Martin Escardo, July 2023 A type of numbers used to measure lengths of paths in trees in W-types (see the module W.Paths). For an exposition of what is done here, see the post 7/6 of this thread: \begin{code} {-# OPTIONS --safe --without-K #-} open import MLTT.Spartan hiding (_^_) module W.Numbers where open import Fin.Type hiding (suc) open import NotionsOfDecidability.Decidable open import UF.Base open import UF.DiscreteAndSeparated open import UF.Embeddings open import UF.Equiv open import UF.EquivalenceExamples open import UF.ClassicalLogic open import UF.FunExt open import UF.PropIndexedPiSigma open import UF.PropTrunc open import UF.Retracts open import UF.Sets open import UF.SubtypeClassifier open import UF.SubtypeClassifier-Properties open import UF.Subsingletons open import UF.Subsingletons-FunExt open import W.Properties open import W.Type \end{code} We work with a fixed universe π₯. \begin{code} module _ {π₯ : Universe} where π : π₯ βΊ Μ π = W (Ξ© π₯) _holds positive : π β Ξ© π₯ positive = W-root is-positive : π β π₯ Μ is-positive n = positive n holds \end{code} The predecessor function is defined on positive numbers. \begin{code} Pred : (n : π) β is-positive n β π Pred = W-forest \end{code} For every proposition p, there is a p-ary successor function. Notice that we can regard an element of π ^ p as a p-indexed tuple of elements of π, or, equivalently, as a partial element of π. \begin{code} _^_ : π€ Μ β Ξ© π₯ β π₯ β π€ Μ X ^ p = p holds β X Suc : (p : Ξ© π₯) β π ^ p β π Suc = ssup Suc-positivity : (p : Ξ© π₯) (ns : π ^ p) β positive (Suc p ns) οΌ p Suc-positivity = W-ssup-root Pred-Suc : (p : Ξ© π₯) (ns : π ^ p) β Pred (Suc p ns) οΌ ns Pred-Suc = W-ssup-forest Suc-Pred : (n : π) β Suc (positive n) (Pred n) οΌ n Suc-Pred = W-Ξ· π-induction : (P : π β π¦ Μ ) β ((p : Ξ© π₯) (ns : π ^ p) β ((h : p holds) β P (ns h)) β P (Suc p ns)) β (n : π) β P n π-induction = W-induction π-induction' : (P : π β π¦ Μ ) β ((n : π) β ((p : is-positive n) β P (Pred n p)) β P n) β (n : π) β P n π-induction' = W-induction' \end{code} A criterion for equality on π. \begin{code} to-π-οΌ : {p q : Ξ© π₯} {ms : π ^ p} {ns : π ^ q} β (Ξ£ e κ p οΌ q , (ms οΌ ns β transport _holds e)) β Suc p ms οΌ Suc q ns to-π-οΌ = to-W-οΌ (Ξ© π₯) _holds from-π-οΌ : {p q : Ξ© π₯} {ms : π ^ p} {ns : π ^ q} β Suc p ms οΌ Suc q ns β (Ξ£ e κ p οΌ q , (ms οΌ ns β transport _holds e)) from-π-οΌ = from-W-οΌ (Ξ© π₯) _holds \end{code} The β₯-ary successor function amounts to the number zero, and the β€-ary successor function amounts to the ordinary successor function. \begin{code} private Zero' : (π β π) β π Zero' = Suc β₯ Succ' : (π β π) β π Succ' = Suc β€ Zero : π Zero = Zero' unique-from-π Succ : π β π Succ n = Succ' (Ξ» _ β n) being-positive-is-prop : (n : π) β is-prop (is-positive n) being-positive-is-prop n = holds-is-prop (positive n) Succ-is-positive : (n : π) β is-positive (Succ n) Succ-is-positive n = β€-holds Zero-is-not-positive : Β¬ is-positive Zero Zero-is-not-positive = β₯-doesnt-hold Succ-is-not-Zero : (n : π) β Succ n β Zero Succ-is-not-Zero n e = Zero-is-not-positive (transport is-positive e (Succ-is-positive n)) Zero-is-not-Succ : (n : π) β Zero β Succ n Zero-is-not-Succ n = β -sym (Succ-is-not-Zero n) \end{code} The type of positive numbers. \begin{code} πβΊ : π₯ βΊ Μ πβΊ = Ξ£ n κ π , is-positive n forget-positivity : πβΊ β π forget-positivity = prβ forget-positivity-is-embedding : is-embedding forget-positivity forget-positivity-is-embedding = prβ-is-embedding being-positive-is-prop PredβΊ : πβΊ β π PredβΊ = uncurry Pred SuccβΊ : π β πβΊ SuccβΊ n = Succ n , Succ-is-positive n PredβΊ-SuccβΊ : (n : π) β PredβΊ (SuccβΊ n) οΌ n PredβΊ-SuccβΊ n = refl Succ-lc : left-cancellable Succ Succ-lc {m} {n} e = II where have-e : Succ m οΌ Succ n have-e = e I : SuccβΊ m οΌ SuccβΊ n I = embeddings-are-lc forget-positivity forget-positivity-is-embedding e II : m οΌ n II = ap PredβΊ I \end{code} The type of natural numbers is embedded into our type of numbers. \begin{code} β-to-π : β β π β-to-π zero = Zero β-to-π (succ n) = Succ (β-to-π n) β-to-π-lc : left-cancellable β-to-π β-to-π-lc {zero} {zero} e = refl β-to-π-lc {zero} {succ n} e = π-elim (Zero-is-not-Succ (β-to-π n) e) β-to-π-lc {succ m} {zero} e = π-elim (Succ-is-not-Zero (β-to-π m) e) β-to-π-lc {succ m} {succ n} e = ap succ (β-to-π-lc (Succ-lc e)) \end{code} We now assume functional and propositional extensionality. \begin{code} module _ (fe : Fun-Ext) (pe : Prop-Ext) where π-is-set : is-set π π-is-set = W-is-set (Ξ© π₯) _holds fe (Ξ©-is-set fe pe) Succ-is-embedding : is-embedding Succ Succ-is-embedding = lc-maps-into-sets-are-embeddings Succ Succ-lc π-is-set β-to-π-is-embedding : is-embedding β-to-π β-to-π-is-embedding = lc-maps-into-sets-are-embeddings β-to-π β-to-π-lc π-is-set SuccβΊ-PredβΊ : (nβΊ : πβΊ) β SuccβΊ (PredβΊ nβΊ) οΌ nβΊ SuccβΊ-PredβΊ (n , pos) = to-subtype-οΌ being-positive-is-prop I where I = Succ (Pred n pos) οΌβ¨ refl β© Suc β€ (Ξ» _ β Pred n pos) οΌβ¨ II β© Suc (positive n) (Pred n) οΌβ¨ Suc-Pred n β© n β where II = to-π-οΌ (((true-gives-equal-β€ pe fe (is-positive n) (being-positive-is-prop n) pos)β»ΒΉ) , dfunext fe (Ξ» h β ap (Pred n) (being-positive-is-prop n _ _))) \end{code} Hence πβΊ and π are equivalent. \begin{code} πβΊ-β-π : πβΊ β π πβΊ-β-π = qinveq PredβΊ (SuccβΊ , SuccβΊ-PredβΊ , PredβΊ-SuccβΊ) \end{code} End of the anonymous submodule assuming Fun-Ext and Prop-Ext. Our numbers "count" the number of elements of certain types. \begin{code} ππ²π· : π β π₯ Μ ππ²π· (ssup p ns) = p holds + (Ξ£ h κ p holds , ππ²π· (ns h)) \end{code} The map Fin : β β π€β factors as β-to-π : β β π followed by ππ²π· : π β π₯. \begin{code} Fin-factor : (n : β) β ππ²π· (β-to-π n) β Fin n Fin-factor zero = π + (Ξ£ h κ π , ππ²π· (π-elim h)) ββ¨ π-lneutral β© (Ξ£ h κ π , ππ²π· (π-elim h)) ββ¨ empty-indexed-sum-is-π id β© π β Fin-factor (succ n) = I where IH : ππ²π· (β-to-π n) β Fin n IH = Fin-factor n I = ππ²π· (β-to-π (succ n)) ββ¨ β-refl _ β© π + (Ξ£ h κ π , ππ²π· (β-to-π n)) ββ¨ II β© π + ππ²π· (β-to-π n) ββ¨ III β© π + Fin n ββ¨ +comm β© Fin n + π {π₯} ββ¨ IV β© Fin n + π {π€β} ββ¨ β-refl _ β© Fin (succ n) β where II = +-cong (β-refl π) π-lneutral III = +-cong (β-refl π) IH IV = +-cong (β-refl _) one-π-only \end{code} Although we can't say that β-to-π n is a surjection, its image has empty complement. \begin{code} Ξ©-to-π : Ξ© π₯ β π Ξ©-to-π p = Suc p (Ξ» _ β Zero) Ξ©-to-π-behaviour : (p : Ξ© π₯) β is-positive (Ξ©-to-π p) οΌ (p holds) Ξ©-to-π-behaviour p = refl Ξ©-is-retract-of-π : retract Ξ© π₯ of π Ξ©-is-retract-of-π = positive , Ξ©-to-π , (Ξ» x β refl) Ξ©-to-π-is-section : is-section Ξ©-to-π Ξ©-to-π-is-section = section-is-section Ξ©-is-retract-of-π Ξ©-to-π-lc : left-cancellable Ξ©-to-π Ξ©-to-π-lc = sections-are-lc Ξ©-to-π Ξ©-to-π-is-section decidability-of-positivity-gives-LEM : ((n : π) β is-decidable (is-positive n)) β LEM π₯ decidability-of-positivity-gives-LEM f p = I where I : is-decidable (is-positive (Ξ©-to-π p)) I = f (Ξ©-to-π p) \end{code} We now assume functional and propositional extensionality again. Sections are not necessarily embeddings (, but sections into sets are: \begin{code} module _ (fe : Fun-Ext) (pe : Prop-Ext) where Ξ©-to-π-is-embedding : is-embedding Ξ©-to-π Ξ©-to-π-is-embedding = lc-maps-into-sets-are-embeddings Ξ©-to-π Ξ©-to-π-lc (π-is-set fe pe) lc-map-from-Ξ©-to-β-gives-LEM : (Ξ£ f κ (Ξ© π₯ β β) , left-cancellable f) β LEM π₯ lc-map-from-Ξ©-to-β-gives-LEM (f , f-lc) p = I (β-is-discrete (f β€) (f p)) where I : is-decidable (f β€ οΌ f p) β is-decidable (p holds) I (inl e) = inl (Idtofun (ap _holds (f-lc e)) β) I (inr Ξ½) = inr (Ξ» (h : p holds) β Ξ½ (ap f (holds-gives-equal-β€ pe fe p h)β»ΒΉ)) \end{code} We now further assume that propositional truncations exist. \begin{code} module _ (pt : propositional-truncations-exist) where open PropositionalTruncation pt open import UF.ImageAndSurjection pt β-to-π-surjection-gives-LEM : is-surjection β-to-π β LEM π₯ β-to-π-surjection-gives-LEM s p = I where f : β β π f = β-to-π , surjective-embeddings-are-equivs β-to-π (β-to-π-is-embedding fe pe) s g : Ξ© π₯ β β g = β f ββ»ΒΉ β Ξ©-to-π g-is-emb : is-embedding g g-is-emb = β-is-embedding Ξ©-to-π-is-embedding (equivs-are-embeddings β f ββ»ΒΉ β f ββ»ΒΉ-is-equiv) I : is-decidable (p holds) I = lc-map-from-Ξ©-to-β-gives-LEM (g , embeddings-are-lc g g-is-emb) p \end{code} Although the above shows that β-to-π isn't necessarily a surjection, its image has empty complement in the sense that there is no π· : π which is different from β-to-π n for every n : β. \begin{code} β-to-π-has-empty-complement : Β¬ (Ξ£ π· κ π , ((n : β) β β-to-π n β π·)) β-to-π-has-empty-complement = uncurry Ο where Ο : (π· : π) β Β¬ ((n : β) β β-to-π n β π·) Ο (ssup p ns) f = III IV where I : Zero β ssup p ns I = f 0 II : Β¬ (p holds) β Zero οΌ ssup p ns II Ξ½ = to-π-οΌ ((IIβ β»ΒΉ) , dfunext fe (Ξ» x β π-elim x)) where IIβ : p οΌ β₯ IIβ = fails-gives-equal-β₯ pe fe p Ξ½ III : ¬¬ (p holds) III h = I (II h) IV : Β¬ (p holds) IV h = Ο (ns h) f' where IVβ : p οΌ β€ IVβ = holds-gives-equal-β€ pe fe p h f' : (n : β) β β-to-π n β ns h f' n e = f (succ n) IVβ where IVβ = Succ (β-to-π n) οΌβ¨ refl β© Suc β€ (Ξ» _ β β-to-π n) οΌβ¨ IVβ β© Suc β€ (Ξ» _ β ns h) οΌβ¨ IVβ β© Suc p ns β where IVβ = ap (Ξ» - β Suc β€ (Ξ» _ β -)) e IVβ = to-π-οΌ ((IVβ β»ΒΉ) , dfunext fe (Ξ» _ β ap ns (holds-is-prop p _ _))) \end{code} So if excluded middle holds then β-to-π is a surjection and the types β and π are equivalent. \begin{code} LEM-gives-β-to-π-surjection : LEM (π₯ βΊ) β is-surjection β-to-π LEM-gives-β-to-π-surjection lem π· = III where em = LEM-gives-EM lem I : Β¬ ((n : β) β β-to-π n β π·) I = not-Ξ£-implies-Ξ -not β-to-π-has-empty-complement π· II : β n κ β , ¬¬ (β-to-π n οΌ π·) II = not-Ξ -implies-β-not pt em (Ξ» n β negations-are-props fe) I III : β n κ β , β-to-π n οΌ π· III = β₯β₯-functor (Ξ» (n , Ξ½) β (n , ¬¬-elim (em (β-to-π n οΌ π·) (π-is-set fe pe)) Ξ½)) II \end{code} It is possible to reach the same conclusion assuming LEM π₯ rather than LEM (π₯ βΊ). \begin{code} LEM-gives-β-to-π-is-equiv : LEM π₯ β is-equiv β-to-π LEM-gives-β-to-π-is-equiv lem = qinvs-are-equivs β-to-π ((Ξ» π· β f π· (lem (positive π·))) , (Ξ» n β Ξ· n (lem (positive (β-to-π n)))) , (Ξ» π· β Ξ΅ π· (lem (positive π·)))) where f : (π· : π) β is-decidable (is-positive π·) β β f (ssup p ns) (inr Ξ½) = zero f (ssup p ns) (inl h) = succ (f (ns h) (lem (positive (ns h)))) Ξ· : (n : β) (d : is-decidable (is-positive (β-to-π n))) β f (β-to-π n) d οΌ n Ξ· zero (inr Ξ½) = refl Ξ· (succ n) (inr Ξ½) = π-elim (Ξ½ (Succ-is-positive (Succ (β-to-π n)))) Ξ· (succ n) (inl h) = ap succ (Ξ· n (lem (positive (β-to-π n)))) Ξ΅ : (π· : π) (d : is-decidable (is-positive π·)) β β-to-π (f π· d) οΌ π· Ξ΅ (ssup p ns) (inr Ξ½) = to-π-οΌ ((I β»ΒΉ) , dfunext fe (Ξ» x β π-elim x)) where I : p οΌ β₯ I = fails-gives-equal-β₯ pe fe p Ξ½ Ξ΅ (ssup p ns) (inl h) = to-π-οΌ ((I β»ΒΉ) , dfunext fe (Ξ» _ β β-to-π (f (ns h) (lem (positive (ns h)))) οΌβ¨ II β© ns h οΌβ¨ III β© (ns β transport _holds (I β»ΒΉ)) _ β)) where I : p οΌ β€ I = holds-gives-equal-β€ pe fe p h II = Ξ΅ (ns h) (lem (positive (ns h))) III = ap ns (holds-is-prop p h _) \end{code} TODO. Show that π has the structure of an ordinal. This requires more work.