Tom de Jong, Nicolai Kraus, Fredrik Nordvall Forsberg, Chuangjie Xu.
Started November 2023. Refactored December 2024.

We give a concrete construction of ordinal exponentiation using decreasing


{-# OPTIONS --safe --without-K --exact-split #-}

open import UF.Univalence

module Ordinals.Exponentiation.DecreasingList
       (ua : Univalence)

open import UF.FunExt
open import UF.UA-FunExt

 fe : FunExt
 fe = Univalence-gives-FunExt ua

 fe' : Fun-Ext
 fe' {𝓤} {𝓥} = fe 𝓤 𝓥

open import MLTT.List
open import MLTT.Plus-Properties
open import MLTT.Spartan

open import UF.Base
open import UF.Equiv
open import UF.Sets
open import UF.Subsingletons

open import Ordinals.Arithmetic fe
open import Ordinals.AdditionProperties ua
open import Ordinals.Equivalence
open import Ordinals.Maps
open import Ordinals.Notions
open import Ordinals.OrdinalOfOrdinals ua renaming (_≼_ to _≼OO_)
open import Ordinals.Propositions ua
open import Ordinals.Type
open import Ordinals.Underlying

open import Ordinals.Exponentiation.TrichotomousLeastElement ua


The lexicographic order on lists.


data lex {X : 𝓤 ̇  } (R : X  X  𝓥 ̇  ) : List X  List X  𝓤  𝓥 ̇  where
 []-lex : {x : X} {l : List X}  lex R [] (x  l)
 head-lex : {x y : X} {l l' : List X}  R x y  lex R (x  l) (y  l')
 tail-lex : {x y : X} {l l' : List X}  x  y  lex R l l'  lex R (x  l) (y  l')

lex-for-ordinal : (α : Ordinal 𝓤)  List  α   List  α   𝓤 ̇
lex-for-ordinal α = lex (underlying-order α)

syntax lex-for-ordinal α l l' = l ≺⟨List α  l'


The lexicographic order preserves many properties of the order.


module _ {X : 𝓤 ̇  } (R : X  X  𝓥 ̇  ) where

 lex-transitive : is-transitive R  is-transitive (lex R)
 lex-transitive tr [] (y  l₂) (z  l₃) []-lex (head-lex q) = []-lex
 lex-transitive tr [] (y  l₂) (z  l₃) []-lex (tail-lex r q) = []-lex
 lex-transitive tr (x  l₁) (y  l₂) (z  l₃) (head-lex p) (head-lex q) =
  head-lex (tr x y z p q)
 lex-transitive tr (x  l₁) (y  l₂) (.y  l₃) (head-lex p) (tail-lex refl q) =
  head-lex p
 lex-transitive tr (x  l₁) (.x  l₂) (z  l₃) (tail-lex refl p) (head-lex q) =
  head-lex q
 lex-transitive tr (x  l₁) (x  l₂) (x  l₃) (tail-lex refl p) (tail-lex refl q)
  = tail-lex refl (lex-transitive tr l₁ l₂ l₃ p q)

 []-lex-bot : is-bot (lex R) []
 []-lex-bot l ()

 lex-irreflexive : is-irreflexive R  is-irreflexive (lex R)
 lex-irreflexive ir (x  l) (head-lex p) = ir x p
 lex-irreflexive ir (x  l) (tail-lex e q) = lex-irreflexive ir l q

 lex-prop-valued : is-set X
                  is-prop-valued R
                  is-irreflexive R
                  is-prop-valued (lex R)
 lex-prop-valued st pr irR l (y  l') []-lex []-lex = refl
 lex-prop-valued st pr irR (x  l) (y  l') (head-lex u) (head-lex v) =
  ap head-lex (pr x y u v)
 lex-prop-valued st pr irR (x  l) (y  l') (head-lex u) (tail-lex refl v) =
  𝟘-elim (irR y u)
 lex-prop-valued st pr irR (x  l) (y  l') (tail-lex refl u) (head-lex v) =
  𝟘-elim (irR x v)
 lex-prop-valued st pr irR (x  l) (y  l') (tail-lex refl u) (tail-lex e v) =
  ap₂ tail-lex (st refl e) (lex-prop-valued st pr irR l l' u v)


We now consider the subtype of decreasing lists.


 data is-decreasing : List X  𝓤  𝓥 ̇  where
  []-decr : is-decreasing []
  sing-decr : {x : X}  is-decreasing [ x ]
  many-decr : {x y : X} {l : List X}
             R y x
             is-decreasing (y  l)
             is-decreasing (x  y  l)

 is-decreasing-is-prop : is-prop-valued R
                        (l : List X)  is-prop (is-decreasing l)
 is-decreasing-is-prop pR [] []-decr []-decr = refl
 is-decreasing-is-prop pR (x  []) sing-decr sing-decr = refl
 is-decreasing-is-prop pR (x  y  l) (many-decr p ps) (many-decr q qs) =
  ap₂ many-decr (pR y x p q) (is-decreasing-is-prop pR (y  l) ps qs)

 tail-is-decreasing : {x : X} {l : List X}
                     is-decreasing (x  l)  is-decreasing l
 tail-is-decreasing sing-decr = []-decr
 tail-is-decreasing (many-decr _ d) = d

 heads-are-decreasing : {x y : X} {l : List X}
                      is-decreasing (x  y  l)  R y x
 heads-are-decreasing (many-decr p _) = p

 is-decreasing-swap-heads : is-transitive R
                           {y x : X} {l : List X}
                           R x y
                           is-decreasing (x  l)
                           is-decreasing (y  l)
 is-decreasing-swap-heads τ {y} {x} {[]}    r δ = sing-decr
 is-decreasing-swap-heads τ {y} {x} {z  l} r δ =
  many-decr (τ z x y (heads-are-decreasing δ) r) (tail-is-decreasing δ)

 is-decreasing-skip : is-transitive R
                     {x x' : X} {l : List X}
                     is-decreasing (x  x'  l)
                     is-decreasing (x  l)
 is-decreasing-skip τ δ =
  is-decreasing-swap-heads τ (heads-are-decreasing δ) (tail-is-decreasing δ)

 DecreasingList : 𝓤  𝓥 ̇
 DecreasingList = Σ l  List X , is-decreasing l


Next we show that the lexicographic order on lists when restricted to
DecreasingList is wellfounded, provided the original order is.


 lex-decr : DecreasingList  DecreasingList  𝓤  𝓥 ̇
 lex-decr (l , _) (l' , _) = lex R l l'

 []-acc-decr : {p : is-decreasing []}  is-accessible lex-decr ([] , p)
 []-acc-decr {[]-decr} = acc  xs q  𝟘-elim ([]-lex-bot _ q))

 lex-decr-acc : is-transitive R
               (x : X)  is-accessible R x
               (l : List X) (δ : is-decreasing l)
               is-accessible lex-decr (l , δ)
               (ε : is-decreasing (x  l))
               is-accessible lex-decr ((x  l) , ε)
 lex-decr-acc tr =
  transfinite-induction' R P ϕ
     Q : X  DecreasingList  𝓤  𝓥 ̇
     Q x (l , _) = (ε' : is-decreasing (x  l))
                    is-accessible lex-decr ((x  l) , ε')
     P : X  𝓤  𝓥 ̇
     P x = (l : List X) (δ : is-decreasing l)
            is-accessible lex-decr (l , δ)
            Q x (l , δ)
     ϕ : (x : X)  ((y : X)  R y x  P y)  P x
     ϕ x IH l δ β =
      transfinite-induction' lex-decr (Q x)  (l , ε)  ϕ' l ε) (l , δ) β
        ϕ' : (l : List X) (ε : is-decreasing l)
            ((l' : DecreasingList)  lex-decr l' (l , ε)  Q x l')
            Q x (l , ε)
        ϕ' l _ IH₂ ε' = acc  (l' , ε)  g l' ε)
          g : (l' : List X)  (ε : is-decreasing l')
              lex-decr (l' , ε) ((x  l) , ε')
              is-accessible lex-decr (l' , ε)
          g [] ε u = []-acc-decr
          g (y  []) ε (head-lex u) = IH y u [] []-decr []-acc-decr ε
          g (y  []) ε (tail-lex refl u) = IH₂ ([] , []-decr) u ε
          g (y  z  l') ε (head-lex u) =
           IH y u (z  l') (tail-is-decreasing ε)
                           (g (z  l')
                            (tail-is-decreasing ε)
                            (head-lex (tr z y x (heads-are-decreasing ε) u)))
          g (y  z  l') ε (tail-lex refl u) =
           IH₂ ((z  l') , tail-is-decreasing ε) u ε

 lex-wellfounded : is-transitive R
                  is-well-founded R
                  is-well-founded lex-decr
 lex-wellfounded tr wf (l , δ) = lex-wellfounded' wf l δ
   lex-wellfounded' : is-well-founded R
                     (xs : List X) (δ : is-decreasing xs)
                     is-accessible lex-decr (xs , δ)
   lex-wellfounded' wf [] δ = []-acc-decr
   lex-wellfounded' wf (x  l) δ =
     lex-decr-acc tr x (wf x) l
      (tail-is-decreasing δ)
      (lex-wellfounded' wf l (tail-is-decreasing δ))


We construct an ordinal, which we denote by DecrList₂ α β, that implements
exponentiation of (𝟙ₒ +ₒ α) by β.

The reason that it implements exponentiation with base (𝟙ₒ +ₒ α) rather than α,
is because our construction needs a trichotomous least element (see
Ordinals.Exponentiation.TrichotomousLeastElement). Since we then restrict to the
positive elements of the base ordinal, it is convenient to only consider α
(rather than 𝟙ₒ +ₒ α).


module _ (α : Ordinal 𝓤) (β : Ordinal 𝓥) where

 is-decreasing-pr₂ : List  α ×ₒ β   𝓥 ̇
 is-decreasing-pr₂ xs = is-decreasing (underlying-order β) (map pr₂ xs)

 heads-are-decreasing-pr₂ : (a a' :  α ) {b b' :  β } {l : List  α ×ₒ β }
                           is-decreasing-pr₂ ((a , b)  (a' , b')  l)
                           b' ≺⟨ β  b
 heads-are-decreasing-pr₂ a a' = heads-are-decreasing (underlying-order β)

 tail-is-decreasing-pr₂ : (x :  α ×ₒ β ) {l : List  α ×ₒ β }
                         is-decreasing-pr₂ (x  l)
                         is-decreasing-pr₂ l
 tail-is-decreasing-pr₂ x = tail-is-decreasing (underlying-order β)

 is-decreasing-pr₂-skip : (x y :  α ×ₒ β ) {l : List  α ×ₒ β }
                         is-decreasing-pr₂ (x  y  l)
                         is-decreasing-pr₂ (x  l)
 is-decreasing-pr₂-skip x y = is-decreasing-skip (underlying-order β)
                                                 (Transitivity β)

 DecrList₂ : 𝓤  𝓥 ̇
 DecrList₂ = Σ l  List  α ×ₒ β  , is-decreasing-pr₂ l

 DecrList₂-list : DecrList₂  List  α ×ₒ β 
 DecrList₂-list = pr₁

 to-DecrList₂-= : {l l' : DecrList₂}
                 DecrList₂-list l  DecrList₂-list l'  l  l'
 to-DecrList₂-= = to-subtype-=  l  is-decreasing-is-prop
                                         (underlying-order β)
                                         (Prop-valuedness β)
                                         (map pr₂ l))

 DecrList₂-list-is-decreasing-pr₂ : (l : DecrList₂)
                                   is-decreasing-pr₂ (DecrList₂-list l)
 DecrList₂-list-is-decreasing-pr₂ = pr₂

 is-decreasing-if-decreasing-pr₂ : (l : List  α ×ₒ β )
                                  is-decreasing-pr₂ l
                                  is-decreasing (underlying-order (α ×ₒ β)) l
 is-decreasing-if-decreasing-pr₂ [] _ = []-decr
 is-decreasing-if-decreasing-pr₂ (x  []) _ = sing-decr
 is-decreasing-if-decreasing-pr₂ (x  x'  l) (many-decr p δ)
  = many-decr (inl p) (is-decreasing-if-decreasing-pr₂ (x'  l) δ)

  : (l : DecrList₂)
   is-decreasing (underlying-order (α ×ₒ β)) (DecrList₂-list l)
 DecrList₂-list-is-decreasing (l , δ) = is-decreasing-if-decreasing-pr₂ l δ

 DecrList₂-order : DecrList₂  DecrList₂  𝓤  𝓥 ̇
 DecrList₂-order (l , _) (l' , _) = l ≺⟨List (α ×ₒ β)  l'

 DecrList₂-order-is-prop-valued : is-prop-valued DecrList₂-order
 DecrList₂-order-is-prop-valued (l , _) (l' , _) =
   (underlying-order (α ×ₒ β))
   (underlying-type-is-set fe (α ×ₒ β))
   (Prop-valuedness (α ×ₒ β))
   (irrefl (α ×ₒ β))


The order on DecrList₂ α β is transitive and wellfounded.


 DecrList₂-order-is-transitive : is-transitive DecrList₂-order
 DecrList₂-order-is-transitive (l , _) (l' , _) (l'' , _) p q =
  lex-transitive (underlying-order (α ×ₒ β)) (Transitivity (α ×ₒ β)) l l' l'' p q

 DecrList₂-order-is-wellfounded : is-well-founded DecrList₂-order
 DecrList₂-order-is-wellfounded (l , δ) =
  acc-lex-decr-to-acc-exponential l δ
   (lex-wellfounded (underlying-order (α ×ₒ β))
                    (Transitivity (α ×ₒ β))
                    (Well-foundedness (α ×ₒ β))
                    (DecrList₂-list (l , δ) ,
                     DecrList₂-list-is-decreasing (l , δ)))
    : (l : List  α ×ₒ β )
     (δ : is-decreasing-pr₂ l)
     is-accessible (lex-decr (underlying-order (α ×ₒ β)))
                    ((l , DecrList₂-list-is-decreasing (l , δ)))
     is-accessible DecrList₂-order (l , δ)
   acc-lex-decr-to-acc-exponential l δ (acc h) =
    acc  (l' , ε) u  acc-lex-decr-to-acc-exponential l' ε
                         (h (l' ,  DecrList₂-list-is-decreasing (l' , ε)) u))


The order on DecrList₂ α β is extensional.


  R = underlying-order (α ×ₒ β)
  _≼_ = extensional-po DecrList₂-order

  : (l l' : List  α ×ₒ β ) (x :  α ×ₒ β )
   is-decreasing-pr₂ (x  l)
   is-decreasing-pr₂ l'
   lex R l' l
   is-decreasing-pr₂ (x  l')
 is-decreasing-pr₂-swap-tails l l' x δ ε []-lex = sing-decr
 is-decreasing-pr₂-swap-tails ((a , b)  l) ((a' , b')  l') (a₀ , b₀) δ ε
  (head-lex (inl u)) = many-decr (Transitivity β b' b b₀ u
                                   (heads-are-decreasing-pr₂ a₀ a δ))
 is-decreasing-pr₂-swap-tails ((a , b)  l) ((a' , b')  l') (a₀ , b₀) δ ε
  (head-lex (inr (refl , u))) = many-decr (heads-are-decreasing-pr₂ a₀ a δ) ε
 is-decreasing-pr₂-swap-tails ((a , b)  l) ((a' , b')  l') (a₀ , b₀) δ ε
  (tail-lex refl u) = many-decr (heads-are-decreasing-pr₂ a₀ a δ) ε

  no-≼-[] : (x :  α ×ₒ β ) (l : List  α ×ₒ β )
            (δ : is-decreasing-pr₂ (x  l))
           ¬ (((x  l) , δ)  ([] , []-decr))
  no-≼-[] x l δ h =
    (lex-irreflexive R (Irreflexivity (α ×ₒ β)) [] (h ([] , []-decr) []-lex))

   : (l l' : List  α ×ₒ β ) (x :  α ×ₒ β )
     (δ : is-decreasing-pr₂ (x  l))
     (ε : is-decreasing-pr₂ (x  l'))
    ((x  l) , δ)  ((x  l') , ε)
    (l , tail-is-decreasing-pr₂ x δ)  (l' , tail-is-decreasing-pr₂ x ε)
  tails-≼ l l' x δ ε h (l₀ , δ₀) u = g hₓ
    hₓ : lex R (x  l₀) (x  l')
    hₓ = h ((x  l₀) , is-decreasing-pr₂-swap-tails l l₀ x δ δ₀ u)
           (tail-lex refl u)
    g : lex R (x  l₀) (x  l')  lex R l₀ l'
    g (head-lex   r) = 𝟘-elim (Irreflexivity (α ×ₒ β) x r)
    g (tail-lex _ k) = k

 DecrList₂-order-is-extensional' : (l₁ l₂ : List  α ×ₒ β )
                                   (δ₁ : is-decreasing-pr₂ l₁)
                                   (δ₂ : is-decreasing-pr₂ l₂)
                                  (l₁ , δ₁)  (l₂ , δ₂)
                                  (l₂ , δ₂)  (l₁ , δ₁)
                                  l₁  l₂
 DecrList₂-order-is-extensional' [] [] δ₁ δ₂ u v = refl
 DecrList₂-order-is-extensional' [] (y  l₂) δ₁ δ₂ u h₂ =
  𝟘-elim (no-≼-[] y l₂ δ₂ h₂)
 DecrList₂-order-is-extensional' (x  l₁) [] δ₁ δ₂ h₁ h₂ =
  𝟘-elim (no-≼-[] x l₁ δ₁ h₁)
 DecrList₂-order-is-extensional' (x  []) (y  []) δ₁ δ₂ h₁ h₂ =
  ap [_] (Extensionality (α ×ₒ β) x y I₁ I₂)
    I₁ : x ≼⟨ α ×ₒ β  y
    I₁ z u = κ c
      c : [ z ] ≺⟨List (α ×ₒ β)  [ y ]
      c = h₁ ([ z ] , sing-decr) (head-lex u)
      κ : [ z ] ≺⟨List (α ×ₒ β)  [ y ]  z ≺⟨ α ×ₒ β  y
      κ (head-lex v) = v
    I₂ : y ≼⟨ α ×ₒ β  x
    I₂ z u = κ c
      c : [ z ] ≺⟨List (α ×ₒ β)  [ x ]
      c = h₂ ([ z ] , sing-decr) (head-lex u)
      κ : [ z ] ≺⟨List (α ×ₒ β)  [ x ]  z ≺⟨ α ×ₒ β  x
      κ (head-lex v) = v
 DecrList₂-order-is-extensional' (x  []) (y  y'  l₂) δ₁ δ₂ h₁ h₂ =
  𝟘-elim (lex-irreflexive R (Irreflexivity (α ×ₒ β)) (y  y'  l₂) III)
    I : y ≺⟨ α ×ₒ β  x
    I = κ (h₂ ([ y ] , sing-decr) (tail-lex refl []-lex))
      κ :  [ y ] ≺⟨List (α ×ₒ β)  [ x ]  y ≺⟨ α ×ₒ β  x
      κ (head-lex u) = u
    II : (y  y'  l₂) ≺⟨List (α ×ₒ β)  [ x ]
    II = head-lex I
    III : (y  y'  l₂) ≺⟨List (α ×ₒ β)  (y  y'  l₂)
    III = h₁ ((y  y'  l₂) , δ₂) II
 DecrList₂-order-is-extensional' (x  x'  l₁) (y  []) δ₁ δ₂ h₁ h₂ =
  𝟘-elim (lex-irreflexive R (Irreflexivity (α ×ₒ β)) (x  x'  l₁) III)
    I : x ≺⟨ α ×ₒ β  y
    I = κ (h₁ ([ x ] , sing-decr) (tail-lex refl []-lex))
      κ :  [ x ] ≺⟨List (α ×ₒ β)  [ y ]  x ≺⟨ α ×ₒ β  y
      κ (head-lex u) = u
    II : (x  x'  l₁) ≺⟨List (α ×ₒ β)  [ y ]
    II = head-lex I
    III : (x  x'  l₁) ≺⟨List (α ×ₒ β)  (x  x'  l₁)
    III = h₂ ((x  x'  l₁) , δ₁) II
 DecrList₂-order-is-extensional' (x  x'  l₁) (y  y'  l₂) δ₁ δ₂ h₁ h₂ =
  ap₂ _∷_ I
     (x'  l₁) (y'  l₂)
     (tail-is-decreasing-pr₂ x {x'  l₁} δ₁)
     (tail-is-decreasing-pr₂ y {y'  l₂} δ₂)
     (k₁ I)
     (k₂ I))
   I : x  y
   I = κ (h₁ ([ x ] , sing-decr) (tail-lex refl []-lex))
         (h₂ ([ y ] , sing-decr) (tail-lex refl []-lex))
     κ : [ x ] ≺⟨List (α ×ₒ β)  (y  y'  l₂)
        [ y ] ≺⟨List (α ×ₒ β)  (x  x'  l₁)
        x  y
     κ (head-lex u) (head-lex v) =
      𝟘-elim (Irreflexivity (α ×ₒ β) x (Transitivity (α ×ₒ β) x y x u v))
     κ (head-lex u) (tail-lex refl v) = refl
     κ (tail-lex refl u) (head-lex v) = refl
     κ (tail-lex refl u) (tail-lex e v) = refl
   k₁ : x  y
      ((x'  l₁) , tail-is-decreasing-pr₂ x {x'  l₁} δ₁)
        ((y'  l₂) , tail-is-decreasing-pr₂ y {y'  l₂} δ₂)
   k₁ refl = tails-≼ (x'  l₁) (y'  l₂) x δ₁ δ₂ h₁
   k₂ : x  y
      ((y'  l₂) , tail-is-decreasing-pr₂ y {y'  l₂} δ₂)
        ((x'  l₁) , tail-is-decreasing-pr₂ x {x'  l₁} δ₁)
   k₂ refl = tails-≼ (y'  l₂) (x'  l₁) x δ₂ δ₁ h₂

 DecrList₂-order-is-extensional : is-extensional DecrList₂-order
 DecrList₂-order-is-extensional (l₁ , δ₁) (l₂ , δ₂) u v =
  to-DecrList₂-= (DecrList₂-order-is-extensional' l₁ l₂ δ₁ δ₂ u v)


Therefore, DecrList₂ α β is an ordinal. As shown, via different techniques, in
Ordinals.Exponentiation.DecreasingListProperties-Concrete and
Ordinals.Exponentiation.PropertiesViaTransport, this ordinal implements the
exponentiation of 𝟙 + α to β.


expᴸ[𝟙+_] : Ordinal 𝓤  Ordinal 𝓥  Ordinal (𝓤  𝓥)
expᴸ[𝟙+_] α β = DecrList₂ α β
                , DecrList₂-order α β
                , DecrList₂-order-is-prop-valued α β
                , DecrList₂-order-is-wellfounded α β
                , DecrList₂-order-is-extensional α β
                , DecrList₂-order-is-transitive α β

exponentiationᴸ : (α : Ordinal 𝓤)
                 has-trichotomous-least-element α
                 Ordinal 𝓥
                 Ordinal (𝓤  𝓥)
exponentiationᴸ α h = expᴸ[𝟙+ α ⁺[ h ] ]


Some properties of the empty list as an element of expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] β.


module _
        (α : Ordinal 𝓤)
        (β : Ordinal 𝓥)

 expᴸ-⊥ :  expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] β 
 expᴸ-⊥ = [] , []-decr

 expᴸ-↓-⊥ : expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] β  expᴸ-⊥  𝟘ₒ
 expᴸ-↓-⊥ = ⊲-is-extensional (expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] β  expᴸ-⊥) 𝟘ₒ I II
   I : (expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] β  expᴸ-⊥) ≼OO 𝟘ₒ
   I = to-≼ {_} {expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] β  expᴸ-⊥} {𝟘ₒ} h
     h : (l :  expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] β  expᴸ-⊥ )
        ((expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] β  expᴸ-⊥)  l)  𝟘ₒ
     h ()
   II : 𝟘ₒ ≼OO (expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] β  expᴸ-⊥)
   II = 𝟘ₒ-least (expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] β  expᴸ-⊥)

 expᴸ-↓-⊥' : {δ : is-decreasing-pr₂ α β []}
            expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] β  ([] , δ)  𝟘ₒ
 expᴸ-↓-⊥' {δ} =
  expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] β  ([] , δ) =⟨ ap (expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] β ↓_) (to-DecrList₂-= α β refl) 
  expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] β  expᴸ-⊥   =⟨ expᴸ-↓-⊥ 

 expᴸ-is-positive : 𝟘ₒ  expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] β
 expᴸ-is-positive = expᴸ-⊥ , (expᴸ-↓-⊥ ⁻¹)

 expᴸ-has-least : 𝟙ₒ  expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] β
 expᴸ-has-least =
  to-⊴ 𝟙ₒ (expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] β)
             transport⁻¹ (_⊲ expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] β) 𝟙ₒ-↓ expᴸ-is-positive)


The empty list is the trichotomous least element of expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] β.


 expᴸ-is-trichotomous-least : is-trichotomous-least (expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] β) expᴸ-⊥
 expᴸ-is-trichotomous-least ([] , []-decr) = inl refl
 expᴸ-is-trichotomous-least ((x  l) , δ) = inr []-lex

  : has-trichotomous-least-element (expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] β)
 expᴸ-has-trichotomous-least-element = expᴸ-⊥ , expᴸ-is-trichotomous-least

 : (α : Ordinal 𝓤) (h : has-trichotomous-least-element α) (β : Ordinal 𝓥)
  has-trichotomous-least-element (exponentiationᴸ α h β)
exponentiationᴸ-has-trichotomous-least-element α h β =
 expᴸ-has-trichotomous-least-element (α ⁺[ h ]) β


An order preserving map f : β → γ induces a map expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] β → expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] γ by
applying f on the second components.

Moreover, the induced map is order reflecting if f is order reflecting and


module _
        (α : Ordinal 𝓤)
        (β : Ordinal 𝓥)
        (γ : Ordinal 𝓦)
        (f :  β    γ )
        (f-is-order-preserving : is-order-preserving β γ f)

 expᴸ-map-on-lists : List  α ×ₒ β   List  α ×ₒ γ 
 expᴸ-map-on-lists = map  (a  , b)  (a , f b))

  : (l : List  α ×ₒ β )
   is-decreasing-pr₂ α β l
   is-decreasing-pr₂ α γ (expᴸ-map-on-lists l)
 expᴸ-map-on-lists-preserves-decreasing-pr₂ [] δ = []-decr
 expᴸ-map-on-lists-preserves-decreasing-pr₂ ((a , b)  []) δ = sing-decr
 expᴸ-map-on-lists-preserves-decreasing-pr₂ ((a , b)  (a' , b')  l)
  (many-decr p δ) = many-decr (f-is-order-preserving b' b p)
                                ((a' , b')  l)

 expᴸ-map :  expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] β    expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] γ 
 expᴸ-map (l , δ) = expᴸ-map-on-lists l ,
                    expᴸ-map-on-lists-preserves-decreasing-pr₂ l δ

  : is-order-preserving (expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] β) (expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] γ) expᴸ-map
 expᴸ-map-is-order-preserving ([] , δ) (l' , δ') []-lex = []-lex
 expᴸ-map-is-order-preserving (((a , b)  l), δ) (((a' , b')  l') , δ')
  (head-lex (inl u)) = head-lex (inl (f-is-order-preserving b b' u))
 expᴸ-map-is-order-preserving (((a , b)  l), δ) (((a' , b')  l') , δ')
  (head-lex (inr (refl , u))) = head-lex (inr (refl , u))
 expᴸ-map-is-order-preserving (((a , b)  l), δ) (((a' , b')  l') , δ')
  (tail-lex refl u) =
   tail-lex refl
     (l  , tail-is-decreasing-pr₂ α β (a  , b)  δ)
     (l' , tail-is-decreasing-pr₂ α β (a' , b') δ')

  : is-order-reflecting β γ f
   left-cancellable f
   is-order-reflecting (expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] β) (expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] γ) expᴸ-map
 expᴸ-map-is-order-reflecting ρ κ ([] , δ) ((_  l') , δ') u = []-lex
 expᴸ-map-is-order-reflecting ρ κ (((a , b)  l) , δ) (((a' , b')  l') , δ')
  (head-lex (inl v)) = head-lex (inl (ρ b b' v))
 expᴸ-map-is-order-reflecting ρ κ (((a , b)  l) , δ) (((a' , b')  l') , δ')
  (head-lex (inr (e , v))) = head-lex (inr (κ e , v))
 expᴸ-map-is-order-reflecting ρ κ (((a , b)  l) , δ) (((a' , b')  l') , δ')
  (tail-lex e v) =
    (to-×-= (pr₁ (from-×-=' e)) (κ (pr₂ (from-×-=' e))))
    (expᴸ-map-is-order-reflecting ρ κ
      (l  , tail-is-decreasing-pr₂ α β (a  , b)  δ)
      (l' , tail-is-decreasing-pr₂ α β (a' , b') δ')

  : is-order-reflecting β γ f
   (l : List ( α ×ₒ β ))
   is-decreasing-pr₂ α γ (expᴸ-map-on-lists l)
   is-decreasing-pr₂ α β l
 expᴸ-map-is-decreasing-pr₂-lc ρ [] δ = []-decr
 expᴸ-map-is-decreasing-pr₂-lc ρ ((a , b)  []) δ = sing-decr
 expᴸ-map-is-decreasing-pr₂-lc ρ ((a , b)  (a' , b')  l) (many-decr u δ) =
  many-decr (ρ b' b u) (expᴸ-map-is-decreasing-pr₂-lc ρ ((a' , b')  l) δ)


The following technical lemma is used to show that if f is simulation, then so
is the induced map on expᴸ.


  : is-order-reflecting β γ f
   ((b :  β ) (c :  γ )  c ≺⟨ γ  f b  Σ b'   β  , f b'  c)
   (l₁ : List  α ×ₒ β ) (l : List  α ×ₒ γ )
    (δ₁ : is-decreasing-pr₂ α β l₁) (δ : is-decreasing-pr₂ α γ l)
   (l , δ) ≺⟨ expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] γ  expᴸ-map (l₁ , δ₁)
   Σ l₂   expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] β  , expᴸ-map l₂  (l , δ)
 expᴸ-map-is-partially-surjective ρ h ((a₁ , b)  l₁) [] δ₁ []-decr v =
  ([] , []-decr) , refl
 expᴸ-map-is-partially-surjective ρ h ((a₁ , b)  l₁) ((a , c)  []) δ₁ δ
  (head-lex (inl v)) = (((a , b')  []) , sing-decr) ,
                       to-DecrList₂-= α γ (ap  -  (a , -)  []) e)
    b' = pr₁ (h b c v)
    e  = pr₂ (h b c v)
 expᴸ-map-is-partially-surjective ρ h ((a₁ , b)  l₁) ((a , c)  []) δ₁ δ
  (head-lex (inr (refl , v))) = ((a , b  []) , sing-decr) ,
                                to-DecrList₂-= α γ refl
 expᴸ-map-is-partially-surjective ρ h ((a₁ , b)  l₁) ((a , c)  []) δ₁ δ
  (tail-lex refl v) = ((a , b  []) , sing-decr) , (to-DecrList₂-= α γ refl)
 expᴸ-map-is-partially-surjective ρ h ((a₁ , b₁)  l₁) ((a , c)  (a' , c')  l)
  δ₁ (many-decr u δ) (head-lex (inl v)) =
   (((a , b')  l₂) , ε) , to-DecrList₂-= α γ e₃
     IH : Σ l₂   expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] β  , expᴸ-map l₂  ((a' , c'  l) , δ)
     IH = expᴸ-map-is-partially-surjective ρ h
           ((a₁ , b₁)  l₁)
           ((a' , c')  l)
           (head-lex (inl (Transitivity γ c' c (f b₁) u v)))
     l₂ = pr₁ (pr₁ IH)
     δ₂ = pr₂ (pr₁ IH)
     e₂ = pr₂ IH
     b' = pr₁ (h b₁ c v)
     e₁ = pr₂ (h b₁ c v)
     ε : is-decreasing-pr₂ α β (a , b'  l₂)
     ε = expᴸ-map-is-decreasing-pr₂-lc ρ ((a , b')  l₂)
             -₁ -₂  is-decreasing-pr₂ α γ (a , -₁  -₂))
            (e₁ ⁻¹)
            ((ap (DecrList₂-list α γ) e₂) ⁻¹)
            (many-decr u δ))
     e₃ : (a , f b'  expᴸ-map-on-lists l₂)  (a , c  a' , c'  l)
     e₃ = ap₂  x y  a , x  y) e₁ (ap (DecrList₂-list α γ) e₂)
 expᴸ-map-is-partially-surjective ρ h ((a₁ , b₁)  l₁) ((a , c)  (a' , c')  l)
  δ₁ (many-decr u δ) (head-lex (inr (refl , v))) =
   (((a , b₁)  l₂) , ε) , (to-DecrList₂-= α γ e₃)
     IH : Σ l₂   expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] β  , expᴸ-map l₂  ((a' , c'  l) , δ)
     IH = expᴸ-map-is-partially-surjective ρ h
           ((a₁ , b₁)  l₁)
           ((a' , c')  l)
           (head-lex (inl u))
     l₂ = pr₁ (pr₁ IH)
     δ₂ = pr₂ (pr₁ IH)
     e₂ = pr₂ IH
     ε : is-decreasing-pr₂ α β (a , b₁  l₂)
     ε = expᴸ-map-is-decreasing-pr₂-lc ρ ((a , b₁)  l₂)
             -  is-decreasing-pr₂ α γ (a , f b₁  -))
            (ap (DecrList₂-list α γ) e₂)
            (many-decr u δ))
     e₃ : ((a , f b₁)  expᴸ-map-on-lists l₂)  ((a , f b₁)  (a' , c')  l)
     e₃ = ap ((a ,  f b₁) ∷_) (ap (DecrList₂-list α γ) e₂)
 expᴸ-map-is-partially-surjective ρ h ((a₁ , b₁)  l₁) ((a , c)  (a' , c')  l)
  δ₁ 𝕕@(many-decr u δ) (tail-lex refl v) =
   (((a₁ , b₁)  l₂) , ε) ,
   to-DecrList₂-= α γ (ap (a₁ , f b₁ ∷_) (ap (DecrList₂-list α γ) e₂))
     IH : Σ l₂   expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] β  , expᴸ-map l₂  ((a' , c'  l) , δ)
     IH = expᴸ-map-is-partially-surjective ρ h l₁ ((a' , c')  l)
           (tail-is-decreasing-pr₂ α β (a₁ , b₁) δ₁)
     l₂ = pr₁ (pr₁ IH)
     δ₂ = pr₂ (pr₁ IH)
     e₂ = pr₂ IH
     ε : is-decreasing-pr₂ α β (a₁ , b₁  l₂)
     ε = expᴸ-map-is-decreasing-pr₂-lc ρ (a₁ , b₁  l₂)
             -  is-decreasing-pr₂ α γ ((a₁ , f b₁)  -))
            (ap (DecrList₂-list α γ) e₂)

 expᴸ-map-is-simulation : is-initial-segment β γ f
                         is-simulation (expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] β) (expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] γ) expᴸ-map
 expᴸ-map-is-simulation f-init-seg =
    (expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] β) (expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] γ) expᴸ-map
      (simulations-are-order-reflecting β γ f f-sim)
      (simulations-are-lc β γ f f-sim))
     (l₁ , δ₁) (l , δ) 
       (simulations-are-order-reflecting β γ f f-sim)
         b c v  (pr₁ (f-init-seg b c v)) , pr₂ (pr₂ (f-init-seg b c v)))
        l₁ l δ₁ δ)
      f-sim : is-simulation β γ f
      f-sim = (f-init-seg , f-is-order-preserving)


The above can be restated as: the operation expᴸ[𝟙+ α] is monotone.


expᴸ-is-monotone-in-exponent : (α : Ordinal 𝓤) (β : Ordinal 𝓥) (γ : Ordinal 𝓦)
                              β  γ
                              expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] β  expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] γ
expᴸ-is-monotone-in-exponent α β γ (f , f-sim) =
 expᴸ-map α β γ f (simulations-are-order-preserving β γ f f-sim) ,
 expᴸ-map-is-simulation α β γ f
  (simulations-are-order-preserving β γ f f-sim)
  (simulations-are-initial-segments β γ f f-sim)


We work towards characterizing initial segments of expᴸ α β.

A first basic but fundamental ingredient is the following map:
Given an element l : expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] (β ↓ b₀), we can forget all the inequality
proofs in the second components to obtain an element of expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] β.
This assignment is called expᴸ-segment-inclusion below and is shown to be a


module _
        (α : Ordinal 𝓤)
        (β : Ordinal 𝓥)
        (b₀ :  β )

 expᴸ-segment-inclusion :  expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] (β  b₀)    expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] β 
 expᴸ-segment-inclusion =
  expᴸ-map α (β  b₀) β
   (segment-inclusion β b₀)
     (β  b₀) β
     (segment-inclusion β b₀)
     (segment-inclusion-is-simulation β b₀))

 expᴸ-segment-inclusion-list : List  α ×ₒ (β  b₀)   List  α ×ₒ β 
 expᴸ-segment-inclusion-list = map  (a , b)  (a , segment-inclusion β b₀ b))

 expᴸ-segment-inclusion-list-preserves-decreasing-pr₂ :
    (l : List  α ×ₒ (β  b₀) )
   is-decreasing-pr₂ α (β  b₀) l
   is-decreasing-pr₂ α β (expᴸ-segment-inclusion-list l)
 expᴸ-segment-inclusion-list-preserves-decreasing-pr₂ l δ =
  DecrList₂-list-is-decreasing-pr₂ α β (expᴸ-segment-inclusion (l , δ))

 extended-expᴸ-segment-inclusion-is-decreasing-pr₂ :
    (l : List  α ×ₒ (β  b₀) ) (a₀ :  α )
   is-decreasing-pr₂ α (β  b₀) l
   is-decreasing-pr₂ α β ((a₀ , b₀)  expᴸ-segment-inclusion-list l)
 extended-expᴸ-segment-inclusion-is-decreasing-pr₂ [] a₀ δ = sing-decr
 extended-expᴸ-segment-inclusion-is-decreasing-pr₂ ((a , (b , u))  l) a₀ δ =
   (expᴸ-segment-inclusion-list-preserves-decreasing-pr₂ (a , b , u  l) δ)

 predecessor-of-expᴸ-segment-inclusion-lemma :
    (a :  α ) {b :  β }
    {l₁ : List  α ×ₒ β }
    {l₂ : List  α ×ₒ (β  b₀) }
   ((a , b)  l₁) ≺⟨List (α ×ₒ β)  expᴸ-segment-inclusion-list l₂
   b ≺⟨ β  b₀
 predecessor-of-expᴸ-segment-inclusion-lemma a {b} {l₁} {(a' , (b' , u))  l₂}
  (head-lex (inl v)) = Transitivity β b b' b₀ v u
 predecessor-of-expᴸ-segment-inclusion-lemma a {b} {l₁} {(a' , (b' , u))  l₂}
  (head-lex (inr (refl , v))) = u
 predecessor-of-expᴸ-segment-inclusion-lemma a {b} {l₁} {(a' , (b' , u))  l₂}
  (tail-lex refl v) = u

 expᴸ-segment-inclusion-list-lex :
    {l₁ : List  α ×ₒ (β  b₀) }
    {a :  α } {l : List  α ×ₒ β }
   expᴸ-segment-inclusion-list l₁ ≺⟨List (α ×ₒ β )  ((a , b₀)  l)
 expᴸ-segment-inclusion-list-lex {[]} = []-lex
 expᴸ-segment-inclusion-list-lex {((a' , (b' , u))  l₁)} = head-lex (inl u)

 extended-expᴸ-segment-inclusion : (l :  expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] (β  b₀) ) (a₀ :  α )
                                   expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] β 
 extended-expᴸ-segment-inclusion (l , δ) a₀ =
  ((a₀ , b₀)  expᴸ-segment-inclusion-list l) ,
  extended-expᴸ-segment-inclusion-is-decreasing-pr₂ l a₀ δ

 expᴸ-segment-inclusion-is-order-preserving :
   (expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] (β  b₀))
   (expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] β)
 expᴸ-segment-inclusion-is-order-preserving =
  expᴸ-map-is-order-preserving α (β  b₀) β (segment-inclusion β b₀)
   (simulations-are-order-preserving (β  b₀) β
     (segment-inclusion β b₀)
     (segment-inclusion-is-simulation β b₀))

 expᴸ-segment-inclusion-is-order-reflecting :
   (expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] (β  b₀))
   (expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] β)
 expᴸ-segment-inclusion-is-order-reflecting =
  expᴸ-map-is-order-reflecting α (β  b₀) β (segment-inclusion β b₀)
   (simulations-are-order-preserving (β  b₀) β
     (segment-inclusion β b₀)
     (segment-inclusion-is-simulation β b₀))
   (simulations-are-order-reflecting (β  b₀) β
     (segment-inclusion β b₀)
     (segment-inclusion-is-simulation β b₀))
   (simulations-are-lc (β  b₀) β
     (segment-inclusion β b₀)
     (segment-inclusion-is-simulation β b₀))

expᴸ-segment-inclusion-is-simulation :
   (α : Ordinal 𝓤) (β : Ordinal 𝓥) (b₀ :  β )
  is-simulation (expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] (β  b₀)) (expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] β)
    (expᴸ-segment-inclusion α β b₀)
expᴸ-segment-inclusion-is-simulation α β b₀ =
 expᴸ-map-is-simulation α (β  b₀) β
  (segment-inclusion β b₀)
  (simulations-are-order-preserving (β  b₀) β
    (segment-inclusion β b₀) (segment-inclusion-is-simulation β b₀))
  (simulations-are-initial-segments (β  b₀) β
    (segment-inclusion β b₀)
    (segment-inclusion-is-simulation β b₀))

expᴸ-segment-inclusion-⊴ : (α : Ordinal 𝓤) (β : Ordinal 𝓥) (b₀ :  β )
                          expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] (β  b₀)  expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] β
expᴸ-segment-inclusion-⊴ α β b₀ = expᴸ-segment-inclusion α β b₀ ,
                                  expᴸ-segment-inclusion-is-simulation α β b₀


The following construction goes in the other direction. More precisely, given a
list l with entries in α ×ₒ β such that (a₀ , b₀) ∷ l is decreasing in the
second component, we obtain an element of expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] (β ↓ b₀) by inserting the
required inequality proofs in the second components.


module _
        (α : Ordinal 𝓤)
        (β : Ordinal 𝓥)
        (a₀ :  α )
        (b₀ :  β )

 expᴸ-tail-list : (l : List  α ×ₒ β )
                 is-decreasing-pr₂ α β ((a₀ , b₀)  l)
                 List  α ×ₒ (β  b₀) 
 expᴸ-tail-list [] _ = []
 expᴸ-tail-list ((a , b)  l) δ = (a , (b , u))  (expᴸ-tail-list l ε)
   u : b ≺⟨ β  b₀
   u = heads-are-decreasing-pr₂ α β a₀ a δ
   ε : is-decreasing-pr₂ α β (a₀ , b₀  l)
   ε = is-decreasing-pr₂-skip α β (a₀ , b₀) (a , b) δ

 expᴸ-tail-list-preserves-decreasing-pr₂ :
    (l : List  α ×ₒ β ) (δ : is-decreasing-pr₂ α β ((a₀ , b₀)  l))
   is-decreasing-pr₂ α (β  b₀) (expᴸ-tail-list l δ)
 expᴸ-tail-list-preserves-decreasing-pr₂ [] _ = []-decr
 expᴸ-tail-list-preserves-decreasing-pr₂ ((a , b)  []) δ = sing-decr
 expᴸ-tail-list-preserves-decreasing-pr₂ ((a , b)  (a' , b')  l) (many-decr u δ) =
  many-decr v (expᴸ-tail-list-preserves-decreasing-pr₂ ((a' , b')  l) ε)
    v : b' ≺⟨ β  b
    v = heads-are-decreasing-pr₂ α β a a' δ
    ε : is-decreasing-pr₂ α β (a₀ , b₀  a' , b'  l)
    ε = many-decr
         (Transitivity β b' b b₀ v u)
         (tail-is-decreasing-pr₂ α β (a , b) {a , b'  l} δ)

 expᴸ-tail : (l : List  α ×ₒ β )
            is-decreasing-pr₂ α β ((a₀ , b₀)  l)
             expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] (β  b₀) 
 expᴸ-tail l δ = expᴸ-tail-list l δ ,
                 (expᴸ-tail-list-preserves-decreasing-pr₂ l δ)

 expᴸ-tail-is-order-preserving :
    {l₁ l₂ : List  α ×ₒ β }
    (δ₁ : is-decreasing-pr₂ α β ((a₀ , b₀)  l₁))
    (δ₂ : is-decreasing-pr₂ α β ((a₀ , b₀)  l₂))
   l₁ ≺⟨List (α ×ₒ β)  l₂
   expᴸ-tail l₁ δ₁ ≺⟨ expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] (β  b₀)  expᴸ-tail l₂ δ₂
 expᴸ-tail-is-order-preserving {[]} {(_  l₂)} δ₁ δ₂ _ = []-lex
 expᴸ-tail-is-order-preserving {((a , b)  l₁)} {((a' , b')  l₂)} δ₁ δ₂
  (head-lex (inl u)) = head-lex (inl u)
 expᴸ-tail-is-order-preserving {((a , b)  l₁)} {((a' , b')  l₂)} δ₁ δ₂
  (head-lex (inr (refl , u))) =
   head-lex (inr ((segment-inclusion-lc β refl) , u))
 expᴸ-tail-is-order-preserving {((a , b)  l₁)} {((a' , b')  l₂)} δ₁ δ₂
  (tail-lex refl u) = tail-lex
                       (ap (a ,_) (segment-inclusion-lc β refl))
                         (is-decreasing-pr₂-skip α β (a₀ , b₀) (a , b) δ₁)
                         (is-decreasing-pr₂-skip α β (a₀ , b₀) (a , b) δ₂)


The assignments expᴸ-tail and expᴸ-segment-inclusion are inverses to each other.


 expᴸ-tail-section-of-expᴸ-segment-inclusion' :
    (l : List  α ×ₒ β ) (δ : is-decreasing-pr₂ α β ((a₀ , b₀)  l))
   DecrList₂-list α β (expᴸ-segment-inclusion α β b₀ (expᴸ-tail l δ))  l
 expᴸ-tail-section-of-expᴸ-segment-inclusion' [] _ = refl
 expᴸ-tail-section-of-expᴸ-segment-inclusion' ((a , b)  l) δ =
  ap ((a , b) ∷_)
     (expᴸ-tail-section-of-expᴸ-segment-inclusion' l
       (is-decreasing-pr₂-skip α β (a₀ , b₀) (a , b) δ))

 expᴸ-tail-section-of-expᴸ-segment-inclusion :
    (l : List  α ×ₒ β )
    {δ : is-decreasing-pr₂ α β ((a₀ , b₀)  l)}
    {ε : is-decreasing-pr₂ α β l}
   expᴸ-segment-inclusion α β b₀ (expᴸ-tail l δ)  (l , ε)
 expᴸ-tail-section-of-expᴸ-segment-inclusion l {δ} =
  to-DecrList₂-= α β (expᴸ-tail-section-of-expᴸ-segment-inclusion' l δ)

 expᴸ-segment-inclusion-section-of-expᴸ-tail' :
    (l : List  α ×ₒ (β  b₀) )
    (δ : is-decreasing-pr₂ α (β  b₀) l)
    {ε : is-decreasing-pr₂ α β (a₀ , b₀  expᴸ-segment-inclusion-list α β b₀ l)}
   DecrList₂-list α (β  b₀) (expᴸ-tail (expᴸ-segment-inclusion-list α β b₀ l) ε)
 expᴸ-segment-inclusion-section-of-expᴸ-tail' [] _ = refl
 expᴸ-segment-inclusion-section-of-expᴸ-tail' ((a , (b , u))  l) δ =
  ap₂ _∷_
   (ap (a ,_) (segment-inclusion-lc β refl))
     (tail-is-decreasing-pr₂ α (β  b₀) (a , (b , u)) δ))

 expᴸ-segment-inclusion-section-of-expᴸ-tail :
    (l : List  α ×ₒ (β  b₀) )
    (δ : is-decreasing-pr₂ α (β  b₀) l)
    {ε : is-decreasing-pr₂ α β (a₀ , b₀  expᴸ-segment-inclusion-list α β b₀ l)}
   expᴸ-tail (expᴸ-segment-inclusion-list α β b₀ l) ε  l , δ
 expᴸ-segment-inclusion-section-of-expᴸ-tail l δ =
  to-DecrList₂-= α (β  b₀) (expᴸ-segment-inclusion-section-of-expᴸ-tail' l δ)


We are now ready to characterize the initial segment
  expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] β ↓ ((a , b) ∷ l)
as the ordinal
  expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] (β ↓ b) ×ₒ (𝟙ₒ +ₒ (α ↓ a)) +ₒ (expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] (β ↓ b) ↓ expᴸ-tail l).


 : (α : Ordinal 𝓤) (β : Ordinal 𝓥)
   (a :  α ) (b :  β ) (l : List  α ×ₒ β )
   (δ : is-decreasing-pr₂ α β ((a , b)  l))
  expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] β  (((a , b)  l) , δ)
   ≃ₒ expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] (β  b) ×ₒ (𝟙ₒ +ₒ (α  a))
      +ₒ (expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] (β  b)  expᴸ-tail α β a b l δ)
expᴸ-↓-cons-≃ₒ {𝓤} {𝓥} α β a b l δ =
 f , f-is-order-preserving ,
     (qinvs-are-equivs f (g , gf-is-id , fg-is-id) ,
  LHS RHS : Ordinal (𝓤  𝓥)
  LHS = expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] β  (((a , b)  l) , δ)
  RHS = expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] (β  b) ×ₒ (𝟙ₒ +ₒ (α  a))
        +ₒ (expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] (β  b)  expᴸ-tail α β a b l δ)

  f :  LHS    RHS 
  f (([]               , _) , u) =
   inl (([] , []-decr) , inl )
  f ((((a' , b')  l') , ε) , head-lex (inl u)) =
   inl (expᴸ-tail α β a b (a' , b'  l') (many-decr u ε) , inl )
  f ((((a' , b )  l') , ε) , head-lex (inr (refl , u))) =
   inl (expᴸ-tail α β a b l' ε , inr (a' , u))
  f ((((a  , b )  l') , ε) , tail-lex refl u) =
   inr (expᴸ-tail α β a b l' ε , expᴸ-tail-is-order-preserving α β a b ε δ u)

  g :  RHS    LHS 
  g (inl (l₁ , inl )) = expᴸ-segment-inclusion α β b l₁ ,
                         expᴸ-segment-inclusion-list-lex α β b
  g (inl (l₁ , inr (a₁ , s))) = extended-expᴸ-segment-inclusion α β b l₁ a₁ ,
                                head-lex (inr (refl , s))
  g (inr (l₁ , w)) = extended-expᴸ-segment-inclusion α β b l₁ a ,
                     tail-lex refl w'
     : List  α ×ₒ (β  b) 
     = DecrList₂-list α (β  b) l₁
    w' : expᴸ-segment-inclusion-list α β b  ≺⟨List (α ×ₒ β)  l
    w' = transport
           -  expᴸ-segment-inclusion-list α β b  ≺⟨List (α ×ₒ β)  -)
          (expᴸ-tail-section-of-expᴸ-segment-inclusion' α β a b l δ)
          (expᴸ-segment-inclusion-is-order-preserving α β b
            (expᴸ-tail α β a b l δ)

  fg-is-id : f  g  id
  fg-is-id (inl (([] , []-decr) , inl )) = refl
  fg-is-id (inl ((((a' , b')  l') , ε) , inl )) =
   ap  -  (inl (- , inl )))
      (to-DecrList₂-= α (β  b)
        (ap ((a' , b') ∷_)
            (expᴸ-segment-inclusion-section-of-expᴸ-tail' α β a b l'
              (tail-is-decreasing-pr₂ α (β  b) (a , b') ε))))
  fg-is-id (inl (([] , []-decr) , inr x)) = refl
  fg-is-id (inl ((l'@(_  l₁) , ε) , inr (a' , s))) =
   ap  -  inl (- , inr (a' , s)))
      (expᴸ-segment-inclusion-section-of-expᴸ-tail α β a b l' ε)
  fg-is-id (inr ((l' , ε) , w)) =
   ap inr (segment-inclusion-lc
            (expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] (β  b))
            {expᴸ-tail α β a b l δ}
            (expᴸ-segment-inclusion-section-of-expᴸ-tail α β a b l' ε))

  gf-is-id : g  f  id
  gf-is-id (([] , []-decr) , []-lex) = refl
  gf-is-id ((((a' , b')  l') , ε) , head-lex (inl u)) =
    (expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] β)
    {(a , b  l) , δ}
    (expᴸ-tail-section-of-expᴸ-segment-inclusion α β a b (a' , b'  l'))
  gf-is-id ((((a' , b)  l') , ε) , head-lex (inr (refl , u))) =
    (expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] β)
    {(a , b  l) , δ}
    (to-DecrList₂-= α β
      (ap ((a' , b) ∷_)
          (expᴸ-tail-section-of-expᴸ-segment-inclusion' α β a b l' ε)))
  gf-is-id ((((a , b)  l') , ε) , tail-lex refl u) =
    (expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] β)
    {(a , b  l) , δ}
    (to-DecrList₂-= α β
      (ap ((a , b) ∷_)
          (expᴸ-tail-section-of-expᴸ-segment-inclusion' α β a b l' ε)))

  g-is-order-preserving : is-order-preserving RHS LHS g
  g-is-order-preserving (inl (l , inl )) (inl (l' , inl )) (inr (refl , u)) =
   expᴸ-segment-inclusion-is-order-preserving α β b l l' u
  g-is-order-preserving (inl (l , inl )) (inl (l' , inr (a' , j))) u =
   expᴸ-segment-inclusion-list-lex α β b
  g-is-order-preserving (inl (l , inr (a' , i))) (inl (l' , inl ))
                        (inr (e , u)) = 𝟘-elim (+disjoint (e ⁻¹))
  g-is-order-preserving (inl (l , inr (a' , i))) (inl (l' , inr (a'' , j)))
                        (inl u) = head-lex (inr (refl , u))
  g-is-order-preserving (inl (l , inr (a' , i))) (inl (l' , inr (a'' , j)))
                        (inr (refl , v)) =
   tail-lex refl (expᴸ-segment-inclusion-is-order-preserving α β b l l' v)
  g-is-order-preserving (inl (l , inl )) (inr (l' , v)) _ =
   expᴸ-segment-inclusion-list-lex α β b
  g-is-order-preserving (inl (l , inr (a' , i))) (inr (l' , v)) _ =
   head-lex (inr (refl , i))
  g-is-order-preserving (inr (l , v)) (inr (l' , v')) u =
   tail-lex refl (expᴸ-segment-inclusion-is-order-preserving α β b l l' u)

  f-is-order-preserving : is-order-preserving LHS RHS f
  f-is-order-preserving (([] , δ₁) , u)
                        (((_  l') , δ₂) , head-lex (inl v)) w =
   inr (refl , []-lex)
  f-is-order-preserving (([] , δ₁) , u)
                        (((_  l') , δ₂) , head-lex (inr (refl , v))) w = inl 
  f-is-order-preserving (([] , δ₁) , u)
                        (((_  l') , δ₂) , tail-lex refl v) w = 

  f-is-order-preserving (((a₁ , b₁  l₁) , δ₁) , head-lex (inl u))
                        (((a₂ , b₂  l₂) , δ₂) , head-lex (inl v))
                        (head-lex (inl w)) = inr (refl , (head-lex (inl w)))
  f-is-order-preserving (((a₁ , b₁  l₁) , δ₁) , head-lex (inl u))
                        (((a₂ , b₂  l₂) , δ₂) , head-lex (inl v))
                        (head-lex (inr (refl , w))) =
   inr (refl , (head-lex (inr ((segment-inclusion-lc β refl) , w))))
  f-is-order-preserving (((a₁ , b₁  l₁) , δ₁) , head-lex (inl u))
                        (((a₂ , b₂  l₂) , δ₂) , head-lex (inl v))
                        (tail-lex refl w) =
   inr (refl , tail-lex
                (ap (a₁ ,_) (segment-inclusion-lc β refl))
                (expᴸ-tail-is-order-preserving α β a b _ _ w))

  f-is-order-preserving (((a₁ , b₁  l₁) , δ₁) , head-lex (inl u))
                        (((a₂ , b₂  l₂) , δ₂) , head-lex (inr (refl , v))) w =
  f-is-order-preserving (((a₁ , b₁  l₁) , δ₁) , head-lex (inl u))
                        (((a₂ , b₂  l₂) , δ₂) , tail-lex refl v) w = 

  f-is-order-preserving (((a₁ , b₁  l₁) , δ₁) , head-lex (inr (refl , u)))
                        (((a₂ , b₂  l₂) , δ₂) , head-lex (inl v))
                        (head-lex (inl w)) =
   𝟘-elim (irrefl β b₁ (Transitivity β b₁ b₂ b₁ w v))
  f-is-order-preserving (((a₁ , b₁  l₁) , δ₁) , head-lex (inr (refl , u)))
                        (((a₂ , b₂  l₂) , δ₂) , head-lex (inl v))
                        (head-lex (inr (refl , w))) = 𝟘-elim (irrefl β b₁ v)
  f-is-order-preserving (((a₁ , b₁  l₁) , δ₁) , head-lex (inr (refl , u)))
                        (((a₂ , b₂  l₂) , δ₂) , head-lex (inl v))
                        (tail-lex refl w) = 𝟘-elim (irrefl β b₁ v)

  f-is-order-preserving (((a₁ , b₁  l₁) , δ₁) , head-lex (inr (refl , u)))
                        (((a₂ , b₂  l₂) , δ₂) , head-lex (inr (refl , v)))
                        (head-lex (inl w)) = 𝟘-elim (irrefl β b₁ w)
  f-is-order-preserving (((a₁ , b₁  l₁) , δ₁) , head-lex (inr (refl , u)))
                        (((a₂ , b₂  l₂) , δ₂) , head-lex (inr (refl , v)))
                        (head-lex (inr (e , w))) = inl w
  f-is-order-preserving (((a₁ , b₁  l₁) , δ₁) , head-lex (inr (refl , u)))
                        (((a₂ , b₂  l₂) , δ₂) , head-lex (inr (refl , v)))
                        (tail-lex e w) =
   inr (ap inr (segment-inclusion-lc α (ap pr₁ e)) ,
        expᴸ-tail-is-order-preserving α β a b δ₁ δ₂ w)

  f-is-order-preserving (((a₁ , b₁  l₁) , δ₁) , head-lex (inr (refl , u)))
                        (((a₂ , b₂  l₂) , δ₂) , tail-lex refl v) w = 

  f-is-order-preserving (((a₁ , b₁  l₁) , δ₁) , tail-lex refl u)
                        (((a₂ , b₂  l₂) , δ₂) , head-lex (inl v))
                        (head-lex (inl w)) =
   𝟘-elim (irrefl β b₁ (Transitivity β b₁ b₂ b₁ w v))
  f-is-order-preserving (((a₁ , b₁  l₁) , δ₁) , tail-lex refl u)
                        (((a₂ , b₂  l₂) , δ₂) , head-lex (inl v))
                        (head-lex (inr (refl , w))) = 𝟘-elim (irrefl β b₁ v)
  f-is-order-preserving (((a₁ , b₁  l₁) , δ₁) , tail-lex refl u)
                        (((a₂ , b₂  l₂) , δ₂) , head-lex (inl v))
                        (tail-lex refl w) = 𝟘-elim (irrefl β b₁ v)

  f-is-order-preserving (((a₁ , b₁  l₁) , δ₁) , tail-lex refl u)
                        (((a₂ , b₂  l₂) , δ₂) , head-lex (inr (refl , v)))
                        (head-lex (inl w)) = 𝟘-elim (irrefl β b₁ w)
  f-is-order-preserving (((a₁ , b₁  l₁) , δ₁) , tail-lex refl u)
                        (((a₂ , b₂  l₂) , δ₂) , head-lex (inr (refl , v)))
                        (head-lex (inr (e , w))) =
   𝟘-elim (irrefl α a₁ (Transitivity α a₁ a₂ a₁ w v))
  f-is-order-preserving (((a₁ , b₁  l₁) , δ₁) , tail-lex refl u)
                        (((a₂ , b₂  l₂) , δ₂) , head-lex (inr (refl , v)))
                        (tail-lex e w) =
   𝟘-elim (irrefl α a₁ (transport⁻¹  -  - ≺⟨ α  a₁) (ap pr₁ e) v))

  f-is-order-preserving (((a₁ , b₁  l₁) , δ₁) , tail-lex refl u)
                        (((a₂ , b₂  l₂) , δ₂) , tail-lex refl v)
                        (head-lex (inl w)) = 𝟘-elim (irrefl β b₁ w)
  f-is-order-preserving (((a₁ , b₁  l₁) , δ₁) , tail-lex refl u)
                        (((a₂ , b₂  l₂) , δ₂) , tail-lex refl v)
                        (head-lex (inr (e , w))) = 𝟘-elim (irrefl α a₁ w)
  f-is-order-preserving (((a₁ , b₁  l₁) , δ₁) , tail-lex refl u)
                        (((a₂ , b₂  l₂) , δ₂) , tail-lex refl v)
                        (tail-lex e w) =
   expᴸ-tail-is-order-preserving α β a₁ b₁ δ₁ δ₂ w


The below is a variation of, and follows from, the above where we start with an
element of expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] (β ↓ b) rather than expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] β.


 : (α : Ordinal 𝓤) (β : Ordinal 𝓥)
   (a :  α ) (b :  β ) (l :  expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] (β  b) )
  expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] β  extended-expᴸ-segment-inclusion α β b l a
   ≃ₒ expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] (β  b) ×ₒ (𝟙ₒ +ₒ (α  a)) +ₒ (expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] (β  b)  l)
expᴸ-↓-cons-≃ₒ' α β a b (l , δ) =
   -  LHS ≃ₒ expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] (β  b) ×ₒ (𝟙ₒ +ₒ (α  a))
                +ₒ (expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] (β  b)  -))
    LHS = expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] β  extended-expᴸ-segment-inclusion α β b (l , δ) a
    ε : is-decreasing-pr₂ α β (a , b  expᴸ-segment-inclusion-list α β b l)
    ε = extended-expᴸ-segment-inclusion-is-decreasing-pr₂ α β b l a δ
    l' : List  α ×ₒ β 
    l' = expᴸ-segment-inclusion-list α β b l

    I : expᴸ-tail α β a b l' ε  (l , δ)
    I = expᴸ-segment-inclusion-section-of-expᴸ-tail α β a b l δ

    II : LHS ≃ₒ expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] (β  b) ×ₒ (𝟙ₒ +ₒ (α  a))
                +ₒ (expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] (β  b)  expᴸ-tail α β a b l' ε)
    II = expᴸ-↓-cons-≃ₒ α β a b (expᴸ-segment-inclusion-list α β b l) ε


Finally, using univalence, we promote the above equivalences to identifications.


 : (α : Ordinal 𝓤) (β : Ordinal 𝓥)
   (a :  α ) (b :  β ) (l : List  α ×ₒ β )
   (δ : is-decreasing-pr₂ α β ((a , b)  l))
  expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] β  (((a , b)  l) , δ)
    expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] (β  b) ×ₒ (𝟙ₒ +ₒ (α  a))
      +ₒ (expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] (β  b)  expᴸ-tail α β a b l δ)
expᴸ-↓-cons α β a b l δ = eqtoidₒ (ua _) fe' _ _ (expᴸ-↓-cons-≃ₒ α β a b l δ)

 : (α : Ordinal 𝓤) (β : Ordinal 𝓥)
   (a :  α ) (b :  β ) (l :  expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] (β  b) )
  expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] β  extended-expᴸ-segment-inclusion α β b l a
    expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] (β  b) ×ₒ (𝟙ₒ +ₒ (α  a)) +ₒ (expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] (β  b)  l)
expᴸ-↓-cons' α β a b l = eqtoidₒ (ua _) fe' _ _ (expᴸ-↓-cons-≃ₒ' α β a b l)
