Andrew Swan, February 7th 2024 This is a generalisation of some of the results by Martín Escardó in TypeTopology.PropTychonoff, based on the observation that for propositions P, the functor sending A to P → A is a modality. Modalities of this form are an important special case and they have a name; they are *open modalities* (Example 1.7 in [2]). However, we will show a version of the theorem is not only true for open modalities, but for all modalities. For another example, let ∇ be the modality of double negation sheaves (Example 3.41 of [2]). The internal logic in this reflective universe is boolean. It follows that ∇ (is-compact∙ A) holds for all types A, and so we can deduce that ∇ A is always compact. We can also see as a special case that truncation preserves compactness, although it seems unlikely there are any good examples of compact higher types where it isn't already clear that the 0-truncation is compact. Closed modalities are also a promising application, since they are related to Friedman's A-translation in proof theory. TODO: So far we have implemented open modalities and used them to derive a new proof of propositional Tychonoff (in TypeTopology.AbsolutenessOfCompactnessExample). We leave it for future work to implement and look for applications of the other examples above. We note that the results hold for all modalities with no further conditions and in particular the modality is not required to be lex, or to preserve 𝟘. For the main theorem, we don't even need a full modality, and the weaker notion of reflective subuniverse suffices. When formulated in terms of modalities, the result is best thought of as an "absoluteness result." When working in models of some theory, a logical formula might make sense stated both internally in the model and for the same object viewed externally from outside the model. Absoluteness says that these two statements are equivalent. In this case we are thinking of reflective subuniverses as models of type theory sitting inside some larger "external" model of type theory. We will show that compactness is an upwards absolute notion. That is, if a type inside the reflective subuniverse is compact with respect to the internal logic of the subuniverse then it is compact viewed outside the subuniverse as just a type. The converse does not quite hold, so there can be compact types where the internal statement of compactness is not true, and we don't get full absoluteness. We sketch out an example from realizabilty to illustrate how downwards absoluteness can fail. We recall from section 17 of [1] that each Turing degree can be viewed as a local operator in the effective topos, and from section 3.3 of [2] we recall that local operators can be viewed as modalities via sheafification. We will use that fact that for such modalities, the unit maps A → ○ A are ¬¬-connected (or equivalently that the corresponding subtoposes all contain the subtopos of sets). Furthermore, we recall from section 3.3 of [3] that the object R of real numbers is isomorphic to the computable real numbers and that every function R → R is continuous. The latter implies that every function R → 2 is constant, and so vacuously R is compact in the effective topos. Let ○ be the modality corresponding to the halting set, as described above. Since the unit map R → ○ R is ¬¬-connected, it is also true that every map ○ R → 2 is constant: the composition of any such map with the unit map, R → ○ R is constant, but every element of ○ R does not not belong to R, and 2 is ¬¬-separated, so the restriction to ○ R must also be constant. However, the halting set allows us to construct new functions R → ○ 2, and thereby functions ○ R → ○ 2: we can use the halting set to decide whether or not two computable real numbers are equal, and so extend any function ○ N → ○ 2 to ○ R, mapping everything outside ○ N to 0. However, ○ N is not compact in the reflective subuniverse, by the same argument as for the effective topos, so ○ R is not compact either. [1] Hyland, The effective topos, [2] Rijke, Shulman, Spitters, Modalities in homotopy type theory, [3] Van Oosten, Realizability: An introduction to its categorical side \begin{code} {-# OPTIONS --safe --without-K #-} open import MLTT.Spartan open import MLTT.Two-Properties import Modal.SigmaClosedReflectiveSubuniverse open import Modal.Subuniverse open import TypeTopology.CompactTypes open import UF.Equiv open import UF.FunExt open import UF.UniverseEmbedding \end{code} Throughout we are going to assume that we are given a reflective subuniverse. We import some notation and lemmas from Modal.ReflectiveSubuniverse. In particular, we write ○ for the modality corresponding to the reflective subuniverse. \begin{code} module TypeTopology.AbsolutenessOfCompactness (P : subuniverse 𝓤 𝓥) (P-is-reflective : subuniverse-is-reflective P) where open import Modal.ReflectiveSubuniverse P P-is-reflective \end{code} We now give some statements related to compactness. We first consider what it means for a type in the reflective subuniverse to be compact according to the internal logic. We recall that when we interpret type theory in a reflective subuniverse, this is done by induction on the structure of types. Dependent functions, Σ-types and identity types are the same as externally, whereas whenever we see an inductive type (such as 𝟚) we need to apply the modality. Unwinding all this, gives the following internal definition of compactness for the reflective subuniverse. \begin{code} is-internal-compact∙ : 𝓤 ̇ → 𝓤 ̇ is-internal-compact∙ A = (F : A → ○ (Lift _ 𝟚)) → Σ a₀ ꞉ A , (F a₀ = η _ (lift 𝓤 ₁) → (a : A) → F a = η _ (lift 𝓤 ₁)) \end{code} It turns out that in addition to internal compactness, it's also useful to consider the weaker notion below. The reason for this is that although we can show internal compact implies compact, we don't have the converse direction. However, we will be able to show that compact implies weak internal compact. This weaker notion will also be useful for making the connection with the results of TypeTopology.PropTychonoff clear. To do this, we will also look at the type obtained by simply applying the modality to the statement that A is compact. We will be able to show ○ (is-compact∙ A) → is-weak-internal-compact∙, but not the same implication for just internal compact. \begin{code} is-weak-internal-compact∙ : 𝓤 ̇ → 𝓤 ̇ is-weak-internal-compact∙ A = (F : A → 𝟚) → Σ a₀ ꞉ A , (F a₀ = ₁ → (a : A) → η _ (lift 𝓤 (F a)) = η _ (lift 𝓤 ₁)) \end{code} We check that weak internal compactness actually is weaker. \begin{code} internal-compact-implies-weak-internal-compact : (A : 𝓤 ̇ ) → is-internal-compact∙ A → is-weak-internal-compact∙ A internal-compact-implies-weak-internal-compact A c F = (pr₁ weak-internal-instance) , (λ p → pr₂ weak-internal-instance (ap (η _ ∘ lift _) p)) where F' : A → ○ (Lift _ 𝟚) F' = η _ ∘ (lift _) ∘ F weak-internal-instance : Σ a₀ ꞉ A , (F' a₀ = η _ (lift 𝓤 ₁) → (a : A) → F' a = η _ (lift 𝓤 ₁)) weak-internal-instance = c F' \end{code} Note that we defined weak internal compactness so that it is also implied by compactness. \begin{code} compact-implies-weak-internal-compact : (A : 𝓤 ̇ ) → is-compact∙ A → is-weak-internal-compact∙ A compact-implies-weak-internal-compact A c F = (pr₁ (c F)) , (λ p a → ap (η _ ∘ lift _) (pr₂ (c F) p a)) \end{code} We can now prove the main theorem: whenever a modal type is weak internal compact, it is (externally) compact. Although it looks a bit different, this is the argument that most closely follows the original theorem prop-tychonoff. \begin{code} weak-internal-compact-implies-compact : (A : 𝓤 ̇ ) → (A-modal : is-modal A) → is-weak-internal-compact∙ A → is-compact∙ A weak-internal-compact-implies-compact A A-modal c F = a₀ , a₀-works where \end{code} Constructing a candidate universal witness is very easy. We just use the same one given by weak internal compactness. \begin{code} internal-compactness-instance : Σ a₀ ꞉ A , (F a₀ = ₁ → (a : A) → η _ (lift 𝓤 (F a)) = η _ (lift 𝓤 ₁)) internal-compactness-instance = c F a₀ = pr₁ internal-compactness-instance \end{code} To show that the candidate universal witness actually works, we need to check that the boolean F a is 1, whenever F a₀ is. We will split into two cases depending on the value of F a. If F a = 1, then we are already done. The tricky case, which we deal with in the lemma below is getting a proof F a = 1 out of a proof of F a = 0. We would like to argue by contradiction from the fact that F a₀ = 1, but F a = 0. However, all that weak internal compactness tells us is that η(F a) = η(1) as elements of ○ 𝟚. This is actually consistant with F a = 0: consider the open modality on the empty type. The idea of the lemma is as follows: given η(F a) = η(1), we can derive a proof that η(0) = η(1). We define a map 𝟚 → A sending 0 to a and 1 to a₀. Since A is modal, this map must factor through ○ 𝟚, and so we can apply ap to our path to get the required path a = a₀. \begin{code} lemma : (F a₀ = ₁) → (a : A) → (F a = ₀) → (a = a₀) lemma p a q = a =⟨ by-construction ⟩ t (lift _ ₀) =⟨ ○-rec-compute _ _ _ _ _ ⁻¹ ⟩ t' (η _ (lift _ ₀)) =⟨ ap t' modal-zero-is-modal-one ⟩ t' (η _ (lift _ ₁)) =⟨ ○-rec-compute _ _ _ _ _ ⟩ t (lift _ ₁) =⟨ by-construction ⟩ a₀ ∎ where t : Lift _ 𝟚 → A t = 𝟚-cases a a₀ ∘ lower t' : ○ (Lift _ 𝟚) → A t' = ○-rec _ _ A-modal t modal-zero-is-modal-one : η _ (lift _ ₀) = η _ (lift _ ₁) modal-zero-is-modal-one = η _ (lift _ ₀) =⟨ ap (η _ ∘ lift _) (q ⁻¹) ⟩ η _ (lift _ (F a)) =⟨ pr₂ internal-compactness-instance p a ⟩ η _ (lift _ ₁) ∎ a₀-works : F a₀ = ₁ → (a : A) → F a = ₁ a₀-works p a = 𝟚-equality-cases (λ q → ap F (lemma p a q) ∙ p) id \end{code} As a corollary we can combine the main theorem with our proposition that internal compact implies weak internal compact, to show that if a type is compact according to the internal logic of a reflective subuniverse, then it is compact externally. That is, compactness is upwards absolute for reflective subuniverses. \begin{code} internal-compact-implies-compact : (A : 𝓤 ̇ ) → (A-modal : is-modal A) → is-internal-compact∙ A → is-compact∙ A internal-compact-implies-compact A A-modal c = weak-internal-compact-implies-compact _ A-modal (internal-compact-implies-weak-internal-compact _ c) \end{code} The remaining theorems in this module all require a couple of extra assumptions: function extensionality, and the subuniverse needs to be Σ-closed, making it an actual modality, and replete. \begin{code} module WithFunExtAndRepleteSigmaClosed (fe : funext 𝓤 𝓤) (P-is-sigma-closed : subuniverse-is-sigma-closed P) (repleteness : subuniverse-is-replete P) where \end{code} We import some theorems about Σ-closed reflective subuniverses. \begin{code} module S = Modal.SigmaClosedReflectiveSubuniverse P P-is-reflective P-is-sigma-closed \end{code} The next two lemmas get quite technical. In both cases the ideas are simple, but we require constructing terms by ○-induction or recursion. This requires proving that certain types are ○-modal, which requires some care with universe levels, as well as the application of several lemmas using function extensionality and repleteness of P. We first show that if A is weak internal compact, then so is ○ A. \begin{code} ○-preserves-wi-compact : (A : 𝓤 ̇ ) → is-weak-internal-compact∙ A → is-weak-internal-compact∙ (○ A) ○-preserves-wi-compact A c F = α₀ , α₀-works where F' : A → 𝟚 F' = F ∘ η _ compactness-instance : Σ a₀ ꞉ A , (F' a₀ = ₁ → (a : A) → η _ (lift _ (F' a)) = η _ (lift _ ₁)) compactness-instance = c F' α₀ = η _ (pr₁ compactness-instance) α₀-works : (p : F α₀ = ₁) → (α : ○ A) → η _ (lift _ (F α)) = η _ (lift _ ₁) α₀-works p = S.○-induction fe _ _ (λ _ → id-types-of-modal-types-are-modal fe repleteness _ _ _ (○-is-modal _)) (pr₂ compactness-instance p) \end{code} In the second technical lemma we strengthen the above result. We derive the same conclusion as before, but we weaken the assumption by putting it inside the modality. \begin{code} ○-compact-implies-weak-internal-compact : (A : 𝓤 ̇ ) → ○ (is-weak-internal-compact∙ A) → is-weak-internal-compact∙ (○ A) ○-compact-implies-weak-internal-compact A c F = demodify-wic-instance (○-rec _ _ modified-wic-is-modal (λ c' → modify-wic-instance (○-preserves-wi-compact A c' F)) c) where modified-wic-instance : 𝓤 ̇ modified-wic-instance = Σ α₀ ꞉ ○ A , (lift 𝓤 (F α₀) = lift 𝓤 ₁ → (α : ○ A) → η _ (lift 𝓤 (F α)) = η _ (lift 𝓤 ₁)) demodify-wic-instance : modified-wic-instance → Σ α₀ ꞉ ○ A , (F α₀ = ₁ → (α : ○ A) → η _ (lift 𝓤 (F α)) = η _ (lift 𝓤 ₁)) demodify-wic-instance (α₀ , f) = α₀ , (λ p α → f (ap (lift _) p) α) modify-wic-instance : Σ α₀ ꞉ ○ A , (F α₀ = ₁ → (α : ○ A) → η _ (lift 𝓤 (F α)) = η _ (lift 𝓤 ₁)) → modified-wic-instance modify-wic-instance (α₀ , f) = α₀ , (λ p α → f (equivs-are-lc _ lift-is-equiv p) α) modified-wic-is-modal : is-modal modified-wic-instance modified-wic-is-modal = P-is-sigma-closed _ _ (○-is-modal A) (λ _ → products-of-modal-types-are-modal fe repleteness _ _ λ _ → products-of-modal-types-are-modal fe repleteness _ _ (λ _ → id-types-of-modal-types-are-modal fe repleteness _ _ _ (○-is-modal _))) \end{code} Finally, we can use the lemmas together with the main theorem to get a result which is closer to the statement of prop-tychonoff. This says ○ "preserves compactness" in the sense that if ○ (A is compact), then (○ A) is compact. In order to derive prop-tychonoff from this statement we will need a few extra arguments. This will be covered in a separate module, AbsolutenessOfCompactnessExample, which works specifically with open modalities, as opposed to this module that applies to modalities in general. \begin{code} modalities-preserve-compact : (A : 𝓤 ̇ ) → ○ (is-compact∙ A) → is-compact∙ (○ A) modalities-preserve-compact A c = weak-internal-compact-implies-compact _ (○-is-modal _) (○-compact-implies-weak-internal-compact A (○-rec _ _ (○-is-modal _) (λ c' → η _ (compact-implies-weak-internal-compact _ c')) c)) \end{code}