By Tom de Jong in January 2022 with later additions by Martin Escardo


{-# OPTIONS --safe --without-K #-}

module UF.NotNotStablePropositions where

open import MLTT.Spartan

open import UF.Base
open import UF.DiscreteAndSeparated
open import UF.Embeddings
open import UF.Equiv
open import UF.EquivalenceExamples
open import UF.FunExt
open import UF.Hedberg
open import UF.Lower-FunExt
open import UF.Retracts
open import UF.Sets
open import UF.Size
open import UF.SubtypeClassifier
open import UF.SubtypeClassifier-Properties
open import UF.Subsingletons
open import UF.Subsingletons-FunExt

¬¬-stable-↔ : {X : 𝓤 ̇ } {Y : 𝓥 ̇ }
             X  Y
             ¬¬-stable X
             ¬¬-stable Y
¬¬-stable-↔ (f , g) σ h = f (σ (¬¬-functor g h))

¬¬-stable-≃ : {X : 𝓤 ̇ } {Y : 𝓥 ̇ }
             X  Y
             ¬¬-stable X
             ¬¬-stable Y
¬¬-stable-≃ e = ¬¬-stable-↔ ( e  ,  e ⌝⁻¹)

being-¬¬-stable-is-prop : {X : 𝓤 ̇ }
                         funext 𝓤 𝓤
                         is-prop X
                         is-prop (¬¬-stable X)
being-¬¬-stable-is-prop fe i = Π-is-prop fe  _  i)

Ω¬¬ : (𝓤 : Universe)   𝓤  ̇
Ω¬¬ 𝓤 = Σ p  Ω 𝓤 , ¬¬-stable (p holds)

Ω¬¬-is-¬¬-separated : funext 𝓤 𝓤
                     propext 𝓤
                     is-¬¬-separated (Ω¬¬ 𝓤)
Ω¬¬-is-¬¬-separated fe pe (p , s) (q , t) ν = γ
  α : ¬¬ (p  q)
  α = ¬¬-functor (ap pr₁) ν

  δ : p  q
  δ = equality-of-¬¬stable-propositions fe pe p q s t α

  γ : (p , s)  (q , t)
  γ = to-subtype-=  p  Π-is-prop fe  _  holds-is-prop p)) δ


A weakening of the notion of Ω-Rezing.


Ω¬¬-Resizing : (𝓤 𝓥 : Universe)  (𝓤  𝓥) ̇
Ω¬¬-Resizing 𝓤 𝓥 = (Ω¬¬ 𝓤) is 𝓥 small


Added 25 August 2023 by Martin Escardo from the former file UF.Miscelanea.


decidable-types-are-¬¬-stable : {X : 𝓤 ̇ }  is-decidable X  ¬¬-stable X
decidable-types-are-¬¬-stable (inl x) φ = x
decidable-types-are-¬¬-stable (inr u) φ = unique-from-𝟘(φ u)

¬¬-stable-types-are-collapsible : funext 𝓤 𝓤₀
                                 {X : 𝓤 ̇ }  ¬¬-stable X  collapsible X
¬¬-stable-types-are-collapsible {𝓤} fe {X} s = (f , g)
  f : X  X
  f x = s u  u x)

  claim₀ : (x y : X)  (u : is-empty X)  u x  u y
  claim₀ x y u = unique-from-𝟘(u x)

  claim₁ : (x y : X)   u  u x)   u  u y)
  claim₁ x y = dfunext fe (claim₀ x y)

  g : (x y : X)  f x  f y
  g x y = ap s (claim₁ x y)

¬¬-separated-types-are-Id-collapsible : funext 𝓤 𝓤₀  {X : 𝓤 ̇ }
                                       is-¬¬-separated X
                                       Id-collapsible X
¬¬-separated-types-are-Id-collapsible fe s = ¬¬-stable-types-are-collapsible fe (s _ _)

¬¬-separated-types-are-sets : funext 𝓤 𝓤₀  {X : 𝓤 ̇ }
                             is-¬¬-separated X
                             is-set X
¬¬-separated-types-are-sets fe s =
 Id-collapsibles-are-sets (¬¬-separated-types-are-Id-collapsible fe s)

being-¬¬-separated-is-prop : funext 𝓤 𝓤
                            {X : 𝓤 ̇ }
                            is-prop (is-¬¬-separated X)
being-¬¬-separated-is-prop {𝓤} fe {X} = prop-criterion f
  f : is-¬¬-separated X  is-prop (is-¬¬-separated X)
  f s = Π-is-prop fe  _ 
        Π-is-prop fe  _ 
        Π-is-prop fe  _  ¬¬-separated-types-are-sets (lower-funext 𝓤 𝓤 fe) s)))

to-Ω¬¬-= : funext 𝓤 𝓤
           {p q : Ω 𝓤}
            {i : ¬¬-stable (p holds)} {j : ¬¬-stable (q holds)}
           p  q
           (p , i) =[ Ω¬¬ 𝓤 ] (q , j)
to-Ω¬¬-= fe = to-subtype-= λ p  being-¬¬-stable-is-prop fe (holds-is-prop p)

Ω¬¬-to-Ω : Ω¬¬ 𝓤  Ω 𝓤
Ω¬¬-to-Ω = pr₁

_holds' : Ω¬¬ 𝓤  𝓤 ̇
_holds' 𝕡 = (Ω¬¬-to-Ω 𝕡) holds

holds'-is-prop : (𝕡 : Ω¬¬ 𝓤)  is-prop (𝕡 holds')
holds'-is-prop 𝕡 = holds-is-prop (Ω¬¬-to-Ω 𝕡)

holds'-is-¬¬-stable : (𝕡 : Ω¬¬ 𝓤)  ¬¬-stable (𝕡 holds')
holds'-is-¬¬-stable = pr₂

from-Ω¬¬-= : {p q : Ω 𝓤}
              {i : ¬¬-stable (p holds)} {j : ¬¬-stable (q holds)}
            (p , i) =[ Ω¬¬ 𝓤 ] (q , j)
            p  q
from-Ω¬¬-= = ap Ω¬¬-to-Ω

to-Ω¬¬-=' : funext 𝓤 𝓤
            {P Q : 𝓤 ̇ }
             {i : is-prop P} {j : is-prop Q}
             {s : ¬¬-stable P} {t : ¬¬-stable Q}
            P  Q
            ((P , i) , s) =[ Ω¬¬ 𝓤 ] ((Q , j) , t)
to-Ω¬¬-=' fe e = to-Ω¬¬-= fe (to-Ω-= fe e)

from-Ω¬¬-=' : {P Q : 𝓤 ̇ }
               {i : is-prop P} {j : is-prop Q}
               {s : ¬¬-stable P} {t : ¬¬-stable Q}
              ((P , i) , s) =[ Ω¬¬ 𝓤 ] ((Q , j) , t)
              P  Q
from-Ω¬¬-=' e = from-Ω-= (from-Ω¬¬-= e)

ꪪ-is-set : FunExt
            is-set (Ω¬¬ 𝓤)
Ω¬¬-is-set {𝓤} fe pe = ¬¬-separated-types-are-sets
                        (fe (𝓤 ) 𝓤₀)
                        (Ω¬¬-is-¬¬-separated (fe 𝓤 𝓤) (pe 𝓤))

Ω¬¬-to-Ω-is-embedding : funext 𝓤 𝓤  is-embedding (Ω¬¬-to-Ω {𝓤})
Ω¬¬-to-Ω-is-embedding fe = pr₁-is-embedding λ p  being-¬¬-stable-is-prop fe (holds-is-prop p)

Ω-to-Ω¬¬ : funext 𝓤 𝓤₀  Ω 𝓤  Ω¬¬ 𝓤
Ω-to-Ω¬¬ fe p = ((¬¬ (p holds)) , negations-are-props fe) , ¬-is-¬¬-stable

Ω¬¬-retract-equation : (fe : funext 𝓤 𝓤)
                       (fe₀ : funext 𝓤 𝓤₀)
                       (pe : propext 𝓤)
                      Ω-to-Ω¬¬ fe₀  Ω¬¬-to-Ω  id
Ω¬¬-retract-equation fe fe₀ pe 𝕡 = to-Ω¬¬-=' fe
                                    (pe (negations-are-props fe₀)
                                        (holds'-is-prop 𝕡)
                                        (holds'-is-¬¬-stable 𝕡)

Ω¬¬-is-retract-of-Ω : funext 𝓤 𝓤
                     propext 𝓤
                     retract (Ω¬¬ 𝓤) of Ω 𝓤
Ω¬¬-is-retract-of-Ω {𝓤} fe pe = Ω-to-Ω¬¬ (lower-funext 𝓤 𝓤 fe) ,
                                Ω¬¬-to-Ω ,
                                Ω¬¬-retract-equation fe (lower-funext 𝓤 𝓤 fe) pe

𝟘-is-¬¬-stable : ¬¬ 𝟘 {𝓤}  𝟘 {𝓥}
𝟘-is-¬¬-stable ϕ = 𝟘-elim (ϕ 𝟘-elim)

𝟙-is-¬¬-stable : ¬¬ 𝟙 {𝓤}  𝟙 {𝓥}
𝟙-is-¬¬-stable _ = 

⊥Ω¬¬ ⊤Ω¬¬ : Ω¬¬ 𝓤
⊥Ω¬¬ =  , 𝟘-is-¬¬-stable
⊤Ω¬¬ =  , 𝟙-is-¬¬-stable

⊥Ω¬¬-is-not-⊤Ω¬¬ : ⊥Ω¬¬ {𝓤}  ⊤Ω¬¬ {𝓤}
⊥Ω¬¬-is-not-⊤Ω¬¬ e = ⊥-is-not-⊤ (ap Ω¬¬-to-Ω e)

𝟚-to-Ω¬¬ : 𝟚  Ω¬¬ 𝓤
𝟚-to-Ω¬¬  = ⊥Ω¬¬
𝟚-to-Ω¬¬  = ⊤Ω¬¬

module _ (fe : FunExt) (pe : PropExt) where

 𝟚-to-Ω¬¬-is-embedding : is-embedding (𝟚-to-Ω¬¬ {𝓤})
 𝟚-to-Ω¬¬-is-embedding _ ( , p) ( , q) = to-Σ-= (refl , Ω¬¬-is-set fe pe p q)
 𝟚-to-Ω¬¬-is-embedding _ ( , p) ( , q) = 𝟘-elim (⊥-is-not-⊤ (ap pr₁ p  (ap pr₁ q)⁻¹))
 𝟚-to-Ω¬¬-is-embedding _ ( , p) ( , q) = 𝟘-elim (⊥-is-not-⊤ (ap pr₁ q  (ap pr₁ p ⁻¹)))
 𝟚-to-Ω¬¬-is-embedding _ ( , p) ( , q) = to-Σ-= (refl , Ω¬¬-is-set fe pe p q)

 𝟚-to-Ω¬¬-fiber : ((p , s) : Ω¬¬ 𝓤)  fiber 𝟚-to-Ω¬¬ (p , s)  (¬ (p holds) + p holds)
 𝟚-to-Ω¬¬-fiber {𝓤} 𝕡@(p , s) =
  fiber (𝟚-to-Ω¬¬ {𝓤}) 𝕡                        ≃⟨ ≃-refl _ 
  (Σ n  𝟚 , 𝟚-to-Ω¬¬ {𝓤} n  𝕡)              ≃⟨ alternative-+ 
  (𝟚-to-Ω¬¬   p , s) + (𝟚-to-Ω¬¬   p , s) ≃⟨ I 
  (  p) + (  p)                           ≃⟨ II 
  (¬ (p holds) + (p holds))                     
   I = +-cong
        (embedding-criterion-converse' pr₁
          (pr₁-is-embedding  p  being-¬¬-stable-is-prop (fe _ _) (holds-is-prop p))) _ _)
        (embedding-criterion-converse' pr₁
          (pr₁-is-embedding  p  being-¬¬-stable-is-prop (fe _ _) (holds-is-prop p))) _ _)

   II = +-cong
           (=-flip  equal-⊥-≃ (pe _) (fe _ _) p)
           (=-flip  equal-⊤-≃ (pe _) (fe _ _) p)

 𝟚-to-Ω¬¬-is-small-map : (𝟚-to-Ω¬¬ {𝓤}) is 𝓤 small-map
 𝟚-to-Ω¬¬-is-small-map (p , s) = (¬ (p holds) + p holds) ,
                                  ≃-sym (𝟚-to-Ω¬¬-fiber (p , s))


Added 3rd September 2023 by Martin Escardo.


two-Ω¬¬-props-distinct-from-a-third-are-equal : funext 𝓤 𝓤
                                               propext 𝓤
                                               (𝕡₀ 𝕡₁ 𝕢 : Ω¬¬ 𝓤)  𝕡₀  𝕢  𝕡₁  𝕢  𝕡₀  𝕡₁
two-Ω¬¬-props-distinct-from-a-third-are-equal fe pe 𝕡₀ 𝕡₁ 𝕢 ν₀ ν₁ = III
  I : ¬ (Ω¬¬-to-Ω 𝕡₀  Ω¬¬-to-Ω 𝕡₁)
  I = no-three-distinct-propositions' fe pe
      (Ω¬¬-to-Ω 𝕡₀) (Ω¬¬-to-Ω 𝕡₁) (Ω¬¬-to-Ω 𝕢)
       e  ν₀ (to-Ω¬¬-= fe e))
      λ e  ν₁ (to-Ω¬¬-= fe e)

  II : ¬ (𝕡₀  𝕡₁)
  II = ¬¬-functor (embeddings-are-lc Ω¬¬-to-Ω (Ω¬¬-to-Ω-is-embedding fe)) I

  III : 𝕡₀  𝕡₁
  III = Ω¬¬-is-¬¬-separated fe pe 𝕡₀ 𝕡₁ II
