Todd Waugh Ambridge, January 2024 Exact Real Search: Formalised Optimisation and Regression in Constructive Univalent Mathematics A thesis submitted to the University of Birmingham for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. \begin{code} {-# OPTIONS --without-K --safe #-} module TWA.Thesis.index where \end{code} ABSTRACT The real numbers are important in both mathematics and computation theory. Computationally, real numbers can be represented in several ways; most commonly using inexact floating-point data-types, but also using exact arbitrary-precision data-types which satisfy the expected mathematical properties of the reals. This thesis is concerned with formalising properties of certain types for exact real arithmetic, as well as utilising them computationally for the purposes of search, optimisation and regression. We develop, in a constructive and univalent type-theoretic foundation of mathematics, a formalised framework for performing search, optimisation and regression on a wide class of types. This framework utilises Martin Escardo's prior work on searchable types, along with a convenient version of ultrametric spaces --- which we call closeness spaces --- in order to consistently search certain infinite types using the functional programming language and proof assistant Agda. We formally define and prove the convergence properties of type-theoretic variants of global optimisation and parametric regression, problems related to search from the literature of analysis. As we work in a constructive setting, these convergence theorems yield computational algorithms for correct optimisation and regression on the types of our framework. Importantly, we can instantiate our framework on data-types from the literature of exact real arithmetic. The types for representing real numbers that we use are the ternary signed-digit encodings and a simplified version of Hans-J. Boehm's functional encodings. Furthermore, we contribute to the extensive work on ternary signed-digits by formally verifying the definition of certain exact real arithmetic operations using the Escardo-Simpson interval object specification of compact intervals. With this instantiation, we are able to perform our variants of search, optimisation and regression on representations of the real numbers. These three processes comprise our framework of exact real search; we close the thesis by providing some computational examples of this framework in practice. CHAPTER ONE: Introduction In Chapter 1, we motivate the work of using searchable types in order to construct algorithms for global optimisation and parametric regression on the ternary-signed digits. CHAPTER TWO: Constructive Univalent Type Theory in Agda In Chapter 2, we introduce the key concepts of our constructive and univalent type-theoretic foundation of mathematics in which we build our formal framework for search, optimisation and regression. \begin{code} import TWA.Thesis.Chapter2.Finite import TWA.Thesis.Chapter2.Vectors import TWA.Thesis.Chapter2.Sequences \end{code} CHAPTER THREE: Searchability and Continuity In Chapter 3, we review and define the two key mathematical concepts of the thesis: searchability and uniform continuity. We build on the previous work of Martin Escardo, contributing a method of searching certain infinite types in Agda by using explicit information about uniform continuity of the predicate being searched. This notion of uniform continuity is defined on a convenient version of ultrametric spaces that we call closeness spaces. We also give a version of the totally bounded property for closeness spaces, and show that a variety of types yield closeness spaces. The key technical contribution of this section is the formalised result which shows these uniformly continuously searchable types are closed under countable products. \begin{code} import TWA.Thesis.Chapter3.ClosenessSpaces import TWA.Thesis.Chapter3.ClosenessSpaces-Examples import TWA.Thesis.Chapter3.SearchableTypes import TWA.Thesis.Chapter3.SearchableTypes-Examples import TWA.Thesis.Chapter3.PredicateEquality \end{code} CHAPTER FOUR: Generalised Optimisation and Regression In Chapter 4, we use uniformly continuously searchable closeness spaces to define our formal convergence properties of global optimisation and parametric regression on a wide class of types. For this purpose, we introduce approximate linear preorders, which approximately order elements of closeness spaces. The key contribution of this section --- the statement of the type-theoretic variants of global optimisation and parametric regression --- is methodological rather than technical, as the proofs of their convergence follow naturally from the concepts we have introduced. \begin{code} import TWA.Thesis.Chapter4.ApproxOrder import TWA.Thesis.Chapter4.ApproxOrder-Examples import TWA.Thesis.Chapter4.GlobalOptimisation import TWA.Thesis.Chapter4.ParametricRegression \end{code} CHAPTER FIVE: Real Numbers In Chapter 5, we define two types for representing real numbers: ternary signed-digit encodings and ternary Boehm encodings. On the former, we formally verify exact real arithmetic operations (namely: negation, binary midpoint, infinitary midpoint and multiplication) using the Escardo-Simpson interval object specification of closed intervals --- which we also review and formalise in this section. On the latter, we define the type in Agda, prove the correctness of its structure and show how it yields representations of compact intervals that we can then use for search. \begin{code} import TWA.Thesis.Chapter5.IntervalObject import TWA.Thesis.Chapter5.IntervalObjectApproximation import TWA.Thesis.Chapter5.SignedDigit import TWA.Thesis.Chapter5.SignedDigitIntervalObject import TWA.Thesis.Chapter5.BoehmStructure import TWA.Thesis.Chapter5.BoehmVerification import TWA.Thesis.Chapter5.Integers \end{code} CHAPTER SIX: Exact Real Search In Chapter 6, we bring our formal framework full-circle by instantiating it on these two types for representing real numbers. Example evaluations of algorithms for search, optimisation and regression --- either extracted from Agda or implemented in Java --- are then given to show the use of the framework in practice. \begin{code} import TWA.Thesis.Chapter6.SequenceContinuity import TWA.Thesis.Chapter6.SignedDigitSearch import TWA.Thesis.Chapter6.SignedDigitOrder import TWA.Thesis.Chapter6.SignedDigitContinuity import TWA.Thesis.Chapter6.SignedDigitExamples \end{code} CHAPTER SEVEN: Conclusion Finally, in Chapter 7, by way of conclusion we discuss some further avenues for this line of work. SPECIAL THANKS A special thanks goes to Andrew Sneap, who wrote the following two files specifically for the use of the Boehm verification in Chapter 5. \begin{code} import TWA.Thesis.AndrewSneap.DyadicRationals import TWA.Thesis.AndrewSneap.DyadicReals \end{code}