Martin Escardo, Vincent Rahli, Bruno da Rocha Paiva, Ayberk Tosun 20 May 2023

We prove the correctness of the internal translation.


{-# OPTIONS --safe --without-K #-}

module EffectfulForcing.Internal.Correctness where

open import MLTT.Spartan hiding (rec ; _^_) renaming ( to 〈〉)
open import EffectfulForcing.MFPSAndVariations.Combinators
open import EffectfulForcing.MFPSAndVariations.Continuity
open import EffectfulForcing.MFPSAndVariations.Dialogue
open import EffectfulForcing.MFPSAndVariations.SystemT using (type ; ι ; _⇒_ ; 〖_〗)
open import EffectfulForcing.MFPSAndVariations.LambdaCalculusVersionOfMFPS
                              using (B〖_〗 ; Kleisli-extension ; zero' ; succ' ; rec')
open import EffectfulForcing.MFPSAndVariations.Church
                              hiding (B⋆【_】 ; ⟪⟫⋆ ; _‚‚⋆_ ; B⋆⟦_⟧ ; dialogue-tree⋆)
open import EffectfulForcing.Internal.Internal hiding (B⋆⟦_⟧ ; dialogue-tree⋆)
open import EffectfulForcing.Internal.External
open import EffectfulForcing.Internal.SystemT
open import EffectfulForcing.Internal.Subst
open import EffectfulForcing.Internal.ExtensionalEquality


Using a logical relation we show that the the internal, church-encoded dialogue
translation of a System T term coincides with its external, inductive dialogue

From this result and the main-lemma we can derive an internal result of
strong continuity in System T.

We say that an inductive dialogue tree is the dialogue tree for a family of
System T Church-encoded dialogue trees if they are extensionally equal for
all possible instantiations.


is-dialogue-for : B   ({A : type}  T₀ (B-type〖 ι  A))  Type
is-dialogue-for d t = {A : type}   t ⟧₀ ≡[ ⌜B⌝ ι A ] church-encode d


The logical relation Rnorm is defined as the hereditary extension of
`is-dialogue-for`, and `Rnorms` is defined as the pointwise extension
of `Rnorm` to contexts.


Rnorm : {σ : type} (d : B〖 σ ) (t : {A : type}  T₀ (B-type〖 σ  A))  Type
Rnorm {ι}     d t = is-dialogue-for d t
Rnorm {σ  τ} d t = (u : B〖 σ ) (u' : {A : type}
                   T₀ (B-type〖 σ  A))
                   Rnorm u u'
                   Rnorm (d u) (t · u')


TODO. Move this into Subst?


IB【_】 : Cxt  type  Type
IB【 Γ  A = Sub₀ (B-context【 Γ  A)

Rnorms : {Γ : Cxt}  B【 Γ   ({A : type}  IB【 Γ  A)  Type
Rnorms {Γ} xs ys = {σ : type} (i : ∈Cxt σ Γ)  Rnorm (xs i) (ys (∈Cxt-B-type i))


In this development we avoid the operational semantics of System T by instead
reasoning with the Agda functions the System T terms present. As a result,
instead of showing that the logical relation `Rnorm` is preserved by
the evaluation of functions, we show that it is preserved by extensional


Rnorm-respects-≡ : {σ : type} {d : B〖 σ } {t u : {A : type}  T₀ (B-type〖 σ  A)}
                  ({A : type}   t ⟧₀ ≡[ (B-type〖 σ  A) ]  u ⟧₀)
                  Rnorm d t
                  Rnorm d u
Rnorm-respects-≡ {ι} {d} {t} {u} t≡u Rnorm-d-t {A} =
  u ⟧₀          ≡⟨ ≡-symm {⌜B⌝ ι A} t≡u 
  t ⟧₀          ≡=⟨ Rnorm-d-t {A} 
 church-encode d 
Rnorm-respects-≡ {σ  τ} {d} {t} {u} t≡u Rnorm-t v₁ v₂ Rnorm-vs =
 Rnorm-respects-≡ (t≡u (≡-refl₀ v₂)) (Rnorm-t v₁ v₂ Rnorm-vs)


We prove the fundamental theorem of the `Rnorm` logical relation in
`Rnorm-lemma`, which relates the inductive dialogue tree translation and the
Church-encoded dialogue tree translation for all System T terms.

TODO. This should be moved to the definition of numeral?


⟦numeral⟧ : {Γ : Cxt} (γ :  Γ ) (n : )   numeral n  γ  n
⟦numeral⟧ γ  zero    = refl
⟦numeral⟧ γ (succ n) = ap succ (⟦numeral⟧ γ n)

⟦numeral⟧₀ : (n : )   numeral n ⟧₀  n
⟦numeral⟧₀  n = ⟦numeral⟧ ⟨⟩ n

Rnorm-η : (n : )  Rnorm (η n) (⌜η⌝ · numeral n)
Rnorm-η n η₁≡η₂ β₁≡β₂ = η₁≡η₂ (⟦numeral⟧₀ n)

Rnorm-η-implies-≡ : {n₁ : } {n₂ : T₀ ι}
                   Rnorm (η n₁) (⌜η⌝ · n₂)
                    numeral n₁ ⟧₀   n₂ ⟧₀
Rnorm-η-implies-≡ {n₁} {n₂} Rnorm-ns =
  numeral n₁ ⟧₀ ≡⟨ ⟦numeral⟧₀ n₁ 
 n₁              ≡⟨ ≡-symm (Rnorm-ns η₁≡η₁ β₁≡β₁) 
  n₂ ⟧₀         
  η₁ :   
  η₁ n = n

  η₁≡η₁ : η₁  η₁
  η₁≡η₁ n₁=n₂ = n₁=n₂

  β₁ : (  )    
  β₁ ϕ n = 0

  β₁≡β₁ : β₁  β₁
  β₁≡β₁ ϕ₁≡ϕ₂ n₁≡n₂ = refl


TODO. Give this a better name and move it probably.


η-type : type  type
η-type A = ι  A

β-type : type  type
β-type A = (ι  A)  ι  A


The System T term `Rec` is interpreted by the dialogue tree semantics using
`Kleisli-extension`, so when proving `Rnorm-lemma` we will need to know that
`Kleisli-extension` and `⌜Kleisli-extension⌝` will preserve functions related
by `Rnorm`.

TODO. Could probably generalise to extensionally equal dialogue trees d.


church-encode-kleisli-extension : {A : type} (d : B )
                                 (f₁ :   B ) (f₂ :   B⋆   A )
                                 ((i : )  church-encode (f₁ i) ≡[ ⌜B⌝ ι A ] f₂ i)
                                 church-encode (kleisli-extension f₁ d)
                                  ≡[ ⌜B⌝ ι A ] kleisli-extension⋆ f₂ (church-encode d)
church-encode-kleisli-extension {A} (η n) f₁ f₂ f₁≡f₂ = f₁≡f₂ n
church-encode-kleisli-extension {A} (β ϕ n) f₁ f₂ f₁≡f₂ {η₁} {η₂} η₁≡η₂ {β₁} {β₂} β₁≡β₂ =
 β₁≡β₂ ϕ₁≡ϕ₂ refl
  ϕ₁ :    A 
  ϕ₁ i = church-encode (kleisli-extension f₁ (ϕ i)) η₁ β₁

  ϕ₂ :    A 
  ϕ₂ i = kleisli-extension⋆ f₂ (church-encode (ϕ i)) η₂ β₂

  ϕ₁≡ϕ₂ : ϕ₁  ϕ₂
  ϕ₁≡ϕ₂ {i} {.i} refl = church-encode-kleisli-extension (ϕ i) f₁ f₂ f₁≡f₂ η₁≡η₂ β₁≡β₂


TODO. Maybe move this?


⟦⌜Kleisli-extension⌝⟧ : {X A σ : type} {Γ Δ : Cxt} (xs :  Γ ) (ys :  Δ )
                        ⌜Kleisli-extension⌝ {X} {A} {σ}  xs
                          ⌜Kleisli-extension⌝ {X} {A} {σ}  ys
⟦⌜Kleisli-extension⌝⟧ {X} {A} {ι} {Γ} {Δ} xs ys d₁≡d₂ f₁≡f₂ η₁≡η₂ β₁≡β₂ =
 f₁≡f₂  x₁≡x₂  d₁≡d₂ x₁≡x₂ η₁≡η₂ β₁≡β₂) β₁≡β₂
⟦⌜Kleisli-extension⌝⟧ {X} {A} {σ  τ} {Γ} {Δ} xs ys g₁≡g₂ f₁≡f₂ x₁≡x₂ =
 ⟦⌜Kleisli-extension⌝⟧ _ _  y₁≡y₂  g₁≡g₂ y₁≡y₂ x₁≡x₂) f₁≡f₂

Rnorm-kleisli-lemma : {σ : type}

                      (f₁ :   B〖 σ )
                      (f₂ : {A : type}  T₀ (ι  B-type〖 σ  A))
                     ((x : )  Rnorm (f₁ x) (f₂ · numeral x))

                     (n₁ : B )
                      (n₂ : {A : type}  T₀ (⌜B⌝ ι A))
                     Rnorm n₁ n₂

                     Rnorm (Kleisli-extension f₁ n₁) (⌜Kleisli-extension⌝ · f₂ · n₂)
Rnorm-kleisli-lemma {ι} f₁ f₂ Rnorm-fs n₁ n₂ Rnorm-ns {A} =
  ⌜kleisli-extension⌝ · f₂ · n₂ ⟧₀            ≡⟨ I 
 kleisli-extension⋆  f₂ ⟧₀ (church-encode n₁) ≡=⟨ ≡-symm {⌜B⌝ ι A} III 
 church-encode (kleisli-extension f₁ n₁)       
  I :  ⌜kleisli-extension⌝ · f₂ · n₂ ⟧₀  kleisli-extension⋆  f₂ ⟧₀ (church-encode n₁)
  I = ≡-refl₀ (⌜kleisli-extension⌝ · f₂) Rnorm-ns

  II : (i : )  church-encode (f₁ i) ≡[ ⌜B⌝ ι A ]  f₂ ⟧₀ i
  II i = church-encode (f₁ i) ≡⟨ ≡-symm {⌜B⌝ ι A} (Rnorm-fs i) 
          f₂ · numeral i ⟧₀  ≡=⟨ ≡-refl₀ f₂ (⟦numeral⟧₀ i) 
          f₂ ⟧₀ i            

  III : church-encode (kleisli-extension f₁ n₁)  kleisli-extension⋆  f₂ ⟧₀ (church-encode n₁)
  III = church-encode-kleisli-extension n₁ f₁  f₂ ⟧₀ II

Rnorm-kleisli-lemma {σ  τ} f₁ f₂ Rnorm-fs n₁ n₂ Rnorm-ns u₁ u₂ Rnorm-us =
 Rnorm-respects-≡ I IH


We perform some computation steps using the semantics.


  I : {A : type}
      ⌜Kleisli-extension⌝ · ƛ (weaken₀ f₂ · ν₀ · weaken₀ u₂) · n₂ ⟧₀
      ≡[ B-type〖 τ  A ]  ƛ (ƛ (ƛ (⌜Kleisli-extension⌝ · ƛ (ν₃ · ν₀ · ν₁) · ν₁))) · f₂ · n₂ · u₂ ⟧₀
  I = ⟦⌜Kleisli-extension⌝⟧ ⟨⟩ (⟨⟩   f₂ ⟧₀   n₂ ⟧₀   u₂ ⟧₀)
        x₁≡x₂  ⟦weaken₀⟧ f₂ _ x₁≡x₂ (⟦weaken₀⟧ u₂ _))
       (≡-refl₀ n₂)

  II : (x : ) {A : type}
       ƛ (weaken₀ f₂ · ν₀ · weaken₀ u₂) · numeral x ⟧₀
       ≡[ B-type〖 τ  A ]  f₂ · numeral x · u₂ ⟧₀
  II x = ⟦weaken₀⟧ f₂ (⟨⟩   numeral x  ⟨⟩) refl (⟦weaken₀⟧ u₂ (⟨⟩   numeral x ⟧₀))


In the recursive case, Kleisli-extension calls Kleisli-extension at
the codomain type with the following new fs'.


  f₁' :   B〖 τ 
  f₁' x = f₁ x u₁

  f₂' : {A : type}  T₀ (ι  B-type〖 τ  A)
  f₂' = ƛ (weaken₀ f₂ · ν₀ · weaken₀ u₂)


Crucially, these fs' are still related by Rnorm, so we can use them to
get the inductive hypothesis IH.


  Rnorm-fs' : (x : )  Rnorm (f₁' x) (f₂' · numeral x)
  Rnorm-fs' x = Rnorm-respects-≡ (≡-symm (II x)) (Rnorm-fs x u₁ u₂ Rnorm-us)

  IH : Rnorm (Kleisli-extension f₁' n₁) (⌜Kleisli-extension⌝ · f₂' · n₂)
  IH = Rnorm-kleisli-lemma f₁' f₂' Rnorm-fs' n₁ n₂ Rnorm-ns

church-encode-is-natural : {g₁ g₂ :    } (d : B )
                          g₁  g₂
                          {A : type}
                          B⋆-functor g₁ (church-encode d)
                           ≡[ ⌜B⌝ ι A ] church-encode (B-functor g₂ d)
church-encode-is-natural {g₁} {g₂} d h {A} =
 ≡-symm {⌜B⌝ ι A} (church-encode-kleisli-extension d (η  g₂) (η⋆  g₁)
  λ i η₁≡η₂ β₁≡β₂  η₁≡η₂ ((h refl) ⁻¹))


TODO. Consider moving the compute lemmas to somewhere else?


compute-Rec-Zero : {A σ : type} {Γ : Cxt}
                   (a : T (Γ ,, ι) (ι  B-type〖 σ  σ  A))
                   (b : T Γ (B-type〖 σ  A))
                   (s : Sub₀ Γ)
                   (close (ƛ (Rec a (weaken, ι b) ν₀)) s) · Zero ⟧₀
                     close b s ⟧₀
compute-Rec-Zero {A} {σ} {Γ} a b s =
  (close (ƛ (Rec a (weaken, ι b) ν₀)) s) · Zero ⟧₀
  =≡⟨ refl 
  close (weaken, ι b) (Subƛ s)  (⟨⟩  zero)
  =≡⟨ ap  k   k  (⟨⟩  zero)) (close-weaken b (⊆, Γ ι) (Subƛ s)) 
  close b (⊆Sub (∈CxtS ι) (Subƛ s))  (⟨⟩  zero)
  ≡⟨ ⟦close⟧ b (⊆Sub (∈CxtS ι) (Subƛ s)) _ _ (【≡】-is-refl‚ _ _  ()) refl) (【≡】-【Sub】-⊆Sub' s) 
  b  (【Sub】 (⊆Sub (∈CxtS ι) (Subƛ s)) (⟨⟩  zero))
  ≡⟨ ≡-refl b (【≡】-【Sub】-⊆Sub s) 
  b  (【Sub₀】 s)
  ≡=⟨ ≡-symm (⟦close⟧ b s _ _  ()) (【≡】-is-refl-【Sub₀】 s)) 
  close b s ⟧₀

  : {A σ : type} {Γ : Cxt}
    (a : T Γ (B-type〖 ι  σ  σ  A))
    (b : T Γ (B-type〖 σ  A))
    (n : T₀ ι)
    (s : Sub₀ Γ)
    close (ƛ (Rec (ƛ (weaken, ι (weaken, ι a) · (⌜η⌝ · ν₀))) (weaken, ι b) ν₀)) s · Succ n ⟧₀
    close a s · (⌜η⌝ · n) · Rec (ƛ (weaken, ι (close a s) · (⌜η⌝ · ν₀))) (close b s) n ⟧₀
compute-Rec-Succ {A} {σ} {Γ} a b n s =
  close (ƛ (Rec (ƛ (weaken, ι (weaken, ι a) · (⌜η⌝ · ν₀))) (weaken, ι b) ν₀)) s · Succ n ⟧₀
  =≡⟨ refl 
  close (weaken, ι (weaken, ι a)) (Subƛ (Subƛ s))  (⟨⟩  succ  n ⟧₀   n ⟧₀)
  (η⋆  n ⟧₀)
  (rec  x   close (weaken, ι (weaken, ι a) · (⌜η⌝ · ν₀)) (Subƛ (Subƛ s))  (⟨⟩  succ  n ⟧₀  x))
       ( close (weaken, ι b) (Subƛ s)  (⟨⟩  succ  n ⟧₀))
        n ⟧₀)
  ≡=⟨ e1  z _  z refl) e2 
  close a s ⟧₀
  (η⋆  n ⟧₀)
  (rec  ƛ (weaken, ι (close a s) · (⌜η⌝ · ν₀)) ⟧₀  close b s ⟧₀  n ⟧₀)
  =⟨ refl 
  close a s · (⌜η⌝ · n) · Rec (ƛ (weaken, ι (close a s) · (⌜η⌝ · ν₀))) (close b s) n ⟧₀
  e0 : {τ : type} (i : ∈Cxt τ Γ)
       weaken, ι (weaken, ι (s i))  (⟨⟩  succ  n ⟧₀   n ⟧₀)
       s i ⟧₀
  e0 {τ} i =
    weaken, ι (weaken, ι (s i))  (⟨⟩  succ  n ⟧₀   n ⟧₀)
    ≡=⟨ ⟦weaken,-weaken,⟧ ⟨⟩ (succ  n ⟧₀)  n ⟧₀ (s i) refl  ()) 
    s i ⟧₀

  e4 : {τ : type} (i : ∈Cxt τ Γ)
       weaken, ι (s i)  (⟨⟩  succ  n ⟧₀)
       s i ⟧₀
  e4 {τ} i = ⟦weaken,⟧ (s i) ι _ _  ())

  e1 :  close (weaken, ι (weaken, ι a)) (Subƛ (Subƛ s))  (⟨⟩  succ  n ⟧₀   n ⟧₀)
       close a s ⟧₀
  e1 =
    close (weaken, ι (weaken, ι a)) (Subƛ (Subƛ s))  (⟨⟩  succ  n ⟧₀   n ⟧₀)
    ≡⟨ ⟦close⟧ (weaken, ι (weaken, ι a))
               (Subƛ (Subƛ s))
               _ _
               (【≡】-is-refl‚ _ _ (【≡】-is-refl‚ _ _  ()) refl) refl)
               (【≡】-【Sub】-Subƛ' _ _ _ refl refl) 
    weaken, ι (weaken, ι a)  (【Sub】 (Subƛ (Subƛ s)) (⟨⟩  succ  n ⟧₀   n ⟧₀))
    ≡⟨ ≡-refl (weaken, ι (weaken, ι a)) (【≡】-【Sub】-Subƛ2 s (succ  n ⟧₀)  n ⟧₀ refl refl) 
    weaken, ι (weaken, ι a)  (【Sub₀】 s  succ  n ⟧₀   n ⟧₀)
    ≡⟨ ⟦weaken,-weaken,⟧ (【Sub₀】 s) (succ  n ⟧₀)  n ⟧₀ a refl (【≡】-is-refl-【Sub₀】 s) 
    a  (【Sub₀】 s)
    ≡=⟨ ≡-symm {B-type〖 ι  σ  σ  A} (⟦close⟧' a s) 
    close a s ⟧₀

  e3 :  close (weaken, ι b) (Subƛ s)  (⟨⟩  succ  n ⟧₀)   close b s ⟧₀
  e3 =
    close (weaken, ι b) (Subƛ s)  (⟨⟩  succ  n ⟧₀)
    ≡⟨ ⟦close⟧ (weaken, ι b)
               (Subƛ s)
               _ _
               (【≡】-is-refl‚ _ _  ()) refl)
               (【≡】-【Sub】-Subƛ _ _ refl) 
    weaken, ι b  (【Sub】 (Subƛ s) (⟨⟩  succ  n ⟧₀))
    ≡⟨ ⟦weaken,⟧ b ι _ _ (【≡】-is-refl-【⊆】-⊆,-【Sub】-Subƛ s _ refl) 
    b  (【⊆】 (⊆, Γ ι) (【Sub】 (Subƛ s) (⟨⟩  succ  n ⟧₀)))
    ≡⟨ ≡-refl b e4 
    b  (【Sub₀】 s)
    ≡=⟨ ≡-symm (⟦close⟧' b s) 
    close b s ⟧₀

  e6 : (i : ) {τ : type} (j : ∈Cxt τ Γ)
       weaken, ι (weaken, ι (s j))  (⟨⟩  succ  n ⟧₀  i)
       s j ⟧₀
  e6 i {τ} j = ≡-trans (⟦weaken,-weaken,⟧-as-⟦weaken,⟧ ⟨⟩ i (succ  n ⟧₀) i (s j) refl  ()))
                       (⟦weaken,⟧ (s j) ι _ _  ()))

  e5 : (i : ) (u v :  B-type〖 σ  A )
      u  v
       close (weaken, ι (weaken, ι a)) (Subƛ (Subƛ s))  (⟨⟩  succ  n ⟧₀  i) (η⋆ i) u
       weaken, ι (close a s)  (⟨⟩  i) (η⋆ i) v
  e5 i u v e =
    close (weaken, ι (weaken, ι a)) (Subƛ (Subƛ s))  (⟨⟩  succ  n ⟧₀  i) (η⋆ i) u
    ≡⟨ ⟦close⟧ (weaken, ι (weaken, ι a))
               (Subƛ (Subƛ s))
               (⟨⟩  succ  n ⟧₀  i)
               (【Sub】 (Subƛ (Subƛ s)) (⟨⟩  succ ( n  ⟨⟩)  i))
               ((【≡】-is-refl‚ _ _ (【≡】-is-refl‚ _ _  ()) refl) refl))
               ((【≡】-【Sub】-Subƛ' _ _ _ refl refl))  z _  z refl) e 
    weaken, ι (weaken, ι a)  (【Sub】 (Subƛ (Subƛ s)) (⟨⟩  succ  n ⟧₀  i)) (η⋆ i) v
    ≡⟨ ≡-refl (weaken, ι (weaken, ι a))
              ((【≡】-【Sub】-Subƛ2 s (succ  n ⟧₀) i refl refl))
               z _  z refl) (≡ᵣ v e) 
    weaken, ι (weaken, ι a)  (【Sub₀】 s  succ  n ⟧₀  i) (η⋆ i) v
    ≡⟨  ⟦weaken,-weaken,⟧ (【Sub₀】 s) (succ  n ⟧₀) i a refl (【≡】-is-refl-【Sub₀】 s) (η⋆≡η⋆ refl) (≡ᵣ v e) 
    a  (【Sub₀】 s ) (η⋆ i) v
    ≡⟨ ≡-symm {B-type〖 σ  A}
              (⟦close⟧ a s (【⊆】 (∈CxtS ι) (⟨⟩  i))
                       (【Sub₀】 s)  ())
                       (【≡】-is-refl-【Sub₀】 s)
                       (η⋆≡η⋆ refl) (≡ᵣ v e)) 
    close a s  (【⊆】 (⊆, 〈〉 ι) (⟨⟩  i)) (η⋆ i) v
    ≡=⟨ ≡-symm (⟦weaken,⟧ (close a s) ι _ _  ()) (η⋆≡η⋆ refl) (≡ᵣ v e)) 
    weaken, ι (close a s)  (⟨⟩  i) (η⋆ i) v

  e7 : {i j : }  i  j  {u v :  B-type〖 σ  A }
      u  v
       close (weaken, ι (weaken, ι a)) (Subƛ (Subƛ s))  (⟨⟩  succ  n ⟧₀  i) (η⋆ i) u
       weaken, ι (close a s)  (⟨⟩  j) (η⋆ j) v
  e7 {i} {.i} refl {u} {v} e = e5 i u v e

  e2 : rec  x   close (weaken, ι (weaken, ι a) · (⌜η⌝ · ν₀)) (Subƛ (Subƛ s))  (⟨⟩  succ  n ⟧₀  x))
        ( close (weaken, ι b) (Subƛ s)  (⟨⟩  succ  n ⟧₀))
         n ⟧₀
      rec  ƛ (weaken, ι (close a s) · (⌜η⌝ · ν₀)) ⟧₀  close b s ⟧₀  n ⟧₀
  e2 = rec≡rec e7 e3 (≡-refl₀ n)


As opposed to compute-Rec-Succ, this one does not "reduce" as much.


 : {A σ : type} {Γ : Cxt}
   (a : T Γ (B-type〖 ι  σ  σ  A))
   (b : T Γ (B-type〖 σ  A))
   (n : T₀ ι)
   (s : Sub₀ Γ)
   close (ƛ (Rec (ƛ (weaken, ι (weaken, ι a) · (⌜η⌝ · ν₀))) (weaken, ι b) ν₀)) s  · n ⟧₀
     Rec (ƛ (weaken, ι (close a s) · (⌜η⌝ · ν₀))) (close b s) n ⟧₀
compute-Rec-Succ2 {A} {σ} {Γ} a b n s =
 rec  y   close (weaken, ι (weaken, ι a)) (Subƛ (Subƛ s))  (⟨⟩   n ⟧₀  y) (η⋆ y))
     ( close (weaken, ι b) (Subƛ s)  (⟨⟩   n ⟧₀))
      n ⟧₀
  ≡=⟨ rec≡rec e5 e1 (≡-refl₀ n) 
 rec  y   weaken, ι (close a s)  (⟨⟩  y) (η⋆ y))
      close b s ⟧₀
      n ⟧₀
  e4 : (i : ) {τ : type} (j : ∈Cxt τ Γ)
       weaken, ι (weaken, ι (s j))  (⟨⟩   n ⟧₀  i)
       s j ⟧₀
  e4 i {τ} j = ⟦weaken,-weaken,⟧ ⟨⟩  n ⟧₀ i (s j) refl  ())

  e3 : (i : ) (u v :  B-type〖 σ  A )
      u  v
       close (weaken, ι (weaken, ι a)) (Subƛ (Subƛ s))  (⟨⟩   n ⟧₀  i) (η⋆ i) u
       weaken, ι (close a s)  (⟨⟩  i) (η⋆ i) v
  e3 i u v e =
    close (weaken, ι (weaken, ι a)) (Subƛ (Subƛ s))  (⟨⟩   n ⟧₀  i) (η⋆ i) u
    ≡⟨ ⟦close⟧ (weaken, ι (weaken, ι a)) (Subƛ (Subƛ s)) (⟨⟩   n ⟧₀  i)
        (【Sub】 (Subƛ (Subƛ s)) (⟨⟩   n ⟧₀  i))
        (【≡】-is-refl‚ _ _ (【≡】-is-refl‚ _ _  ()) refl) refl)
        (【≡】-【Sub】-Subƛ' _ _ _ refl refl)
        (η⋆≡η⋆ refl) e 
    weaken, ι (weaken, ι a)  (【Sub】 (Subƛ (Subƛ s)) (⟨⟩   n ⟧₀  i)) (η⋆ i) v
    ≡⟨ ≡-refl (weaken, ι (weaken, ι a))
              (【≡】-【Sub】-Subƛ2 s ( n ⟧₀) i refl refl)
              (η⋆≡η⋆ refl) (≡ᵣ v e) 
    weaken, ι (weaken, ι a)  (【Sub₀】 s   n ⟧₀  i) (η⋆ i) v
    ≡⟨ ⟦weaken,-weaken,⟧ (【Sub₀】 s) ( n ⟧₀)
                         i a refl
                         (【≡】-is-refl-【Sub₀】 s)
                         (η⋆≡η⋆ refl) (≡ᵣ v e) 
    a  (【Sub₀】 s ) (η⋆ i) v
    ≡⟨ ≡-symm (⟦close⟧ a s (【⊆】 (∈CxtS ι) (⟨⟩  i))
                      (【Sub₀】 s)  ())
                      (【≡】-is-refl-【Sub₀】 s)
                      (η⋆≡η⋆ refl) (≡ᵣ v e)) 
    close a s  (【⊆】 (⊆, 〈〉 ι) (⟨⟩  i)) (η⋆ i) v
    ≡=⟨ ≡-symm (⟦weaken,⟧ (close a s) ι _ _  ()) (η⋆≡η⋆ refl) (≡ᵣ v e)) 
    weaken, ι (close a s)  (⟨⟩  i) (η⋆ i) v

  e5 : {i j : }  i  j  {u v :  B-type〖 σ  A }
      u  v
       close (weaken, ι (weaken, ι a)) (Subƛ (Subƛ s))  (⟨⟩   n ⟧₀  i) (η⋆ i) u
       weaken, ι (close a s)  (⟨⟩  j) (η⋆ j) v
  e5 {i} {.i} refl {u} {v} e = e3 i u v e

  e2 : {τ : type} (i : ∈Cxt τ Γ)
       weaken, ι (s i)  (⟨⟩   n ⟧₀)
       s i ⟧₀
  e2 {τ} i = ⟦weaken,⟧ (s i) ι _ _  ())

  e1 :  close (weaken, ι b) (Subƛ s)  (⟨⟩   n ⟧₀)   close b s ⟧₀
  e1 =
    close (weaken, ι b) (Subƛ s)  (⟨⟩   n ⟧₀)
    ≡⟨ ⟦close⟧ (weaken, ι b) (Subƛ s)
               _ _ (【≡】-is-refl‚ _ _  ()) refl)
               (【≡】-【Sub】-Subƛ _ _ refl) 
    weaken, ι b  (【Sub】 (Subƛ s) (⟨⟩   n ⟧₀))
    ≡⟨ ⟦weaken,⟧ b ι _ _ (【≡】-is-refl-【⊆】-⊆,-【Sub】-Subƛ s _ refl) 
    b  (【⊆】 (⊆, Γ ι) (【Sub】 (Subƛ s) (⟨⟩   n ⟧₀)))
    ≡⟨ ≡-refl b e2 
    b  (【Sub₀】 s)
    ≡=⟨ ≡-symm (⟦close⟧' b s) 
    close b s ⟧₀

⟦⌜Rec⌝⟧-aux : {A : type} {σ : type} {Γ : Cxt}
              (s :  B-context【 Γ  A )
              (a : T Γ (ι  σ  σ))
              (b : T Γ σ)
              (a₁ b₁ : )
             a₁  b₁
             【≡】-is-refl s
             rec  y    a   s (η⋆ y)) (  b   s) a₁
             rec  y   weaken, ι (weaken, ι  a )  (s  b₁  y) (η⋆ y))
                  ( weaken, ι  b   (s  b₁))
⟦⌜Rec⌝⟧-aux {A} {σ} {Γ} s a b a₁ b₁ a≡₁ r =
 rec≡rec c (≡-symm (⟦weaken,⟧  b  ι (s  b₁) s r)) a≡₁
  c : {a₂ b₂ : }
     a₂  b₂
     {a₃ b₃ :  B-type〖 σ  A }
     a₃  b₃
       a   s (η⋆ a₂) a₃
      weaken, ι (weaken, ι  a )  (s  b₁  b₂) (η⋆ b₂) b₃
  c a≡₂ a≡₃ =
   ≡-symm (⟦weaken,-weaken,⟧ s _ _  a  refl r (η⋆≡η⋆ (≡-symm a≡₂)) (≡-symm a≡₃))

⟦⌜Rec⌝⟧ : {A : type} {σ : type} {Γ : Cxt}
          (s :  B-context【 Γ  A )
          (a : T Γ (ι  σ  σ))
          (b : T Γ σ)
          (c : T Γ ι)
         【≡】-is-refl s
          ⌜_⌝  {Γ} {σ} {A} (Rec a b c)  s
          ⌜Kleisli-extension⌝ {ι} {A} {σ}
            · (ƛ (Rec (ƛ (weaken, ι (weaken, ι  a ) · (⌜η⌝ · ν₀))) (weaken, ι  b ) ν₀))
            ·  c   s
⟦⌜Rec⌝⟧ {A} {σ} {Γ} s a b c r =
  ⌜_⌝  {Γ} {σ} {A} (Rec a b c)  s
  =≡⟨ refl 
  ⌜Kleisli-extension⌝ {ι} {A} {σ}  (s    a   s    b   s)
   x  rec  y    a   s (η⋆ y)) (  b   s) x)
  (  c   s)
  ≡=⟨ ⟦⌜Kleisli-extension⌝⟧ (s    a   s    b   s) s
        {a₁} {b₁} a≡  ⟦⌜Rec⌝⟧-aux s a b a₁ b₁ a≡ r)
       (≡-refl  c  r) 
  ⌜Kleisli-extension⌝ {ι} {A} {σ}
   · (ƛ (Rec (ƛ (weaken, ι (weaken, ι  a ) · (⌜η⌝ · ν₀))) (weaken, ι  b ) ν₀))
   ·  c   s

⟦close-⌜Rec⌝⟧ : {A : type} {σ : type} {Γ : Cxt}
                (s : IB【 Γ  A)
                (a : T Γ (ι  σ  σ))
                (b : T Γ σ)
                (c : T Γ ι)
                close (⌜_⌝  {Γ} {σ} {A} (Rec a b c)) s ⟧₀
                ⌜Kleisli-extension⌝ {ι} {A} {σ}
                   · close (ƛ (Rec (ƛ (weaken, ι (weaken, ι  a ) · (⌜η⌝ · ν₀))) (weaken, ι  b ) ν₀)) s
                   · close  c  s ⟧₀
⟦close-⌜Rec⌝⟧ {A} {σ} {Γ} s a b c =
  close (⌜_⌝  {Γ} {σ} {A} (Rec a b c)) s ⟧₀
  ≡⟨ ⟦close⟧'  Rec a b c  s 
  ⌜_⌝  {Γ} {σ} {A} (Rec a b c)  (【Sub₀】 s)
  ≡⟨ ⟦⌜Rec⌝⟧ (【Sub₀】 s) a b c (【≡】-is-refl-【Sub₀】 s) 
  ⌜Kleisli-extension⌝ {ι} {A} {σ}
   · (ƛ (Rec (ƛ (weaken, ι (weaken, ι  a ) · (⌜η⌝ · ν₀))) (weaken, ι  b ) ν₀))
   ·  c   (【Sub₀】 s)
  ≡=⟨ ≡-symm (⟦close⟧' (⌜Kleisli-extension⌝ {ι} {A} {σ}
                        · (ƛ (Rec (ƛ (weaken, ι (weaken, ι  a ) · (⌜η⌝ · ν₀))) (weaken, ι  b ) ν₀))
                        ·  c ) s) 
  close ⌜Kleisli-extension⌝ s
   · close (ƛ (Rec (ƛ (weaken, ι (weaken, ι  a ) · (⌜η⌝ · ν₀))) (weaken, ι  b ) ν₀)) s
   · close  c  s ⟧₀
  =⟨ ap  k   k · close (ƛ (Rec (ƛ (weaken, ι (weaken, ι  a ) · (⌜η⌝ · ν₀))) (weaken, ι  b ) ν₀)) s
                    · close  c  s ⟧₀)
         ((close-⌜Kleisli-extension⌝ s) ⁻¹) 
  ⌜Kleisli-extension⌝ {ι} {A} {σ}
   · close (ƛ (Rec (ƛ (weaken, ι (weaken, ι  a ) · (⌜η⌝ · ν₀))) (weaken, ι  b ) ν₀)) s
   · close  c  s ⟧₀


TODO. Maybe move this too.


Rnorm-Zero : Rnorm zero' ⌜zero⌝
Rnorm-Zero {A} η₁≡η₂ β₁≡β₂ = η₁≡η₂ refl


TODO. Move the following functions probably.


succ≡succ : succ  succ
succ≡succ = ap succ

B⋆-functor≡B⋆-functor : {A : type}
                       B⋆-functor ≡[ (ι  ι)  ⌜B⌝ ι A  ⌜B⌝ ι A ] B⋆-functor
B⋆-functor≡B⋆-functor f₁≡f₂ η₁≡η₂ β₁≡β₂ = η₁≡η₂  n₁≡n₂  β₁≡β₂ (f₁≡f₂ n₁≡n₂))

Rnorm-lemma : {Γ : Cxt} {σ : type}
              (γ₁ : B【 Γ ) (γ₂ : {A : type}  IB【 Γ  A)
              (t : T Γ σ)
             Rnorms γ₁ γ₂
             Rnorm (B⟦ t  γ₁) (close  t  γ₂)

Rnorm-lemma γ₁ γ₂ Zero Rnorm-γs = Rnorm-Zero

Rnorm-lemma γ₁ γ₂ (Succ t) Rnorm-γs =
 B⋆-functor succ  close  t  γ₂ ⟧₀         ≡⟨ I 
 B⋆-functor succ (church-encode (B⟦ t  γ₁)) ≡=⟨ II 
 church-encode (B-functor succ (B⟦ t  γ₁))  
  I  = B⋆-functor≡B⋆-functor succ≡succ (Rnorm-lemma γ₁ γ₂ t Rnorm-γs)
  II = church-encode-is-natural (B⟦ t  γ₁) succ≡succ

Rnorm-lemma {Γ} {σ} γ₁ γ₂ (Rec t u v) Rnorm-γs =
  Rnorm-respects-≡ (≡-symm (⟦close-⌜Rec⌝⟧ γ₂ t u v)) c1
  rt : (x  : B〖 ι ) (x' : {A : type}  T₀ (B-type〖 ι  A)) (rx : Rnorm {ι} x x')
       (y  : B〖 σ ) (y' : {A : type}  T₀ (B-type〖 σ  A)) (ry : Rnorm {σ} y y')
      Rnorm (B⟦ t  γ₁ x y) (close  t  γ₂ · x' · y')
  rt = Rnorm-lemma γ₁ γ₂ t Rnorm-γs

  rn :   B〖 σ 
  rn n = rec (B⟦ t  γ₁  η) (B⟦ u  γ₁) n

  rn' : {A : type}  T₀ (ι  B-type〖 σ  A)
  rn' = close (ƛ (Rec (ƛ (weaken, ι (weaken, ι  t ) · (⌜η⌝ · ν₀))) (weaken, ι  u ) ν₀)) γ₂

  rnn' : (n : )  Rnorm (rn n) (rn' · numeral n)
  rnn' zero = r
    r : Rnorm (B⟦ u  γ₁) (rn' · Zero)
    r = Rnorm-respects-≡
         (≡-symm (compute-Rec-Zero (ƛ (weaken, ι (weaken, ι  t ) · (⌜η⌝ · ν₀)))  u  γ₂))
         (Rnorm-lemma γ₁ γ₂ u Rnorm-γs)
  rnn' (succ n) = r
    r : Rnorm (B⟦ t  γ₁ (η n) (rn n)) (rn' · Succ (numeral n))
    r = Rnorm-respects-≡
         (≡-symm (compute-Rec-Succ  t   u  (numeral n) γ₂))
         (rt (η n) (⌜η⌝ · numeral n) (Rnorm-η n)
             (rn n) (Rec (ƛ (weaken, ι (close  t  γ₂) · (⌜η⌝ · ν₀))) (close  u  γ₂) (numeral n))
               (compute-Rec-Succ2  t   u  (numeral n) γ₂)
               (rnn' n)))

  rnn'' : (n : ) (n' : T₀ ι)  Rnorm (η n) (⌜η⌝ · n')  Rnorm (rn n) (rn' · n')
  rnn'' n n' r =
   Rnorm-respects-≡ (≡-refl₀ rn' (Rnorm-η-implies-≡ {n} {n'} r)) (rnn' n)

  c1 : Rnorm (Kleisli-extension rn (B⟦ v  γ₁))
             (⌜Kleisli-extension⌝ · rn' · close  v  γ₂)
  c1 = Rnorm-kleisli-lemma rn rn' rnn' (B⟦ v  γ₁) (close  v  γ₂) (Rnorm-lemma γ₁ γ₂ v Rnorm-γs)

Rnorm-lemma γ₁ γ₂ (ν i) Rnorm-γs = Rnorm-γs i

Rnorm-lemma γ₁ γ₂ (ƛ t) Rnorm-γs u₁ u₂ Rnorm-us = Rnorm-respects-≡ I IH


Using the semantics, we reduce application of a lambda to the appropriate
substitution, at which point we can use the inductive hypothesis.


  I : {A : type}   close  t  (Sub,, γ₂ u₂) ⟧₀ ≡[ B-type〖 _  A ]  ƛ (close  t  (Subƛ γ₂)) · u₂ ⟧₀
  I {A} =
    close  t  (Sub,, γ₂ u₂) ⟧₀
    ≡⟨ ⟦close⟧'  t  (Sub,, γ₂ u₂) 
     t   (【Sub₀】 (Sub,, γ₂ u₂))
    ≡⟨ ≡-refl  t  (【≡】-【Sub】-Sub,, γ₂ u₂) 
     t   (【Sub】 (Subƛ γ₂) (⟨⟩   u₂ ⟧₀))
    ≡=⟨ ≡-symm (⟦close⟧  t  (Subƛ γ₂) _ _ (【≡】-is-refl‚ _ _  ()) (≡-refl₀ u₂)) (【≡】-【Sub】-Subƛ γ₂ _ (≡-refl₀ u₂))) 
    ƛ (close  t  (Subƛ γ₂)) · u₂ ⟧₀

  Rnorm-γ,,us : Rnorms (γ₁ ‚‚ u₁) (Sub,, γ₂ u₂)
  Rnorm-γ,,us (∈Cxt0 _)   = Rnorm-us
  Rnorm-γ,,us (∈CxtS _ i) = Rnorm-γs i

  IH : Rnorm (B⟦ t  (γ₁ ‚‚ u₁)) (close  t  (Sub,, γ₂ u₂))
  IH = Rnorm-lemma (γ₁ ‚‚ u₁) (Sub,, γ₂ u₂) t Rnorm-γ,,us

Rnorm-lemma γ₁ γ₂ (t · u) Rnorm-γs = IH₁ (B⟦ u  γ₁) (close  u  γ₂) IH₂
  IH₁ : Rnorm (B⟦ t  γ₁) (close  t  γ₂)
  IH₁ = Rnorm-lemma γ₁ γ₂ t Rnorm-γs

  IH₂ : Rnorm (B⟦ u  γ₁) (close  u  γ₂)
  IH₂ = Rnorm-lemma γ₁ γ₂ u Rnorm-γs

dialogue⋆≡dialogue⋆ : dialogue⋆ ≡[ ⌜B⌝ ι ((ι  ι)  ι)  (ι  ι)  ι ] dialogue⋆
dialogue⋆≡dialogue⋆ d₁≡d₂ =
 d₁≡d₂ dialogue⋆-η≡dialogue⋆-η dialogue⋆-β≡dialogue⋆-β
  dialogue⋆-η :  η-type ((ι  ι)  ι) 
  dialogue⋆-η z α = z

  dialogue⋆-η≡dialogue⋆-η : dialogue⋆-η  dialogue⋆-η
  dialogue⋆-η≡dialogue⋆-η z₁≡z₂ α₁≡α₂ = z₁≡z₂

  dialogue⋆-β :  β-type ((ι  ι)  ι) 
  dialogue⋆-β ϕ x α = ϕ (α x) α

  dialogue⋆-β≡dialogue⋆-β : dialogue⋆-β  dialogue⋆-β
  dialogue⋆-β≡dialogue⋆-β ϕ₁≡ϕ₂ x₁≡x₂ α₁≡α₂ = ϕ₁≡ϕ₂ (α₁≡α₂ x₁≡x₂) α₁≡α₂

Rnorm-lemma₀ : {σ : type} (t : T₀ σ)  Rnorm B⟦ t ⟧₀  t 
Rnorm-lemma₀ {σ} t =
 Rnorm-respects-≡ (⟦closeν⟧  t  _  ())) (Rnorm-lemma ⟪⟫ ν t  ()))


TODO. Do we want to keep this? It seems a bit pointless to have this as a lemma.


Rnorm-lemmaι : (t : T₀ ι)
              dialogue⋆   t  ⟧₀  dialogue⋆ (church-encode B⟦ t ⟧₀)
Rnorm-lemmaι t = dialogue⋆≡dialogue⋆ (Rnorm-lemma₀ t)


Having proved the fundamental theorem of the Rnorm logical relation,
we can derive as a corollary the correctness of `⌜dialogue-tree⌝` as
building an internal dialogue tree for a System T term of type `
(ι ⇒ ι) ⇒ ι`. This is done by reducing to the correctness of the
external `dialogue-tree` function, shown correct by


Rnorm-generic : Rnorm generic ⌜generic⌝
Rnorm-generic = Rnorm-kleisli-lemma {ι} (β η) (⌜β⌝ · ⌜η⌝) βη≡⌜βη⌝
  βη≡⌜βη⌝ : (x : )  is-dialogue-for (β η x) (⌜β⌝ · ⌜η⌝ · numeral x)
  βη≡⌜βη⌝ x η₁≡η₂ β₁≡β₂ = β₁≡β₂ η₁≡η₂ (⟦numeral⟧₀ x)

dialogue-tree-agreement : (t : T₀ ((ι  ι)  ι)) {A : type}
                          ⌜dialogue-tree⌝ t ⟧₀
                           ≡[ ⌜B⌝ ι A ]
                          church-encode (dialogue-tree t)
dialogue-tree-agreement t = Rnorm-lemma₀ t generic ⌜generic⌝ Rnorm-generic

⌜dialogue-tree⌝-correct : (t : T₀ ((ι  ι)  ι))
                          (α : Baire)
                          t ⟧₀ α  dialogue⋆  ⌜dialogue-tree⌝ t ⟧₀ α
⌜dialogue-tree⌝-correct t α =
  t ⟧₀ α                                      ≡⟨ dialogue-tree-correct t α 
 dialogue (dialogue-tree t) α                  ≡⟨ dialogues-agreement (dialogue-tree t) α 
 dialogue⋆ (church-encode (dialogue-tree t)) α ≡⟨ dialogue⋆≡dialogue⋆ I α≡α 
 dialogue⋆  ⌜dialogue-tree⌝ t ⟧₀ α            
  I = ≡-symm {⌜B⌝ ι ((ι  ι)  ι)} (dialogue-tree-agreement t)

  α≡α : α  α
  α≡α = ap α


TODO. Should this be moved.


⌜dialogue⌝ : {Γ : Cxt}
            T Γ (⌜B⌝ ι ((ι  ι)  ι)  (ι  ι)  ι)
⌜dialogue⌝ {Γ} = ƛ (ν₀ · ƛ (ƛ ν₁) · ƛ (ƛ (ƛ (ν₂ · (ν₀ · ν₁) · ν₀))))


Same as ⌜dialogue-tree⌝-correct but using an internal dialogue function.


⌜dialogue-tree⌝-correct' : (t : T₀ ((ι  ι)  ι))
                           (α : Baire)
                           t ⟧₀ α   ⌜dialogue⌝ · (⌜dialogue-tree⌝ t) ⟧₀ α
⌜dialogue-tree⌝-correct' t α = ⌜dialogue-tree⌝-correct t α
