Martin Escardo, 11th December 2023. We implement the isomorphism described at . Namely that the Cantor space (ℕ → 𝟚) with a removed point is isomorphic to the product ℕ × (ℕ → 𝟚). Because the Cantor space is homogeneous, meaning that for every two points α and β there is an automorphism that maps α to β, it suffices to consider a particular point of the Cantor space, as in the above link, which is what we also do here. To make the proof given in the above link constructive, we remove the point by considering the subtype of all points *apart* from this point, rather than all points *different* from this point. \begin{code} {-# OPTIONS --safe --without-K #-} open import MLTT.Spartan open import MLTT.Two-Properties open import Naturals.Order open import Notation.Order open import TypeTopology.Cantor open import UF.Base open import UF.Equiv open import UF.FunExt open import UF.Subsingletons module TypeTopology.CantorMinusPoint (fe : Fun-Ext) where \end{code} The function ϕ is defined so that ϕ n β is the binary sequence of n-many ones followed by a zero and then β. \begin{code} ϕ : ℕ → 𝟚ᴺ → 𝟚ᴺ ϕ 0 β = ₀ ∷ β ϕ (succ n) β = ₁ ∷ ϕ n β \end{code} We will need the following two properties of the map ϕ. \begin{code} ϕ-property-δ : (β : 𝟚ᴺ) (i : ℕ) → ϕ i β i ≠ ₁ ϕ-property-δ β 0 = zero-is-not-one ϕ-property-δ β (succ i) = ϕ-property-δ β i ϕ-property-μ : (β : 𝟚ᴺ) (n i : ℕ) → ϕ n β i ≠ ₁ → n ≤ i ϕ-property-μ β 0 i ν = zero-least i ϕ-property-μ β (succ n) 0 ν = ν refl ϕ-property-μ β (succ n) (succ i) ν = ϕ-property-μ β n i ν \end{code} The function ψ is defined so that ψ n α removes n + 1 terms from the beginning of the sequence α. \begin{code} ψ : ℕ → 𝟚ᴺ → 𝟚ᴺ ψ 0 α = tail α ψ (succ n) α = ψ n (tail α) \end{code} The function ψ n is a left inverse of the function ϕ n. \begin{code} ψϕ : (n : ℕ) → ψ n ∘ ϕ n ∼ id ψϕ n α = dfunext fe (h n α) where h : (n : ℕ) (α : 𝟚ᴺ) → ψ n (ϕ n α) ∼ α h 0 = tail-cons' ₀ h (succ n) = h n \end{code} But it is a right inverse only for sequences α apart 𝟏, in the following sense, where the apartness relation is defined by α ♯ β = Σ n ꞉ ℕ , (α n ≠ β n) × ((i : ℕ) → α i ≠ β i → n ≤ i) in the module Cantor. \begin{code} ϕψ : (α : 𝟚ᴺ) ((n , δ , μ) : α ♯ 𝟏) → ϕ n (ψ n α) = α ϕψ α (n , δ , μ) = dfunext fe (h n α δ μ) where h : (n : ℕ) (α : 𝟚ᴺ) → α n ≠ ₁ → ((i : ℕ) → α i ≠ ₁ → n ≤ i) → ϕ n (ψ n α) ∼ α h 0 α δ _ = ϕ 0 (ψ 0 α) ∼⟨ ∼-refl ⟩ ₀ ∷ tail α ∼⟨ ∼-ap (_∷ tail α) ((different-from-₁-equal-₀ δ)⁻¹) ⟩ head α ∷ tail α ∼⟨ ∼-sym (cons-head-tail α) ⟩ α ∼∎ h (succ n) α δ μ = ϕ (succ n) (ψ (succ n) α) ∼⟨ ∼-refl ⟩ ₁ ∷ ϕ n (ψ n (tail α)) ∼⟨ cons-∼ (h n (tail α) δ (μ ∘ succ)) ⟩ ₁ ∷ tail α ∼⟨ h₁ ⟩ head α ∷ tail α ∼⟨ ∼-sym (cons-head-tail α) ⟩ α ∼∎ where h₁ = ∼-cons ((♯-agreement α 𝟏 (succ n , δ , μ) 0 (zero-least n))⁻¹) \end{code} With the above we have all ingredients needed to characterize the Cantor type with the point 𝟏 removed as the type ℕ × 𝟚ᴺ. \begin{code} Cantor-minus-𝟏-≃ : (Σ α ꞉ 𝟚ᴺ , α ♯ 𝟏) ≃ (ℕ × 𝟚ᴺ) Cantor-minus-𝟏-≃ = qinveq f (g , gf , fg) where Cantor⁻ = Σ α ꞉ 𝟚ᴺ , α ♯ 𝟏 f : Cantor⁻ → ℕ × 𝟚ᴺ f (α , i , δ , m) = i , ψ i α g : (ℕ × 𝟚ᴺ) → Cantor⁻ g (n , β) = ϕ n β , n , ϕ-property-δ β n , ϕ-property-μ β n gf : g ∘ f ∼ id gf (α , a) = to-subtype-= (λ α → ♯-is-prop-valued fe α 𝟏) (ϕψ α a) fg : f ∘ g ∼ id fg (n , β) = to-Σ-= (refl , ψϕ n β) \end{code} And this is what we wanted to show. Notice how the prop-valuedness of the apartness relation is crucial for the proof that this construction works. As discussed above, it doesn't matter which point we remove, because the Cantor space is homogeneous, in the sense that for any two points α and β there is an automorphism (in fact, an involution) that maps α to β, as proved in the module Cantor. TODO. Use this to conclude, as a corollary, that (Σ α ꞉ 𝟚ᴺ , α ♯ γ) ≃ (ℕ × 𝟚ᴺ) for any point γ.