Ayberk Tosun

Based on some previous work by Martín Escardó.

In this module, we prove the correctness of the internal modulus of continuity


{-# OPTIONS --safe --without-K #-}

open import UF.FunExt

module EffectfulForcing.Internal.InternalModCont (fe : Fun-Ext) where

open import MLTT.Spartan hiding (rec; _^_)
open import Naturals.Order using (max)
open import EffectfulForcing.Internal.Internal
open import EffectfulForcing.MFPSAndVariations.Church
open import EffectfulForcing.Internal.SystemT
open import EffectfulForcing.MFPSAndVariations.Dialogue
 using (eloquent; D; dialogue; eloquent-functions-are-continuous;
        dialogue-continuity; generic)
open import EffectfulForcing.MFPSAndVariations.Continuity
 using (is-continuous; _=⟪_⟫_)
open import EffectfulForcing.MFPSAndVariations.ContinuityProperties fe
open import EffectfulForcing.Internal.Correctness
 using (Rnorm-generic; is-dialogue-for; Rnorm-lemma₀; Rnorm;
        dialogue-tree-agreement; ⌜dialogue⌝)
open import EffectfulForcing.Internal.External
 using (eloquence-theorem; dialogue-tree; ⟪⟫; B⟦_⟧; B⟦_⟧₀)
open import EffectfulForcing.Internal.ExtensionalEquality
open import EffectfulForcing.MFPSAndVariations.SystemT
 using (type; ι; _⇒_;〖_〗)


First, we define some nicer syntax for inherently typed System T terms.


_⊢_ : Cxt  type  𝓤₀  ̇
_⊢_ Γ τ = T Γ τ

infix 4 _⊢_

baire : type
baire = ι  ι


Some examples


lam-example₁ : (n : )   ƛ ν₀ ⟧₀ n  n
lam-example₁ n = refl

lam-example₂ : (m n : )   ƛ (ƛ ν₁) ⟧₀ m n  m
lam-example₂ m n = refl


The `ifz` operator in Agda and in System T respectively. We adopt the convention
of using the superscript `ᵀ` to denote internal version of an operator that we
have defined in Agda.


ifz :       
ifz zero     n₁ n₂ = n₁
ifz (succ _) n₁ n₂ = n₂

ifzᵀ : {Γ : Cxt}  Γ  ι  ι  ι  ι
ifzᵀ = ƛ (ƛ (ƛ (Rec (ƛ (ƛ ν₂)) ν₁ ν₂)))

ifzᵀ-correct : (m n₁ n₂ : )   ifzᵀ ⟧₀ m n₁ n₂  ifz m n₁ n₂
ifzᵀ-correct zero     n₁ n₂ = refl
ifzᵀ-correct (succ m) n₁ n₂ = refl


The predecessor operator.


predᵀ : {Γ : Cxt}  Γ  ι  ι
predᵀ = Rec' {σ = ι} · (ƛ (ƛ ν₁)) · Zero

predᵀ-correct : (n : )   predᵀ ⟧₀ n  pred n
predᵀ-correct zero     = refl
predᵀ-correct (succ n) = refl


The identity function on the naturals in System T.


idᵀ : {Γ : Cxt}  Γ  ι  ι
idᵀ {Γ} = ƛ ν₀


We now define the System T version of the `max` operator computing the maximum
of two given natural numbers.


maxᵀ : {Γ : Cxt}  Γ  ι  (ι  ι)
maxᵀ =
 ƛ (Rec (ƛ (ƛ (ƛ (ifzᵀ · ν₀ · Succ ν₂ · Succ (ν₁ · (predᵀ · ν₀)))))) idᵀ ν₀)

maxᵀ-correct : (m n : )   maxᵀ ⟧₀ m n  max m n
maxᵀ-correct zero     n        = refl
maxᵀ-correct (succ m) zero     = refl
maxᵀ-correct (succ m) (succ n) =
  maxᵀ ⟧₀ (succ m) (succ n)                                            =⟨ refl 
  ifzᵀ ⟧₀ (succ n) (succ m) (succ ( maxᵀ ⟧₀ m ( predᵀ ⟧₀ (succ n)))) =⟨     
 ifz (succ n) (succ m) (succ ( maxᵀ ⟧₀ m ( predᵀ ⟧₀ (succ n))))       =⟨ refl 
 succ ( maxᵀ ⟧₀ m ( predᵀ ⟧₀ (succ n)))                               =⟨ refl 
 succ ( maxᵀ ⟧₀ m (pred (succ n)))                                     =⟨     
 succ (max m n)                                                         =⟨ refl 
 max (succ m) (succ n)                                                  
    = ifzᵀ-correct (succ n) (succ m) (succ ( maxᵀ ⟧₀ m ( predᵀ ⟧₀ (succ n))))
    = ap succ (maxᵀ-correct m n)

⟦maxᵀ⟧≡max :  maxᵀ ⟧₀  max
⟦maxᵀ⟧≡max {n} refl {m} refl = maxᵀ-correct n m


We will use the `maxᵀ` operator to define the internal modulus of continuity
operator. To work towards this, we define the external version of the operator
that we call `max-question`.

There will be three different versions of this operator:

  1. `max-question`, that works on the external inductive type encoding of
     dialogue trees in Agda,
  2. `max-question⋆`, that works on the external Church encoding of dialogue
     trees in Agda, and
  3. `max-questionᵀ`, that is a System T function working on the Church encoding
     of dialogue trees in System T.

There is also `max-question₀` which is an alternative definition of
`max-question` that uses `dialogue-continuity`. This is used to facilitate a


max-question : D     (  )  
max-question (D.η n)   α = 0
max-question (D.β φ n) α = max n (max-question (φ (α n)) α)

max-question₀ : D     (  )  
max-question₀ d α = maximum (pr₁ (dialogue-continuity d α))

max-question₀-agreement : (d : D   ) (α :   )
                         max-question d α  max-question₀ d α
max-question₀-agreement (D.η n)   α = refl
max-question₀-agreement (D.β φ n) α =
 ap (max n) (max-question₀-agreement (φ (α n)) α)

max-question⋆ : D⋆      (  )  
max-question⋆ d α = d  _  0)  g x  max x (g (α x)))

max-questionᵀ : {Γ : Cxt}  Γ  (⌜B⌝ ι ι)  baire  ι
max-questionᵀ = ƛ (ƛ (ν₁ · ƛ Zero · ƛ (ƛ (maxᵀ · ν₀ · (ν₁ · (ν₂ · ν₀))))))

max-question⋆-agreement : (d : D   ) (α :   )
                         max-question d α  max-question⋆ (church-encode d) α
max-question⋆-agreement (D.η n)   α = refl
max-question⋆-agreement (D.β φ n) α = 
  IH : max-question (φ (α n)) α
      max-question⋆ (church-encode (φ (α n))) α
  IH = max-question⋆-agreement (φ (α n)) α

   : max n (max-question (φ (α n)) α)
     church-encode (D.β φ n)  _  0)  g x  max x (g (α x)))
   = ap (max n) IH

-- Re-factored to avoid using function extensionality together with Bruno Paiva.
max-questionᵀ-agreement-with-max-question⋆ :  max-questionᵀ ⟧₀  max-question⋆
max-questionᵀ-agreement-with-max-question⋆ q {α} {β} eq = q  _  refl) 
   : {f g :   }
     (k : f  g) {i j : }  i  j   maxᵀ ⟧₀ i (f (α i))  max j (g (β j))
   {f} {g} φ {i} {_} refl = transport
                               -   maxᵀ ⟧₀ i -  max i (g (β i)))
                              (φ (eq refl) ⁻¹)
                              (maxᵀ-correct i (g (β i)))


The modulus of continuity given by a dialogue tree is the successor of the
maximum question in it. Again, we define three different versions of the modulus
of continuity operation following the same conventions.

  1. `modulus` following `max-question`,
  2. `modulus₀` following `max-question₀`, and
  3. `modulusᵀ` following `max-questionᵀ`.


modulus : D     (  )  
modulus d α = succ (max-question d α)

modulus₀ : (d : D   )  (  )  
modulus₀ d α = succ (max-question₀ d α)

modulus⋆ : D⋆      (  )  
modulus⋆ d α = succ (max-question⋆ d α)

modulusᵀ : 〈〉  ⌜B⌝ ι ι  (ι  ι)  ι
modulusᵀ = ƛ (ƛ (Succ' · (max-questionᵀ · ν₁ · ν₀)))


The correctness of `modulusᵀ` is given in `internal-mod-cont-correct` below. To
prove this, we use the lemma `main-lemma`, which contains the main content of
the proof.


main-lemma : (t : 〈〉  (baire  ι)) (α :   )
             max-questionᵀ · (⌜dialogue-tree⌝ t) ⟧₀ α
              max-question₀ (dialogue-tree t) α
main-lemma t α =
  max-questionᵀ · ⌜dialogue-tree⌝ t ⟧₀ α                 =⟨ refl 
  max-questionᵀ ⟧₀  ⌜dialogue-tree⌝ t ⟧₀ α              =⟨     
 max-question⋆ (church-encode (dialogue-tree t)) α        =⟨     
 max-question  (dialogue-tree t) α                        =⟨     
 max-question₀ (dialogue-tree t) α                        
    : Rnorm (B⟦ t ⟧₀ generic) ( t  · ⌜generic⌝)
    = Rnorm-lemma₀ t generic ⌜generic⌝ Rnorm-generic

    = max-questionᵀ-agreement-with-max-question⋆
        (dialogue-tree-agreement t)
        (ap α)
    = max-question⋆-agreement (dialogue-tree t) α ⁻¹
    = max-question₀-agreement (dialogue-tree t) α

internal-mod-cont-correct : (t : 〈〉  (baire  ι)) (α β : 〈〉  baire)
                            α ⟧₀ =⦅  modulusᵀ · (⌜dialogue-tree⌝ t) · α ⟧₀   β ⟧₀
                            t · α ⟧₀   t ·  β ⟧₀
internal-mod-cont-correct t α β p = 
  ε : eloquent  t ⟧₀
  ε = eloquence-theorem  t ⟧₀ (t , refl)

  c : is-continuous  t ⟧₀
  c = eloquent-functions-are-continuous  t ⟧₀ ε

  c₀ : is-continuous₀  t ⟧₀
  c₀ = continuity-implies-continuity₀  t ⟧₀ c

  m₀ : 
  m₀ = succ (max-question₀ (dialogue-tree t)  α ⟧₀)

  q :  modulusᵀ · (⌜dialogue-tree⌝ t) · α ⟧₀  m₀
  q = ap succ (main-lemma t  α ⟧₀)

   :  α ⟧₀ =⦅ m₀   β ⟧₀
   = transport  -   α ⟧₀ =⦅ -   β ⟧₀) q p

   :  t ⟧₀  α ⟧₀   t ⟧₀  β ⟧₀
   = pr₂ (c₀  α ⟧₀)  β ⟧₀ 


While I was working on the proof, I wrote down the following fact, which turned
out not to be necessary for the proof. However, I am not taking it out of this
file as it might be useful in the future.

Update: the fact has now been commented out, because it was something
non-essential that required function extensionality and I have not removed the
use of function extensionality from it yet.


-- church-encode-to-D-rec : {X : 𝓤 ̇ } {Y : 𝓥 ̇ } {Z : 𝓦 ̇ } {A : 𝓣  ̇ }
--                      → (d : D X Y Z)
--                      → (η′ : Z → A)
--                      → (β′ : (Y → A) → X → A)
--                      → church-encode d η′ β′ = D-rec η′ β′ d
-- church-encode-to-D-rec (D.η _)   η′ β′ = refl
-- church-encode-to-D-rec {Y = Y} (D.β φ x) η′ β′ = ap (λ - → β′ - x) {!!} -- (dfunext fe †)
--  where
--   † : (y : Y) → church-encode (φ y) η′ β′ = D-rec η′ β′ (φ y)
--   † y = church-encode-to-D-rec (φ y) η′ β′


Added on 2025-02-11.


internal-mod-cont-correct₀ : (t : 〈〉  (baire  ι)) (α β :   )
                            α =⦅  modulusᵀ · (⌜dialogue-tree⌝ t) ⟧₀ α  β
                             t ⟧₀ α   t ⟧₀ β
internal-mod-cont-correct₀ t α β p = 
  ε : eloquent  t ⟧₀
  ε = eloquence-theorem  t ⟧₀ (t , refl)

  c : is-continuous  t ⟧₀
  c = eloquent-functions-are-continuous  t ⟧₀ ε

  c₀ : is-continuous₀  t ⟧₀
  c₀ = continuity-implies-continuity₀  t ⟧₀ c

  m₀ : 
  m₀ = succ (max-question₀ (dialogue-tree t) α)

  q :  modulusᵀ · (⌜dialogue-tree⌝ t) ⟧₀ α  m₀
  q = ap succ (main-lemma t α)

   : α =⦅ m₀  β
   = transport  -  α =⦅ -  β) q p

   :  t ⟧₀ α   t ⟧₀ β
   = pr₂ (c₀ α) β 

internal-mod-cont-correct′ : (t : 〈〉  (baire  ι)) (α β : 〈〉  baire)
                             α ⟧₀ =⦅  modulusᵀ · (⌜dialogue-tree⌝ t) · α ⟧₀   β ⟧₀
                             t · α ⟧₀   t ·  β ⟧₀
internal-mod-cont-correct′ t α β = internal-mod-cont-correct₀ t  α ⟧₀  β ⟧₀


In the paper, we have an explicit specification for the notion of modulus of
continuity. For the sake of consistency, we write down the same definition here
and show that our `modulusᵀ` operator satisfies it.


_is-a-modulus-of-continuity-for_at_ :   ((  )  )  (  )  𝓤₀  ̇
m is-a-modulus-of-continuity-for f at α =
 (β :   )  α =⦅ m  β  f α  f β

modulusᵀ-is-a-modulus-operator : (t : T₀ ((ι  ι)  ι)) (α :   )
                                 modulusᵀ · (⌜dialogue-tree⌝ t) ⟧₀ α
                                  is-a-modulus-of-continuity-for  t ⟧₀
modulusᵀ-is-a-modulus-operator t α β = internal-mod-cont-correct₀ t α β
