Martin Escardo 23 February 2023 The pre-univalence axiom, first suggested by Evan Cavallo in November 2017 [1] and then again by Peter Lumsdaine in August 2022 verbally to me. [1] The preunivalence axiom is a common generalization of the univalence axiom and the K axiom. \begin{code} {-# OPTIONS --safe --without-K #-} module UF.PreUnivalence where open import MLTT.Spartan open import UF.Embeddings open import UF.Equiv open import UF.Sets open import UF.Subsingletons open import UF.Univalence is-preunivalent : ∀ 𝓤 → 𝓤 ⁺ ̇ is-preunivalent 𝓤 = (X Y : 𝓤 ̇ ) → is-embedding (idtoeq X Y) Preunivalence : 𝓤ω Preunivalence = (𝓤 : Universe) → is-preunivalent 𝓤 univalence-gives-preunivalence : is-univalent 𝓤 → is-preunivalent 𝓤 univalence-gives-preunivalence ua X Y = equivs-are-embeddings (idtoeq X Y) (ua X Y) Univalence-gives-Preunivalence : Univalence → Preunivalence Univalence-gives-Preunivalence ua 𝓤 = univalence-gives-preunivalence (ua 𝓤) K-gives-preunivalence : K-axiom 𝓤 → K-axiom (𝓤 ⁺) → is-preunivalent 𝓤 K-gives-preunivalence {𝓤} k k' X Y e (p , _) (p' , _) = to-subtype-= (λ _ → k (X ≃ Y)) (k' (𝓤 ̇ )p p') K-gives-Preunivalence : K-Axiom → Preunivalence K-gives-Preunivalence k 𝓤 = K-gives-preunivalence (k 𝓤) (k (𝓤 ⁺)) \end{code}