{-# OPTIONS --no-termination-check #-}

-- Termination is proved externally, using bar induction and
-- continuity in the case of this module (Escardo-Oliva 2010).

module J-Shift-Selection where

open import Logic
open import LogicalFacts
open import Naturals
open import JK-Monads
open import Finite-JK-Shifts

-- Definition given by Escardo and Oliva MSCS2010
-- (infinite iteration of the J-∧-shift'):

J-∀-shift-selection : {R : Ω} {A :   Ω} 

            (∀(n : )  J {R} (A n))  J {R} (∀(n : )  A n)

J-∀-shift-selection εs =
  J-∧-shift'(∧-intro (head εs) (J-∀-shift-selection(tail εs)))

-- That's it. What follows is for information only.

-- This is one of definitions given in both LICS2007 and LMCS2008
-- (Section 8.1, called Π):

prod : {R : Ω} {A :   Ω} 
       (∀ (n : )  J {R} (A n))  J {R} (∀ (n : )  A n)

prod {R} {A} εs p = cons (∧-intro a₀ ((prod {R} (tail εs)) (prefix a₀ p)))
 where a₀ : A O
       a₀ = head εs  a  prefix a p ((prod {R} (tail εs))(prefix a p)))

-- It is equivalent after we expand the definitions (both satisfy the
-- same recursive equation in normal form).