Martin Escardo, 20th June 2019 onwards.

The Cantor type of infinite binary sequences.


{-# OPTIONS --safe --without-K #-}

open import Apartness.Definition
open import MLTT.Spartan
open import MLTT.Two-Properties
open import Naturals.Order
open import Naturals.ExitTruncation
open import Notation.Order
open import NotionsOfDecidability.Decidable
open import UF.DiscreteAndSeparated hiding (_♯_)
open import UF.Equiv
open import UF.FunExt
open import UF.PropTrunc
open import UF.Sets
open import UF.Sets-Properties
open import UF.Subsingletons
open import UF.Subsingletons-FunExt

module TypeTopology.Cantor where


The Cantor type 𝟚ᴺ.


𝟚ᴺ : 𝓤₀ ̇
𝟚ᴺ =   𝟚

Cantor-is-set : funext₀  is-set 𝟚ᴺ
Cantor-is-set fe = Π-is-set fe  _  𝟚-is-set)


We let  α,β,γ range  over the  Cantor type.

The constant sequences:


𝟎 : 𝟚ᴺ
𝟎 = (i  )

𝟏 : 𝟚ᴺ
𝟏 = (i  )


Cons, head and tail.


head : 𝟚ᴺ  𝟚
head α = α 0

tail : 𝟚ᴺ  𝟚ᴺ
tail α = α  succ

cons : 𝟚  𝟚ᴺ  𝟚ᴺ
cons n α 0        = n
cons n α (succ i) = α i

_∷_ : 𝟚  𝟚ᴺ  𝟚ᴺ
_∷_ = cons

cons-∼ : {x : 𝟚} {α β : 𝟚ᴺ}  α  β  x  α  x  β
cons-∼ h 0        = refl
cons-∼ h (succ i) = h i

∼-cons : {x y : 𝟚} {α : 𝟚ᴺ}  x  y  x  α  y  α
∼-cons refl = ∼-refl

head-cons : (n : 𝟚) (α : 𝟚ᴺ)  head (cons n α)  n
head-cons n α = refl

tail-cons : (n : 𝟚) (α : 𝟚ᴺ)  tail (cons n α)  α
tail-cons n α = refl

tail-cons' : (n : 𝟚) (α : 𝟚ᴺ)  tail (cons n α)  α
tail-cons' n α i = refl

cons-head-tail : (α : 𝟚ᴺ)  α  cons (head α) (tail α)
cons-head-tail α 0        = refl
cons-head-tail α (succ i) = refl


Agreement of two binary sequences α and β at the first n positions,
written α =⟦ n ⟧ β.


_=⟦_⟧_ : 𝟚ᴺ    𝟚ᴺ  𝓤₀ ̇
α =⟦ 0       β = 𝟙
α =⟦ succ n  β = (head α  head β) × (tail α =⟦ n  tail β)

=⟦⟧-refl : (α : 𝟚ᴺ) (k : )  α =⟦ k  α
=⟦⟧-refl α 0 = 
=⟦⟧-refl α (succ k) = refl , =⟦⟧-refl (tail α) k

=⟦⟧-trans : (α β γ : 𝟚ᴺ) (k : )  α =⟦ k  β  β =⟦ k  γ  α =⟦ k  γ
=⟦⟧-trans α β γ 0 d e = 
=⟦⟧-trans α β γ (succ k) (h , t) (h' , t') =
 (h  h') ,
 =⟦⟧-trans (tail α) (tail β) (tail γ) k t t'

=⟦⟧-sym : (α β : 𝟚ᴺ) (k : )  α =⟦ k  β  β =⟦ k  α
=⟦⟧-sym α β 0               = 
=⟦⟧-sym α β (succ k) (h , t) = (h ⁻¹) , =⟦⟧-sym (tail α) (tail β) k t

=⟦⟧-is-decidable : (α β : 𝟚ᴺ) (k : )  is-decidable (α =⟦ k  β)
=⟦⟧-is-decidable α β 0        = inl 
=⟦⟧-is-decidable α β (succ k) =
 Cases (𝟚-is-discrete (head α) (head β))
   (h : head α  head β)
            (t : tail α =⟦ k  tail β)  h , t)
            (_ , t)  t)
           (=⟦⟧-is-decidable (tail α) (tail β) k))
   (ν : head α  head β)  inr  (h , _)  ν h))


We have that (α =⟦ n ⟧ β) iff α k = β k for all k < n:


agreement→ : (α β : 𝟚ᴺ)
             (n : )
            (α =⟦ n  β)
            ((k : )  k < n  α k  β k)
agreement→ α β 0        *       k        l = 𝟘-elim l
agreement→ α β (succ n) (p , e) 0        l = p
agreement→ α β (succ n) (p , e) (succ k) l = IH k l
  IH : (k : )  k < n  α (succ k)  β (succ k)
  IH = agreement→ (tail α) (tail β) n e

agreement← : (α β : 𝟚ᴺ)
             (n : )
            ((k : )  k < n  α k  β k)
            (α =⟦ n  β)
agreement← α β 0        ϕ = 
agreement← α β (succ n) ϕ = ϕ 0  , agreement← (tail α) (tail β) n (ϕ  succ)


A function 𝟚ᴺ → 𝟚 is uniformly continuous if it has a modulus
of continuity:


_is-a-modulus-of-uniform-continuity-of_ :   (𝟚ᴺ  𝟚)  𝓤₀ ̇
m is-a-modulus-of-uniform-continuity-of p =  α β  α =⟦ m  β  p α  p β

uniformly-continuous : (𝟚ᴺ  𝟚)  𝓤₀ ̇
uniformly-continuous p = Σ m   , m is-a-modulus-of-uniform-continuity-of p

uniform-continuity-data = uniformly-continuous


Uniform continuity as defined above is data rather than property. This
is because any number bigger than a modulus of uniform continuity is
also a modulus.

TODO. Show that

 (Σ p ꞉ (𝟚ᴺ  → 𝟚) , uniformly-continuous p) ≃ (Σ n ꞉ ℕ , Fin (2 ^ n) → 𝟚)

If we define uniform continuity with ∃ rather than Σ, this is no
longer the case.


continuous : (𝟚ᴺ  𝟚)  𝓤₀ ̇
continuous p =  α  Σ m   , (∀ β  α =⟦ m  β  p α  p β)

continuity-data = continuous



module notions-of-continuity (pt : propositional-truncations-exist) where

 open PropositionalTruncation pt

 is-uniformly-continuous : (𝟚ᴺ  𝟚)  𝓤₀ ̇
 is-uniformly-continuous p =  m   , m is-a-modulus-of-uniform-continuity-of p

 is-continuous : (𝟚ᴺ  𝟚)  𝓤₀ ̇
 is-continuous p =  α   m   , (∀ β  α =⟦ m  β  p α  p β)


We now define the canonical apartness relation _♯_ for points of the
𝟚ᴺ type. Two sequences are apart if they differ at some index.

To make apartness into a proposition, which is crucial for our
purposes, we consider the minimal index at which they differ. This
allows us to avoid the assumption that propositional truncations
exist. But we still need function extensionality, so that the proof is
not in the realm of pure Martin-Löf type theory.


open Apartness

_♯_ : 𝟚ᴺ  𝟚ᴺ  𝓤₀ ̇
α  β = Σ n   , (α n  β n)
                × ((i : )  α i  β i  n  i)


We use δ to range over the type α n ≠ β n, and μ to range over the
minimality condition (i : ℕ) → α i ≠ β i → n ≤ i, for α, β and n
suitably specialized according to the situation we are considering.
We also use the letter "a" to range over the apartness type α ♯ β.


apartness-criterion : (α β : 𝟚ᴺ)  (Σ n   , α n  β n)  α  β
apartness-criterion α β = minimal-witness
                            n  α n  β n)
                            n  ¬-preserves-decidability
                                   (𝟚-is-discrete (α n) (β n)))

apartness-criterion-converse : (α β : 𝟚ᴺ)  α  β  (Σ n   , α n  β n)
apartness-criterion-converse α β (n , δ , _) = (n , δ)


Hence, in view of the following, the type α ♯ β has the universal
property of the propositional truncation of the type Σ n ꞉ ℕ , α n ≠ β n.


♯-is-prop-valued : Fun-Ext  is-prop-valued _♯_
♯-is-prop-valued fe α β (n , δ , μ) (n' , δ' , μ') = III
  I : (n : )  is-prop ((α n  β n) × ((i : )  α i  β i  n  i))
  I n = ×-is-prop
         (negations-are-props fe)
         (Π₂-is-prop fe λ i _  ≤-is-prop-valued n i)

  II : n  n'
  II = ≤-anti n n' (μ n' δ') (μ' n δ)

  III : (n , δ , μ) =[ α  β ] (n' , δ' , μ')
  III = to-subtype-= I II


The apartness axioms are satisfied, and, moreover, the apartness is tight.


♯-is-irreflexive : is-irreflexive _♯_
♯-is-irreflexive α (n , δ , μ) = ≠-is-irrefl (α n) δ

♯-is-symmetric : is-symmetric _♯_
♯-is-symmetric α β (n , δ , μ) = n ,  e  δ (e ⁻¹)) , λ i d  μ i (≠-sym d)

♯-strongly-cotransitive : is-strongly-cotransitive _♯_
♯-strongly-cotransitive α β γ (n , δ , μ) = III
  I : (α n  γ n) + (β n  γ n)
  I = discrete-types-are-cotransitive' 𝟚-is-discrete {α n} {β n} {γ n} δ

  II : type-of I  (α  γ) + (β  γ)
  II (inl d) = inl (apartness-criterion α γ (n , d))
  II (inr d) = inr (apartness-criterion β γ (n , d))

  III : (α  γ) + (β  γ)
  III = II I

♯-is-strong-apartness : Fun-Ext  is-strong-apartness _♯_
♯-is-strong-apartness fe = ♯-is-prop-valued fe ,
                           ♯-is-irreflexive ,
                           ♯-is-symmetric ,

♯-is-apartness : (fe : Fun-Ext)
                (pt : propositional-truncations-exist)
                is-apartness pt _♯_
♯-is-apartness fe pt =
 strong-apartness-is-apartness pt _♯_ (♯-is-strong-apartness fe)

♯-is-tight : Fun-Ext  is-tight _♯_
♯-is-tight fe α β ν = dfunext fe I
  I : (n : )  α n  β n
  I n = 𝟚-is-¬¬-separated (α n) (β n)
          (d : α n  β n)  ν (apartness-criterion α β (n , d)))


If two sequences α and β are apart, they agree before the apartness index n.


♯-agreement : (α β : 𝟚ᴺ)
              ((n , _) : α  β)
              (i : )
             i < n  α i  β i
♯-agreement α β (n , _ , μ) i  = IV
  I : α i  β i  n  i
  I = μ i

  II : ¬ (n  i)  ¬ (α i  β i)
  II = contrapositive I

  III : ¬ (n  i)
  III = less-not-bigger-or-equal i n 

  IV : α i  β i
  IV = 𝟚-is-¬¬-separated (α i) (β i) (II III)


The Cantor type is homogeneous.


module _ (fe : funext₀) (α β : 𝟚ᴺ) where

 Cantor-swap : 𝟚ᴺ  𝟚ᴺ
 Cantor-swap γ i = (β i  α i)  γ i

 Cantor-swap-involutive : Cantor-swap  Cantor-swap  id
 Cantor-swap-involutive γ = dfunext fe  i  ⊕-involutive {β i  α i} {γ i})

 Cantor-swap-swaps∼ : Cantor-swap α  β
 Cantor-swap-swaps∼ i =
  Cantor-swap α i   =⟨ refl 
  (β i  α i)  α i =⟨ ⊕-assoc {β i} {α i} {α i} 
  β i  (α i  α i) =⟨ ap (β i ⊕_) (Lemma[b⊕b=₀] {α i}) 
  β i             =⟨ ⊕-₀-right-neutral  
  β i               

 Cantor-swap-swaps : Cantor-swap α  β
 Cantor-swap-swaps = dfunext fe Cantor-swap-swaps∼

 Cantor-swap-swaps' : Cantor-swap β  α
 Cantor-swap-swaps' = involution-swap

 Cantor-swap-≃ : 𝟚ᴺ  𝟚ᴺ
 Cantor-swap-≃ = Cantor-swap ,
                 involutions-are-equivs Cantor-swap Cantor-swap-involutive

Cantor-homogeneous : funext₀
                    (α β : 𝟚ᴺ)
                    Σ f  𝟚ᴺ  𝟚ᴺ , ( f  α  β)
Cantor-homogeneous fe α β = Cantor-swap-≃ fe α β , Cantor-swap-swaps fe α β
