Martin Escardo. Notes originally written for the module Advanced Functional Programming of the University of Birmingham, UK.


This type has already been briefly discussed in the introduction.
open import natural-numbers-type

data Vector (A : Type) :   Type where
 []   : Vector A 0
 _::_ : {n : }  A  Vector A n  Vector A (suc n)

infixr 10 _::_

Elimination principle

Vector-elim : {X : Type} (A : (n : )  Vector X n  Type)
             A 0 []
             ((x : X) (n : ) (xs : Vector X n)  A n xs  A (suc n) (x :: xs))
             (n : ) (xs : Vector X n)  A n xs
Vector-elim {X} A a f = h
  h : (n : ) (xs : Vector X n)  A n xs
  h 0       []        = a
  h (suc n) (x :: xs) = f x n xs (h n xs)
It is better, in practice, to make the parameter n implicit, because it can be inferred from the type of xs, and so we get less clutter:
Vector-elim' : {X : Type} (A : {n : }  Vector X n  Type)
              A []
              ((x : X) {n : } (xs : Vector X n)  A xs  A (x :: xs))
              {n : } (xs : Vector X n)  A xs
Vector-elim' {X} A a f = h
  h : {n : } (xs : Vector X n)  A xs
  h []        = a
  h (x :: xs) = f x xs (h xs)
Again, the non-dependent version gives a fold function for vectors:
Vector-nondep-elim' : {X A : Type}
                     (X  {n : }  Vector X n  A  A)
                     {n : }  Vector X n  A
Vector-nondep-elim' {X} {A} = Vector-elim' {X}  {_} _  A)

Induction on vectors

As for lists, it is given by the proposition-as-types reading of the type of Vector-elim.

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