Martin Escardo 2011.


{-# OPTIONS --without-K #-}

module Two where

open import SetsAndFunctions
open import CurryHoward
open import Equality


Definition (The set ₂ of binary numbers):


data  : Set where


The set ₂ satisfies UIP without assuming UIP or extensionality (and so
do many other sets):


zero-is-not-one :   
zero-is-not-one ()

two-induction : {A :   Prp} 

 A   A   ∀(x : )  A x

two-induction r s  = r
two-induction r s  = s

two-cases : {A : Set} 

  A  A    A

two-cases = two-induction

two-equality-cases : {A : Prp} 

 ∀{b : }  (b    A)  (b    A)  A

two-equality-cases {A} {} f₀ f₁ = f₀ refl
two-equality-cases {A} {} f₀ f₁ = f₁ refl

Lemma[b≡₁→b≠₀] :
  ∀{b : }  b    b  
Lemma[b≡₁→b≠₀] r s =
  zero-is-not-one(Lemma[x≡y→y≡z→y≡z] s r)

Lemma[b≠₀→b≡₁] :

  ∀{b : }  b    b  

Lemma[b≠₀→b≡₁] f = two-equality-cases (⊥-elim  f)  r  r)

Lemma[b≠₁→b≡₀] :

  ∀{b : }  b    b  

Lemma[b≠₁→b≡₀] f = two-equality-cases  r  r) (⊥-elim  f)

Lemma[b≡₀→b≠₁] :

  ∀{b : }  b    b  

Lemma[b≡₀→b≠₁] r s =
  zero-is-not-one(Lemma[x≡y→y≡z→y≡z] r s)

Lemma[[a≡₁→b≡₁]→b≡₀→a≡₀] :

  ∀{a b : }  (a    b  )  b    a  

Lemma[[a≡₁→b≡₁]→b≡₀→a≡₀] f =
  Lemma[b≠₁→b≡₀]  (contra-positive f)  Lemma[b≡₀→b≠₁]

Lemma[[a≡₀→b≡₀]→b≡₁→a≡₁] :

  ∀{a b : }  (a    b  )  b    a  

Lemma[[a≡₀→b≡₀]→b≡₁→a≡₁] f =
  Lemma[b≠₀→b≡₁]  (contra-positive f)  Lemma[b≡₁→b≠₀]


 Definition (Natural order of binary numbers):


_≤_ : (a b : )  Prp
a  b = a    b  

_≥_ : (a b : )  Prp
a  b = b  a


Definition (Minimum of binary numbers):


min :     
min  b = 
min  b = b

Lemma[minab≤a] :

  ∀{a b : }  min a b   a

Lemma[minab≤a] {} {b} r = ⊥-elim(Lemma[b≡₁→b≠₀] r refl)
Lemma[minab≤a] {} {b} r = refl
