Week 8 - Cubical Agda Exercises
Standard disclaimer:
The exercises are designed to increase in difficulty so that we can cater to our large and diverse audience. This also means that it is perfectly fine if you don’t manage to do all exercises: some of them are definitely a bit hard for beginners and there are likely too many exercises! You may wish to come back to them later when you have learned more.
Having said that, here we go!
In case you haven’t done the other Agda exercises: This is a markdown file with Agda code, which means that it displays nicely on GitHub, but at the same time you can load this file in Agda and fill the holes to solve exercises.
When solving the problems, please make a copy of this file to
work in, so that it doesn’t get overwritten (in case we update the
exercises through git
{-# OPTIONS --cubical --allow-unsolved-metas #-} module Exercises8 where open import cubical-prelude open import Lecture7-notes open import Lecture8-notes open import Solutions7
Part I: transp
Exercise 1 (★)
Prove the propositional computation law for J
JRefl : {A : Type ℓ} {x : A} (P : (z : A) → x ≡ z → Type ℓ'') (d : P x refl) → J P d refl ≡ d JRefl P d = {!!}
Exercise 2 (★★)
Using transp
, construct a method for turning dependent
paths into paths.
Hint: Transport the point p i
to the
fibre A i1
, and set φ = i
such that the
transport computes away at i = i1
x ----(p i)----> y
A i0 A i A i1
fromPathP : {A : I → Type ℓ} {x : A i0} {y : A i1} → PathP A x y → transport (λ i → A i) x ≡ y fromPathP {A = A} p i = {!!}
Exercise 3 (★★★)
Using hcomp
, cunstruct a method for turning paths into
dependent paths.
Hint: At each point i
, the verical
fibre of the following diagram should lie in A i
. The key
is to parametrise the bottom line with a dependent path from
to transport A x
. This requires writing a
that computes away at i = i0
x - - - -> y
^ ^
¦ ¦
refl ¦ ¦ p i
¦ ¦
¦ ¦
x ---> transport A x
toPathP : {A : I → Type ℓ} {x : A i0} {y : A i1} → transport (λ i → A i) x ≡ y → PathP A x y toPathP {A = A} {x = x} p i = hcomp (λ {j (i = i0) → {!!} ; j (i = i1) → {!!} }) {!!}
Exercise 4 (★)
Using toPathP
, prove the following lemma, which lets you
fill in dependent lines in hProps, provided their boundary.
isProp→PathP : {A : I → Type ℓ} (p : (i : I) → isProp (A i)) (a₀ : A i0) (a₁ : A i1) → PathP A a₀ a₁ isProp→PathP p a₀ a₁ = {!!}
Exercise 5 (★★)
Prove the following lemma charictarising equality in subtypes:
Σ≡Prop : {A : Type ℓ} {B : A → Type ℓ'} {u v : Σ A B} (h : (x : A) → isProp (B x)) → (p : pr₁ u ≡ pr₁ v) → u ≡ v Σ≡Prop {B = B} {u = u} {v = v} h p = {!!}
Exercise 6 (★★★)
Prove that isContr
is a proposition:
Hint: This requires drawing a cube (yes, an actual 3D one)!
isPropIsContr : {A : Type ℓ} → isProp (isContr A) isPropIsContr (c0 , h0) (c1 , h1) j = {!!}