Tom de Jong, Nicolai Kraus, Fredrik Nordvall Forsberg, Chuangjie Xu,
December 2024

We record various properties of the abstract and concrete constructions of
ordinal exponentiation using transport and the equivalence proved in


{-# OPTIONS --safe --without-K --exact-split #-}

open import UF.Univalence
open import UF.PropTrunc
open import UF.Size

module Ordinals.Exponentiation.PropertiesViaTransport
       (ua : Univalence)
       (pt : propositional-truncations-exist)
       (sr : Set-Replacement pt)

open import UF.FunExt
open import UF.UA-FunExt

 fe : FunExt
 fe = Univalence-gives-FunExt ua

 fe' : Fun-Ext
 fe' {𝓤} {𝓥} = fe 𝓤 𝓥

open import MLTT.List
open import MLTT.Spartan

open import UF.Base
open import UF.DiscreteAndSeparated

open import Ordinals.Arithmetic fe
open import Ordinals.Notions
open import Ordinals.OrdinalOfOrdinals ua
open import Ordinals.Type
open import Ordinals.Underlying

open import Ordinals.Exponentiation.DecreasingList ua
open import Ordinals.Exponentiation.RelatingConstructions ua pt sr
open import Ordinals.Exponentiation.Specification ua pt sr
open import Ordinals.Exponentiation.Supremum ua pt sr
open import Ordinals.Exponentiation.TrichotomousLeastElement ua

open import DiscreteGraphicMonoids.ListsWithoutRepetitions fe'
             using (List-is-discrete)
open import TypeTopology.SigmaDiscreteAndTotallySeparated
             using (×-is-discrete)


The exponentiation constructions inherit decidability properties from α and β.


expᴸ-preserves-discreteness : (α : Ordinal 𝓤) (β : Ordinal 𝓥)
                             is-discrete  α 
                             is-discrete  β 
                             is-discrete  expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] β 
expᴸ-preserves-discreteness α β α-is-disc β-is-disc l@(xs , _) l'@(ys , _) =
   I : is-discrete ( α  ×  β )
   I = ×-is-discrete α-is-disc β-is-disc

   II : is-decidable (xs  ys)
   II = List-is-discrete  discrete-gives-discrete' I  xs ys

   III : is-decidable (xs  ys)  is-decidable (l  l')
   III (inl  eq) = inl (to-DecrList₂-= α β eq)
   III (inr neq) = inr  p  neq (ap (DecrList₂-list α β) p))

exponentiationᴸ-preserves-discreteness : (α : Ordinal 𝓤) (β : Ordinal 𝓥)
                                         (h : has-trichotomous-least-element α)
                                        is-discrete  α 
                                        is-discrete  β 
                                        is-discrete  exponentiationᴸ α h β 
exponentiationᴸ-preserves-discreteness α β h@( , _) α-is-discrete β-is-discrete =
 expᴸ-preserves-discreteness (α ⁺[ h ]) β α⁺-is-discrete β-is-discrete
   α⁺-is-discrete : is-discrete  α ⁺[ h ] 
   α⁺-is-discrete = subtype-is-discrete
                     (Prop-valuedness α )

 : (α β : Ordinal 𝓤)
  has-trichotomous-least-element α
  is-discrete  α 
  is-discrete  β 
  is-discrete  α ^ₒ β 
 α β h α-disc β-disc =
  transport  -  is-discrete  - )
            (exponentiation-constructions-agree α β h)
            (exponentiationᴸ-preserves-discreteness α β h α-disc β-disc)

expᴸ-preserves-trichotomy : (α : Ordinal 𝓤) (β : Ordinal 𝓥)
                           is-trichotomous α
                           is-trichotomous β
                           is-trichotomous (expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] β)
expᴸ-preserves-trichotomy α β tri-α tri-β l@(xs , _) l'@(ys , _) =
 κ (tri xs ys)
  tri : (xs ys : List   α ×ₒ β )
       (xs ≺⟨List (α ×ₒ β)  ys) + (xs  ys) + (ys ≺⟨List (α ×ₒ β)  xs)
  tri [] [] = inr (inl refl)
  tri [] (x  ys) = inl []-lex
  tri (x  xs) [] = inr (inr []-lex)
  tri ((a , b)  xs) ((a' , b')  ys) =
   ϕ (×ₒ-is-trichotomous α β tri-α tri-β (a , b) (a' , b')) (tri xs ys)
    ϕ : in-trichotomy (underlying-order (α ×ₒ β)) (a , b) (a' , b')
       in-trichotomy (lex-for-ordinal (α ×ₒ β)) xs ys
       in-trichotomy (lex-for-ordinal (α ×ₒ β))
                      ((a , b)  xs)
                      ((a' , b')  ys)
    ϕ (inl p)       _              = inl (head-lex p)
    ϕ (inr (inl r)) (inl ps)       = inl (tail-lex r ps)
    ϕ (inr (inl r)) (inr (inl rs)) = inr (inl (ap₂ _∷_ r rs))
    ϕ (inr (inl r)) (inr (inr qs)) = inr (inr (tail-lex (r ⁻¹) qs))
    ϕ (inr (inr q)) _              = inr (inr (head-lex q))

  κ : (xs ≺⟨List (α ×ₒ β)  ys) + (xs  ys) + (ys ≺⟨List (α ×ₒ β)  xs)
     (l ≺⟨ expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] β  l') + (l  l') + (l' ≺⟨ expᴸ[𝟙+ α ] β  l)
  κ (inl p) = inl p
  κ (inr (inl e)) = inr (inl (to-DecrList₂-= α β e))
  κ (inr (inr q)) = inr (inr q)

 tri-least : (α : Ordinal 𝓤)
            has-least α
            is-trichotomous α
            has-trichotomous-least-element α
 tri-least α ( , ⊥-is-least) t =
  is-trichotomous-and-least-implies-is-trichotomous-least α  (t ) ⊥-is-least

 : (α : Ordinal 𝓤) (β : Ordinal 𝓥)
  (h : has-least α)
  (t : is-trichotomous α)
  is-trichotomous β
  is-trichotomous (exponentiationᴸ α (tri-least α h t) β)
exponentiationᴸ-preserves-trichotomy α β h tri-α tri-β =
 expᴸ-preserves-trichotomy (α ⁺[ h' ]) β tri-α⁺ tri-β
   h' : has-trichotomous-least-element α
   h' = tri-least α h tri-α
   tri-α⁺ : is-trichotomous (α ⁺[ h' ])
   tri-α⁺ (x , p) (y , q) = κ (tri-α x y)
     κ : in-trichotomy (underlying-order α) x y
        in-trichotomy (underlying-order (α ⁺[ h' ])) (x , p) (y , q)
     κ (inl l)       = inl l
     κ (inr (inl e)) = inr (inl (to-⁺-= α h' e))
     κ (inr (inr k)) = inr (inr k)

^ₒ-preserves-trichotomy : (α β : Ordinal 𝓤)
                         has-least α
                         is-trichotomous α
                         is-trichotomous β
                         is-trichotomous (α ^ₒ β)
 α β ( , p) tri-α tri-β =
  transport is-trichotomous
   (exponentiation-constructions-agree α β h)
   (exponentiationᴸ-preserves-trichotomy α β ( , p) tri-α tri-β)
    h : has-trichotomous-least-element α
    h =  ,
        is-trichotomous-and-least-implies-is-trichotomous-least α  (tri-α ) p


Since the abstract construction satisfies the ordinal specifications, so does
the concrete construction.


module _
        (α : Ordinal 𝓤)
        (h : has-trichotomous-least-element α)

  : exp-specification-zero α (exponentiationᴸ α h)
 exponentiationᴸ-satisfies-zero-specification =
  transport⁻¹ (exp-specification-zero α)
              (dfunext fe'  β  exponentiation-constructions-agree α β h))
              (^ₒ-satisfies-zero-specification α)

  : exp-specification-succ α (exponentiationᴸ α h)
 exponentiationᴸ-satisfies-succ-specification =
  transport⁻¹ (exp-specification-succ α)
              (dfunext fe'  β  exponentiation-constructions-agree α β h))
              (^ₒ-satisfies-succ-specification α
                (trichotomous-least-element-gives-𝟙ₒ-⊴ α h))

  : exp-specification-sup α (exponentiationᴸ α h)
 exponentiationᴸ-satisfies-sup-specification =
  transport⁻¹ (exp-specification-sup α)
              (dfunext fe'  β  exponentiation-constructions-agree α β h))
              (^ₒ-satisfies-sup-specification α)


Further properties whose direct proofs would require combinatorics of decreasing
lists can also be derived via transport.


 exponentiationᴸ-monotone-in-exponent :
  (β γ : Ordinal 𝓤)  β  γ  exponentiationᴸ α h β  exponentiationᴸ α h γ
 exponentiationᴸ-monotone-in-exponent β γ l =
  transport₂ _⊴_
   ((exponentiation-constructions-agree α β h) ⁻¹)
   ((exponentiation-constructions-agree α γ h) ⁻¹)
   (^ₒ-monotone-in-exponent α β γ l)

 𝟙ₒ-neutral-exponentiationᴸ : exponentiationᴸ α h 𝟙ₒ  α
 𝟙ₒ-neutral-exponentiationᴸ =
   (_= α)
   (exponentiation-constructions-agree α 𝟙ₒ h)
   (𝟙ₒ-neutral-^ₒ α (trichotomous-least-element-gives-𝟙ₒ-⊴ α h))

 exponentiationᴸ-by-𝟚ₒ-is-×ₒ : exponentiationᴸ α h 𝟚ₒ  α ×ₒ α
 exponentiationᴸ-by-𝟚ₒ-is-×ₒ =
   (_= α ×ₒ α)
   (exponentiation-constructions-agree α 𝟚ₒ h)
   (^ₒ-𝟚ₒ-is-×ₒ α (trichotomous-least-element-gives-𝟙ₒ-⊴ α h))

  : (β γ : Ordinal 𝓤)
   exponentiationᴸ α h (β +ₒ γ)
     exponentiationᴸ α h β ×ₒ exponentiationᴸ α h γ
 exponentiationᴸ-by-+ₒ β γ =
    (exponentiation-constructions-agree α (β +ₒ γ) h ⁻¹)
    (ap₂ _×ₒ_
         ((exponentiation-constructions-agree α β h) ⁻¹)
         ((exponentiation-constructions-agree α γ h) ⁻¹))
    (^ₒ-by-+ₒ α β γ)

 module _
         (β γ : Ordinal 𝓤)

   h' : has-trichotomous-least-element (exponentiationᴸ α h β)
   h' = exponentiationᴸ-has-trichotomous-least-element α h β

   : exponentiationᴸ α h (β ×ₒ γ)  exponentiationᴸ (exponentiationᴸ α h β) h' γ
  exponentiationᴸ-by-×ₒ =
     (exponentiation-constructions-agree α (β ×ₒ γ) h ⁻¹)
     ((exponentiation-constructions-agree (exponentiationᴸ α h β) γ h'
         ap (_^ₒ γ) (exponentiation-constructions-agree α β h)) ⁻¹)
     (^ₒ-by-×ₒ α β γ)

  : (β γ : Ordinal 𝓤)
   𝟙ₒ  α
   β  γ  exponentiationᴸ α h β  exponentiationᴸ α h γ
 exponentiationᴸ-order-preserving-in-exponent β γ l k =
   (exponentiation-constructions-agree α β h ⁻¹)
   (exponentiation-constructions-agree α γ h ⁻¹)
   (^ₒ-order-preserving-in-exponent α β γ l k)
