Tom de Jong, July 2024.

This file corresponds to the paper

   "Domain theory in univalent foundations I:
    Directed complete posets and Scott’s D∞"
   Tom de Jong

See DomainTheory.index.lagda for an overview of all domain theory in


{-# OPTIONS --safe --without-K --lossy-unification #-}

open import UF.FunExt
open import UF.Subsingletons
open import UF.PropTrunc


Our global assumptions are function extensionality, propositional extensionality
and the existence of propositional truncations.


module DomainTheory.Part-I
        (fe : Fun-Ext)
        (pe : Prop-Ext)
        (pt : propositional-truncations-exist)

open PropositionalTruncation pt

open import MLTT.Spartan

open import Naturals.Order hiding (subtraction')
open import Notation.Order hiding (_⊑_ ; _≼_)

open import UF.Base
open import UF.Equiv
open import UF.Hedberg
open import UF.ImageAndSurjection pt
open import UF.Powerset-MultiUniverse
open import UF.Sets
open import UF.Size hiding (is-locally-small)
open import UF.Subsingletons-FunExt
open import UF.SubtypeClassifier hiding ()
open import UF.Univalence

open import OrderedTypes.Poset fe


Section 2


Definition-2-1 : (𝓤 : Universe) (X : 𝓥 ̇ )  𝓤   𝓥 ̇
Definition-2-1 𝓤 X = X is 𝓤 small

Definition-2-2 : (𝓤 : Universe)  𝓤  ̇
Definition-2-2 𝓤 = Ω 𝓤

Definition-2-3 : (𝓥 : Universe) (X : 𝓤 ̇ )  𝓥   𝓤 ̇
Definition-2-3 𝓥 X = 𝓟 {𝓥} X

Definition-2-4 : (𝓥 : Universe) (X : 𝓤 ̇ )
                (X  𝓟 {𝓥} X  𝓥 ̇ )
               × (𝓟 {𝓥} X  𝓟 {𝓥} X  𝓥  𝓤 ̇ )
Definition-2-4 𝓥 X = _∈_ , _⊆_


Section 3


module _
        (P : 𝓤 ̇ ) (_⊑_ : P  P  𝓣 ̇ )

 open PosetAxioms

 Definition-3-1 : 𝓤  𝓣 ̇
 Definition-3-1 = is-prop-valued _⊑_
                × is-reflexive _⊑_
                × is-transitive _⊑_

 Definition-3-2 : 𝓤  𝓣 ̇
 Definition-3-2 = Definition-3-1 × is-antisymmetric _⊑_

 Lemma-3-3 : is-prop-valued _⊑_
            is-reflexive _⊑_
            is-antisymmetric _⊑_
            is-set P
 Lemma-3-3 = posets-are-sets _⊑_

 module _ (𝓥 : Universe) where
  open import DomainTheory.Basics.Dcpo pt fe 𝓥

  Definition-3-4 : {I : 𝓥 ̇ }  (I  P)  (𝓥  𝓣 ̇ ) × (𝓥  𝓣 ̇ )
  Definition-3-4 {I} α = is-semidirected _⊑_ α , is-directed _⊑_ α

  Remark-3-5 : {I : 𝓥 ̇ } (α : I  P)
              is-directed _⊑_ α
               I  × ((i j : I)   Σ k  I , (α i  α k) × (α j  α k) )
  Remark-3-5 α = refl

  Definition-3-6 : {I : 𝓥 ̇ }  P  (I  P)  (𝓥  𝓣 ̇ ) × (𝓤  𝓥  𝓣 ̇ )
  Definition-3-6 {I} x α = (is-upperbound _⊑_ x α) , is-sup _⊑_ x α

  Definition-3-6-ad : poset-axioms _⊑_
                     {I : 𝓥 ̇ } (α : I  P)
                     {x y : P}  is-sup _⊑_ x α  is-sup _⊑_ y α  x  y
  Definition-3-6-ad pa {I} α = sups-are-unique _⊑_ pa α

  Definition-3-7 : 𝓥   𝓤  𝓣 ̇
  Definition-3-7 = is-directed-complete _⊑_

  Definition-3-7-ad : (𝓓 : DCPO {𝓤} {𝓣}) {I : 𝓥 ̇ }
                      {α : I   𝓓 }  is-Directed 𝓓 α   𝓓 
  Definition-3-7-ad = 

  Remark-3-8 : poset-axioms _⊑_
              {I : 𝓥 ̇ } (α : I  P)
              is-prop (has-sup _⊑_ α)
  Remark-3-8 = having-sup-is-prop _⊑_

module _ (𝓥 : Universe) where
 open import DomainTheory.Basics.Dcpo pt fe 𝓥

 Definition-3-9 : {𝓤 𝓣 : Universe}  (𝓤  𝓥  𝓣)  ̇
 Definition-3-9 {𝓤} {𝓣} = DCPO {𝓤} {𝓣}

 -- Remark-3-10: No formalisable content (as it's a meta-mathematical remark on
 --              the importance of keeping track of universe levels).

 open import DomainTheory.Basics.Pointed pt fe 𝓥
 open import DomainTheory.Basics.Miscelanea pt fe 𝓥

 Definition-3-11 : {𝓤 𝓣 : Universe}  (𝓥  𝓤  𝓣)  ̇
 Definition-3-11 {𝓤} {𝓣} = DCPO⊥ {𝓤} {𝓣}

 Definition-3-12 : (𝓓 : DCPO {𝓤} {𝓣})  𝓥   𝓤  𝓣 ̇
 Definition-3-12 𝓓 = is-locally-small' 𝓓

 Lemma-3-13 : (𝓓 : DCPO {𝓤} {𝓣})
             is-locally-small 𝓓  is-locally-small' 𝓓
 Lemma-3-13 𝓓 = local-smallness-equivalent-definitions 𝓓

 open import DomainTheory.Examples.Omega pt fe pe 𝓥

 Example-3-14 : DCPO⊥ {𝓥 } {𝓥}
 Example-3-14 = Ω-DCPO⊥

 module _
         (X : 𝓤 ̇ )
         (X-is-set : is-set X)

  open import DomainTheory.Examples.Powerset pt fe pe X-is-set

  Example-3-15 :  DCPO⊥ {𝓥   𝓤} {𝓥  𝓤}
  Example-3-15 = generalized-𝓟-DCPO⊥ 𝓥

 module _
         (X : 𝓥 ̇ )
         (X-is-set : is-set X)

  open import DomainTheory.Examples.Powerset pt fe pe X-is-set

  Example-3-15-ad :  DCPO⊥ {𝓥 } {𝓥}
  Example-3-15-ad = 𝓟-DCPO⊥

 Proposition-3-16 : (𝓓 : DCPO {𝓤} {𝓣})
                   is-ω-complete (underlying-order 𝓓)
 Proposition-3-16 = dcpos-are-ω-complete


Section 4


 Definition-4-1 : (𝓓 : DCPO {𝓤} {𝓣}) (𝓔 : DCPO {𝓤'} {𝓣'})
                 ( 𝓓    𝓔 )
                 𝓥   𝓤  𝓣  𝓤'  𝓣' ̇
 Definition-4-1 𝓓 𝓔 f = is-continuous 𝓓 𝓔 f

 -- Remark-4-2: Note that the parameter 𝓥 in the type DCPO is fixed.

 module _
         (𝓓 : DCPO {𝓤} {𝓣}) (𝓔 : DCPO {𝓤'} {𝓣'})

  Lemma-4-3 : (f :  𝓓    𝓔 )
             is-prop (is-continuous 𝓓 𝓔 f)
  Lemma-4-3 = being-continuous-is-prop 𝓓 𝓔

  Lemma-4-3-ad : (f g : DCPO[ 𝓓 , 𝓔 ])
                underlying-function 𝓓 𝓔 f  underlying-function 𝓓 𝓔 g
                f  g
  Lemma-4-3-ad f g e = to-continuous-function-= 𝓓 𝓔 (happly e)

  Lemma-4-4 : (f : DCPO[ 𝓓 , 𝓔 ])
             is-monotone 𝓓 𝓔 [ 𝓓 , 𝓔 ]⟨ f 
  Lemma-4-4 = monotone-if-continuous 𝓓 𝓔

  Lemma-4-5 : {f :  𝓓    𝓔 }  is-monotone 𝓓 𝓔 f
             {I : 𝓥 ̇ } {α : I   𝓓 }
             is-Directed 𝓓 α
             is-Directed 𝓔 (f  α)
  Lemma-4-5 = image-is-directed 𝓓 𝓔

  Lemma-4-6 : (f : DCPO[ 𝓓 , 𝓔 ]) {I : 𝓥 ̇ } {α : I   𝓓 }
              (δ : is-Directed 𝓓 α)
             [ 𝓓 , 𝓔 ]⟨ f  ( 𝓓 δ) ⊑⟨ 𝓔 
               𝓔 (image-is-directed' 𝓓 𝓔 f δ)
  Lemma-4-6 = continuous-∐-⊑ 𝓓 𝓔

  Lemma-4-6-ad : (f :  𝓓    𝓔 ) (m : is-monotone 𝓓 𝓔 f)
                ((I : 𝓥 ̇ ) (α : I   𝓓 ) (δ : is-Directed 𝓓 α)
                      f ( 𝓓 δ) ⊑⟨ 𝓔   𝓔 (image-is-directed 𝓓 𝓔 m δ))
                is-continuous 𝓓 𝓔 f
  Lemma-4-6-ad = continuity-criterion 𝓓 𝓔

 Remark-4-7 : Σ 𝓓  DCPO {𝓥 } {𝓥} ,
              Σ f  ( 𝓓    𝓓 ) , ¬ is-continuous 𝓓 𝓓 f
 Remark-4-7 = Ω-DCPO , ν , II
   ν : Ω 𝓥  Ω 𝓥
   ν P = ¬ (P holds) , negations-are-props fe
   I : ¬ (is-monotone Ω-DCPO Ω-DCPO ν)
   I m = m (𝟘 , 𝟘-is-prop) (𝟙 , 𝟙-is-prop)  _  ) 𝟘-elim 
   II : ¬ (is-continuous Ω-DCPO Ω-DCPO ν)
   II c = I (monotone-if-continuous Ω-DCPO Ω-DCPO (ν , c))

 Definition-4-8 : (𝓓 : DCPO⊥ {𝓤} {𝓣}) (𝓔 : DCPO⊥ {𝓤'} {𝓣'})
                 ( 𝓓    𝓔 )  𝓤' ̇
 Definition-4-8 𝓓 𝓔 f = is-strict 𝓓 𝓔 f

 Lemma-4-9 : (𝓓 : DCPO⊥ {𝓤} {𝓣})
             {I : 𝓥 ̇ } {α : I   𝓓 }
            is-semidirected (underlying-order (𝓓 )) α
            has-sup (underlying-order (𝓓 )) α
 Lemma-4-9 = semidirected-complete-if-pointed

 Lemma-4-9-ad₁ : (𝓓 : DCPO {𝓤} {𝓣})
                ({I : 𝓥 ̇ } {α : I   𝓓 }
                      is-semidirected (underlying-order 𝓓) α
                      has-sup (underlying-order 𝓓) α)
                has-least (underlying-order 𝓓)
 Lemma-4-9-ad₁ = pointed-if-semidirected-complete

 Lemma-4-9-ad₂ : (𝓓 : DCPO⊥ {𝓤} {𝓣}) (𝓔 : DCPO⊥ {𝓤'} {𝓣'})
                 (f :  𝓓    𝓔 )
                is-continuous (𝓓 ) (𝓔 ) f
                is-strict 𝓓 𝓔 f
                {I : 𝓥 ̇ } {α : I   𝓓 }
                (σ : is-semidirected (underlying-order (𝓓 )) α)
                is-sup (underlying-order (𝓔 )) (f (∐ˢᵈ 𝓓 σ)) (f  α)
 Lemma-4-9-ad₂ = preserves-semidirected-sups-if-continuous-and-strict

 Proposition-4-10-i : (𝓓 : DCPO {𝓤} {𝓣})  is-continuous 𝓓 𝓓 id
 Proposition-4-10-i = id-is-continuous

 Proposition-4-10-i-ad : (𝓓 : DCPO⊥ {𝓤} {𝓣})  is-strict 𝓓 𝓓 id
 Proposition-4-10-i-ad 𝓓 = refl

 module _
         (𝓓 : DCPO {𝓤} {𝓣})
         (𝓔 : DCPO {𝓤'} {𝓣'})

  Proposition-4-10-ii : (y :  𝓔 )  is-continuous 𝓓 𝓔  _  y)
  Proposition-4-10-ii _ = constant-functions-are-continuous 𝓓 𝓔

  Proposition-4-10-iii : {𝓤'' 𝓣'' : Universe}
                         (𝓔' : DCPO {𝓤''} {𝓣''})
                         (f :  𝓓    𝓔 ) (g :  𝓔    𝓔' )
                        is-continuous 𝓓 𝓔 f
                        is-continuous 𝓔 𝓔' g
                        is-continuous 𝓓 𝓔' (g  f)
  Proposition-4-10-iii = ∘-is-continuous 𝓓 𝓔

 Proposition-4-10-iii-ad : {𝓤'' 𝓣'' : Universe}
                           (𝓓 : DCPO⊥ {𝓤} {𝓣}) (𝓔 : DCPO⊥ {𝓤'} {𝓣'})
                           (𝓔' : DCPO⊥ {𝓤''} {𝓣''})
                           (f :  𝓓    𝓔 ) (g :  𝓔    𝓔' )
                          is-strict 𝓓 𝓔 f
                          is-strict 𝓔 𝓔' g
                          is-strict 𝓓 𝓔' (g  f)
 Proposition-4-10-iii-ad = ∘-is-strict

 Definition-4-11 : DCPO {𝓤} {𝓣}  DCPO {𝓤'} {𝓣'}  𝓥   𝓤  𝓣  𝓤'  𝓣' ̇
 Definition-4-11 𝓓 𝓔 = 𝓓 ≃ᵈᶜᵖᵒ 𝓔

 Lemma-4-12 : (𝓓 : DCPO⊥ {𝓤} {𝓣}) (𝓔 : DCPO⊥ {𝓤'} {𝓣'})
             (𝓓 ) ≃ᵈᶜᵖᵒ (𝓔 )  𝓓 ≃ᵈᶜᵖᵒ⊥ 𝓔
 Lemma-4-12 = ≃ᵈᶜᵖᵒ-to-≃ᵈᶜᵖᵒ⊥

 Definition-4-13 : DCPO {𝓤} {𝓣}  DCPO {𝓤'} {𝓣'}  𝓥   𝓤  𝓣  𝓤'  𝓣' ̇
 Definition-4-13 𝓓 𝓔 = 𝓓 continuous-retract-of 𝓔

 Lemma-4-14 : (𝓓 : DCPO {𝓤} {𝓣}) (𝓔 : DCPO {𝓤'} {𝓣'})
             𝓓 continuous-retract-of 𝓔
             is-locally-small 𝓔
             is-locally-small 𝓓
 Lemma-4-14 = local-smallness-preserved-by-continuous-retract


Section 5


module _ where
 open import DomainTheory.Basics.Dcpo pt fe 𝓤₀
 open import DomainTheory.Taboos.ClassicalLiftingOfNaturalNumbers pt fe
 open import Taboos.LPO

 Proposition-5-1 : is-ω-complete _⊑_  LPO
 Proposition-5-1 = ℕ⊥-is-ω-complete-gives-LPO

 Proposition-5-1-ad : is-directed-complete _⊑_  LPO
 Proposition-5-1-ad = ℕ⊥-is-directed-complete-gives-LPO

 -- Remark-5-2: No formalisable content.

module _ (𝓥 : Universe) where

 open import Lifting.Construction 𝓥 renaming ( to ⊥𝓛)
 open import Lifting.IdentityViaSIP 𝓥
 open import Lifting.Monad 𝓥
 open import Lifting.Miscelanea-PropExt-FunExt 𝓥 pe fe

 Definition-5-3 : (X : 𝓤 ̇ )  𝓥   𝓤 ̇
 Definition-5-3 X = 𝓛 X

 Definition-5-4 : {X : 𝓤 ̇ }  X  𝓛 X
 Definition-5-4 = η

 Definition-5-5 : {X : 𝓤 ̇ }  𝓛 X
 Definition-5-5 = ⊥𝓛

 Definition-5-6 : {X : 𝓤 ̇ }  𝓛 X  Ω 𝓥
 Definition-5-6 l = is-defined l , being-defined-is-prop l

 Definition-5-6-ad : {X : 𝓤 ̇ } (l : 𝓛 X)  is-defined l  X
 Definition-5-6-ad = value

 open import UF.ClassicalLogic
 Proposition-5-7 : (X : 𝓤 ̇ )  EM 𝓥  𝓛 X  𝟙 + X
 Proposition-5-7 = EM-gives-classical-lifting

 Proposition-5-7-ad : ((X : 𝓤 ̇ )  𝓛 X  𝟙 + X)  EM 𝓥
 Proposition-5-7-ad = classical-lifting-gives-EM

 module _ {X : 𝓤 ̇ } where

  Lemma-5-8 : {l m : 𝓛 X}  (l  m  l  m) × (l  m  l  m)
  Lemma-5-8 = ⋍-to-= , =-to-⋍

  Remark-5-9 : is-univalent 𝓥  (l m : 𝓛 X)
              (l  m)  (l ⋍· m)
  Remark-5-9 ua = 𝓛-Id· ua fe

  Theorem-5-10 : {Y : 𝓦 ̇ }  (f : X  𝓛 Y)  𝓛 X  𝓛 Y
  Theorem-5-10 f = f 

  Theorem-5-10-i : η   id {_} {𝓛 X}
  Theorem-5-10-i l = ⋍-to-= (Kleisli-Law₀ l)

  Theorem-5-10-ii : {Y : 𝓦 ̇ } (f : X  𝓛 Y)
                   f   η  f
  Theorem-5-10-ii f l = ⋍-to-= (Kleisli-Law₁ f l)

  Theorem-5-10-iii : {Y : 𝓦 ̇ } {Z : 𝓣 ̇ }
                     (f : X  𝓛 Y) (g : Y  𝓛 Z)
                    (g   f)   g   f 
  Theorem-5-10-iii f g l = (⋍-to-= (Kleisli-Law₂ f g l)) ⁻¹

  Remark-5-11 : type-of (𝓛 X)  𝓥   𝓤 ̇
  Remark-5-11 = refl

  -- Remark-5-12: Note that we did not to assume that X is a set in the above.

  Definition-5-13 : {Y : 𝓥 ̇ }
                   (X  Y)  𝓛 X  𝓛 Y
  Definition-5-13 f = 𝓛̇ f

  Definition-5-13-ad : {Y : 𝓥 ̇ } (f : X  Y)
                      (η  f)   𝓛̇ f
  Definition-5-13-ad f = 𝓛̇-♯-∼ f

  Proposition-5-14 : 𝓛 X  𝓛 X  𝓥   𝓤 ̇
  Proposition-5-14 = _⊑'_

  Proposition-5-14-ad₁ : (is-set X  {l m : 𝓛 X}  is-prop (l ⊑' m))
                       × ({l : 𝓛 X}  l ⊑' l)
                       × ({l m n : 𝓛 X}  l ⊑' m  m ⊑' n  l ⊑' n)
                       × ({l m : 𝓛 X}  l ⊑' m  m ⊑' l  l  m)
  Proposition-5-14-ad₁ = ⊑'-prop-valued ,
                         ⊑'-is-reflexive ,
                         ⊑'-is-transitive ,

  open import Lifting.UnivalentPrecategory 𝓥 X
  Proposition-5-14-ad₂ : {l m : 𝓛 X}  (l  m  l ⊑' m) × (l ⊑' m  l  m)
  Proposition-5-14-ad₂ = ⊑-to-⊑' , ⊑'-to-⊑

 open import DomainTheory.Basics.Dcpo pt fe 𝓥
 open import DomainTheory.Basics.Pointed pt fe 𝓥
 open import DomainTheory.Basics.Miscelanea pt fe 𝓥

 module _ where
  open import DomainTheory.Lifting.LiftingSet pt fe 𝓥 pe

  Proposition-5-15 : {X : 𝓤 ̇ }  is-set X  DCPO⊥ {𝓥   𝓤} {𝓥   𝓤}
  Proposition-5-15 = 𝓛-DCPO⊥

  Proposition-5-15-ad : {X : 𝓥 ̇ } (s : is-set X)  is-locally-small (𝓛-DCPO s)
  Proposition-5-15-ad {X} s =
   record { _⊑ₛ_ = _⊑_ ;
            ⊑ₛ-≃-⊑ = λ {l m}  logically-equivalent-props-are-equivalent
                                (⊑-prop-valued fe fe s l m)
                                (⊑'-prop-valued s)
    open import Lifting.UnivalentPrecategory 𝓥 X

 module _
         {X : 𝓤 ̇ }
         (s : is-set X)

  open import DomainTheory.Lifting.LiftingSet pt fe 𝓥 pe

  Proposition-5-16 : {Y : 𝓦 ̇ } (t : is-set Y)
                     (f : X  𝓛 Y)
                   is-continuous (𝓛-DCPO s) (𝓛-DCPO t) (f )
  Proposition-5-16 t f = ♯-is-continuous s t f

  Lemma-5-17 : (l : 𝓛 X)
              l  ∐ˢˢ (𝓛-DCPO⊥ s) (η  value l) (being-defined-is-prop l)
  Lemma-5-17 = all-partial-elements-are-subsingleton-sups s

  Theorem-5-18 : (𝓓 : DCPO⊥ {𝓤'} {𝓣'})  (f : X   𝓓 )
                ∃!   (𝓛 X   𝓓 ) , is-continuous (𝓛-DCPO s) (𝓓 ) 
                                       × is-strict (𝓛-DCPO⊥ s) 𝓓 
                                       × (  η  f)
  Theorem-5-18 = let open lifting-is-free-pointed-dcpo-on-set s in

 module _
         (𝓓 : DCPO {𝓤} {𝓣})

  open import DomainTheory.Lifting.LiftingDcpo pt fe 𝓥 pe
  open freely-add-⊥ 𝓓

  Proposition-5-19 : 𝓛D  𝓛D  𝓥  𝓣 ̇
  Proposition-5-19 = _⊑_

  Proposition-5-19-ad : ((k l : 𝓛D)  is-prop (k  l))
                      × ((l : 𝓛D)  l  l)
                      × ((k l m : 𝓛D)  k  l  l  m  k  m)
                      × ((k l : 𝓛D)  k  l  l  k  k  l)
  Proposition-5-19-ad = ⊑-is-prop-valued ,
                        ⊑-is-reflexive ,
                        ⊑-is-transitive ,

  Proposition-5-20 : DCPO⊥ {𝓥   𝓤} {𝓥  𝓣}
  Proposition-5-20 = 𝓛-DCPO⊥

  Proposition-5-20-ad : is-locally-small 𝓓  is-locally-small 𝓛-DCPO
  Proposition-5-20-ad = 𝓛-DCPO-is-locally-small

  Theorem-5-21 : (𝓔 : DCPO⊥ {𝓤'} {𝓣'}) (f :  𝓓    𝓔 )
                is-continuous 𝓓 (𝓔 ) f
                ∃!   (𝓛D   𝓔 ) , is-continuous (𝓛-DCPO⊥ ) (𝓔 ) 
                                      × is-strict 𝓛-DCPO⊥ 𝓔  × (  η  f)
  Theorem-5-21 = 𝓛-gives-the-free-pointed-dcpo-on-a-dcpo


Section 6


module _ (𝓥 : Universe) where

 open import DomainTheory.Basics.Curry pt fe 𝓥
 open import DomainTheory.Basics.Dcpo pt fe 𝓥
 open import DomainTheory.Basics.Pointed pt fe 𝓥
 open import DomainTheory.Basics.Products pt fe
 open DcpoProductsGeneral 𝓥
 open import DomainTheory.Basics.ProductsContinuity pt fe 𝓥
 open import DomainTheory.Basics.Exponential pt fe 𝓥

 Definition-6-1 : DCPO {𝓤} {𝓣}
                 DCPO {𝓤'} {𝓣'}
                 DCPO {𝓤  𝓤'} {𝓣  𝓣'}
 Definition-6-1 𝓓 𝓔 = 𝓓 ×ᵈᶜᵖᵒ 𝓔

 Definition-6-1-ad : DCPO⊥ {𝓤} {𝓣}
                    DCPO⊥ {𝓤'} {𝓣'}
                    DCPO⊥ {𝓤  𝓤'} {𝓣  𝓣'}
 Definition-6-1-ad 𝓓 𝓔 = 𝓓 ×ᵈᶜᵖᵒ⊥ 𝓔

 Remark-6-2 : DCPO {𝓤} {𝓣}
             DCPO {𝓤} {𝓣}
             DCPO {𝓤} {𝓣}
 Remark-6-2 𝓓 𝓔 = 𝓓 ×ᵈᶜᵖᵒ 𝓔

 Proposition-6-3 : (𝓓₁ : DCPO {𝓤} {𝓣}) (𝓓₂ : DCPO {𝓤'} {𝓣'})
                   (𝓔 : DCPO {𝓦} {𝓦'})
                   (f :  𝓔    𝓓₁ ) (g :  𝓔    𝓓₂ )
                  is-continuous 𝓔 𝓓₁ f
                  is-continuous 𝓔 𝓓₂ g
                  ∃! k  ( 𝓔    𝓓₁ ×ᵈᶜᵖᵒ 𝓓₂ ) ,
                           is-continuous 𝓔 (𝓓₁ ×ᵈᶜᵖᵒ 𝓓₂) k
                         × pr₁  k  f
                         × pr₂  k  g
 Proposition-6-3 = ×ᵈᶜᵖᵒ-is-product

 module _
         (𝓓₁ : DCPO {𝓤} {𝓤'})
         (𝓓₂ : DCPO {𝓣} {𝓣'})
         (𝓔 : DCPO {𝓦} {𝓦'})
         (f :  𝓓₁ ×ᵈᶜᵖᵒ 𝓓₂    𝓔 )

  Lemma-6-4 : ((e :  𝓓₂ )  is-continuous 𝓓₁ 𝓔  d  f (d , e)))
             ((d :  𝓓₁ )  is-continuous 𝓓₂ 𝓔  e  f (d , e)))
             is-continuous (𝓓₁ ×ᵈᶜᵖᵒ 𝓓₂) 𝓔 f
  Lemma-6-4 = continuous-in-arguments→continuous 𝓓₁ 𝓓₂ 𝓔 f

  Lemma-6-4-ad : is-continuous (𝓓₁ ×ᵈᶜᵖᵒ 𝓓₂) 𝓔 f
                ((e :  𝓓₂ )  is-continuous 𝓓₁ 𝓔  d  f (d , e)))
               × ((d :  𝓓₁ )  is-continuous 𝓓₂ 𝓔  e  f (d , e)))
  Lemma-6-4-ad c =
    e  pr₂ (continuous→continuous-in-pr₁ 𝓓₁ 𝓓₂ 𝓔 (f , c) e)) ,
    d  pr₂ (continuous→continuous-in-pr₂ 𝓓₁ 𝓓₂ 𝓔 (f , c) d))

 Definition-6-5 : (𝓓 : DCPO {𝓤} {𝓣}) (𝓔 : DCPO {𝓤'} {𝓣'})
                 DCPO {𝓥   𝓤  𝓤'  𝓣  𝓣'} {𝓤  𝓣'}
 Definition-6-5 𝓓 𝓔 = 𝓓 ⟹ᵈᶜᵖᵒ 𝓔

 Definition-6-5-ad : (𝓓 : DCPO {𝓤} {𝓣}) (𝓔 : DCPO⊥ {𝓤'} {𝓣'})
                    DCPO⊥ {𝓥   𝓤  𝓤'  𝓣  𝓣'} {𝓤  𝓣'}
 Definition-6-5-ad 𝓓 𝓔 = 𝓓 ⟹ᵈᶜᵖᵒ⊥' 𝓔

 Remark-6-6 : (𝓓 : DCPO {𝓤} {𝓣}) (𝓔 : DCPO {𝓤'} {𝓣'})
             type-of (𝓓 ⟹ᵈᶜᵖᵒ 𝓔)  DCPO {𝓥   𝓤  𝓤'  𝓣  𝓣'} {𝓤  𝓣'}
 Remark-6-6 𝓓 𝓔 = refl

 module _
         (𝓓 : DCPO {𝓤} {𝓣'}) (𝓔 : DCPO {𝓤'} {𝓣'})


  We introduce two abbreviations for readability.


  𝓔ᴰ = 𝓓 ⟹ᵈᶜᵖᵒ 𝓔
  ev = underlying-function (𝓔ᴰ ×ᵈᶜᵖᵒ 𝓓) 𝓔 (eval 𝓓 𝓔)

  Proposition-6-7 : (𝓓' : DCPO {𝓦} {𝓦'})
                    (f :  𝓓' ×ᵈᶜᵖᵒ 𝓓    𝓔 )
                   is-continuous (𝓓' ×ᵈᶜᵖᵒ 𝓓) 𝓔 f
                   ∃!   ( 𝓓'    𝓔ᴰ ) ,
                           is-continuous 𝓓' 𝓔ᴰ 
                         × ev   (d' , d)   d' , d)  f
  Proposition-6-7 = ⟹ᵈᶜᵖᵒ-is-exponential 𝓓 𝓔

  Proposition-6-7-ad : is-continuous (𝓔ᴰ ×ᵈᶜᵖᵒ 𝓓) 𝓔 ev
  Proposition-6-7-ad = continuity-of-function (𝓔ᴰ ×ᵈᶜᵖᵒ 𝓓) 𝓔 (eval 𝓓 𝓔)

 open import DomainTheory.Basics.LeastFixedPoint pt fe 𝓥

 module _ (𝓓 : DCPO⊥ {𝓤} {𝓣}) where

  Theorem-6-8 : DCPO[ ((𝓓 ⟹ᵈᶜᵖᵒ⊥ 𝓓) ) , (𝓓 ) ]
  Theorem-6-8 = μ 𝓓

  Theorem-6-8-i : (f : DCPO[ 𝓓  , 𝓓  ])
                 [ (𝓓 ⟹ᵈᶜᵖᵒ⊥ 𝓓)  , 𝓓  ]⟨ μ 𝓓  f
                 [ 𝓓  , 𝓓  ]⟨ f  ([ (𝓓 ⟹ᵈᶜᵖᵒ⊥ 𝓓)  , 𝓓  ]⟨ μ 𝓓  f)
  Theorem-6-8-i = μ-gives-a-fixed-point 𝓓

  Theorem-6-8-ii : (f : DCPO[ (𝓓 ) , (𝓓 ) ])
                   (x :  𝓓 )
                  [ 𝓓  , 𝓓  ]⟨ f  x  ⊑⟪ 𝓓  x
                  [ (𝓓 ⟹ᵈᶜᵖᵒ⊥ 𝓓)  , 𝓓  ]⟨ μ 𝓓  f ⊑⟪ 𝓓  x
  Theorem-6-8-ii = μ-gives-lowerbound-of-fixed-points 𝓓


Section 7


module _ (𝓥 : Universe) where

 open import DomainTheory.Basics.Dcpo pt fe 𝓥
 open import DomainTheory.Basics.Exponential pt fe 𝓥
 open import DomainTheory.Basics.Miscelanea pt fe 𝓥

 Definition-7-1 : (𝓓 : DCPO {𝓤} {𝓣})  DCPO[ 𝓓 , 𝓓 ]  𝓤  𝓣 ̇
 Definition-7-1 = is-deflation

 Definition-7-2 : (𝓓 : DCPO {𝓤} {𝓣}) (𝓔 : DCPO {𝓤'} {𝓣'})
                 𝓥   𝓤  𝓣  𝓤'  𝓣' ̇
 Definition-7-2 𝓓 𝓔 = Σ s  DCPO[ 𝓓 , 𝓔 ] ,
                      Σ r  DCPO[ 𝓔 , 𝓓 ] , is-embedding-projection-pair 𝓓 𝓔 s r

 module setup
         {𝓤 𝓣 : Universe}
         {I : 𝓥 ̇ }
         (_⊑_ : I  I  𝓦 ̇ )
         (⊑-refl : {i : I}  i  i)
         (⊑-trans : {i j k : I}  i  j  j  k  i  k)
         (⊑-prop-valued : (i j : I)  is-prop (i  j))
         (I-inhabited :  I )
         (I-semidirected : (i j : I)   k  I , i  k × j  k)
         (𝓓 : I  DCPO {𝓤} {𝓣})
         (ε : {i j : I}  i  j   𝓓 i    𝓓 j )
         (π : {i j : I}  i  j   𝓓 j    𝓓 i )
         (επ-deflation : {i j : I} (l : i  j) (x :  𝓓 j )
                        ε l (π l x) ⊑⟨ 𝓓 j  x )
         (ε-section-of-π : {i j : I} (l : i  j)  π l  ε l  id )
         (ε-is-continuous : {i j : I} (l : i  j)
                           is-continuous (𝓓 i) (𝓓 j) (ε {i} {j} l))
         (π-is-continuous : {i j : I} (l : i  j)
                           is-continuous (𝓓 j) (𝓓 i) (π {i} {j} l))
         (ε-id : (i : I )  ε (⊑-refl {i})  id)
         (π-id : (i : I )  π (⊑-refl {i})  id)
         (ε-comp : {i j k : I} (l : i  j) (m : j  k)
                  ε m  ε l  ε (⊑-trans l m))
         (π-comp : {i j k : I} (l : i  j) (m : j  k)
                  π l  π m  π (⊑-trans l m))

  open import DomainTheory.Bilimits.Directed pt fe 𝓥 𝓤 𝓣
  open Diagram _⊑_ ⊑-refl ⊑-trans ⊑-prop-valued
               I-inhabited I-semidirected
               𝓓 ε π
               επ-deflation ε-section-of-π
               ε-is-continuous π-is-continuous
               ε-id π-id ε-comp π-comp
  open PosetAxioms

  -- Example-7-3: See the file
  import DomainTheory.Bilimits.Sequential

  Definition-7-4 : Σ 𝓓∞  𝓥  𝓦  𝓤 ̇ ,
                   Σ _≼_  (𝓓∞  𝓓∞  𝓥  𝓣 ̇ ) ,
                   poset-axioms _≼_
  Definition-7-4 = 𝓓∞-carrier , _≼_  , 𝓓∞-poset-axioms

  Lemma-7-5 : is-directed-complete _≼_
  Lemma-7-5 = directed-completeness 𝓓∞

  Lemma-7-5-ad : DCPO {𝓥  𝓦  𝓤} {𝓥  𝓣}
  Lemma-7-5-ad = 𝓓∞

  -- Remark-7-6: See code for Section 8 below.

  Definition-7-7 : (i : I)   𝓓∞    𝓓 i 
  Definition-7-7 = π∞

  Lemma-7-8 : (i : I)  is-continuous 𝓓∞ (𝓓 i) (π∞ i)
  Lemma-7-8 = π∞-is-continuous

  Definition-7-9 : {i j : I} (x :  𝓓 i )
                  (Σ k  I , i  k × j  k)   𝓓 j 
  Definition-7-9 = κ

  Lemma-7-10 : (i j : I) (x :  𝓓 i )  wconstant (κ x)
  Lemma-7-10 = κ-wconstant

  Lemma-7-10-ad : (i j : I) (x :  𝓓 i )
                 Σ  κ'  κ x  κ'  ∣_∣)
  Lemma-7-10-ad i j x  =
    (sethood (𝓓 j)) (κ x) (κ-wconstant i j x)

  Definition-7-11 : (i j : I)   𝓓 i    𝓓 j 
  Definition-7-11 = ρ

  Definition-7-11-ad : {i j k : I} (lᵢ : i  k) (lⱼ : j  k) (x :  𝓓 i )
                      ρ i j x  κ x (k , lᵢ , lⱼ)
  Definition-7-11-ad = ρ-in-terms-of-κ

  Definition-7-12 : (i : I)   𝓓 i    𝓓∞ 
  Definition-7-12 = ε∞

  Lemma-7-13 : (i j : I)  is-continuous (𝓓 i) (𝓓 j) (ρ i j)
  Lemma-7-13 = ρ-is-continuous

  Lemma-7-14 : (i : I)  is-continuous (𝓓 i) 𝓓∞ (ε∞ i)
  Lemma-7-14 = ε∞-is-continuous

  Theorem-7-15 : (i : I)  Σ s  DCPO[ 𝓓 i , 𝓓∞ ] ,
                           Σ r  DCPO[ 𝓓∞ , 𝓓 i ] ,
                               is-embedding-projection-pair (𝓓 i) 𝓓∞ s r
  Theorem-7-15 i = ε∞' i , π∞' i , ε∞-section-of-π∞ , ε∞π∞-deflation

  Lemma-7-16 : (i j : I) (l : i  j)
              (π l  π∞ j  π∞ i)
             × (ε∞ j  ε l  ε∞ i)
  Lemma-7-16 i j l = π∞-commutes-with-πs i j l , ε∞-commutes-with-εs i j l

  Theorem-7-17 : (𝓔 : DCPO {𝓤'} {𝓣'}) (f : (i : I)   𝓔    𝓓 i )
                ((i : I)  is-continuous 𝓔 (𝓓 i) (f i))
                ((i j : I) (l : i  j)  π l  f j  f i)
                ∃! f∞  ( 𝓔    𝓓∞ ) , is-continuous 𝓔 𝓓∞ f∞
                                          × ((i : I)  π∞ i  f∞  f i)
  Theorem-7-17 = DcpoCone.𝓓∞-is-limit

  Lemma-7-18 : (σ :  𝓓∞ ) (i j : I)
              i  j  ε∞ i ( σ  i)   ε∞ j ( σ  j)
  Lemma-7-18 = ε∞-family-is-monotone

  Lemma-7-19 : (σ :  𝓓∞ )
              σ   𝓓∞ {I}  i  ε∞ i ( σ  i)} (ε∞-family-is-directed σ)
  Lemma-7-19 = ∐-of-ε∞s

  Lemma-7-20 :  (𝓓∞ ⟹ᵈᶜᵖᵒ 𝓓∞) ε∞π∞-family-is-directed
              id , id-is-continuous 𝓓∞
  Lemma-7-20 = ∐-of-ε∞π∞s-is-id

  Theorem-7-21 : (𝓔 : DCPO {𝓤'} {𝓣'}) (g : (i : I)   𝓓 i    𝓔 )
                ((i : I)  is-continuous (𝓓 i) 𝓔 (g i))
                ((i j : I) (l : i  j)  g j  ε l  g i)
                ∃! g∞  ( 𝓓∞    𝓔 ) , is-continuous 𝓓∞ 𝓔 g∞
                                           × ((i : I)  g∞  ε∞ i  g i)
  Theorem-7-21 = DcpoCocone.𝓓∞-is-colimit

  Proposition-7-22 : ((i : I)  is-locally-small (𝓓 i))  is-locally-small 𝓓∞
  Proposition-7-22 = 𝓓∞-is-locally-small


Section 8


open import DomainTheory.Basics.Dcpo pt fe 𝓤₀
open import DomainTheory.Basics.Exponential pt fe 𝓤₀
open import DomainTheory.Basics.Miscelanea pt fe 𝓤₀
open import DomainTheory.Basics.Pointed pt fe 𝓤₀

open import DomainTheory.Bilimits.Dinfinity pt fe pe

Definition-8-1 : (n : )  DCPO⊥ {𝓤₁} {𝓤₁}
Definition-8-1 = 𝓓⊥

Definition-8-2 : (n : )
                DCPO[ 𝓓 n , 𝓓 (succ n) ]
               × DCPO[ 𝓓 (succ n) , 𝓓 n ]
Definition-8-2 n = ε' n , π' n

Lemma-8-3 : (n : )
           is-embedding-projection-pair (𝓓 n) (𝓓 (succ n)) (ε' n) (π' n)
Lemma-8-3 n = ε-section-of-π n , επ-deflation n

Definition-8-4 : (n m : )  n  m
                DCPO[ 𝓓 n , 𝓓 m ]
               × DCPO[ 𝓓 m , 𝓓 n ]
Definition-8-4 n m l = (ε⁺ l , ε⁺-is-continuous l) ,
                       (π⁺ l , π⁺-is-continuous l)

Definition-8-5 : DCPO {𝓤₁} {𝓤₁}
Definition-8-5 = 𝓓∞

Lemma-8-6 : (n : )  is-strict (𝓓⊥ (succ n)) (𝓓⊥ n) (π n)
Lemma-8-6 = π-is-strict

Lemma-8-6-ad : (n m : ) (l : n  m)  is-strict (𝓓⊥ m) (𝓓⊥ n) (π⁺ l)
Lemma-8-6-ad = π⁺-is-strict

Proposition-8-7 : has-least (underlying-order 𝓓∞)
Proposition-8-7 = 𝓓∞-has-least

Definition-8-8 : (n : )   𝓓 n    𝓓∞ ⟹ᵈᶜᵖᵒ 𝓓∞ 
Definition-8-8 = ε-exp


To match the paper we introduce the following notation (although the subscript
can't really function as the argument)


Φₙ = ε-exp

Lemma-8-9 : (n m : ) (l : n  m)  Φₙ m  ε⁺ l  Φₙ n
Lemma-8-9 = ε-exp-commutes-with-ε⁺

Definition-8-10 :  𝓓∞    𝓓∞ ⟹ᵈᶜᵖᵒ 𝓓∞ 
Definition-8-10 = ε-exp∞

Φ = Definition-8-10

Lemma-8-11 : (σ :  𝓓∞ )
            Φ σ   (𝓓∞ ⟹ᵈᶜᵖᵒ 𝓓∞) {}  n  Φₙ (succ n) ( σ  (succ n))}
                                          (ε-exp-family-is-directed σ)
Lemma-8-11 = ε-exp∞-alt

Definition-8-12 : (n : )   𝓓∞ ⟹ᵈᶜᵖᵒ 𝓓∞    𝓓 n 
Definition-8-12 = π-exp


To match the paper we introduce the following notation (although the subscript
can't really function as the argument)


Ψₙ = π-exp

Lemma-8-13 : (n m : ) (l : n  m)  π⁺ l  Ψₙ m  Ψₙ n
Lemma-8-13 = π-exp-commutes-with-π⁺

Definition-8-14 :  𝓓∞ ⟹ᵈᶜᵖᵒ 𝓓∞    𝓓∞ 
Definition-8-14 = π-exp∞

Ψ = Definition-8-14

Lemma-8-15 : (f :  𝓓∞ ⟹ᵈᶜᵖᵒ 𝓓∞ )
            Ψ f   𝓓∞ {}  n  ε∞ (succ n) (Ψₙ (succ n) f)}
                             (π-exp-family-is-directed f)
Lemma-8-15 = π-exp∞-alt

Theorem-8-16 : Ψ  Φ  id
             × Φ  Ψ  id
             × 𝓓∞ ≃ᵈᶜᵖᵒ (𝓓∞ ⟹ᵈᶜᵖᵒ 𝓓∞)
Theorem-8-16 = ε-exp∞-section-of-π-exp∞ ,
               π-exp∞-section-of-ε-exp∞ ,

Remark-8-17 : Σ σ₀   𝓓∞  , σ₀   𝓓∞⊥
Remark-8-17 = σ₀ , 𝓓∞⊥-is-nontrivial
