Martin Escardo, 12 Feb 2018.

Moved from the file TotallySeparated 22 August 2024.

We give a positive characterization of the negation of apartness.

See also


{-# OPTIONS --safe --without-K #-}

open import UF.PropTrunc

module Apartness.Negation
        (pt : propositional-truncations-exist)

open import Apartness.Definition
open import MLTT.Spartan

open PropositionalTruncation pt
open Apartness pt


The following positive formulation of ¬ (x ♯ y), which says that two
elements have the same elements apart from them iff they are not
apart, gives another way to see that it is an equivalence relation.
As far as we know, this positive characterization of the negation of
apartness is a new observation.

Notice the irreflexivity is not use in the following, but
irreflexivity is the only assumption about _♯_ used in the converse.


 : {X : 𝓤 ̇ } (x y : X) (_♯_ : X  X  𝓥 ̇ )
  is-apartness _♯_
  ¬ (x  y)
  ((z : X)  x  z  y  z)
 {𝓤} {𝓥} {X} x y _♯_ (p , _ , s , c) = g
  g : ¬ (x  y)  (z : X)  x  z  y  z
  g n z = g₁ , g₂
    g₁ : x  z  y  z
    g₁ a = s z y (left-fails-gives-right-holds (p z y) b n)
      b : (x  y)  (z  y)
      b = c x z y a

    n' : ¬ (y  x)
    n' a = n (s y x a)

    g₂ : y  z  x  z
    g₂ a = s z x (left-fails-gives-right-holds (p z x) b n')
      b : (y  x)  (z  x)
      b = c y z x a

 : {X : 𝓤 ̇ } (x y : X) (_♯_ : X  X  𝓥 ̇ )
  is-irreflexive _♯_
  ((z : X)  x  z  y  z)
  ¬ (x  y)
 {𝓤} {𝓥} {X} x y _♯_ i = f
  f : ((z : X)  x  z  y  z)  ¬ (x  y)
  f φ a = i y (pr₁(φ y) a)
