Jon Sterling, started 27th Sep 2022 Much of this file is based on the proofs from Egbert Rijke's PhD thesis. \begin{code} {-# OPTIONS --safe --without-K #-} open import MLTT.Spartan open import UF.Base open import UF.FunExt open import UF.Equiv open import UF.Retracts open import UF.Embeddings import UF.PairFun as PairFun import Slice.Construction as Slice open import Modal.Subuniverse open import Modal.Homotopy module Modal.ReflectiveSubuniverse (P : subuniverse 𝓤 𝓥) (P-is-reflective : subuniverse-is-reflective P) where is-modal : (A : 𝓤 ̇ )→ 𝓥 ̇ is-modal = subuniverse-contains P reflection : (A : 𝓤 ̇ )→ reflection-candidate P A reflection A = pr₁ (P-is-reflective A) ○-packed : (A : 𝓤 ̇ )→ subuniverse-member P ○-packed A = pr₁ (reflection A) ○ : 𝓤 ̇ → 𝓤 ̇ ○ A = pr₁ (○-packed A) ○-is-modal : (A : 𝓤 ̇ )→ is-modal (○ A) ○-is-modal A = pr₂ (○-packed A) η : (A : 𝓤 ̇ )→ A → ○ A η A = pr₂ (reflection A) precomp-η : {𝓥 : _} (A : 𝓤 ̇ )(B : 𝓥 ̇ )→ (○ A → B) → A → B precomp-η A B f = f ∘ η A precomp-η-is-equiv : {A B : 𝓤 ̇ } → is-modal B → is-equiv (precomp-η A B) precomp-η-is-equiv = pr₂ (P-is-reflective _) _ precomp-η-equiv : {A B : 𝓤 ̇ } → is-modal B → (○ A → B) ≃ (A → B) pr₁ (precomp-η-equiv B-modal) = precomp-η _ _ pr₂ (precomp-η-equiv B-modal) = precomp-η-is-equiv B-modal ○-rec : (A B : 𝓤 ̇ ) → (B-modal : is-modal B) → (A → B) → (○ A → B) ○-rec A B B-modal = inverse _ (precomp-η-is-equiv B-modal) ○-rec-compute-pointsfree : (A B : 𝓤 ̇ ) → (B-modal : is-modal B) → (f : A → B) → ○-rec A B B-modal f ∘ η A = f ○-rec-compute-pointsfree A B B-modal f = inverses-are-sections _ (precomp-η-is-equiv B-modal) f ○-rec-compute : (A B : 𝓤 ̇ ) → (B-modal : is-modal B) → (f : A → B) → (x : A) → ○-rec A B B-modal f (η A x) = f x ○-rec-compute A B B-modal f = happly (○-rec-compute-pointsfree _ _ _ _) ○-rec-ext : (A B : 𝓤 ̇ ) → (B-modal : is-modal B) → (f g : ○ A → B) → (f ∘ η A) = (g ∘ η A) → f = g ○-rec-ext A B B-modal f g fgη = H f ⁻¹ ∙ ap (○-rec A B B-modal) fgη ∙ H g where H : inverse (precomp-η A B) (precomp-η-is-equiv B-modal) ∘ precomp-η A B ∼ id H = inverses-are-retractions _ (precomp-η-is-equiv B-modal) ○-rec-ext-beta : (A B : 𝓤 ̇ ) → (B-modal : is-modal B) → (f : ○ A → B) → ○-rec-ext A B B-modal f f refl = refl ○-rec-ext-beta A B B-modal f = (H f ⁻¹ ∙ H f) =⟨ (sym-is-inverse (H f)) ⁻¹ ⟩ refl ∎ where H : inverse (precomp-η A B) (precomp-η-is-equiv B-modal) ∘ precomp-η A B ∼ id H = inverses-are-retractions _ (precomp-η-is-equiv B-modal) η-is-section-gives-has-section : (fe : funext 𝓤 𝓤) → (A : 𝓤 ̇ ) → is-section (η A) → has-section (η A) pr₁ (η-is-section-gives-has-section fe A η-is-section) = pr₁ η-is-section pr₂ (η-is-section-gives-has-section fe A η-is-section) = happly (○-rec-ext A (○ A) (○-is-modal A) _ _ (dfunext fe λ x → η A (pr₁ η-is-section (η A x)) =⟨ ap (η A) (pr₂ η-is-section x) ⟩ η A x ∎)) η-is-section-gives-is-equiv : (fe : funext 𝓤 𝓤) → (A : 𝓤 ̇ ) → is-section (η A) → is-equiv (η A) pr₁ (η-is-section-gives-is-equiv fe A η-is-section) = η-is-section-gives-has-section fe A η-is-section pr₂ (η-is-section-gives-is-equiv fe A η-is-section) = η-is-section η-is-equiv-gives-is-modal : (P-is-replete : subuniverse-is-replete P) → (A : 𝓤 ̇ ) → is-equiv (η A) → is-modal A η-is-equiv-gives-is-modal P-is-replete A η-is-equiv = P-is-replete _ _ (η A , η-is-equiv) (○-is-modal A) generic-precomp-η-is-equiv-gives-η-is-section : (A : 𝓤 ̇ ) → is-equiv (precomp-η A A) → is-section (η A) pr₁ (generic-precomp-η-is-equiv-gives-η-is-section A h) = inverse _ h id pr₂ (generic-precomp-η-is-equiv-gives-η-is-section A h) = happly (inverses-are-sections _ h id) \end{code} The following is Lemma 5.1.18 of Egbert Rijke's thesis. \begin{code} module _ (fe : funext 𝓤 𝓤) (X Y : 𝓤 ̇ )(Y-modal : is-modal Y) (f g : ○ X → Y) where homotopy-precomp-η-is-equiv : is-equiv (homotopy-precomp f g (η _)) homotopy-precomp-η-is-equiv = homotopy-precomp-by-embedding-is-equiv fe fe fe fe f g (η _) (equivs-are-embeddings (precomp-η X Y) (precomp-η-is-equiv Y-modal)) homotopy-precomp-η-equiv : (f ∼ g) ≃ (f ∘ η _ ∼ g ∘ η _) pr₁ (homotopy-precomp-η-equiv) = homotopy-precomp f g (η _) pr₂ (homotopy-precomp-η-equiv) = homotopy-precomp-η-is-equiv \end{code} Here we prove that identity types can be constructed by pullback; this will be useful later when we establish closure of modal types under identity types using closure of modal types under pullbacks. \begin{code} module _ (A : 𝓤 ̇ )(x y : A) where private [x] [y] : 𝟙{𝓤} → A [x] _ = x [y] _ = y id-type-as-pullback : 𝓤 ̇ id-type-as-pullback = Slice.pullback 𝓤 [x] [y] id-type-to-pullback : x = y → id-type-as-pullback id-type-to-pullback p = ⋆ , ⋆ , p pullback-to-id-type : id-type-as-pullback → x = y pullback-to-id-type (_ , _ , p) = p id-type-to-pullback-is-equiv : is-equiv id-type-to-pullback pr₁ id-type-to-pullback-is-equiv = pullback-to-id-type , λ _ → refl pr₂ id-type-to-pullback-is-equiv = pullback-to-id-type , λ _ → refl id-type-to-pullback-equiv : (x = y) ≃ id-type-as-pullback pr₁ id-type-to-pullback-equiv = id-type-to-pullback pr₂ id-type-to-pullback-equiv = id-type-to-pullback-is-equiv \end{code} \begin{code} retract-𝟙-of-○-𝟙 : retract (𝟙 {𝓤}) of ○ 𝟙 pr₁ retract-𝟙-of-○-𝟙 _ = ⋆ pr₁ (pr₂ retract-𝟙-of-○-𝟙) _ = η _ ⋆ pr₂ (pr₂ retract-𝟙-of-○-𝟙) ⋆ = refl \end{code} We establish the closure conditions of modal types; every such lemma requires both function extensionality and repleteness of the subuniverse. \begin{code} module _ (fe : funext 𝓤 𝓤) (P-is-replete : subuniverse-is-replete P) where retracts-of-modal-types-are-modal : (E B : 𝓤 ̇ ) → retract B of E → is-modal E → is-modal B retracts-of-modal-types-are-modal E B B-retract-of-E E-modal = η-is-equiv-gives-is-modal P-is-replete B (η-is-section-gives-is-equiv fe B η-is-section) where B-to-E : B → E B-to-E = section B-retract-of-E E-to-B : E → B E-to-B = retraction B-retract-of-E h : ○ B → E h = ○-rec B E E-modal B-to-E ε : ○ B → B ε = E-to-B ∘ h η-is-section : is-section (η B) pr₁ η-is-section = ε pr₂ η-is-section x = ε (η B x) =⟨ ap E-to-B (○-rec-compute B E E-modal B-to-E x) ⟩ E-to-B (B-to-E x) =⟨ retract-condition B-retract-of-E x ⟩ x ∎ 𝟙-is-modal : is-modal (𝟙 {𝓤}) 𝟙-is-modal = retracts-of-modal-types-are-modal (○ 𝟙) 𝟙 retract-𝟙-of-○-𝟙 (○-is-modal 𝟙) products-of-modal-types-are-modal : (A : 𝓤 ̇ ) → (B : A → 𝓤 ̇ ) → (B-modal : Π x ꞉ A , is-modal (B x)) → is-modal (Π B) products-of-modal-types-are-modal A B B-modal = retracts-of-modal-types-are-modal _ _ ret (○-is-modal (Π B)) where h : (x : A) → ○ (Π B) → B x h x = ○-rec (Π B) (B x) (B-modal x) (λ - → - x) ret : retract Π B of ○ (Π B) pr₁ ret f x = h x f pr₁ (pr₂ ret) = η (Π B) pr₂ (pr₂ ret) f = dfunext fe λ x → ○-rec-compute (Π B) (B x) (B-modal x) (λ - → - x) f pullbacks-of-modal-types-are-modal : (A B X : 𝓤 ̇ ) → (A-modal : is-modal A) → (B-modal : is-modal B) → (X-modal : is-modal X) → (f : A → X) → (g : B → X) → is-modal (Slice.pullback 𝓤 f g) pullbacks-of-modal-types-are-modal A B X A-modal B-modal X-modal f g = η-is-equiv-gives-is-modal P-is-replete C (η-is-section-gives-is-equiv fe C (generic-precomp-η-is-equiv-gives-η-is-section C (eqtofun- (cone-map-equiv (○ C) ● restrict-cone-equiv ● ≃-sym (cone-map-equiv C))))) where C : 𝓤 ̇ C = Slice.pullback 𝓤 f g cone : 𝓤 ̇ → 𝓤 ̇ cone Z = 𝓤 f g Z cone-map-equiv : (Z : 𝓤 ̇ )→ (Z → C) ≃ cone Z cone-map-equiv Z = Slice.→-pullback-≃ 𝓤 f g Z fe restrict-cone-equiv : cone (○ C) ≃ cone C restrict-cone-equiv = PairFun.pair-fun-equiv (precomp-η-equiv A-modal) λ hA → PairFun.pair-fun-equiv (precomp-η-equiv B-modal) λ hB → homotopy-precomp-η-equiv fe C X X-modal (f ∘ hA) (g ∘ hB) id-types-of-modal-types-are-modal : (A : 𝓤 ̇ ) → (u v : A) → (A-modal : is-modal A) → is-modal (u = v) id-types-of-modal-types-are-modal A u v A-modal = P-is-replete (u = v) (id-type-as-pullback A u v) (id-type-to-pullback-equiv A u v) (pullbacks-of-modal-types-are-modal 𝟙 𝟙 A 𝟙-is-modal 𝟙-is-modal A-modal _ _) \end{code}