Tom de Jong, Nicolai Kraus, Fredrik Nordvall Forsberg, Chuangjie Xu,
November 2023 — January 2025
{-# OPTIONS --safe --without-K --exact-split #-}
module Ordinals.Exponentiation.index where
1. Specification of ordinal exponentiation.
2. An abstract construction of ordinal exponentiation using suprema of ordinals.
3. A concrete construction of ordinal exponentiation using decreasing lists.
4. Direct proofs of a few properties of the concrete construction of
exponentiation, including that the construction meets the specification.
5. Relating the abstract and concrete constructions with an equivalence for base
ordinals with a trichotomous least element.
6. Properties of both the abstract and concrete constructions (via transport and
the above equivalence).
7. Auxiliary result that an ordinal α has a trichotomous least element if and
only if it can be decomposed as 𝟙ₒ +ₒ α' for a necessarily unique ordinal α'.
8. Constructive taboos involving ordinal exponentiation.
import Ordinals.Exponentiation.Specification
import Ordinals.Exponentiation.Supremum
import Ordinals.Exponentiation.DecreasingList
import Ordinals.Exponentiation.DecreasingListProperties-Concrete
import Ordinals.Exponentiation.RelatingConstructions
import Ordinals.Exponentiation.PropertiesViaTransport
import Ordinals.Exponentiation.TrichotomousLeastElement
import Ordinals.Exponentiation.Taboos
The following file acts as an index for the paper "Ordinal Exponentiation in
Homotopy Type Theory".
import Ordinals.Exponentiation.Paper