𝓞)
  p :  X   Ω 𝓤₀
  p x = C'Ω Y ε Ψ𝓞 (M x)
  d : is-complemented  x  p x holds)
  d x = C'-decidable Y ε Ψ𝓞 (M x)
  ϕ : p-ucontinuous X p
  ϕ = δ , γ
    δ : 
    δ = pr₁ (ϕᴹ ε)
    γ : (x₁ x₂ :  X )  C X δ x₁ x₂  p x₁ holds  p x₂ holds
    γ x₁ x₂ Cδx₁x₂ CεΨ𝓞Mx₂
     = C'-trans Y ε Ψ𝓞 (M x₁) (M x₂) CεΨ𝓞Mx₂ (pr₂ (ϕᴹ ε) x₁ x₂ Cδx₁x₂)

       : (X : ClosenessSpace 𝓤) (Y : PseudoClosenessSpace 𝓥)
        (S : csearchable 𝓤₀ X)
        (ε : )
        (M :  X    Y ) (ϕᴹ : f-ucontinuous' (ι X) Y M)
        (k :  X )
          𝓞 = M k
          reg = p-regressor X Y S ε
          ω = M (reg M ϕᴹ 𝓞)
         in C' Y ε 𝓞 ω
perfect-convergence X Y S ε M ϕᴹ k
 = s-imperfect-convergence X Y S ε M ϕᴹ id k (C'-refl Y ε 𝓞)
 where 𝓞 = M k