Martin Escardo, 26 January 2018. Moved from the file TotallySeparated 22 August 2024. Every apartness relation has a tight reflection, in the categorical sense of reflection, where the morphisms are strongly extensional functions. \begin{code} {-# OPTIONS --safe --without-K #-} open import UF.PropTrunc module Apartness.TightReflection (pt : propositional-truncations-exist) where open import Apartness.Definition open import Apartness.Morphisms open import Apartness.Negation pt open import MLTT.Spartan open import UF.Base open import UF.Embeddings open import UF.Equiv open import UF.FunExt open import UF.ImageAndSurjection pt open import UF.Powerset hiding (𝕋) open import UF.Sets open import UF.Sets-Properties open import UF.SubtypeClassifier open import UF.Subsingletons open import UF.Subsingletons-FunExt open PropositionalTruncation pt open Apartness pt module tight-reflection (fe : Fun-Ext) (pe : propext 𝓥) (X : 𝓤 ̇ ) (_♯_ : X → X → 𝓥 ̇ ) (♯p : is-prop-valued _♯_) (♯i : is-irreflexive _♯_) (♯s : is-symmetric _♯_) (♯c : is-cotransitive _♯_) where \end{code} We now name the standard equivalence relation induced by _♯_. \begin{code} _~_ : X → X → 𝓥 ̇ x ~ y = ¬ (x ♯ y) \end{code} For certain purposes we need the apartness axioms packed into a single axiom. \begin{code} ♯a : is-apartness _♯_ ♯a = (♯p , ♯i , ♯s , ♯c) \end{code} Initially we tried to work with the function apart : X → (X → 𝓥 ̇ ) defined by apart = _♯_. However, at some point in the development below it was difficult to proceed, when we need that the identity type apart x = apart y is a proposition. This should be the case because _♯_ is is-prop-valued. The most convenient way to achieve this is to restrict the codomain of apart from 𝓥 to Ω, so that the codomain of apart is a set. \begin{code} α : X → (X → Ω 𝓥) α x y = x ♯ y , ♯p x y \end{code} The following is an immediate consequence of the fact that two equivalent elements have the same apartness class, using functional and propositional extensionality. \begin{code} α-lemma : (x y : X) → x ~ y → α x = α y α-lemma x y na = dfunext fe h where f : (z : X) → x ♯ z ↔ y ♯ z f = elements-that-are-not-apart-have-the-same-apartness-class x y _♯_ ♯a na g : (z : X) → x ♯ z = y ♯ z g z = pe (♯p x z) (♯p y z) (pr₁ (f z)) (pr₂ (f z)) h : (z : X) → α x z = α y z h z = to-subtype-= (λ _ → being-prop-is-prop fe) (g z) \end{code} We now construct the tight reflection of (X,♯) to get (X',♯') together with a universal strongly extensional map from X into tight apartness types. We take X' to be the image of the map α. \begin{code} X' : 𝓤 ⊔ 𝓥 ⁺ ̇ X' = image α \end{code} The type X may or may not be a set, but its tight reflection is necessarily a set, and we can see this before we define a tight apartness on it. \begin{code} X'-is-set : is-set X' X'-is-set = subsets-of-sets-are-sets (X → Ω 𝓥) _ (powersets-are-sets'' fe fe pe) ∥∥-is-prop η : X → X' η = corestriction α \end{code} The following induction principle is our main tool. Its uses look convoluted at times by the need to show that the property one is doing induction over is proposition valued. Typically this involves the use of the fact the propositions form an exponential ideal, and, more generally, are closed under products. \begin{code} η-is-surjection : is-surjection η η-is-surjection = corestrictions-are-surjections α η-induction : (P : X' → 𝓦 ̇ ) → ((x' : X') → is-prop (P x')) → ((x : X) → P (η x)) → (x' : X') → P x' η-induction = surjection-induction η η-is-surjection \end{code} The apartness relation _♯'_ on X' is defined as follows. \begin{code} _♯'_ : X' → X' → 𝓤 ⊔ 𝓥 ⁺ ̇ (u , _) ♯' (v , _) = ∃ x ꞉ X , Σ y ꞉ X , (x ♯ y) × (α x = u) × (α y = v) \end{code} Then η preserves and reflects apartness. \begin{code} η-preserves-apartness : preserves _♯_ _♯'_ η η-preserves-apartness {x} {y} a = ∣ x , y , a , refl , refl ∣ η-is-strongly-extensional : is-strongly-extensional _♯_ _♯'_ η η-is-strongly-extensional x y = ∥∥-rec (♯p x y) g where g : (Σ x' ꞉ X , Σ y' ꞉ X , (x' ♯ y') × (α x' = α x) × (α y' = α y)) → x ♯ y g (x' , y' , a , p , q) = ♯s _ _ (j (♯s _ _ (i a))) where i : x' ♯ y' → x ♯ y' i = idtofun _ _ (ap pr₁ (happly p y')) j : y' ♯ x → y ♯ x j = idtofun _ _ (ap pr₁ (happly q x)) \end{code} Of course, we must check that _♯'_ is indeed an apartness relation. We do this by η-induction. These proofs by induction need routine proofs that some things are propositions. \begin{code} ♯'p : is-prop-valued _♯'_ ♯'p _ _ = ∥∥-is-prop ♯'i : is-irreflexive _♯'_ ♯'i = by-induction where induction-step : ∀ x → ¬ (η x ♯' η x) induction-step x a = ♯i x (η-is-strongly-extensional x x a) by-induction = η-induction (λ x' → ¬ (x' ♯' x')) (λ _ → Π-is-prop fe (λ _ → 𝟘-is-prop)) induction-step ♯'s : is-symmetric _♯'_ ♯'s = by-nested-induction where induction-step : ∀ x y → η x ♯' η y → η y ♯' η x induction-step x y a = η-preserves-apartness (♯s x y (η-is-strongly-extensional x y a)) by-nested-induction = η-induction (λ x' → ∀ y' → x' ♯' y' → y' ♯' x') (λ x' → Π₂-is-prop fe (λ y' _ → ♯'p y' x')) (λ x → η-induction (λ y' → η x ♯' y' → y' ♯' η x) (λ y' → Π-is-prop fe (λ _ → ♯'p y' (η x))) (induction-step x)) ♯'c : is-cotransitive _♯'_ ♯'c = by-nested-induction where induction-step : ∀ x y z → η x ♯' η y → η x ♯' η z ∨ η y ♯' η z induction-step x y z a = ∥∥-functor c b where a' : x ♯ y a' = η-is-strongly-extensional x y a b : x ♯ z ∨ y ♯ z b = ♯c x y z a' c : (x ♯ z) + (y ♯ z) → (η x ♯' η z) + (η y ♯' η z) c (inl e) = inl (η-preserves-apartness e) c (inr f) = inr (η-preserves-apartness f) by-nested-induction = η-induction (λ x' → ∀ y' z' → x' ♯' y' → (x' ♯' z') ∨ (y' ♯' z')) (λ _ → Π₃-is-prop fe (λ _ _ _ → ∥∥-is-prop)) (λ x → η-induction (λ y' → ∀ z' → η x ♯' y' → (η x ♯' z') ∨ (y' ♯' z')) (λ _ → Π₂-is-prop fe (λ _ _ → ∥∥-is-prop)) (λ y → η-induction (λ z' → η x ♯' η y → (η x ♯' z') ∨ (η y ♯' z')) (λ _ → Π-is-prop fe (λ _ → ∥∥-is-prop)) (induction-step x y))) ♯'a : is-apartness _♯'_ ♯'a = (♯'p , ♯'i , ♯'s , ♯'c) \end{code} The tightness of _♯'_ cannot by proved by induction by reduction to properties of _♯_, as above, because _♯_ is not (necessarily) tight. We need to work with the definitions of X' and _♯'_ directly. \begin{code} ♯'t : is-tight _♯'_ ♯'t (u , e) (v , f) n = ∥∥-rec X'-is-set (λ σ → ∥∥-rec X'-is-set (h σ) f) e where h : (Σ x ꞉ X , α x = u) → (Σ y ꞉ X , α y = v) → (u , e) = (v , f) h (x , p) (y , q) = to-Σ-= (t , ∥∥-is-prop _ _) where remark : ¬∃ x ꞉ X , Σ y ꞉ X , (x ♯ y) × (α x = u) × (α y = v) remark = n r : ¬ (x ♯ y) r a = n ∣ x , y , a , p , q ∣ t : u = v t = u =⟨ p ⁻¹ ⟩ α x =⟨ α-lemma x y r ⟩ α y =⟨ q ⟩ v ∎ \end{code} The tightness of _♯'_ gives that η maps equivalent elements to equal elements, and its irreflexity gives that elements with the same η image are equivalent. \begin{code} η-equiv-gives-equal : {x y : X} → x ~ y → η x = η y η-equiv-gives-equal = ♯'t _ _ ∘ contrapositive (η-is-strongly-extensional _ _) η-equal-gives-equiv : {x y : X} → η x = η y → x ~ y η-equal-gives-equiv {x} {y} p a = ♯'i (η y) (transport (λ - → - ♯' η y) p (η-preserves-apartness a)) \end{code} We now show that the above data provide the tight reflection, or universal strongly extensional map from X to tight apartness types, where unique existence is expressed by saying that a Σ type is a singleton, as usual in univalent mathematics and homotopy type theory. Notice the use of η-induction to avoid dealing directly with the details of the constructions performed above. \begin{code} module _ {𝓦 𝓣 : Universe} (A : 𝓦 ̇ ) (_♯ᴬ_ : A → A → 𝓣 ̇ ) (♯ᴬa : is-apartness _♯ᴬ_) (♯ᴬt : is-tight _♯ᴬ_) (f : X → A) (f-is-strongly-extensional : is-strongly-extensional _♯_ _♯ᴬ_ f) where private A-is-set : is-set A A-is-set = tight-types-are-sets _♯ᴬ_ fe ♯ᴬa ♯ᴬt f-transforms-~-into-= : {x y : X} → x ~ y → f x = f y f-transforms-~-into-= = ♯ᴬt _ _ ∘ contrapositive (f-is-strongly-extensional _ _) tr-lemma : (x' : X') → is-prop (Σ a ꞉ A , ∃ x ꞉ X , (η x = x') × (f x = a)) tr-lemma = η-induction _ p induction-step where p : (x' : X') → is-prop (is-prop (Σ a ꞉ A , ∃ x ꞉ X , (η x = x') × (f x = a))) p x' = being-prop-is-prop fe induction-step : (y : X) → is-prop (Σ a ꞉ A , ∃ x ꞉ X , (η x = η y) × (f x = a)) induction-step x (a , d) (b , e) = to-Σ-= (IV , ∥∥-is-prop _ _) where I : (Σ x' ꞉ X , (η x' = η x) × (f x' = a)) → (Σ y' ꞉ X , (η y' = η x) × (f y' = b)) → a = b I (x' , r , s) (y' , t , u) = a =⟨ s ⁻¹ ⟩ f x' =⟨ f-transforms-~-into-= III ⟩ f y' =⟨ u ⟩ b ∎ where II : η x' = η y' II = η x' =⟨ r ⟩ η x =⟨ t ⁻¹ ⟩ η y' ∎ III : x' ~ y' III = η-equal-gives-equiv II IV : a = b IV = ∥∥-rec A-is-set (λ σ → ∥∥-rec A-is-set (I σ) e) d tr-construction : (x' : X') → Σ a ꞉ A , ∃ x ꞉ X , (η x = x') × (f x = a) tr-construction = η-induction _ tr-lemma induction-step where induction-step : (y : X) → Σ a ꞉ A , ∃ x ꞉ X , (η x = η y) × (f x = a) induction-step x = f x , ∣ x , refl , refl ∣ mediating-map : X' → A mediating-map x' = pr₁ (tr-construction x') private f⁻ = mediating-map mediating-map-property : (y : X) → ∃ x ꞉ X , (η x = η y) × (f x = f⁻ (η y)) mediating-map-property y = pr₂ (tr-construction (η y)) mediating-triangle : f⁻ ∘ η = f mediating-triangle = dfunext fe II where I : (y : X) → (Σ x ꞉ X , (η x = η y) × (f x = f⁻ (η y))) → f⁻ (η y) = f y I y (x , p , q) = f⁻ (η y) =⟨ q ⁻¹ ⟩ f x =⟨ f-transforms-~-into-= (η-equal-gives-equiv p) ⟩ f y ∎ II : (y : X) → f⁻ (η y) = f y II y = ∥∥-rec A-is-set (I y) (mediating-map-property y) private c' : is-central (Σ f⁻ ꞉ (X' → A) , (f⁻ ∘ η = f)) (f⁻ , mediating-triangle) c' (f⁺ , f⁺-triangle) = IV where I : f⁻ ∘ η ∼ f⁺ ∘ η I = happly (f⁻ ∘ η =⟨ mediating-triangle ⟩ f =⟨ f⁺-triangle ⁻¹ ⟩ f⁺ ∘ η ∎) II : f⁻ = f⁺ II = dfunext fe (η-induction _ (λ _ → A-is-set) I) triangle : f⁺ ∘ η = f triangle = transport (λ - → - ∘ η = f) II mediating-triangle III : triangle = f⁺-triangle III = Π-is-set fe (λ _ → A-is-set) triangle f⁺-triangle IV : (f⁻ , mediating-triangle) = (f⁺ , f⁺-triangle) IV = to-subtype-= (λ h → Π-is-set fe (λ _ → A-is-set)) II pre-tight-reflection : ∃! f⁻ ꞉ (X' → A) , (f⁻ ∘ η = f) pre-tight-reflection = (f⁻ , mediating-triangle) , c' mediating-map-is-strongly-extensional : is-strongly-extensional _♯'_ _♯ᴬ_ f⁻ mediating-map-is-strongly-extensional = V where I : (x y : X) → f⁻ (η x) ♯ᴬ f⁻ (η y) → η x ♯' η y I x y a = IV where II : f x ♯ᴬ f y II = transport₂ (_♯ᴬ_) (happly mediating-triangle x) (happly mediating-triangle y) a III : x ♯ y III = f-is-strongly-extensional x y II IV : η x ♯' η y IV = η-preserves-apartness III V : ∀ x' y' → f⁻ x' ♯ᴬ f⁻ y' → x' ♯' y' V = η-induction (λ x' → (y' : X') → f⁻ x' ♯ᴬ f⁻ y' → x' ♯' y') (λ x' → Π₂-is-prop fe (λ y' _ → ♯'p x' y')) (λ x → η-induction (λ y' → f⁻ (η x) ♯ᴬ f⁻ y' → η x ♯' y') (λ y' → Π-is-prop fe (λ _ → ♯'p (η x) y')) (I x)) private c : is-central (Σ f⁻ ꞉ (X' → A) , (is-strongly-extensional _♯'_ _♯ᴬ_ f⁻) × (f⁻ ∘ η = f)) (f⁻ , mediating-map-is-strongly-extensional , mediating-triangle) c (f⁺ , f⁺-is-strongly-extensional , f⁺-triangle) = to-subtype-= (λ h → ×-is-prop (being-strongly-extensional-is-prop fe _♯'_ _♯ᴬ_ ♯'p h) (Π-is-set fe (λ _ → A-is-set))) (ap pr₁ (c' (f⁺ , f⁺-triangle))) tight-reflection : ∃! f⁻ ꞉ (X' → A) , (is-strongly-extensional _♯'_ _♯ᴬ_ f⁻) × (f⁻ ∘ η = f) tight-reflection = (f⁻ , mediating-map-is-strongly-extensional , mediating-triangle) , c \end{code} The following is an immediate consequence of the tight reflection, by the usual categorical argument, using the fact that the identity map is strongly extensional (with the identity function as the proof). Notice that our construction of the reflection produces a result in a universe higher than those where the starting data are, to avoid impredicativity (aka propositional resizing). Nevertheless, the usual categorical argument is applicable. A direct proof that doesn't rely on the tight reflection is equally short in this case, and is also included. What the following construction says is that if _♯_ is tight, then any element of X is uniquely determined by the set of elements apart from it. \begin{code} tight-η-equiv-abstract-nonsense : is-tight _♯_ → X ≃ X' tight-η-equiv-abstract-nonsense ♯t = η , (θ , happly p₄) , (θ , happly p₀) where u : ∃! θ ꞉ (X' → X), θ ∘ η = id u = pre-tight-reflection X _♯_ ♯a ♯t id (λ _ _ a → a) v : ∃! ζ ꞉ (X' → X'), ζ ∘ η = η v = pre-tight-reflection X' _♯'_ ♯'a ♯'t η η-is-strongly-extensional θ : X' → X θ = ∃!-witness u ζ : X' → X' ζ = ∃!-witness v φ : (ζ' : X' → X') → ζ' ∘ η = η → ζ = ζ' φ ζ' p = ap pr₁ (∃!-uniqueness' v (ζ' , p)) p₀ : θ ∘ η = id p₀ = ∃!-is-witness u p₁ : η ∘ θ ∘ η = η p₁ = ap (η ∘_) p₀ p₂ : ζ = η ∘ θ p₂ = φ (η ∘ θ) p₁ p₃ : ζ = id p₃ = φ id refl p₄ = η ∘ θ =⟨ p₂ ⁻¹ ⟩ ζ =⟨ p₃ ⟩ id ∎ tight-η-equiv-direct : is-tight _♯_ → X ≃ X' tight-η-equiv-direct t = (η , vv-equivs-are-equivs η cm) where lc : left-cancellable η lc {x} {y} p = j h where j : ¬ (η x ♯' η y) → x = y j = t x y ∘ contrapositive (η-preserves-apartness {x} {y}) h : ¬ (η x ♯' η y) h a = ♯'i (η y) (transport (λ - → - ♯' η y) p a) e : is-embedding η e = lc-maps-into-sets-are-embeddings η lc X'-is-set cm : is-vv-equiv η cm = surjective-embeddings-are-vv-equivs η e η-is-surjection \end{code} TODO. * The tight reflection has the universal property of the quotient by _~_. Conversely, the quotient by _~_ gives the tight reflection. * The tight reflection of ♯₂ has the universal property of the totally separated reflection. * If a type Y has an apartness with y₀ ♯ y₁, then the function type (X → Y) has an apartness f ♯ g := ∃ x ꞉ X , f x ♯ g x that tells apart the constant functions with values y₀ and y₁ respectively.