{-# OPTIONS --no-termination-check #-}

-- We use the Berardi-Bezem-Coquand functional to realize the J-Shift
-- (and hence the K-Shift in another module).

module J-Shift-BBC where

open import Logic
open import LogicalFacts
open import Naturals
open import JK-Monads

J-∀-shift-bbc : {R : Ω} {A :   Ω} 

      (∀(n : )  J(A n))  J(∀(n : )  A n)

J-∀-shift-bbc {R} {A} ε = bbc
   bbc : J {R} (∀(n : )  A n)
   bbc p i = ε i  x  J-K bbc (p  mapsto {A} i x))